
You think to yourself, 'Death smells a lot like oregano'.
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Mossy Pohip
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Coatl
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Personal Style





7.84 m
8.43 m
819.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 27, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none




|| Executioner || Reaper ||
"My eyes may see in black and white, but I dream in color."

+ Loyal | Steadfast | Kindhearted +

= Hardy | Reliable | Jovial =

- Uncertain | Thorough | Naïve -


Aggie is a strong minded young man, strong in body too despite being a carrier of the Nosos virus. Relaxed personality and a kind heart, with the memories and experience from two past lives. Sometimes it's hard to phase him. However, when perusing a job he pushes to be ruthless as some on death row are as wretched as they come. Pity is wasted on such.

Aggie isn't without mercy and will oblige if wounds or illness are too great. It's wrong to let one suffer, prolonging agony is as despicable and selfish as wanting it over. He isn't a man without emotion like his profession makes it seem. He tends is own small batch of fresh herbs, providing a small amount of dried spices. Often described as smelling similar.

Also studying the moon and observing other celestial bodies, possesing his own telescope. It's nothing exceptional, just something picked up on a job. An old antique shop he remembers fondly. Old items intrigue him.

Though Aggie tries to stay out of the way for the most part. As to not burden anyone.

His affliction isn't too noticeable, aside from complete colorblindness. Yet, when he closes his eyes and imagines what the world looks like in color, he sees the world splayed out in such vibrancy it's almost impossible to explain when asked. It's kind of ironic really. His bones and muscles occasionally ache, but it's nothing a little swimming can't ease.

Sharpened Scythe
Speaking of water, Agamemnon has a strong infatuation with it. No one, not even he himself understand why. But he finds it peaceful, the shore of a lake is often where he finds time for himself. Staring at the reflections on it's surface. Water also happens to be involved in his favorite form of execution, drowning.


Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Attraction: Biromantic
Mate: -
Height: 5'10"
Birth Clan: The Hamlet of Everleigh
Voice: link





Agamemnon was originally born in the plaguelands, he remembers the awful smell and the gory earth beneath his feet. His original parents leading him and his siblings, teaching them the ways of the world and many skills that they would need to survive in it. There in the land of disease, knowledge isn't something one could live without.

He remembers staring at the water closest to his home, day dreaming while watching the glistening waves. Being the first one to jump into it. His parents were both surprised at their son's tenacity, not only with swimming but also when facing anything new. Agamemnon never seemed to cower at anything and this quality never left him. Not even on the vilest of battle fields and lasting through three reincarnations.

His parent were hesitant about letting him participate in some things, knowing of their son's illness. He would often complain that his body hurt or was sore and that raised some red flags A child shouldn't be experiancing the bodily aches of an adult. However, he was quite healthy in terms of an afflicted coatl and honestly, his clan probably wouldn't bat an eye at using him for war fodder. As they did, he was eventually ripped away from his family under lies that it would help everyone in the long run.

He remembers the painful tear soaked face of his dads, both being held back and fed false lies. Clearly they had no desire to listen to the preaching of a false god, they wanted their children in their arms. Their whaling fell on deaf ears as the higher up individuals took Aggie and his siblings just like everyone else.

Carry On My Wayward Son - Lullaby

Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas

Uragiri no yuuyake (Sunset of Betrayal) - Theatre Brook
This is a fact that his clan kept in mind, almost painfully so. They trained him in the art of war and it was like second nature to him. It astounded some as they knew him to be such a loving kid, yet on the battle field there was nothing more terrifying. Aggie followed orders with blind obedience, trying to make his clan mates happy and proud and honestly believing that what he was doing would achieve that.

The coatl was young and didn't think much outside the box that he was given, he wasn't allowed to. Agamemnon would've been just as happy doing anything else if were given the chance, but he was held to his duty as a warrior. Not by his own desire, but by the military government of his home. The young man failed to realize the monster he had become to those outside of his home. A monster than even he himself would be scared of.

It wasn't often that those who fled from the young man lived, Aggie could hunt down most anyone with ease. His tracking skills could be viewed as his most valuable skill by some. However, it wasn't until he was put on the front line for the first time in an important raid did he see what had really been going on. The raid began like any other, stealth, infiltration and the start of a battle. Early on, Agamemnon was ordered to go after one of the enemy clan's heirs that had fled into the forest and the coatl did just that.

It only took one or two hours to find the kid that was close in age with Aggie himself and he was terrified. Begging for his life and trying to explain why the young coatl shouldn't be listening to his commanders. Agamemnon was hesitant on believing the mirror even though the his words held truth, the same truth he found in his own doubts. Aggie still dragged the prince back, under the silence of nightfall.

