hellooooooooooooo ! and welcome to mango pirate canyon!
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Energy: 49
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6.54 m
4.92 m
455.11 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 2345 / 27676


rattail likes to make new friends (since their old ones get tired of them fast), so they loiter by the entrance to the canyon to greet newcomers with ENTHUSIASM, hand out very helpful self-made pamphlets explaining how the canyon works, and offer to give guided tours to wherever the newcomer wishes to go! (as long as it's a berth they haven't been banned from yet!)
please, take a pamphlet! learn about the best spots in the canyon, find the perfect berth available for rent, and memorize the faces of dragons you should NOT, under ANY circumstance, hope to cross paths with. if you desire your LIFE at least. rattail won't judge if you don't. but please, the pamphlet!!
Rattail's Self-made Pamphlet wrote:

Of course, such a place invites a variety of clientele, each with their individual wants, price ranges, and . . . . ability to stomach, let's say, the queasier ends of business. Fortunately, each of the four tiers of the canyon (or, levels of interconnected caves carved into the rock, much like floors of an apartment skyscraper) caters to a specific crowd. The higher you go, the steeper the prices hike—for good reason! Ladders and ramps criss-cross up the walls from berth to berth and bridges span the width of the canyon to facilitate flightless dragons moving between tiers, while those with wings and the daring to try their luck maneuvering the throng of dragons darting through the air determined to chase down their prize. Anyone can find anything that'll satiate their desires.

The ground level of the canyon, where much of the friendlier yet frenetic purchasing and selling takes place to the crowds of arrivals and residents alike. Peddlers yell out the prices of their goods to hapless travelers, entice hatchlings with sweets, and all but clamber atop their competitors to try and lure customers away. An explosion of color, movement, and noise, walking through the Bedrock can be an overwhelming experience for even experienced tourists, especially when shows and exhibitions are put on, like that of Torero running her herd through to put on a rodeo, or the hours before a day race at Socket Gorge is set to begin.
The most abundant items for sale on the Bedrock are, by far, charms and other protective devices claimed by their vendors to grant the wearer protection from the deadly storms that flood the canyon more frequently than anyone would like. Of course, deep berths in the higher tiers can ensure a dragon's safety from the Stormcatcher's ferocity, but for those unfortunate fellows whose coinpurses run thin . . . Well, with this here RAINCATCH AMULET, you're SURE to stay dry all night through! Guaranteed! No, I do not have my claws crossed behind my back, why would you dare make such a shocking and hurtful accusation, I say!
There's always an anxious hum to the hustle and bustle of Bedrock, an almost religious attention paid to the heralds announcing updates to the day's forecast, and even then, quick glances sent skyward whenever a drifting cloud briefly dims the sunlight. When clouds gather, the market is packed up and put away quicker than a fly twitches its wings, and once everyone's squeezed into a berth, whichever one they can afford, an eerie, tense silence tightens over the canyon as all await the fury of the storm.

The Window is the second level tier of the canyon, its berths reaching several wingspans up off the ground—yet still in danger of flooding when a storm hits. (Most of) the berths are carved to countermand flooding as much as possible, from having drains and employing water mages to simple sloped floors and gates to keep dragons and possessions from sweeping out into the canyon by the ferocious current. The fact that a few unlucky chaps are killed by every other storm or so when bunking in a Window berth drives nervous dragons into the next tier up, but they'll never find a cheaper place to rent than in the Window.
It's not all terror and dismay, though! The Window's berths are laid out in a logical grid that's easy to navigate, even for hatchlings. During sunny weather, it moves at a calmer pace than the Bedrock, offering a kind respite from the heat and crowds, and a few businesses like the Duskfall Tavern provide services of food, drink, stories, and rest at a reasonable price. Residents here are FAR more tame and reliable than those upstairs, even the Cellarites will agree to that!

While the Window (barely) manages to scrounge up a somewhat salvageable reputation for the canyon, the third level tier . . . it's the reason all those nasty nasty rumors start up and spread like rotfruit, yeah . . . What was that? Oh, are they true? The rumors? Oh, haha. I mean, truth is a subjective thing, it really just comes down to they-said it-said—BUT. There are a few good general, guidelines, that any dragon ought to know before placing claw in a Cellar berth.
Do NOT take your hatchlings up into the Cellar if you do not wish for them to participate in or be coerced into partaking of:
- Gambling
- Illegal ring fighting
- Pickpocketing, petty theft, back-tunnel muggings
- Pleasure dens
- Imbibing Of Substances
- Black market dealings
- Assassin work, mercenary work, other-hired-wings-for-various-purposes work
- Gang violence
- Curses, witchcraft, definitely not Shade dealings (what are you, some kinda Seeker?) (that's a joke) (haha), other miscellaneous dark magecraft
- Random violence
- General violence
- Violence
- Less petty theft and more very serious theft planned by incompetent crime lords about to land their entire crew behind bars
- Scandalous secrets trafficking
- . . . and more fun activities!
DO take your hatchlings into the Cellar if you just don't give a sh!t, I guess. I hung out there all the time, and look at me! I'm great! Rumors, shumors, amiright? At least in the Cellar, floodwaters usually don't reach the lower berths! (usually)

