

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | The Owl's Nest—RNG Adopts [CLOSED]
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Welcome to the Owl's Nest[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman]We're glad you're here. There's been a terrible storm... In all the confusion, many of our flock have gone missing. We need to find our lost brethren and rebuild our home. Maybe you can help. Perhaps someday, we might even be able to rebuild what was lost centuries ago...[/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][url=]Slots[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Ordering Owls[/url] | [url=]Traits[/url] | [url=]Sample Owls[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url][/font][/color][/center] ----- Temporary note for the opening of the shop: I developed these guys in Feb 2022. I promise I'm not trying to copy the Arcane owls adopts :( [url=]Thread[/url] for proof I guess?
Welcome to the Owl's Nest

We're glad you're here. There's been a terrible storm...

In all the confusion, many of our flock have gone missing. We need to find our lost brethren and rebuild our home. Maybe you can help.

Perhaps someday, we might even be able to rebuild what was lost centuries ago...

Temporary note for the opening of the shop: I developed these guys in Feb 2022. I promise I'm not trying to copy the Arcane owls adopts :(
Thread for proof I guess?
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Current Orders[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [center][b][font=times new roman][size=6]Shop Status: [color=red]CLOSED[/color][/size] Working on new colors, patterns, and accessories Check back later or ask to be put on the pinglist to be notified when new slots open up![/font][/b][/center] ----- [center][font=times new roman][size=4][b]Slots:[/b] 1. VioletKatGrove (1) (completed) 2. Azkhar (5) (completed) 3. Kuzcat (2) (completed) 4. Jynxynis (1) (completed) 5. Mudpuddle (1) (completed) --- 6. Doozie (1) (completed) 7. Spadefish (5) (completed) 8. Treesapperson (1) (completed) 9. Golden (5) (completed) 10. Vivarium (3) (completed) [/size][/font][/center]
Current Orders


Shop Status: CLOSED
Working on new colors, patterns, and accessories
Check back later or ask to be put on the pinglist to be notified when new slots open up!

1. VioletKatGrove (1) (completed)
2. Azkhar (5) (completed)
3. Kuzcat (2) (completed)
4. Jynxynis (1) (completed)
5. Mudpuddle (1) (completed)
6. Doozie (1) (completed)
7. Spadefish (5) (completed)
8. Treesapperson (1) (completed)
9. Golden (5) (completed)
10. Vivarium (3) (completed)
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Information and Rules[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [font=times new roman] > Owls are generated by hand (sadly I am Bad™ at coding), therefore orders will be limited and may take some time. I do work a full time job > There will only be ten slots open at a time. Maximum of five owls per order. This may fluctuate with my availability > The shop's pinglist will be pinged when new slots are opened, approximately twice per month > You may trade all owls freely, including custom owls or those with add-on accessories. Please use this thread for trading! > You may resize and/or flip your owls as you please, but do not edit your owls in any other way > All listed custom pricing is for "sponsorship" customs, in which the color, marking, or item you've sponsored gets added to the pool that can be selected from for future owls > If you'd like a "private" custom, in which you commission traits that will be unique to only your owl(s), please PM me for details > You may only sell owls for (up to) the price at which they were purchased > I may develop lore in the future, but feel free to write your own for your owls :) -----
Information and Rules


> Owls are generated by hand (sadly I am Bad™ at coding), therefore orders will be limited and may take some time. I do work a full time job

> There will only be ten slots open at a time. Maximum of five owls per order. This may fluctuate with my availability

> The shop's pinglist will be pinged when new slots are opened, approximately twice per month

> You may trade all owls freely, including custom owls or those with add-on accessories. Please use this thread for trading!

> You may resize and/or flip your owls as you please, but do not edit your owls in any other way

> All listed custom pricing is for "sponsorship" customs, in which the color, marking, or item you've sponsored gets added to the pool that can be selected from for future owls

> If you'd like a "private" custom, in which you commission traits that will be unique to only your owl(s), please PM me for details

> You may only sell owls for (up to) the price at which they were purchased

> I may develop lore in the future, but feel free to write your own for your owls :)

[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Ordering Owls[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [center][b][font=times new roman][size=6]Pricing[/size][/font][/b] ----- [b]Basic owl[/b] 40g/40kt [b]Add-on Accessories[/b] Gryphon pack: 35g/35kt Pride flag: 15g/15kt [b]Fully Customized Owl[/b] (Using pre-existing colors, markings, etc.) 250g/kt [b]Custom Color(s)[/b] Eyes/feet/beak: 75g/kt Markings: 100g/kt Base/belly: 150g/kt Accessory: ≥175g/kt [b]Custom Accessory[/b] PM me for pricing details ≥250g/kt I accept mixed payments![/center] ----- [center][b][font=times new roman][size=6]Order Form[/size][/font][/b][/center] [code] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Number of Owls:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Any Add-Ons?:[/b][/code] [center]Once you’ve sent your order form, either in this thread or over PM, please send payment via PM only. I will not create any owls until payment has been sent, but I will not click “take attachments” until after I’ve completed your order.[/center]
Ordering Owls



Basic owl

Add-on Accessories
Gryphon pack: 35g/35kt
Pride flag: 15g/15kt

Fully Customized Owl
(Using pre-existing colors, markings, etc.)

