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TOPIC | Dev Update: Pinglists & More
you are all talking about the pinglist thing i want to know what the hell dragonmeet is, searching on the forums say it was mentioned on the kickstarter? [quote]We are currently working behind the scenes to create a social outlet for players to meet one another that is not the forums. This feature will allow you to move your focal dragon (avatar) around in a visual environment and chat with other users in real-time. While details about this system are still being hammered out, we feel it will be a cool place to hook up, roleplay, and discuss Flight Rising, and show your dragon off in a themed setting.[/quote] oh ok its a 2000's children's mmo but we can say mild swears
you are all talking about the pinglist thing i want to know what the hell dragonmeet is, searching on the forums say it was mentioned on the kickstarter?
We are currently working behind the scenes to create a social outlet for players to meet one another that is not the forums. This feature will allow you to move your focal dragon (avatar) around in a visual environment and chat with other users in real-time. While details about this system are still being hammered out, we feel it will be a cool place to hook up, roleplay, and discuss Flight Rising, and show your dragon off in a themed setting.

oh ok its a 2000's children's mmo but we can say mild swears
golden line with blue and white pearls and diamonds
Thanks staff. This gives an option for people who are working on projects that require pinglists but are not as good at coding spreadsheet pinglists. It's really helpful!

It's also nice to know that I won't have to chase down threads and pinglists if at some point I change my username. I've been wondering how people manage that.
Thanks staff. This gives an option for people who are working on projects that require pinglists but are not as good at coding spreadsheet pinglists. It's really helpful!

It's also nice to know that I won't have to chase down threads and pinglists if at some point I change my username. I've been wondering how people manage that.
Credit: MythicalViper
[quote name="bulrush" date="2023-10-26 15:24:00" ] you are all talking about the pinglist thing i want to know what the hell dragonmeet is, searching on the forums say it was mentioned on the kickstarter? [/quote] Yeah, i was wondering the same thing xD I've been here since june 2013 and i have never once heard that term in my time on FR
bulrush wrote on 2023-10-26 15:24:00:
you are all talking about the pinglist thing i want to know what the hell dragonmeet is, searching on the forums say it was mentioned on the kickstarter?
Yeah, i was wondering the same thing xD I've been here since june 2013 and i have never once heard that term in my time on FR
awesome updates, thanks for keeping us informed! :)
awesome updates, thanks for keeping us informed! :)
Wetdog | she/her | fr +3
Yeeee pinglist that isn't google docs/forms/etc! This came out of nowhere (maybe it didn't and I've just been living under a rock, which is honestly very plausible) and it seems great! Essentially like pinging roles in discord

I'm a tad bit concerned however. As many other users say the possibility of a cap on pings in the future is (while it serves a purpose) a bit scary seening as certain user based operations uses 'mass pings'. Like for example the Nest Network. It needs users to be able to either 'mass ping' or ping 'someone else's' pinglist to work. I'm sure there's a way to solve this (potential) problem if and when we get there <3

All in all I just wanna say good update! Thank you and hopefully this is just unfounded worrying on my part :']
Yeeee pinglist that isn't google docs/forms/etc! This came out of nowhere (maybe it didn't and I've just been living under a rock, which is honestly very plausible) and it seems great! Essentially like pinging roles in discord

I'm a tad bit concerned however. As many other users say the possibility of a cap on pings in the future is (while it serves a purpose) a bit scary seening as certain user based operations uses 'mass pings'. Like for example the Nest Network. It needs users to be able to either 'mass ping' or ping 'someone else's' pinglist to work. I'm sure there's a way to solve this (potential) problem if and when we get there <3

