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TOPIC | Dev Update: Pinglists & More
Incredible QoL update and development! Thank you staff!
Incredible QoL update and development! Thank you staff!
awesome update, thanks for the work you all do! <3
awesome update, thanks for the work you all do! <3
I am a sensitive person who doesn't want to get dog-piled on in the suggestions forum, so apologies for posting my suggestion here.

Maybe ping lists could have an option to have multiple authorised editors? For example, someone could make list, and then invite a few users to also edit and use the list. And all subscribers could see who the authorised editors are.
I am a sensitive person who doesn't want to get dog-piled on in the suggestions forum, so apologies for posting my suggestion here.

Maybe ping lists could have an option to have multiple authorised editors? For example, someone could make list, and then invite a few users to also edit and use the list. And all subscribers could see who the authorised editors are.
I was really excited when I first read the pinglist section, nervous as I read all the uncovered use cases people were pointing out, and now I'm excited again! I really appreciate how receptive the devs are to feedback. I'm sure there'll be growing pains but I look forward to seeing how the community adapts :>
I was really excited when I first read the pinglist section, nervous as I read all the uncovered use cases people were pointing out, and now I'm excited again! I really appreciate how receptive the devs are to feedback. I'm sure there'll be growing pains but I look forward to seeing how the community adapts :>
Unsure if this has been mentioned already or not, but possibly as a way to help bridge the gap between the pinglist and the GASP (and other) player run pinglist tools, there could be an implementation of a sort of 'tags' or categorization to sort pinglists into?

Have a category for "Skins/Accents", category for "Dragons", category for "Items", "Other", ect, and these could be staff made categories to prevent spam or inappropriate tags. There could be more divisions of tags for the pinglists, skins/accents could then divide further into the breed+gender of dragon, maybe a few basic styles/categories like "fantasy", "horror", "clothing", ect, again, staff made perhaps to help reduce moderator strain.

I'm primarily a skin maker who uses GASP, but some sort of pinglist tags that would be public so users could see what may be included in the pinglist (or some sort of pop-up description like with items!) would be very useful, and help bring some of GASP's functionality into the site here.

On top of that, some sort of pinglist directory/search category for folks to look through active pinglists, perhaps sort by these categories/tags would be helpful as well. It'd let users look through available pinglists for Skins/Accents, and then the additional description or tags could help them then decide if they wanted to sign up to the pinglist!

I don't feel comfortable enough to talk for dragon/item pinglists, but I know this sort of category or tag functionality attached to the pinglists would likely help a lot of Skin/Accent makers, and I could see it possibly being of use for others as well. ^^

As is, I quite like the pinglist system for my personal pinglists, but GASP is quite good at helping get new skinmakers out there (It's how I got my foot in the door!) and finding reach beyond your own personal pinglist if you make something new/out of your norm, so something similar could be quite nice!
Unsure if this has been mentioned already or not, but possibly as a way to help bridge the gap between the pinglist and the GASP (and other) player run pinglist tools, there could be an implementation of a sort of 'tags' or categorization to sort pinglists into?

Have a category for "Skins/Accents", category for "Dragons", category for "Items", "Other", ect, and these could be staff made categories to prevent spam or inappropriate tags. There could be more divisions of tags for the pinglists, skins/accents could then divide further into the breed+gender of dragon, maybe a few basic styles/categories like "fantasy", "horror", "clothing", ect, again, staff made perhaps to help reduce moderator strain.

I'm primarily a skin maker who uses GASP, but some sort of pinglist tags that would be public so users could see what may be included in the pinglist (or some sort of pop-up description like with items!) would be very useful, and help bring some of GASP's functionality into the site here.

On top of that, some sort of pinglist directory/search category for folks to look through active pinglists, perhaps sort by these categories/tags would be helpful as well. It'd let users look through available pinglists for Skins/Accents, and then the additional description or tags could help them then decide if they wanted to sign up to the pinglist!

I don't feel comfortable enough to talk for dragon/item pinglists, but I know this sort of category or tag functionality attached to the pinglists would likely help a lot of Skin/Accent makers, and I could see it possibly being of use for others as well. ^^

As is, I quite like the pinglist system for my personal pinglists, but GASP is quite good at helping get new skinmakers out there (It's how I got my foot in the door!) and finding reach beyond your own personal pinglist if you make something new/out of your norm, so something similar could be quite nice!

Moose || 23 || He/Him || English

Formerly EisigerElch, Artist, TTRPG Player, Queer Eldritch Creature
I'm interested in seeing on-site pinglists update over time (seeing as the Suggestions forum has been quick to offer things to chew on for various valid reasons)—I will say though, since it's been stated at least here in replies, I think feature updates like this should explicitly state they will undergo further development as feedback arrives so folks don't feel like they're losing functionality in the future. I can totally see how folks aren't convinced of on-site's complete usability at the moment. It has some big shoes to fill.

