
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | {{ roadhog art || *new style
[img][/img] ----- [center] [size=4] [font=constantia] status: closed; sick. please do not post. [/size][/center] [font=times new roman][size=6][color=#7a4b0b]R[/color][color=#77490b]I[/color][color=#75470a]L[/color][color=#72450a]E[/color][color=#6f4309]Y[/color][color=#6c4109]'[/color][color=#683e08]S[/color] [color=#623a08]O[/color][color=#603807]C[/color][color=#5d3607]/[/color][color=#5a3406]G[/color][color=#573206]I[/color][color=#532f05]J[/color][color=#502d05]I[/color][color=#502d05]N[/color][color=#502d05]K[/color][color=#502d05]A[/color] [color=#492804]A[/color][color=#422303]R[/color][color=#3b1e02]T[/color][/size] ----- [color=#69523F][size=3][font=Arial] Hello there, it's nice to meet you! My name is Riley and I'm a guy who will draw art on FR for treasure and gems. However, the main reason I'm doing this is because I believe one should always be practicing, so here I am, practicing art by drawing other people's OCs and gijinkas. c: [/font][/size][/color] [img][/img] [indent][font=constantia][size=4] Ranging from highest base price to lowest. [/font] [/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [size=7][font=times new roman][color=#7a4b0b]PA[/color][color=#77490b]I[/color][color=#75470a]N[/color][color=#72450a]T[/color][color=#6f4309]E[/color][color=#6c4109]D[/color] ----- [font=constantia][size=4]Fully worked, fully shaded, fully painted. Paintings are drawn to look as close to your character as possible. [nextcol] [color=transparent] ......[/color] [nextcol][size=6][font=constantia][b]PRICING[/b] ----- [Font=Arial] [center][size=3][b]Bust (shown above): 225kt or 282g Waist Up: 350kt or 438g Fullbody: 700kt or 875g **[/b][/size][/center] [font=arial]** Price explanation - Full bodies are both extremely hard and time consuming in this style. Additionally, they will be fully edited and have a lot of time spent on them. I also work an IRL job, and doing painted fullbodies do really eat into my time. This is why there is such a large price jump. [/columns] ----- [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center] [columns][size=7][font=times new roman][color=#7a4b0b]B[/color][color=#77490b]L[/color][color=#75470a]EN[/color][color=#72450a]D[/color][color=#6f4309]E[/color][color=#6c4109]D[/color] ----- [font=constantia][size=4] Blended art of your character with semi-coloured lineart. These are more cartoonish, having a bit of a less realistic style to them. [nextcol] [color=transparent] ...... [/color] [nextcol] [size=6][font=constantia][b]PRICING[/b] ----- [Font=Arial] [center][b][size=3]Bust: 150kt or 187g waist up: 200kt or 250g fullbody 9shown above): 310kt or 388g [/size][/b][/center] [font=arial]Note: Backgrounds are available for blended options! c: Background prices vary, but if it's a complex background (ie - a desert or forest or any outdoors, really) it will be an additional 150kt but if it's a simple background (gradient colour, blended colours) you can get it for free! Prices vary for all other background and feel free to ask before you order. c: [/columns] ----- [center] [img][/img][/center] [columns][size=7][font=times new roman][color=#7a4b0b]C[/color][color=#77490b]O[/color][color=#75470a]L[/color][color=#72450a]O[/color][color=#6f4309]U[/color][color=#6c4109]R[/color] ----- [font=constantia][size=4]Just a regular shaded and lined work of art for your gijinka/character. The lineart will not be coloured like the blended art is! [nextcol] [color=transparent] ......[/color] [nextcol] [size=6][font=constantia][b]PRICING[/b] ----- [Font=Arial] [center][b][size=3]bust: 100kt or 125g waist up: 200kt or 250g fullbody: 260kt or 325g [/size][/b][/center] [font=arial]Note: Coloured sketches will be a little more polished than the example above, but still not as cleaned up as the blended option above! [/columns] ------ [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center] [columns][size=7][font=times new roman][color=#7a4b0b]S[/color][color=#77490b]K[/color][color=#75470a]E[/color][color=#72450a]T[/color][color=#6f4309]C[/color][color=#6c4109]H[/color] ----- [font=constantia][size=4]Just regular lineart of your character. [nextcol] [color=transparent] ......[/color] [nextcol] [size=6][font=constantia][b]PRICING[/b] ----- [Font=Arial] [center][b][size=3]bust: 70kt or 88g waist up : 80kt or 100g fullbody: 100kt or 125g [/size][/b][/center] [font=arial]a basic sketch of your character! Please let me know if you want shading! It's free! [/columns] ---------- [size=2] slots (full): - - waitlist (open): [columns] - summercat - aganna - sootsprite - valyn - Invicted - valoria - draconawitches -starshining - artangcls -seek -alohomora -zaev [nextcol] - lovingkitten - aloice - - - - - - - - - -

status: closed; sick. please do not post.


Hello there, it's nice to meet you! My name is Riley and I'm a guy who will draw art on FR for treasure and gems.

However, the main reason I'm doing this is because I believe one should always be practicing, so here I am, practicing art by drawing other people's OCs and gijinkas. c:

Ranging from highest base price to lowest.