All in all I just wanna say good update! Thank you and hopefully this is just unfounded worrying on my part :']
FR + 9 (CET)
Please ping when replying to me in forums
Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts
k5xPgEO.png eKE73tL.png
Hmm maybe there should be a setting of “allow anyone to ping” vs “only the creator can ping” or an ability to add cocreators. People are talking a lot about losing the functionality of off-site ping lists but aren’t really mentioning what those extra functionalities are. I’m guessing it’s the fact that oftentimes multiple people need to use the same ping list and each person creating their own nearly identical pinglist that everyone needs to be subscribed to would be complicated.
Hmm maybe there should be a setting of “allow anyone to ping” vs “only the creator can ping” or an ability to add cocreators. People are talking a lot about losing the functionality of off-site ping lists but aren’t really mentioning what those extra functionalities are. I’m guessing it’s the fact that oftentimes multiple people need to use the same ping list and each person creating their own nearly identical pinglist that everyone needs to be subscribed to would be complicated.
[quote name="jackaling" date="2023-10-26 15:05:14" ] [quote name="Xhaztol" date="2023-10-26 14:51:36" ] [quote name="jackaling" date="2023-10-26 14:13:38" ] [quote name="Aequorin" date="2023-10-26 14:05:32" ] [quote name="Flaxen" date="2023-10-26 13:58:21" ] I don't understand the thought process behind adding new features for skin/accent artists, and then taking another one away in the same update. [/quote] Hi @Flaxen! There's been a misunderstanding. Nothing's been taken away in this update. We offered players some transparency in today's update and communicated future plans about the functionality of pings. These plans currently do not have a set date or timeline for implementation. I hope this helps. [/quote] [i]the moment it’s implemented[/i], there will be massive repercussions for many communities. giving us time to adjust does [i]not[/i] allow us to come up with solutions for the functionality that is being taken away with absolutely 0 replacement in sight. the community can’t ‘play around’ with a tool that has [i]none[/i] of the functions of off-site pinglists because the functions cannot be replicated. this is a massive burden for users who have already spent years creating and maintaining tools. [/quote] If I can make an observation... It feels like you're saying here that our viewpoint will not change between now and then (a "then" that we have communicated several times does not yet exist), even in light of the feedback we're getting today. We're not solely treating this as a transitionary period, it's 100% an opportunity, on our side, to make further refinements - and that goes for most things we launch. There's 0 replacement in sight because we've yet to build one, it doesn't mean it'll [i]never[/i] exist—remember that the feature launched only a few hours ago! I'd also like to take the time to mention: [LIST] [*]We've implemented one change based on player feedback (see Site Status) since the launch and are working on another right now. [*]We have removed nothing today, and we don't have plans to remove anything tomorrow, or the next day. This is an open-ended period for a reason. [*]We have shown pretty consistently that we listen and try to implement improvements that will benefit as many of you as possible, especially in the wake of feature launches that have a lot of lively discussion, feedback, and concerns. We're not perfect, but we've got a great track record. This is no different. [*]Mass-pinging, in its current form, has to change in some capacity for both security and infrastructural reasons. It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution. We will be absorbing every drop of feedback we get today and beyond to help inform what those changes are, and how they can best serve a majority of our community. [*]The first step was having the feature at all in order to mitigate what was already widespread abuse targeting hundreds of our players in very public settings. [/LIST] [/quote] @Xhaztol again, respectfully, it does not seem feasible for the fr team to address and replace the functions of user-created lists. will you be implementing a system for those who are interested in skins and accents, but would like to be pinged for specific breeds and subject matter only? what about a g1 pinglist which can filter every color combination (or more general categories of colors, like ‘grayscale’ or ‘pastel’) and account for hatch date? will there be a replacement for dominance pinglists, which need to be accessible to the community? this is a massive oversight. the team can certainly take steps to get closer to these functions, but i genuinely doubt that a replacement can match the versatility which is [i]critical[/i] for sellers, buyers, and collectors. we understand that you are open to feedback. we are concerned that the long term impact caused by this change will be overwhelmingly negative, and that any on-site replacements can’t match the functionality of user generated tools. i do not agree with pinglist harassment, but there are many ways that users could still be harassed via spreadsheets. for example, skincent artists often take preorders for skins via self-edit spreadsheets. harassed users have been added to these as well - are skin and accent artists supposed to rely on forums exclusively for signing people up, something which isn’t entirely feasible for some artists? if not, what are other ways to counter spreadsheet harassment while maintaining the ease of an off-site feature that many people rely on? this change is reactionary and does not begin to address the issue at hand. not only that, it causes issues for players who have spent years on projects that allow us to engage with the flight rising community easily. i trust that the team is open to feedback. i do not trust that there is any practical way that site features can replicate player-made features. this is not trivial, as i’ve already typed many times. this genuinely impacts so many dedicated players that it’s a bit depressing and it will definitely change how i use flight rising. [/quote] Look, I understand the current outlook is bumming you out. You've all done a good job generating creative solutions in places we didn't offer them, and we developed a feature that doesn't measure up with what you had. Honestly, I truly get that. The last thing we want to do is make you feel like we're trying to stamp that out. But as game developers, we have to weigh a lot of complex factors (many of which you'll never know about or see) and we [i]have[/i] to lead with player safety, and we [i]have[/i] to lead with site stability. External tools are going to be great for some things, and internal tools are going to be better at others. Right now, mass-pinging and facilitating those lists off-site are not meeting those very critical conditions. It can't continue in [b]exactly[/b] the form it does now, I'm sorry. That being said, I would ask that you keep an open mind about it in the short term, and try not to let this open and undefined period bum you out too much. [b]We're literally in just the first phase of this thing[/b], and I have tremendous confidence in our team to make use of the time and the messages from all of y'all in a constructive way. It is our responsibility to leverage that very real and genuine feedback, and we're lucky we get so much of it! [i]Flight Rising[/i] will never stop being a work-in-progress, that I can guarantee. We hear you, I promise.
jackaling wrote on 2023-10-26 15:05:14:
Xhaztol wrote on 2023-10-26 14:51:36:
jackaling wrote on 2023-10-26 14:13:38:
Aequorin wrote on 2023-10-26 14:05:32:
Flaxen wrote on 2023-10-26 13:58:21:
I don't understand the thought process behind adding new features for skin/accent artists, and then taking another one away in the same update.

