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Wicker Dragon
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Autumn Breeze
Aged Book Collection
Autumn Woodwing
Autumn Woodguard
Date Plumed Cover
Date Plumed Headdress
Autumn Antlers
Loamy Garden Hat
Loamy Garden Trousers
Leather Tail Wrap
Leather Leg Wraps




7.51 m
5.05 m
643.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 02, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Heyoooo! What the hell is up?!--
Well, not me, 'cause I just fell over!



Breed Change: Wildclaw Primary Gene: Pinstripe Tertiary Gene: Stained

"It's pronunced Puh-guy-ya."

Pagayya belongs in Fall Guys. He's squishy, clumsy, and he doesn't move too gracefully. Also, fall is his favorite season! Pagayya is super clumsy, but he has his own little corner in the library, as he's the Directory Dude (TM)! Yeah, he thinks he trademarked that phrase. The other dragons in the library steer clear of him, as he rambles about unrelated stuff a lot, is kind of annoying, really loud, and REALLY messy. His desk is ALWAYS twice its normal height because of the amount of books, papers, craft supplies, maps, scrolls, and... a dead rat, piled on top of it. Pagayya claims that's his midnight snack. In addition to being loud, Pagayya is really, really unfiltered, too. If you hear a crashing noise followed by a very long string of profanity, it's probably him. Some dragons think it's funny, and some can't stand it. Despite being kind of unsanitary, Pagayya always smells different, like Starbucks in October. Sometimes he smells like stale pastries, sometimes it's pumpkin spice, sometimes it's mildew. It's shower roulette! Pagayya also pulls pranks on other dragons, playing into the annoying factor of his personality. Whether it be trashing Bellatrix's desk once in a while or dropping a book on someone's head from the library balcony, he plays some not-so-funny pranks, and just uses it as an excuse to **** with other dragons. Yeesh. Somehow, dragons still manage to like him and keep him around. As for the activities he participates in during his free time, he usually finds things to do around the library. He knows several different languages, too much information about other flights, and how to fully disassemble a toilet. He can also draw and paint really good, and make origami. Other hobbies of his include calligraphy, killing houseplants, making marker swords, knitting, sharpening pencils into points that rival needles, shooting dragons with staples, and... oh Plaguebringer, this dude just hangs out in the library all day.

non-binary / polysexual / teen / theme song


You wandered into the library, as you were unfamiliar with this clan, seeking help. You scanned the area, and there was a sign that had "DIRECTORY" written on it in chalk. Behind it, there was a mound of papers, books, and supplies. You stared at it for a while, puzzled, until you realized that it was a desk. As you walked up to the desk, you looked closer at the sign. It was in two different colors of chalk, like the first chalk was lost in the abyss. You came to a halt, glanced around, and a dragon popped out of the debris! He was exclusively shades of orange, yellow, and brown, and he heavily reminded you of autumn. You got a whiff of cinnamon from him, too. You jumped back, but he smiled at you, and greeted you, with an additional monologue. He introduced himself as Pagayya, and you introduced yourself. He asked what you needed, and you said you just had a couple of questions.

  • What's up with the edgelords tab?
    "Oh yeah, one of the dragons' kids killed another over some stuff or something. There's probably someone who can tell you about it from experience, or something. Anyway, the murderer got kicked out and started her own clan that the main clan doesn't know about."

  • Why do you know about it?
    "What do you mean?"

  • What's up with the monster mash tab?
    "Oh yeah, those are our wasteland travellers! They officially go by Toothy Triumph, pretty gnarly name if you ask me. They do stuff like explore, hunt, scavenge, battle, and a lot more out there! They swing by to visit the main clan every other week, depending on if they're in dire need of a break or not. Gah, Okhan's so pretty... uh. Um- if it weren't for them, our clan would be in shambles out here! We'd have to move back into Arcane, hahah."

  • You guys used to be in Arcane?
    "Yeah! That's why Blitz, Cool, Sand and I are all Arcane element. It was pretty cool over there, but I personally prefer Plague. Our village is still named Arclan, we can't be bothered to change it. What would we call it? Plagueclan? Paclan? Pfft."

  • Aren't you a Shadow dragon?

