

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Jurassic Spark-RNG Animated Pixel Adopts
[center][img][/img][br][br]Running R0110V3R.EXE...[br][br]Loading...[br][br]Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.[br][br]You may buy up to five pixels today.[br][br]@lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @venusian

Running R0110V3R.EXE...


Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.

You may buy up to five pixels today.

@lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @venusian
@Valishtu you're actually supposed to PM the form to one of the attendants! That'd be me, at this hour. It'd also be better if you deleted the other bribe options rather than striking them out, leaving only the one you'd like, to avoid confusion. Thanks for your interest!
@Valishtu you're actually supposed to PM the form to one of the attendants! That'd be me, at this hour. It'd also be better if you deleted the other bribe options rather than striking them out, leaving only the one you'd like, to avoid confusion. Thanks for your interest!
Edit: Nevermind I missed the pinglist form!
Edit: Nevermind I missed the pinglist form!
[center][img][/img][br][br]Running R0110V3R.EXE...[br][br]Loading...[br][br]Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.[br][br]You may buy up to five pets today.[br][br]@ambitious @angelsami @foreboding @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @venusian

Running R0110V3R.EXE...


Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.

You may buy up to five pets today.

@ambitious @angelsami @foreboding @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @venusian
These look really metal cute! (I hope I sent my form in right)
These look really metal cute! (I hope I sent my form in right)
[center][img][/img][br][br]Running R0110V3R.EXE...[br][br]Loading...[br][br]Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.[br][br]You may buy up to five pets today.[br][br]@ambitious @angelsami @foreboding @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @v0iceb0x @venusian

Running R0110V3R.EXE...


Hello, pet enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.

You may buy up to five pets today.

@ambitious @angelsami @foreboding @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @v0iceb0x @venusian
Suggestion: Please give me an option to spend more money on these babes!!! The 5 per day limit is killing me!
Suggestion: Please give me an option to spend more money on these babes!!! The 5 per day limit is killing me!
[center][img][/img][br][br]Running R0110V3R.EXE...[br][br]Loading...[br][br]Hello, pixel enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.[br][br]You may buy up to five pixels today.[br][br]@ambitious @angelsami @electrify @foreboding @frostnite @gardenofroses @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @v0iceb0x @venusian[/center]

Running R0110V3R.EXE...


Hello, pixel enthusiasts! Today is a new day and our delivery bots are whirring once more in anticipation of delivering new friends to you.

You may buy up to five pixels today.

@ambitious @angelsami @electrify @foreboding @frostnite @gardenofroses @kelpo2000 @lazarusrex @ototo @ribbons @v0iceb0x @venusian
sorry I'm STUPID i need to PM this instead rip
sorry I'm STUPID i need to PM this instead rip
@Ambitious we only have so many! xD
Mayhaps that's something to consider down the line as our offerings increase in volume and diversity :) for now though, there's two weeks of 5-a-day!
@Ambitious we only have so many! xD
Mayhaps that's something to consider down the line as our offerings increase in volume and diversity :) for now though, there's two weeks of 5-a-day!