Overall though, these are very much appreciated!
I'm interested in seeing on-site pinglists update over time (seeing as the Suggestions forum has been quick to offer things to chew on for various valid reasons)—I will say though, since it's been stated at least here in replies, I think feature updates like this should explicitly state they will undergo further development as feedback arrives so folks don't feel like they're losing functionality in the future. I can totally see how folks aren't convinced of on-site's complete usability at the moment. It has some big shoes to fill.

Overall though, these are very much appreciated!
Awesome update, the ping list feature is really exciting! I'm seconding the recommendations I'm seeing of allowing a pinglist author to add other authorized users, this would be vital for things like dom where the same pinglist gets used over multiple events and threads by multiple dom orgs
Awesome update, the ping list feature is really exciting! I'm seconding the recommendations I'm seeing of allowing a pinglist author to add other authorized users, this would be vital for things like dom where the same pinglist gets used over multiple events and threads by multiple dom orgs
There is a lot of excellent feedback and opinions already, so I don't know how much I am adding, but Staff it would be excellent if the community was involved with the development of something that largely affects your community. Please listen to our feedback, so that we can improve the site together.

On-site mass pings:
Too many communities on your site will be affected by this oversimplification of a solution to a large, complex problem. Not only have there been google spreadsheets made up to host complex pinglists, but entire websites have been created for the purpose of making custom pinglists for the item/dragon people are selling/buying. The G.A.S.P pinglist is one, where accent buyers can select tags for accents they want to buy, or particular motifs they want to avoid, like eyes, gore, desert flight, anatomy alterations, etc. Accent sellers can then select the tags their accent falls under, create a custom pinglist of the people who would be most interested in their skin, and ping the users on the forum.
Many times as an accent artist, I have had people discover me through the use of these pinglists. There are others out there, for g1 dragons, old dragons, kickstarter items, marketplace restocks, database updates, complex pinglists that require more time to code and implement. Mass pings should not be sunsetted until these more complex additions can be added to the basic pinglist feature.

Pinglist Permissions:
You are aware of the large Dominance community on this site. In the accent community, some shops are run by multiple people, myself included. This is an issue that affects multiple communities. You cannot expect one person to operate a large hub by themselves. Allowing pinglist permissions may help balance the increased risk of bad apples, with the potential benefit of user self-moderation. Pinglist permissions, like the pinglist owner allowing specific users to ping the pinglist, or add and remove names, may help relieve the workload on the pinglist owner.

Skin pings: The issue is not fixed.
The suggestions forums no doubt have way more thought out responses to this, so I'll try to keep this short, to alert you of the large problem you're trying to fix.

Please watch the way skins and accents are sold on your website. Please, click on one of our fellow accent artists' threads, visit the google sheets, look at how the skin runs are filled out. This is not something that on-site pinglists can achieve, as we only ping people when the skin is ready to go live.
Form signups tell us how many runs we need to order, who has paid in advance, the status of the skin through queue/sale, who is ordering in treasure or gems. This is unable to be conducted on site alone at the moment, and requires the usage of our off-site spreadsheets. I understand this is a large data concern, especially as it doesn't fix the original issue, but the issue really is more complex than the pinglists will fix.

This is a great start, staff. These updates are ones we have been asking for a long time. Please listen to our feedback, so that we can foster changes that benefit old and new players.
There is a lot of excellent feedback and opinions already, so I don't know how much I am adding, but Staff it would be excellent if the community was involved with the development of something that largely affects your community. Please listen to our feedback, so that we can improve the site together.

On-site mass pings:
Too many communities on your site will be affected by this oversimplification of a solution to a large, complex problem. Not only have there been google spreadsheets made up to host complex pinglists, but entire websites have been created for the purpose of making custom pinglists for the item/dragon people are selling/buying. The G.A.S.P pinglist is one, where accent buyers can select tags for accents they want to buy, or particular motifs they want to avoid, like eyes, gore, desert flight, anatomy alterations, etc. Accent sellers can then select the tags their accent falls under, create a custom pinglist of the people who would be most interested in their skin, and ping the users on the forum.
Many times as an accent artist, I have had people discover me through the use of these pinglists. There are others out there, for g1 dragons, old dragons, kickstarter items, marketplace restocks, database updates, complex pinglists that require more time to code and implement. Mass pings should not be sunsetted until these more complex additions can be added to the basic pinglist feature.

Pinglist Permissions:
You are aware of the large Dominance community on this site. In the accent community, some shops are run by multiple people, myself included. This is an issue that affects multiple communities. You cannot expect one person to operate a large hub by themselves. Allowing pinglist permissions may help balance the increased risk of bad apples, with the potential benefit of user self-moderation. Pinglist permissions, like the pinglist owner allowing specific users to ping the pinglist, or add and remove names, may help relieve the workload on the pinglist owner.

Skin pings: The issue is not fixed.
The suggestions forums no doubt have way more thought out responses to this, so I'll try to keep this short, to alert you of the large problem you're trying to fix.

