
emotional support dude at a lesbian bar
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Irregular Nekomata
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Energy: 50/50
This dragonโ€™s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Grim Healer's Reference
Red Birdskull Necklace
Black Cavalier
Chasmcrawler's Arctic Bags
Powerpack Coat
Grim Healer's Vestments
Tarnished Steel Boots
Copper Glasses
Black Linen Neck Wrap




30.31 m
23.55 m
9473.43 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 17, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 16 Imperial
EXP: 25840 / 71966
Mist Slash
Dark Bolt
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment


- i have been obsessed with cain nonstop since 2018

- born in bilgeharbor-by-the-sea like a couple months into the same shadow-overtaking-plague dominance war occupation seen in naomi and her parent's lore
- bilgeharbor being a pirate harbor on the water plague shadow coast and frequently juggled between the three
- so he's shadowborn since the shadowbinder was exerting influence over the region at the time

- has never seen hide or hair of his father, him being a pirate who cleared the area so he wasn't pressed into the shadow legions or worse
- and his mother was also a vague figure who didn't like. care enough to get to know him. he spent all day roving the warfs with other children and going home only to sleep until he stopped going home at all
- was in with a nasty crowd, if there could even be a decent one in the hellhole that is bilgeharbor

- picked up the shadowcant from acting bodyguard to shadow merchants, a wordless language
- sothyros was impressed by his ability to learn it at a young age and indirectly, and wanted to put his intellect to use as an inquisitor in the ruins
- agreed to go with, not because he thought he would get the scholarships but because he wanted to get out of bilgeharbor so it was this or the Sea or the woods
- he was thinking about just dipping and having a free ride to the ruins
- however
- immediately started projecting his mommy problems on sothyros
- she did not care for that but he's used to brusque responses so he literally did not pick up on this. ever.
- so he stepped off that ship not wanting to disappoint her

- realistically the imperial purge only lasted for like a year
- after the dawn wars, when the flights became less like one big military exclusively, there was a issue with emperors trampling through population centers constantly
- bad for business bad for morale
- lightweaver started the inquisition of light to record every imperial, make sure they weren't going to kick it anytime soon, and drive them out if they seemed to be in a bad way
- and also the inquisition could seize the property if they were chased out
- do you see the problem there

- came to a head when the inquisition targeted the dawn war commander mariam priathos and his lady wife, the shadow-gifted romina bellamare
- and priathos burned half the manor and fled with her, the inquisition trashing the rest of the manor and stripping it of goods
- the lightweaver was MAD
- she then reclaimed and purged and reformed the inquisition towards the state it is now
- with its few dozen branches, firefighters and doctors and whatnot
- but still including imperial management
- the ruins is broken up into population sectors where set amounts of imperials are allowed to live, each one known and often visited and given check ups
- sothyros is a paperwork manager. she collected and archived the notes on every imperial's coloration, body type, scar maps, etc so they can be identified if they emperorize and the inquisition can tell what sector messed up
- (and would be moved into a professor position in the marble quarter college shortly after her return with cain, coincidentally. she did a lot of legwork getting funding for both at the beacon, and would gradually lose her vision to beholding the lightweaver, becoming sunstruck and being forced to retire to the caverns with cain)

- his first taste of the ruins was getting his imperial papers done and being just a few inches short of failing the 'no hundred footers' rule for immigrants
- don't worry his relationship with being an imperial in imperial management and learning the sheer devastation that he was capable of unwittingly unleashing required an entire government division to manage won't have any impact on his psyche (lying)

- anyway he got a scholarship to the college
- sothyros grabbed him by the scruff and dragged him through his academics, he did very well once he ironed out everything in his head
- he was getting increasingly nervous and his childhood in bilgeharbor did not make him a properly socialized person, he didn't mesh well with the other students
- this is when he started fixating on the bellamare family disappearance, which is somewhere between a cryptid/true crime/conspiracy in how its treated
- like he wrote essays about the validity of sightings and theories. (and later spent so much money in buying merch ie stuff the old inquisition stole from the manor) this would continue up until magna romina kicked the snot out of him and also priathos threatened him and maybe tried to kill him

- I'm not going to say he was taken advantage of, he was a tool, especially when trying to impress others, especially when the atmosphere reminded him of the harbor gangs back home of trying to be the nastiest of them all
- but he fell in with a group of fellow imperial management trainees who were all awful people. like mean girl style
- and they remained a cliche even after they all graduated