It was oddly quiet and deserted for some place that had just been ransacked. There were bodies of fallen warriors strewn about, blood starting to soak into the ground. Dim light still came from the entrance of the lair and as the two approached muffling whimpers could be heard. The mirror struggled more and more as the two slowly made their way further into the establishment.

Eventually the two saw the most gut wretched thing one could imagine. Agamemnon's then crimson eyes looked at the walls covered in the skinned cadavers of younger dragons or gutted ones. All left to hang and bleed out above the hatchery area of the decimated clan. Smashed eggs and women lie died on the floor. While others had their hands and feet bound, it was then Agamemnon's eyes met the electric blue orbs of his commander as he looked back and stared at the duo.

Hate and malice boring into them, they had seen him for what he was.

The lightning dragon was positioned in a suggestive way over a young woman who couldn't have been too much older than the mirror or Aggie, in her late 20s at most. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together and Aggie felt the immense urge to vomit the contents of his stomach up then and there. He swore he felt his ghost try to leave his body as his skin became cold and clammy as two of his commander's officers began to circle them. The coatl knew he couldn't afford to be weak, not right now. Not with what he was about to do.

"Run." Agamemnon stated to the mirror who looked at him shocked, but bolted when Aggie glared at him, following shortly after. The vile man's blue eyes narrowed into a glare, knowing full well that his best soldier was planning on betraying him and he wasn't going to have any of it. According to this man, Aggie had been sold to the workings of a machine years ago and he wasn't about to be the wrench that fcked it all up.

"Kill them." he ordered to his officers and they both nodded and took off after the assailants, the commander himself not far behind. Meanwhile the two teens ran for their lives, until Agamemnon heard the movement in the wood behind them.

"Get out of here!" the coatl stated, slowing down so that he would run into their pursuers first. The mirror whirled around.

"B-but you'll-"

"I'll be fine, just go!" Aggie yelled, the mirror was hesitant but he fled and left the coatl to do what he had to do. Prepared to face those two self absorbed officers and made quick work of them both, dragging them so that his final target had a path to lead him straight to hell.

The blue eyed beast made his way through the forest, seeing signs of confrontation. Blood trails leading him to a clearing in front of a lake, its water blackened by the night. The man smirked, knowing full well of Agamemnon's infatuation with water. He figured the younger male had fled here, gravely injured to try and at least die with some form of peace of mind.
However, this mindset changed pretty dam quick when he saw the bodies of his officers on the other side of the lake with their throats torn out. Uncertainty and fear of failure slowly began to creep into and up man's spine and into his feeble mind. Doubting his abilities in the face of someone so much younger than himself. It was absurd and it really rubbed the man the wrong way.

"Come on Aggie, it wasn't what you think!" the blue eyed mongrel stated almost playfully, suggesting that what he had been doing was some joking matter. Whipping his head around when hearing slight movement in the woods here and there.

"You stink like sex." the familiar voice of his former soldier echoed through the area, low, almost a snarl. He wasn't buying the crap his former commander was selling, not for a moment. The lightning dragon began to sweat, he couldn't tell where the brat was, nighttime making it near impossible to see movement in the trees. This pathetic man was absentmindedly inching closer and closer to the edge of the lake.

"Come on out Aggie. We can move past this." the lightning dragon stated, hoping, praying he could talk his prize out of trying to kill one another. The clan would be pretty upset to find out they had lost their best tracker over something so small. Not to mention his two officers. They all took so long to brainwash, it was such a pity to lose them all in one night.

"No. I don't think we can." the teen's voice sounded closer this time and the blue eyed male could hear the hateful intent laced in his words. So this was going to end badly and in disappointment, what a shame. The older male thought and and sighed.

"Alright then kid. Hit me with your best shot."

"My pleasure." the man's blue eyes widened as he turned his head behind him. How had he-. Time seemed to slow down and Agamemnon ambushed the vile beast, hands readily going for the older male's throat as he used his weight to push them both into the water. A loud splash was deafening against the silence that had overtaken them. Aggie made sure that he pinned the scum of a man underneath both himself and the water. Naturally the coatl's former commander struggled, grabbing at his own throat trying to weaken the Aggie enough to make him let go.

Agamemnon shut his eyes tightly and let his blinding rage hold the throat of a monster until everything was once again dead silent. The teen hesitantly uncurled his fingers from around his commanders throat, standing slowly as his body trembled. His body ached like never before. Once he was sure the older man wouldn't be getting back up he turned and stumbled through the water to land. Where he promptly emptied his stomach and cried.

He was ashamed of himself, so ungodly ashamed. How many times had the others he fought beside carried out such atrocities. Why hadn't he seen it until now? Why and how could he be so blind. Goods and a few prisoners was all they were supposed to worry about, not entirely demolishing and... demoralizing their population in such a wretched and vile way.