Custom Color(s)
Eyes/feet/beak: 75g/kt
Markings: 100g/kt
Base/belly: 150g/kt
Accessory: ≥175g/kt

Custom Accessory
PM me for pricing details

I accept mixed payments!

Order Form
[b]Username:[/b] [b]Number of Owls:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Any Add-Ons?:[/b]
Once you’ve sent your order form, either in this thread or over PM, please send payment via PM only. I will not create any owls until payment has been sent, but I will not click “take attachments” until after I’ve completed your order.
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Traits[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [b][size=4]There are a total of 10 traits that are randomly selected for each owl[/size][/b] [LIST] [*]Base color (11) [*]Belly/wing color (9) [*]Pattern (5) [*]Pattern color (6) [*]Beak/talon color (3) [*]Foot color (3) [*]Eyes (7) [*]Eye color (3) [*]Eyebrows (3) [*]Accessory (20) [/LIST] Discover all of the trait possibilities by ordering owls! ;) Eventually, all traits will be listed here Rumor has it that there are owls wandering the forest with rather...unnatural coloration ----- [b][size=4]Rarities[/size][/b] Common: 60% Uncommon: 25% Rare: 10% Super rare: 5% ----- [b][size=4]Add-Ons[/size][/b] [b]Gryphon Pack:[/b] turn your owl into a gryphon! Ear and paw colors will match the base and belly colors of the owl your choosing. You may choose to be surprised by your gryphon, or you may transform one of your existing owls. Limit of two gryphons per order. [b]Pride Flags:[/b] Let your owls show their pride! Choose up to two owls per order to give a pride flag to. They may be owls that are yet to be found, or owls that are already in your collection. Don't see your flag? Sponsor one for 30g/kt! (Currently available flags: Rainbow, bi, pan, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, asexual, aromantic, demigirl/boy, and queer) ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Trait Goals[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] Coming soon! These will be Kickstarter-style goals. The more owls ordered, the more colors, patterns, eye types, and accessories unlocked!


There are a total of 10 traits that are randomly selected for each owl

  • Base color (11)
  • Belly/wing color (9)
  • Pattern (5)
  • Pattern color (6)
  • Beak/talon color (3)
  • Foot color (3)
  • Eyes (7)
  • Eye color (3)
  • Eyebrows (3)
  • Accessory (20)

Discover all of the trait possibilities by ordering owls! ;)
Eventually, all traits will be listed here

Rumor has it that there are owls wandering the forest with rather...unnatural coloration

Common: 60%
Uncommon: 25%
Rare: 10%
Super rare: 5%


Gryphon Pack: turn your owl into a gryphon! Ear and paw colors will match the base and belly colors of the owl your choosing. You may choose to be surprised by your gryphon, or you may transform one of your existing owls. Limit of two gryphons per order.

Pride Flags: Let your owls show their pride! Choose up to two owls per order to give a pride flag to. They may be owls that are yet to be found, or owls that are already in your collection. Don't see your flag? Sponsor one for 30g/kt!

(Currently available flags: Rainbow, bi, pan, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, asexual, aromantic, demigirl/boy, and queer)

Trait Goals


Coming soon!

These will be Kickstarter-style goals. The more owls ordered, the more colors, patterns, eye types, and accessories unlocked!
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Sample Owls[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [center][b][size=4]Add-on Accessory Examples[/size][/b][/center] [img][/img][img][/img]
Sample Owls



Add-on Accessory Examples
[center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=7][b]Pinglist[/b][/size] [/font][/color] [img][/img][/center] @/Vivarium @/5inthemorning @/DinoDentist @/VoidgoatAzzy @/Jynxynis @/Robotzebra @/Vanq @/WynnDawnstrider @/durpy888 @/Carnie @/Urlocalcrypt1d @/Sabaton @/DecemberStar @/NopeRopeSnoodle @/Wizardry @/rootbeer @/rarewareofficial @/Kuzcat @/slimecicle @/RosharanNoivern @/Spadefish @/cartographic @/VioletKatGrove @/bulrush @/mossyaki @/Xemriss


@/Vivarium @/5inthemorning @/DinoDentist @/VoidgoatAzzy @/Jynxynis @/Robotzebra @/Vanq @/WynnDawnstrider @/durpy888 @/Carnie @/Urlocalcrypt1d @/Sabaton @/DecemberStar @/NopeRopeSnoodle @/Wizardry @/rootbeer @/rarewareofficial @/Kuzcat @/slimecicle @/RosharanNoivern @/Spadefish @/cartographic @/VioletKatGrove @/bulrush @/mossyaki @/Xemriss