Fully worked, fully shaded, fully painted.
Paintings are drawn to look as close to your character as possible.


Bust (shown above): 225kt or 282g
Waist Up: 350kt or 438g
Fullbody: 700kt or 875g **

** Price explanation - Full bodies are both extremely hard and time consuming in this style. Additionally, they will be fully edited and have a lot of time spent on them. I also work an IRL job, and doing painted fullbodies do really eat into my time. This is why there is such a large price jump.

1zcjtic.jpg f9i0ps.jpg

Blended art of your character with semi-coloured lineart. These are more cartoonish, having a bit of a less realistic style to them.



Bust: 150kt or 187g
waist up: 200kt or 250g
fullbody 9shown above): 310kt or 388g

Note: Backgrounds are available for blended options! c: Background prices vary, but if it's a complex background (ie - a desert or forest or any outdoors, really) it will be an additional 150kt but if it's a simple background (gradient colour, blended colours) you can get it for free! Prices vary for all other background and feel free to ask before you order. c:


Just a regular shaded and lined work of art for your gijinka/character. The lineart will not be coloured like the blended art is!



bust: 100kt or 125g
waist up: 200kt or 250g
fullbody: 260kt or 325g

Note: Coloured sketches will be a little more polished than the example above, but still not as cleaned up as the blended option above!

nx3o07.jpg npo210.jpg

Just regular lineart of your character.



bust: 70kt or 88g
waist up : 80kt or 100g
fullbody: 100kt or 125g

a basic sketch of your character! Please let me know if you want shading! It's free!

slots (full):


waitlist (open):

- summercat
- aganna
- sootsprite
- valyn
- Invicted
- valoria
- draconawitches
- artangcls

- lovingkitten
- aloice

they/them | med student
martial artist
@MettatonNEO in my opinion you should raise your prices haha but that's okay - since you're starting out and stuff XD eventually when your shop gets more popular you can raise prices~ Can I get a painted drawing for Lee? :3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She has a gijinka in her bio that you can click to make the picture bigger!
in my opinion you should raise your prices haha but that's okay - since you're starting out and stuff XD eventually when your shop gets more popular you can raise prices~

Can I get a painted drawing for Lee? :3


She has a gijinka in her bio that you can click to make the picture bigger!

pffft, thank you, haha.

i just don't mind selling things off for cheap lol i'm just trying to practice

anyways, sure! she's a very pretty dragon!
i'll get started rn, you can pay half of the 30kt rn or you can pay it all if you'd like. c:

pffft, thank you, haha.

i just don't mind selling things off for cheap lol i'm just trying to practice

anyways, sure! she's a very pretty dragon!
i'll get started rn, you can pay half of the 30kt rn or you can pay it all if you'd like. c:

they/them | med student
martial artist
@MettatonNEO [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Two colors? [s]If you take two at once[/s]



Two colors?

If you take two at once

Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
29369802.png featured
To be honest I wanted to throw a bunch of dragons at you because I haven't been getting art for my babies :D but I'll wait until alter lol

I'll send the CR a message and you can just get the money when you finish, if you want XD So that I don't forget to pay lol
To be honest I wanted to throw a bunch of dragons at you because I haven't been getting art for my babies :D but I'll wait until alter lol

I'll send the CR a message and you can just get the money when you finish, if you want XD So that I don't forget to pay lol

yep, i can do two colours! that'll be 28kt or 40g!

you can pay half now and half later or all now if you'd like. c: or you can send a crossroads and i'll accept it when i'm dont!


awh, haha, sounds good! sketches are always the easiest for me to whip up, haha. but for now i'll work on the painted one for you. c: thank you so much!

and yes, that sounds awesome! go ahead n do that!

yep, i can do two colours! that'll be 28kt or 40g!

you can pay half now and half later or all now if you'd like. c: or you can send a crossroads and i'll accept it when i'm dont!


awh, haha, sounds good! sketches are always the easiest for me to whip up, haha. but for now i'll work on the painted one for you. c: thank you so much!

and yes, that sounds awesome! go ahead n do that!

they/them | med student
martial artist
@MettatonNEO Could I get a painted headshot of this guy? I can provide colors. [img][/img] [img][/img] If so, I will PM more information. :)
Could I get a painted headshot of this guy? I can provide colors.



If so, I will PM more information. :)
@MettatonNEO could u do a painted sketch for this dragon? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] i pay u 30kt right? do u want pay before or after?
could u do a painted sketch for this dragon?


i pay u 30kt right? do u want pay before or after?

OMG he's an amazing looking character
i'd love to draw him! go ahead and PM me with any information. c:


i actually only do humans, but if he has a gijinka or oc form i'd definitely draw him for you if you give me an idea of what he looks like. c: if not, thank you anyways!

OMG he's an amazing looking character
i'd love to draw him! go ahead and PM me with any information. c:


i actually only do humans, but if he has a gijinka or oc form i'd definitely draw him for you if you give me an idea of what he looks like. c: if not, thank you anyways!

they/them | med student
martial artist
i will get a gijinka then ^^
until then, could u put my order on hold if possible?
i will get a gijinka then ^^
until then, could u put my order on hold if possible?