What had he done. What had he helped do....what would he do now? Certainly not go back to his home, there was no way he could. There's no way in hell that he would ever want to. They'd kill him if he even tried. In all reality, in that moment, Agamemnon wanted to die. To burn in searing agony forever in Hell, it's all he deserved in his mind. If it wasn't for wary footfalls, the distraught and injured young man just might've thrown himself into that fiery pit.

"H-hey." a familiar voice stated cautiously, Aggie's head shot up making eye contact with the mirror he had told to flee from here. If it wasn't for his current state he would've yelled at him for coming back, but right now the plague teen was happy to see him. To know he had saved at least one person and he's pretty sure he scared the ever living crap out of the mirror when he lunged and hugged him. Aggie hugged him so tight, part of him was afraid to let go, afraid death would steal the sole survivor away.

The brown haired teen was definitely confused, but didn't really do anything to stop it. Instead the prince tried to get them to move toward his home once more and it was understandable why Agamemnon wouldn't want to. He couldn't face them, the mirror's clan mates who were still standing. Not after what he had helped do to them.

Dawn was beginning to break, the sun starting to shine through the trees as the mirror practically had dragged the antihero back. Trying to encourage him, but nothing could prepare the coatl for meeting the eyes of the few members that were left. There was a mix of emotion in most of their eyes, Aggie hung his head and kept his eyes firmly glued to the ground as the brunette left him to fetch someone.

He didn't like being left alone, but he deserved any wounds they gave him. He really did and someone of them probably wanted to beat him within inches of his life, if not kill him themselves. It was alright. The abyssal haired teen wanted it, he deserved it, standing there in silence was unbearable. Agamemnon thought he might vomit again, though he'd only be able to dry heave this time around. Until he heard a whistle, that got him to look up and god he wished he hadn't.

For there in front of him was the woman that...oh god, he was gonna puke again. The boy's head felt like it was spinning, pulse thundering in his ears. Aggie thought he was gonna pass out, he wanted desperately for his feet to move, to just get out of there. Never come back, never make the same mistakes again. It was agonizing, but his body wouldn't move as she approached him. He was just stuck there, frozen. Petrified. Dying.

It wasn't until the woman's hands touched his shoulders did he snap out of his silent panic attack. She could feel his body tremble right down to the bone, his skin was clammy and his eyes...were so broken. He had been broken, destroyed as a person, under the weight of the lies and deceit others pushed onto him. His world had come crashing down around him in the most horrific way possible. And it was going to take a lot to fix. The woman knew this boy was still young and all that was wrong could be righted.

He was obviously a good kid taken, brainwashed, misguided and used absurdly. He wouldn't have turned traitor after seeing what he had if he was truly the monster his clan tried to make him into. Did his parents know, in reality he was ripped away from them too. Left at the complete mercy of the higher ups. Probably a monster and disappointment to his parents too.

"Honey, it's alright." the woman stated softly and it was if the words gave his body permission to falter. The dark haired teen fell to his knees in front of the woman, lurching forward. He had gone as far as his willpower and body would let him. The mental shock he was in and the fact that he was still pretty badly injured had taken everything from him.

The others around him slowly dwindled until it was just the woman and the prince who nearly had to pick the coatl up to get him to move. So that even if it were for a short time, they could help him recover and to not remain a fragmented individual.

He didn't stay there for very long, a few weeks at most. Just enough time for him to get back on his feet and not want to die out of complete guilt. In the time he spent he had been informed that the prince an himself had appeared just in time and nothing beside the murders had occurred. But that in itself was bad enough.

The traitor had helped them rebuild what he could, the rest was up to them. They offered to take him in, but to Agamemnon, he would only ever serve as a painful reminder and they didn't need that. He didn't need that. He thanked them and disappeared one day, leaving the bagged heads of his former clan mates for his former home to find later. It was in his time spent at that injured clan that he found what he wanted to do.

He wanted to hunt down the scum of the earth, either be hired to do so or do it himself. He didn't really care. Aggie couldn't let people like a few in his former home just run a muck, there were some awful people out there. Evil people who would destroy others if left unchecked. So Agamemnon took up a nomadic lifestyle of an executioner.

Though, all these memories are cloudy at best. A jumbled mess in his head where some memories are more clear than others, the ones of that night and even his plague parents seeming a like a ghosting glimpse of a past life. The memories of his life in arcane being more prevalent and over lapping. Twice, he had been born in arcane twice now.

For a while he was even employed by the arcanist, which had it's own benefits. Mainly boosting his magical prowess by a profound amount. As well as turning his right eye pink. Fore a second time the young man, certainly made a name for himself above all else. But as scary as he might've seemed on the surface, Agamemnon remained a more knowledgeable individual inside. Never to be blinded by anyone ever again and hopefully making up for all he had done. Before, maybe that was the reason for his multiple reincarnations. He really couldn't tell ya.