You asked for some more information about the clan, and he perked up. He scrambled over to the bookshelf behind him, and started rambling again. He grabbed a booklet, and promptly dropped it.

"Goddamnit. Wrists so limp that I can't hold onto ****."

You were surprised by the amount of profanity that came out of him, as he didn't look like the type of dragon to say stuff like that. He pranced around piles of books gracefully, and continued speaking.

"I've got a ton of documents I think you'd be interested- (BUMP) ****!!!!!!!! THAT WAS MY TOE!!!"

Maybe he's not very graceful, after all. The volume of Pagayya's voice made your ears ring. He began hopping on one foot, and dropped a book on the floor. It made a satisfying thud against the library carpet, which echoed throughout the entire building. Why was he being so loud in the library, anyway? He brushed most of the papers, books, and maps off of his desk with one fell swoop, and violently slammed an armful of books down just a little too personally, which promptly echoed again.

"Uh, if you don't want to like, die when reading these, then read them in order. Some of them are their own individual stories, but like, the first few are in order." He grinned. You had a lot of information at this point, but you wanted to know a bit more. When Pagayya was met with this information, he smiled again, and started rambling about dragon breeds. Random headcanon time!

Dragons born in the Ashfall Wastes have an oil gland, similar to ducks. They rub this oil on their fur, feathers, skin, and scales. This oil makes them fireproof, until it wears off. Dragons that fail to apply the oil due to mobility issues, defects, or forgetfulness are prone to bursting into flames. Even if they don't apply the oil, they always have a freakishly high heat tolerance, due to having thinner skin, scales, feathers, or fur. Their cold tolerance is really bad, though, and a bucket of ice water could defeat them. If Fire dragons drink too much water, or come into contact with large amounts of water, they will fall ill. Thus, many Fire dragons experience discomfort around water, and they lack swimming abilities.

Much like dragons of the Fire flight, dragons of the Water flight posess an oil gland. The oil they produce is then rubbed all over them, and it makes them waterproof. They are also very fast swimmers, no matter the breed. From Snappers to Spirals and Tundras, the Snapper could out-swim them all if they tried hard enough. They are also able to hold their breath for a very long time, and the dragons that can't are able to just breathe underwater. Most dragons of the Water flight have webbed claws, which assist them in swimming. They also use their wings for swimming more often than for flying, so they lack prowess in flying. Dragons of the Water flight also experience discomfort around electricity, as they are extremely vulnerable to electric shocks. Water dragons will fall ill if they become too dry, so they have to take a dunk once in a while, or steal their friends' water bottles.
"What the hell, dude?! You went through my gym bag?!?!"

Ice dragons are similar to ice itself, as they will melt in excessive heat. Well, not literally, but they get heatstroke very easily, as they have blubber, thick fur coats, and mounds of feathers to protect them from the harsh conditions of the Southern Icefield. Opposite to Fire dragons, they have a horrible heat tolerance, and can't handle being in the sun for too long. Their eyes also aren't equipped for sunlight, despite being around really bright snow all the time, and some Icicles suffer from damage to their eyesight, due to the sun.

Plague dragons have the immune system of school teachers, times ten. They're like vultures, and could probably digest steel, and are able to digest small amounts of foods they can't eat. They also have stomachs of steel, and don't get squeamish often. Plaguelings are also very resilient to cuts, bumps, and scratches on their extremities, and are able to roam around with open wounds. They aren't one-hundred percent safe from infections, but some lucky Plaguelings benefit from infections, so they actively seek them out. Therefore, they're able to traverse the wasteland with ease and minimal protective gear, while dragons of other flights suffer the consequences of not wearing a mask of some sort. The dragons of the Plague flight have a busted sense of smell, though, and they can't handle being in a pristine evironment for a long period of time without feeling somewhat ill. It's backwards, and the Plague dragons don't get it either. There are only a few things that can make a Plagueling squeamish, and the smell of cleaner is one of them. Also, the lot of them smell pretty bad. They're also quite insensitive, and would probably make jokes about your grandma dying. The Scarred Wasteland is very humid and warm most of the time, so Plague dragons aren't fans of dry and cold environments, therefore it usually gives them headaches to be in a hospital room.