Please watch the way skins and accents are sold on your website. Please, click on one of our fellow accent artists' threads, visit the google sheets, look at how the skin runs are filled out. This is not something that on-site pinglists can achieve, as we only ping people when the skin is ready to go live.
Form signups tell us how many runs we need to order, who has paid in advance, the status of the skin through queue/sale, who is ordering in treasure or gems. This is unable to be conducted on site alone at the moment, and requires the usage of our off-site spreadsheets. I understand this is a large data concern, especially as it doesn't fix the original issue, but the issue really is more complex than the pinglists will fix.

This is a great start, staff. These updates are ones we have been asking for a long time. Please listen to our feedback, so that we can foster changes that benefit old and new players.
New pinglist feature sounds super fun! Really excited about the progress on the custom skin feature!

Now I've rolled over in my head many times since this was announced what I want to say, but I think everyone's pretty much covered the issues. Solutions aren't going to be easy going forward.

It'd be really incredible if you could implement some kind of pinglist hub as expansive as sheets for ping creation, generation, and distribution, but I can't imagine you'd have the infrastructure or the manpower to produce an app like that in-house. I genuinely don't know what a satisfying solution to the current widespread issues would be (security/safety/UX etc.), but I guess that's what this forum post is for!

I'm not sure how to word this, but a big worry I have with the mass ping restriction is with how this will affect players who ping en masse like I do, not for "pinglists" but for just general responses.
I often make forum posts, get many responses, and come back the next day to respond to everyone. I'm not a fan of leaving people "on read" so to speak, so I like to take my time to respond to everyone, even if that means many, many people to respond to. I really have no idea what a good limit is for the mass pings, but I can't imagine 12 is gonna cut it for me and I'm sure many others. An example, one of my more recent posts, I responded to 28 people in one post. I worry this will be considered rule breaking in the near-ish future. Maybe this is an unwarranted worry, but it's just something that I've been kinda mulling over in my head. I'm assuming (hopefully?) this situation is going to be one that gets taken into account when deciding the final number for the mass ping maximum.

Questions for the team about the new feature:
Sorry if these have been answered, I can't keep up with the thread :S

1. Is there currently a maximum user count to a single pinglist?
2. If someone creates two pinglists and someone else adds themselves to both lists, when they ping out BOTH on the same post, will the player get two separate pings or one?
3. How many pinglists can one user add themselves to, and is this bundled into the same limit to people creating/being the owner of a pinglist?

I see there's a temporary limit specifically on CREATING pinglists, but I wasn't sure if that's the only restriction we're seeing right now.

Thanks :)
New pinglist feature sounds super fun! Really excited about the progress on the custom skin feature!

Now I've rolled over in my head many times since this was announced what I want to say, but I think everyone's pretty much covered the issues. Solutions aren't going to be easy going forward.

It'd be really incredible if you could implement some kind of pinglist hub as expansive as sheets for ping creation, generation, and distribution, but I can't imagine you'd have the infrastructure or the manpower to produce an app like that in-house. I genuinely don't know what a satisfying solution to the current widespread issues would be (security/safety/UX etc.), but I guess that's what this forum post is for!

I'm not sure how to word this, but a big worry I have with the mass ping restriction is with how this will affect players who ping en masse like I do, not for "pinglists" but for just general responses.
I often make forum posts, get many responses, and come back the next day to respond to everyone. I'm not a fan of leaving people "on read" so to speak, so I like to take my time to respond to everyone, even if that means many, many people to respond to. I really have no idea what a good limit is for the mass pings, but I can't imagine 12 is gonna cut it for me and I'm sure many others. An example, one of my more recent posts, I responded to 28 people in one post. I worry this will be considered rule breaking in the near-ish future. Maybe this is an unwarranted worry, but it's just something that I've been kinda mulling over in my head. I'm assuming (hopefully?) this situation is going to be one that gets taken into account when deciding the final number for the mass ping maximum.

Questions for the team about the new feature:
Sorry if these have been answered, I can't keep up with the thread :S

1. Is there currently a maximum user count to a single pinglist?
2. If someone creates two pinglists and someone else adds themselves to both lists, when they ping out BOTH on the same post, will the player get two separate pings or one?
3. How many pinglists can one user add themselves to, and is this bundled into the same limit to people creating/being the owner of a pinglist?

I see there's a temporary limit specifically on CREATING pinglists, but I wasn't sure if that's the only restriction we're seeing right now.

Thanks :)
Free G1s/G1 sales
Well I'm glad that staff is working on bettering the site, I'm also concerned for the many mass pinglists out there.

I enjoy the new things with potential coli PvP and bettering the skin making process. I was around for the old PvP and it was something I enjoyed doing, so it'll be cool to see it again.
Well I'm glad that staff is working on bettering the site, I'm also concerned for the many mass pinglists out there.

I enjoy the new things with potential coli PvP and bettering the skin making process. I was around for the old PvP and it was something I enjoyed doing, so it'll be cool to see it again.
They/Them ~ Wishlist ~ Scatter Project er7d6Yk.png