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TOPIC | Glass & Gloss' Genuine Genes
[center][quote name="Undel" date="2023-08-18 19:04:01" ] Glass and Gloss use they/them pronouns in the plural sense, and in the nonbinary sense. [/quote] This made me so happy to read :') Thank u FR for not shying away from having canonically trans NPCs and explicitly stating they're trans. Appreciate u guys so much
Undel wrote on 2023-08-18 19:04:01:

Glass and Gloss use they/them pronouns in the plural sense, and in the nonbinary sense.

This made me so happy to read :') Thank u FR for not shying away from having canonically trans NPCs and explicitly stating they're trans. Appreciate u guys so much
Ly | It/its | FRT+ 0 | 22
Art shop
LET’S GOOOOO BREAKING SITE BINARIES (be an ancient OR wear apparel) A N D GENDER BINARIES (be a girl dragon OR a boy dragon)
LET’S GOOOOO BREAKING SITE BINARIES (be an ancient OR wear apparel) A N D GENDER BINARIES (be a girl dragon OR a boy dragon)
[quote name="pitachip" date="2023-08-19 12:45:45" ] [quote name="ClockworkOwle" date="2023-08-19 12:31:55" ] Doesn't agender also fall under the nonbinary umbrella though? /gq Asked my agender friend after seeing this and they say it does. [/quote] Exactly, it does, that's not what the issue is, the issue is using "nonbinary" in place of "agender". I don't know how many people have experienced this, but I personally have been treated as if I'm only nonbinary when I fluctuate towards agender/genderless. I'm always nonbinary, even if I'm not using they/them. Hope this makes sense /gen. I've literally been told I'm not nonbinary because I'm genderfluid. ----- It's very similar to the treatment I receive as an aro/ace, like I don't belong in the lgbt+ community. Lot's of time using "nonbinary" as a word for "genderless" isn't meant to be malicious (as I'm sure was the case here) but it is harmful regardless. ----- Edit: I also believe it stands out to me more as a neurodivergent writer, anything with language usage is quite noticeable for me where others may miss it. To sum it up better what I'm pointing out here is the implication that nonbinary exclusively means agender/genderless, which has been a prevalent issue for many years. I feel like dev's should've just said Glass/Gloss is agender instead. Sorry I'm sick rn my typing isn't perfect. [/quote] @pitachip I'm having a hard time following what exactly you're saying (could be because I'm sick as well!) but personally, as someone who is agender, the nonbinary label is the umbrella I'm under as a genderless/agender person - to me, nonbinary means anything not on the end of the spectrums, and that could be how staff sees it too! Regardless, I'm sorry you've been made to feel like you don't belong in your own community. ) :
pitachip wrote on 2023-08-19 12:45:45:
ClockworkOwle wrote on 2023-08-19 12:31:55:

Doesn't agender also fall under the nonbinary umbrella though? /gq Asked my agender friend after seeing this and they say it does.

Exactly, it does, that's not what the issue is, the issue is using "nonbinary" in place of "agender". I don't know how many people have experienced this, but I personally have been treated as if I'm only nonbinary when I fluctuate towards agender/genderless. I'm always nonbinary, even if I'm not using they/them. Hope this makes sense /gen.
I've literally been told I'm not nonbinary because I'm genderfluid.

It's very similar to the treatment I receive as an aro/ace, like I don't belong in the lgbt+ community. Lot's of time using "nonbinary" as a word for "genderless" isn't meant to be malicious (as I'm sure was the case here) but it is harmful regardless.

Edit: I also believe it stands out to me more as a neurodivergent writer, anything with language usage is quite noticeable for me where others may miss it. To sum it up better what I'm pointing out here is the implication that nonbinary exclusively means agender/genderless, which has been a prevalent issue for many years. I feel like dev's should've just said Glass/Gloss is agender instead. Sorry I'm sick rn my typing isn't perfect.

I'm having a hard time following what exactly you're saying (could be because I'm sick as well!) but personally, as someone who is agender, the nonbinary label is the umbrella I'm under as a genderless/agender person - to me, nonbinary means anything not on the end of the spectrums, and that could be how staff sees it too! Regardless, I'm sorry you've been made to feel like you don't belong in your own community. ) :
Die of Bargaining julien
. they/them
. sapphic
. witch
. avatar
[quote] @pitachip I'm having a hard time following what exactly you're saying (could be because I'm sick as well!) but personally, as someone who is agender, the nonbinary label is the umbrella I'm under as a genderless/agender person - to me, nonbinary means anything not on the end of the spectrums, and that could be how staff sees it too! Regardless, I'm sorry you've been made to feel like you don't belong in your own community. ) : [/quote] Nw nw, my wording isn't the greatest atm (sorry to hear you're sick as well, hope you feel better soon /gen). The best I can sum it up is this: I have seen [i]way[/i] too many people using "nonbinary" as a word exclusively meaning "agender" and erasing the identities of everyone else who falls under it - such as myself. I see it every day, which is why I assumed it to be the case here when I shouldn't have (sorry Undel). I hope this helps you understand where I'm coming from a bit more. Glad to hear it straight from an agender person that you consider it an umbrella term. Honestly glad I said something in the first place too, these responses are bringing comfort. And you don't need to apologize for them but thank you, it does mean a lot [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I'm having a hard time following what exactly you're saying (could be because I'm sick as well!) but personally, as someone who is agender, the nonbinary label is the umbrella I'm under as a genderless/agender person - to me, nonbinary means anything not on the end of the spectrums, and that could be how staff sees it too! Regardless, I'm sorry you've been made to feel like you don't belong in your own community. ) :

Nw nw, my wording isn't the greatest atm (sorry to hear you're sick as well, hope you feel better soon /gen). The best I can sum it up is this: I have seen way too many people using "nonbinary" as a word exclusively meaning "agender" and erasing the identities of everyone else who falls under it - such as myself. I see it every day, which is why I assumed it to be the case here when I shouldn't have (sorry Undel). I hope this helps you understand where I'm coming from a bit more.
Glad to hear it straight from an agender person that you consider it an umbrella term. Honestly glad I said something in the first place too, these responses are bringing comfort.
And you don't need to apologize for them but thank you, it does mean a lot
- genderfluid (he/she/they)
- aro/ace
- neurodivergent
- adult (21)
- art dump
[center]Just wanted to share my Glass and Gloss G1! They're def one of my fav NPCs to date! ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Just wanted to share my Glass and Gloss G1! They're def one of my fav NPCs to date! ^^

01547b70441cd57956c9fa35703052f03d2c34b2.png _ LP/Parade

Skin Shop
Art Shop
Free Likes
__ LittleParade.gif _
___ lilypads_2.png ___

NaWGh2t.png atlas ! fr+0
he/him nb5YUNX.png advAsr3.png aroace_2.png
dom shop | wishlist | icon dragon

I don't understand what the item category drop down is for when we have only genes there - is that a sign for what will come in the future? (sry if it was mentioned somewhere already, I did not check all pages)
I don't understand what the item category drop down is for when we have only genes there - is that a sign for what will come in the future? (sry if it was mentioned somewhere already, I did not check all pages)
yay !
yay !
Is that an ancient?!?? WEARING APPAREL???![emoji=aberration scared size=1]
Is that an ancient?!?? WEARING APPAREL???!