Arcane dragons are extremely good at using magic, we all know this. They are able to summon magic from any flight, to a point. Conjuring other flights' abilities drains Arcane dragons' energy like a dehydrated Water dragon on a Sunday, so they refrain from using it, even in the more dire situations. Most Arcane dragons may excel in magical abilities, but they aren't built for melee. Their scales and skin are prone to physical attacks, though they are able to deflect most magical attacks. Arcane dragons are also really smart, but only in certain aspects. One Arcane dragon may excel in their knowledge about math, literature, and history, but throw street smarts at them and they'll scream and run.

Dragons of the Earth flight are very good at digging and burrowing. Since digging and crushing rocks requires immense strength, most Earth dragons are SHREDDED. They can also go without fresh air for a long time, and are able to hold their breath for a very, very long time, due to always being in caves. Earthlings also possess very thick skin and scales, which don't bruise or scratch easily. They may excel at physical attacks in battle, but they are vulnerable to magic attacks, opposite to Arcane dragons. Earth dragons are typically slow due to their excess muscle mass, so it is easy to evade them. Their attacks are powerful, though, and they could probably crush you with one claw. Thanks to their tough mass, they can take a lot of attacks, especially blunt ones, and usually defend their fellow dragons. Once again about their mass, they don't fly too well, as gravity is calling them back to their home; the ground.

Wind dragons are almost the polar opposite of Earth dragons. They are very agile and move elegantly in the air, and will get very antsy if they don't fly for an extended period of time. Wind dragons usually have stronger, bigger wings compared to dragons from other flights. Even a Snapper could soar, thanks to the magic of the wind. Being able to fly as a Snapper comes at a price, though, as the excess oxygen near the ground causes Wind dragons headaches and dizziness, so they'd much prefer being near the clouds. Despited being nauseated by oxygen, Wind dragons need fresh air, and will become very ill without it. Wind dragons are able to battle well, but agility comes at a price. They are glass cannons, and do not take any type of attack well. Whether it be physical or magic, a Wind dragon would shatter. Wind dragons typically have less mass than dragons of other flights, as they are built for gliding. Once again, though, they are very good at dodging, ducking, and weaving, but most Wind dragons stay out of battle, straight-up. Literally. The Wind dragons that do decide to partake in battle are mostly ranged attackers and mages, though there may be that one cocky melee attacker once in a while.



Lightning dragons are super tech-savvy. They're a lot more technologically advanced than the other flights, and are very good at constructing things themselves. They're very logical, and they're sharp at picking up patterns or solving puzzles. Lightning dragons are also talented fliers, due to having to dodge storms, and spending a lot of time up in the clouds. They are agile and elegant, though, if you cross their path, you might be a little shocked. Similar to Fire dragons, they are uncomfortable around water, and will fall ill if they are exposed to too much of it. Lightning dragons have adapted to dry climates, so it's expected.

Nature dragons are very good at keeping things alive. Whether it be plants, animals, or themselves, Nature dragons are very nurturing and caring. They make for very good nurses, doctors, and caretakers. Nature dragons also function similarly to plants, and will become ill if they do not get enough sunlight or water. They also enjoy rolling around in the dirt often. Nature dragons are very good climbers and runners, as flying through treetops in a jungle can pose some.. well, concussions. They have curved claws, similar to sickles, perfect for digging into tree bark. They are also equipped with strong tails, for holding onto tree branches to stabalize themselves. Nature dragons do not possess unusual weaknesses nor strengths in battle, they're just kinda.. there. They are capable of being fighters if they want to, and they are also capable of being like, "Hey, woah, bro, this is no bueno."

Most multi-gaze dragons have very poor sight in their excess eyes, and keep them closed most of the time, as the amount of information being sent to their brain is headache-inducing. It takes a long time to get used to, and some multi-gaze dragons just choose to not use their extra eyes at all. Due to there being so many nerves needed for an eye, and not enough room for the excess nerves, the eyes down the rest of their body have poor sight, or none at all. Arcane dragons bypass this, though. They're weird, and magical. But, their eyes are a lot more sensitive due to them being able to see so much, and they could be defeated by a flashlight.

Primal eye dragons were blessed by the deities themselves, and have the enhanced abilites of their flight. I think this is canon. Man, I dunno. Go read bussin's bio or something.

ill add more as i think of them

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Exalting Pagayya to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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