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TOPIC | Words on the Wind, October 2016
I don't know if I understand correctly, but even when you turn of the animations at Coli the time the attack will consume stays the same? Why turning off the animations in first place? Since I turn them off at Pokemon Games to grind much faster , the animations are funny to see, when yo usee them the first times, but after the 5th battle where your opponent meditates I am slightly frustrated since it takes such a long time, or the high-end-casts like that tornado from the wind flight as example. Please ping me when I didn't understand that right ♥
but still nice changes trough !
I don't know if I understand correctly, but even when you turn of the animations at Coli the time the attack will consume stays the same? Why turning off the animations in first place? Since I turn them off at Pokemon Games to grind much faster , the animations are funny to see, when yo usee them the first times, but after the 5th battle where your opponent meditates I am slightly frustrated since it takes such a long time, or the high-end-casts like that tornado from the wind flight as example. Please ping me when I didn't understand that right ♥
but still nice changes trough !
@Sheila sometimes players need to turn off the animations because they can be triggers for health situations--like epilepsy and more.
@Sheila sometimes players need to turn off the animations because they can be triggers for health situations--like epilepsy and more.
Oh wow, I am really impressed. Especially by your care for players!
Oh goodness, I love you all.
Oh wow, I am really impressed. Especially by your care for players!
Oh goodness, I love you all.
I usually don't respond to news posts (lifetime lurker here) but this does require some input.

By taking stat points away from other areas to put into agility, this means slower dragons and hitting for less damage. Will the mobs be nerfed as well or will they still be as fast and hit as hard as they are now? If the latter is the case, then it will lead to more frustration with rage refreshes or a lot of food used from massive fainting.

Like others, I have a lot of lvl 25's (14) as well as countless others over 17 (of which I will stop leveling dragons so I won't waste their points on soon to be useless stats.) Three tinctures will not go a long way so I will have to choose carefully who it gets used on. I understand why only three, since that is the max you can have in a party.

I also understand why the use of captchas, but from experience on another site that implemented captchas, it is very annoying. It slows down game play and disrupts the flow of things. It will definitely change the face of dom battles.

I just hope this isn't implemented during a festival week or NotN. Hopefully not during any dom battles that might be going on. I definitely will be using the coli as much as I can around work before the update since afterwards, who knows when the next time I will be able to get in and not get frustrated and quit? (Though, if it's implemented in November, it'll give me a good excuse not to play FR but concentrate on my writing competition.)
I usually don't respond to news posts (lifetime lurker here) but this does require some input.

By taking stat points away from other areas to put into agility, this means slower dragons and hitting for less damage. Will the mobs be nerfed as well or will they still be as fast and hit as hard as they are now? If the latter is the case, then it will lead to more frustration with rage refreshes or a lot of food used from massive fainting.

Like others, I have a lot of lvl 25's (14) as well as countless others over 17 (of which I will stop leveling dragons so I won't waste their points on soon to be useless stats.) Three tinctures will not go a long way so I will have to choose carefully who it gets used on. I understand why only three, since that is the max you can have in a party.

I also understand why the use of captchas, but from experience on another site that implemented captchas, it is very annoying. It slows down game play and disrupts the flow of things. It will definitely change the face of dom battles.

I just hope this isn't implemented during a festival week or NotN. Hopefully not during any dom battles that might be going on. I definitely will be using the coli as much as I can around work before the update since afterwards, who knows when the next time I will be able to get in and not get frustrated and quit? (Though, if it's implemented in November, it'll give me a good excuse not to play FR but concentrate on my writing competition.)

i hope this opens up a discussion about how to make coli play more engaging ^-^

i hope this opens up a discussion about how to make coli play more engaging ^-^
this is not a forum signature
I don't usually comment on news posts but I'm both excited and concerned about some of the changes made in the Coliseum.

Definitely glad that keyboard shortcuts are being implemented -- I play on a laptop and using my tracking pad is annoying after awhile, and my finger tends to get a bit cramped, haha. So, I am really excited about this change in particular, as I had often wondered why it was never done in the first place.

I am somewhat concerned, though, about the change to Agility. As another user above pointed out, my concern is also whether enemies will be affected by this new change and, if so, how it will change the overall dynamic of the coliseum. 3 tinctures also isn't a lot for those who have spent many, many, hours grinding to level up multiple dragons.

And, while I certainly understand implementing captchas, I hope it isn't something that's going to be overused. How often are they going to appear? If it's every 3-5 battles you can believe that that is going to get old VERY fast. u_u

Still, I'm glad to see some changes being made.

And congrats to the new artists. I look forward to seeing what new stuff may come our way c:
I don't usually comment on news posts but I'm both excited and concerned about some of the changes made in the Coliseum.

Definitely glad that keyboard shortcuts are being implemented -- I play on a laptop and using my tracking pad is annoying after awhile, and my finger tends to get a bit cramped, haha. So, I am really excited about this change in particular, as I had often wondered why it was never done in the first place.

I am somewhat concerned, though, about the change to Agility. As another user above pointed out, my concern is also whether enemies will be affected by this new change and, if so, how it will change the overall dynamic of the coliseum. 3 tinctures also isn't a lot for those who have spent many, many, hours grinding to level up multiple dragons.

And, while I certainly understand implementing captchas, I hope it isn't something that's going to be overused. How often are they going to appear? If it's every 3-5 battles you can believe that that is going to get old VERY fast. u_u

Still, I'm glad to see some changes being made.

And congrats to the new artists. I look forward to seeing what new stuff may come our way c:

Visit my Adoptables Shop c:
Super excited!!!

I really hope the ability change doesn't mess with my current grinding style too much though. In fact it is all very confusing and hard to understand exactly what they are doing to it.
Super excited!!!

I really hope the ability change doesn't mess with my current grinding style too much though. In fact it is all very confusing and hard to understand exactly what they are doing to it.
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As excited as I am for the coli updates, I'm mostly looking forward to the AH revamp. Dealing with the mail generated from using the Auction House puts me off using it as often as I'd like. The coli update will mean I can play in the coli for longer, but I'll need a better method of offloading my loot to players who want it than the current AH.
As excited as I am for the coli updates, I'm mostly looking forward to the AH revamp. Dealing with the mail generated from using the Auction House puts me off using it as often as I'd like. The coli update will mean I can play in the coli for longer, but I'll need a better method of offloading my loot to players who want it than the current AH.