Well, on one claw, the Attic is dry as sand, bones, dust, etc. etc. Never been flooded in all the time since this muck moved in. But on the other claw . . . said muck. See, the fourth tier is EllenJane's domain, her private berth and her office where she sells permits for stall space on the Bedrock market and rentals of berths in all the tiers. Everything that allows Mango Pirate to exist and function, is because of her.
It's her magic that wards the canyon from prying eyes and ears, and it's her magic that threatens to bring the canyon down like so much dust if anyone steps too far out of line. Fortunately, those lines are widely spaced—she sure doesn't give a flying fluke about what a dragon gets up to here, as long as they follow her berth and permit rules. Speaking of, she'll want to meet you. Oh, yes, she knows you're here. Ward magic, remember? She gets a tingle for each newcomer to set claw on her territory. She'll only need to meet you the once, and if her shadow doesn't eat you, then so as the Eleven favors, you'll rarely repeat the experience (only to renew permits, generally, if you're lucky)!
Pretty neat, right? Except, it's her, so, you know. :/
She isn't alone up there, of course. But compared to the tightly-packed masses in the lower three tiers, the Attic is almost vacant. Many a berth stands completely empty, even during storms. Why can't you rent there? Oh, sweetsnap. Because the few dragons who do rent up there could buy you, and your family, and your family's ancestors three generations back, and every possession and every bit of territory you and all yours have ever claimed as your own—and they'd still have enough over to bribe a Deity, you follow? No, don't bother to complain. Don't. They're not just rich. There's a reason the Cellar keeps its filth to itself. For example, you don't mess with the Junctioneers, cuz—actually, frankly, I value my hide too much to go into any further detail beyond that, so read between the lines. For your own safety. And all your loved ones/things.
So there's Mango Pirate Canyon! And there's much more to be seen. Watch out for a kid digging through your trash and laundry heaps, steer clear of the ramblings of this old mad prophet, don't worry about Felisnigripes spooking your kid, it means nothing by it, probably, and most of all. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU FOR TAKING MY TOUR AND READING MY PAMPHLET ALL THE WAY THROUGH I JUST KNEW YOU'D LOVE IT AND LOVE ME AND WE ARE BEST FRIENDS NOW AREN'T WE SO HOW ABOUT A DRINK AT DUSKFALL, HUH? ;;D
rattail is the firstborn of ellenjane and soup, and doesn't he know it! thanks to soup's . . . soupiness, they and their siblings were born with a slapdash mixed bag of kinda weird powers. many of rattail's siblings can communicate with the dead, or see ghosts, or use magic not correlated with any single element in particular, or otherwise do some really unique party tricks. rattail can shapeshift into other animal forms. very useful for giving a past "friend" the slip when being chased around the cellar for not paying back the loan they swore they'd get back to them in time for "friend" to make their berth rental payment, believe him!
beyond mooching off of other dragon's money and (quickly evaporating) generosity, rattail gets a regular paycheck from his mother ellenjane for checking the validity and recency of stall market permits on the bedrock. lotsa residents give rattail sh!t for this, but they got this job fair and square! she's not doing him any extra favors, trust him, if he could hire out somewhere else he would in a blink—it's not his fault no one trusts him just because he's never punctual, spends all his earnings on gambling and drink and making fun, and can and will break every promise, reassurance, and oath he's ever made in his life! dragons are just suspicious of them because of their parents, which is RUDE, really.
they're the only one of their siblings to have stuck around. ellenjane tolerates him, and soup never knows what to do when he's in the room, so, it's not all bad. they're just glad to have so many friends to fall back on (literally, when he's drunk) and to hear so many funny and great stories from new arrivals and residents alike as he gives tours through the lower three tiers. not the worst life to lead. here in mango pirate? far from the worst
rattail's genuinely a rather friendly and charismatic dragon despite it all. no one's quite sure how they pull it off. it goes something like this:

Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Rattail to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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