Oblivious to the sheer empowerment he's been given across three lives. Skills and experience carried over into his current form, it really freaked out his parents this time. Having to fake that he didn't know how to function perfectly as a newborn, yet again. It's not all that fun to grow up three times, even if these past two lives he got to stick with his parents. None of them left as much of an echo on him, here was always something off about his first parents.

Like he hadn't just been born, but called into this world by them. Now he was just taking care of unfinished business, cyclic.

He still remembers a song that his parents used to sing, like an ethereal moan from a life in the past:

Carry on my wayward son,
For there'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest,
Don't you cry no more.

Mossy Pohip
'something here.'


About familiar

- Name Meaning: Greek in origin. "Very steadfast", "unbowed" or "very resolute". The name is derived from 'ἄγαν' which means 'very much' and 'μέδομαι' meaning 'think on'. In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae. He was the son of Atreus and was the brother of Menelaus.

- Nicknames:

- Quote Source:

- Likes:

- Dislikes: .

- Virtue:

- Vice:

- He has a crush on Rapture and he rather die painfully than let anyone find out.

- He swears that he's been reincarnated or is some how in his second life, but he isn't really sure. He has memories that over lap each other and isn't sure where one life ends and the other starts.

- He's an angel of death, he has three pairs of wings on top of the usual pair. You just don't usually see them.



Antique Oil Lamp Blood Acorn Silver Ore Redwood Kindling Brilliant Brass Torc

Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt

"I have lived many lives since, but I'll always remember you"


Abyss (Andelle)
Beutiful Coatl
Powerful mage.


ROLE: Berserker

LEGENDARY: Angel of Death

- Crescent Moon Crush V (Physical Attack): A devastating scythe slash that brings eternal night to whoever it touches

- Survival (Skill): When on low health, damage increases.

- Moon Rune Boom (Magic Attack): A blast of magic that stuns enemies. Can be used to cure some status effects or heal partners slightly when used at night.

Healing effects depends on moon phase.

- Thrill Of The Hunt III (Skill): Grow your ability to hunt and track targets. When maxed, user gains the ability to target enemies from further away. (+3 speed, +2 accuracy)

- Skill or Attack:

- Death Feathered Crown: While equipped, prevents critical hits from landing on its wearer.

- Ghost's Plumage Guise: Decreases detect-ability while hidden or sneaking. (+10 Defense, +10 Critical)

- Moon Shard Scythe: If used on allies, it removes status conditions. (+20 Attack)




|| Fae Prince || Ally ||
"You may be strange, but your quick mind and secrecy are an asset I'm glad to have on my side."
Add more about this dragons relationship here.



Flirt with a dragon 2/1/18
Picked by Joydom


With my


The moon was thick and round and bright that night. Casting a bright light upon the pool before him. Milton hummed to himself, dipping his claws into the water, cleansing them of blood. He did the same with the trident he held, dipping it in and scrubbing thoroughly.

It was the same day, as any day. It was long and excruciating, training one clueless youngster after another, teaching them how to fight and survive. Stupid they were, gullible and hopeful. He rolled his eyes at the thought of the many students he had. All too soft and cowardly.

A quick flash of light caught the side of his sight. Bright and stunning like the moon that night.
Milton readjusted his armor and tightened his grip upon his weapon. Silently, like the skilled soldier he was, he crept towards the light, towards whatever it was that waited for him through the bushes.

He was about to pounce, ready to make the first attack, until he realized that it was another coatl. A stunning blue green man with jewels encrusted onto his skin. What a flashy man, Milton thought, looking at his own dark colored skin, perfect for hunting and hurting.

"What're you doing here?" He questioned, arms crossing, wings folding gingerly behind him.

"The water is beautiful." The stranger replied, eyes glossing over the seamless ripples upon the pond.

Milton first thought that this man might be crazy, or weird, he didn't know. He seemed very much in love with the water. His brown eyes drifted towards the pond, wondering what is so beautiful about it.

"I can name something else more beautiful than the water." He mumbled out, tail thumping impatiently.
The stranger broke his gaze from the pool to glare at him.

"Nonsense," he stated with a sure tone. "Prove it!"

Milton grinned like a Cheshire Cat, oh this was his time. He was no flirt by all means, many dragons back in his clan covered that job, but well, this coatl before him sure was a cute weirdo, might as well. He slunk closer to the stranger, grip on his weapon loosening as he draped one dusty colored wing upon the other's shoulders.

"You," he whispered into the other's ear.
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Exalting Agamemnon to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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