Hi @Flaxen! There's been a misunderstanding. Nothing's been taken away in this update. We offered players some transparency in today's update and communicated future plans about the functionality of pings. These plans currently do not have a set date or timeline for implementation. I hope this helps.
the moment it’s implemented, there will be massive repercussions for many communities. giving us time to adjust does not allow us to come up with solutions for the functionality that is being taken away with absolutely 0 replacement in sight. the community can’t ‘play around’ with a tool that has none of the functions of off-site pinglists because the functions cannot be replicated. this is a massive burden for users who have already spent years creating and maintaining tools.
If I can make an observation...

It feels like you're saying here that our viewpoint will not change between now and then (a "then" that we have communicated several times does not yet exist), even in light of the feedback we're getting today. We're not solely treating this as a transitionary period, it's 100% an opportunity, on our side, to make further refinements - and that goes for most things we launch. There's 0 replacement in sight because we've yet to build one, it doesn't mean it'll never exist—remember that the feature launched only a few hours ago!

I'd also like to take the time to mention:
  • We've implemented one change based on player feedback (see Site Status) since the launch and are working on another right now.
  • We have removed nothing today, and we don't have plans to remove anything tomorrow, or the next day. This is an open-ended period for a reason.
  • We have shown pretty consistently that we listen and try to implement improvements that will benefit as many of you as possible, especially in the wake of feature launches that have a lot of lively discussion, feedback, and concerns. We're not perfect, but we've got a great track record. This is no different.
  • Mass-pinging, in its current form, has to change in some capacity for both security and infrastructural reasons. It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution. We will be absorbing every drop of feedback we get today and beyond to help inform what those changes are, and how they can best serve a majority of our community.
  • The first step was having the feature at all in order to mitigate what was already widespread abuse targeting hundreds of our players in very public settings.

@Xhaztol again, respectfully, it does not seem feasible for the fr team to address and replace the functions of user-created lists. will you be implementing a system for those who are interested in skins and accents, but would like to be pinged for specific breeds and subject matter only? what about a g1 pinglist which can filter every color combination (or more general categories of colors, like ‘grayscale’ or ‘pastel’) and account for hatch date? will there be a replacement for dominance pinglists, which need to be accessible to the community? this is a massive oversight. the team can certainly take steps to get closer to these functions, but i genuinely doubt that a replacement can match the versatility which is critical for sellers, buyers, and collectors. we understand that you are open to feedback. we are concerned that the long term impact caused by this change will be overwhelmingly negative, and that any on-site replacements can’t match the functionality of user generated tools.

i do not agree with pinglist harassment, but there are many ways that users could still be harassed via spreadsheets. for example, skincent artists often take preorders for skins via self-edit spreadsheets. harassed users have been added to these as well - are skin and accent artists supposed to rely on forums exclusively for signing people up, something which isn’t entirely feasible for some artists? if not, what are other ways to counter spreadsheet harassment while maintaining the ease of an off-site feature that many people rely on? this change is reactionary and does not begin to address the issue at hand. not only that, it causes issues for players who have spent years on projects that allow us to engage with the flight rising community easily.

i trust that the team is open to feedback. i do not trust that there is any practical way that site features can replicate player-made features. this is not trivial, as i’ve already typed many times. this genuinely impacts so many dedicated players that it’s a bit depressing and it will definitely change how i use flight rising.

