Level 1 Fathom
This dragon is displaying an animated effect:
Sometimes, you just gotta practice your scales. This item applies a scintillating pattern of reflective scales to just the body of one dragon.
Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.

Locomoting Lilypad

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Energy: 44
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Personal Style



15.39 m
18.66 m
10124.65 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Fathom
EXP: 0 / 245


![]() P A T H F I N D E R Role He/Him {Unfathomable Odyssey Voyager's Map}
After befriending Kelpie during the Fathoms' search for the Tidelord, Pathfinder was eager to join her Clan and explore a whole new life above the water's surface. A dear friend from his pod, Pioneer, went with him, although she was less enamoured with being on land. He was charmed by the variety of fashions. He always had a penchant for jewellery and adorned himself with practical belts and slings to carry supplies, but living in the sea made the options quite limited. Kelpie took him to a bustling market and a place there called the Bluebell Boutique. It was all fashion and fabrics, and Pathfinder happily lost himself in there for an afternoon. Eventually he emerged with a dashing hat, matching cape and a jaunty little parasol that he didn't really need but it was fun. In his exploration of the territory, Pathfinder even found himself a friend. A charming little lizard who seemed to enjoy laying on Pathfinder's smooth scales. Bringing it back with him, he was directed to Deme, who informed him it was an Iguana and told him how to best care for his new friend. The fascinations and interests just kept flowing, and Pathfinder happily got swept up in it. He found many little creatures he had never seen before, but they were wild and shy so it was hard to get a close look unless he visited Deme or Ratcha to see their charges. But he did encounter a grey fluffy thing that was happy to approach him. He was almost certain it wasn't a mouse or a squirrel, but a sharp whistle sent it off running - towards the sound rather than away from it. Pathfinder followed through the bushes, hearing a low murmuring. "Where do you think you were off to, hm? You're meant to be helping me." The voice belonged to a Bogsneak, well camouflaged with her feathery and leafy adornments. The creature sat on her paw, and made sense it was so friendly if it belonged to someone. "Um. Hi. What is that creature?" Pathfinder pointed. The Bogsneak didn't startle at his presence but turned her head towards him. Her eyes were brilliant. Literally. Shining with such intensity that they were clear even with his poor vision. "A chinchilla," she said, voice snake-smooth. "I call her Puffball." Pathfinder laughed. "Appropriate." "You can pet her, if you like. She's exceptionally soft." She was exactly that, and as they spoke, Puffball seemed to take a shine to Verda the iguana, rubbing her face on the lizard's rough scales. He learnt that Graellsia's long-time mate had recently undergone a big physical and life change, becoming a Dusthide to try and have a better relationship with their estranged son (a story she did not get into yet). Their relationship changed in a very natural way, and they were still the best of friends, but while he had found a new mate and was more at ease, Graellsia seemed somewhat alone. She said she appreciated the time to herself, and that she'd always been a rather independent dragon, but Pathfinder didn't think it would hurt to keep her company. Very quickly he began to think of her as his guiding light, a beacon he could always find. A love he was perpetually drawn to. But he waited until she asked him to be her mate, worried it might be too soon for her. When he confessed this to her after she'd asked, she laughed and said that he worried too much. She appreciated his sensitivity though, declaring it was one of the things she loved about him, which made him feel completely giddy. ![]() Pick A Favourite From Each Page! Chosen by @Toxxitone |

Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
Feed this dragon Plants.
Exalting Pathfinder to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.