Look, I understand the current outlook is bumming you out. You've all done a good job generating creative solutions in places we didn't offer them, and we developed a feature that doesn't measure up with what you had. Honestly, I truly get that. The last thing we want to do is make you feel like we're trying to stamp that out.

But as game developers, we have to weigh a lot of complex factors (many of which you'll never know about or see) and we have to lead with player safety, and we have to lead with site stability. External tools are going to be great for some things, and internal tools are going to be better at others. Right now, mass-pinging and facilitating those lists off-site are not meeting those very critical conditions. It can't continue in exactly the form it does now, I'm sorry.

That being said, I would ask that you keep an open mind about it in the short term, and try not to let this open and undefined period bum you out too much. We're literally in just the first phase of this thing, and I have tremendous confidence in our team to make use of the time and the messages from all of y'all in a constructive way. It is our responsibility to leverage that very real and genuine feedback, and we're lucky we get so much of it! Flight Rising will never stop being a work-in-progress, that I can guarantee.

We hear you, I promise.
Flight Rising Developer
Project Management | Engineering Team Cheerleader | UI Designer
while i am often a bit critical of staff choices, i really do think the team is doing a great job of communicating that they are open to adjusting this feature to fit the current need that google doc pinglists serve. this is vastly different than when flair/flaunt was changed on obbies and that makes me so happy!

i think it would be a good idea to give them a chance to absorb all of the suggestions and plan how they can accommodate for what players are asking for. i don't think that hounding the devs for an immediate solution or answer right now is going to be very constructive.

completely understand and also have the same worries, but this is just something that needs time to stew.
while i am often a bit critical of staff choices, i really do think the team is doing a great job of communicating that they are open to adjusting this feature to fit the current need that google doc pinglists serve. this is vastly different than when flair/flaunt was changed on obbies and that makes me so happy!

i think it would be a good idea to give them a chance to absorb all of the suggestions and plan how they can accommodate for what players are asking for. i don't think that hounding the devs for an immediate solution or answer right now is going to be very constructive.

completely understand and also have the same worries, but this is just something that needs time to stew.
[quote name="Xhaztol" date="2023-10-26 15:43:05" ] Look, I understand the current outlook is bumming you out. You've all done a good job generating creative solutions in places we didn't offer them, and we developed a feature that doesn't measure up with what you had. Honestly, I truly get that. The last thing we want to do is make you feel like we're trying to stamp that out. But as game developers, we have to weigh a lot of complex factors (many of which you'll never know about or see) and we [i]have[/i] to lead with player safety, and we [i]have[/i] to lead with site stability. External tools are going to be great for some things, and internal tools are going to be better at others. Right now, mass-pinging and facilitating those lists off-site are not meeting those very critical conditions. It can't continue in [b]exactly[/b] the form it does now, I'm sorry. That being said, I would ask that you keep an open mind about it in the short term, and try not to let this open and undefined period bum you out too much. [b]We're literally in just the first phase of this thing[/b], and I have tremendous confidence in our team to make use of the time and the messages from all of y'all in a constructive way. It is our responsibility to leverage that very real and genuine feedback, and we're lucky we get so much of it! [i]Flight Rising[/i] will never stop being a work-in-progress, that I can guarantee. We hear you, I promise. [/quote] thanks for listening! please try to find a solution that won’t have a massive negative impact on the game economy and dedicated players.
Xhaztol wrote on 2023-10-26 15:43:05:
Look, I understand the current outlook is bumming you out. You've all done a good job generating creative solutions in places we didn't offer them, and we developed a feature that doesn't measure up with what you had. Honestly, I truly get that. The last thing we want to do is make you feel like we're trying to stamp that out.

But as game developers, we have to weigh a lot of complex factors (many of which you'll never know about or see) and we have to lead with player safety, and we have to lead with site stability. External tools are going to be great for some things, and internal tools are going to be better at others. Right now, mass-pinging and facilitating those lists off-site are not meeting those very critical conditions. It can't continue in exactly the form it does now, I'm sorry.

That being said, I would ask that you keep an open mind about it in the short term, and try not to let this open and undefined period bum you out too much. We're literally in just the first phase of this thing, and I have tremendous confidence in our team to make use of the time and the messages from all of y'all in a constructive way. It is our responsibility to leverage that very real and genuine feedback, and we're lucky we get so much of it! Flight Rising will never stop being a work-in-progress, that I can guarantee.

We hear you, I promise.

thanks for listening! please try to find a solution that won’t have a massive negative impact on the game economy and dedicated players.
This update seems absolutely incredible! Thank you!
This update seems absolutely incredible! Thank you!