- he was informed that virulent was sending a Virulentian to college to train as an assistant for him, when he finally came to the caverns
- this of course is mokalaosa
- cain was told nothing about what her deal was
- chronically ill due to blood magic problems? killed her mom and a sibling because of it? maybe maimed her brother? this was hidden from her and she Just found out? has a wildly neglectful father to the point she had to be confiscated? HUGE issue with hostility towards older men?
- yeah he had no idea what he was walking into
- really I think they met each other in person like. maybe five times while she was at college and not for that long

- he shows up at virulent with a broken face and bruises everywhere, passes out, wakes up, and mokalaosa is there like 'YOU'RE IN MY DOMAIN NOW'
- and yes. she is being annoying. but he finds out within the hour that her dad died in a shipwreck like less than a month ago and just lets her have it
- won't do her job but won't leave him alone
- and with each successive thing he finds out he feels worse for her and continues to put up with her antics
- and it's not like he's ever had a healthy friendship to go off of so this is normal for him. at least she's not a spy or an actual criminal or just his mentor he's projecting on

- mokalaosa did none of the groundwork she was supposed to do, leaving him scrambling to get the record papers
- nobody wanted to participate in highly invasive hours long sessions or read his pamphlets or attend his lectures with all the death and doom Already abound
- dragons tend to not want to hear about the constant risk of emperors and how dangerous they have the potential of being
- and won't modify their lifestyles by the Inquisition's whims even if it is to increase safety

- so uh. shadowbinder dropped an emperor through the cavern roof
- cain and the rest of the virulent imperials immediately blacked out into a emperor frenzy, causing a huge amount of property damage and injuring and killing dozens
- cain expressly was responsible for maiming gwilym and killing a number of hippogriffs, but didn't actually get ahold of any dragons!
- insanely relived when he figured it out but those couple of hours of his mental health bottoming out weren't very funky cool

- spent the next month helping clear out the cave-in debris from the catacombs and trying to fill out the incident report
- everyone continued to refuse to cooperate and both the report and the records have a ton of holes in them
- this is when he picked up laistrygonia as an assistant
- everyone was freshly retraumatized and rescared of him. even though he actually didn't do anything this time but uh
- cain wanted to keep an eye on him

- got to reunite with angio once the necropolis pass was cleared
- i actually don't think the kids were born by this point?
- but anyway he sent regular letters and peeled away from work to visit her/them in the ruins and at Vogelzang

Shadowbinder Onyx Idol Steel Longneck Helmet Depleted Sacridite โ•ญโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ•ฎ
โŠ™ The Inquistitor โŠ™

trait โ€ข trait โ€ข trait
Mirror Black Pawn Umbral Yarn Battered Book of Fables
Shadowbinder's Tears Night Flame Forgotten Crown




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.

โŠ™ B A C K S T O R Y โŠ™
Cain was born in a wretched hive of inequity, a pirate's den along the Sea, and gods only know what he would have ended up if he hadn't left for the Ruins.

He was a brute, he knew that.

Growing up in Bilgeharbor-by-the-Sea would do that to anyone. The Shadow-town had only just become so, and only stayed so with the legions of shadow soldiers patrolling the streets. There was no love from the surviving townsfolk for the first litters of purpled-eyed whelps, and they had no love for them right back.

The children would take to the streets in droves, spitting and swearing and picking fights like pirates but without a crew to belong to. Loyalties were scarce, even among each other, when someone got got by a soldier, the rest ran without looking back.

Being a bodyguard was easy, when you were a nine foot nine Imperial lad without a fear in the world. All he had to do was scowl and glower.


โŠ™ O T H E R โŠ™



main residence

(northwest coast of Sea)


bisexual biromantic

ask me about the cain gender essay

lawful good


patron deity
the lightweaver

main form
full bipedal (9'9'')




playlist | board | tag

special permissions (i.e. excused from drills for health or holyhealer exemptions) - Aramis, Lord Chieftain of Clan Virulent

courtier/highborn notes - Lord Aleksander, Light Courtier

Adult shadowborn imperial, 99'5'' long, 154'5'' wingspan, weighs approximately 10 and a half tons. See attached notes from Commander Amantevuelo for proper conformation description and from Inquisitor Trenys for organ complex.

While the majority of the hide is a uniform black, due to a minimal expression smirch gene, the fur around the face and the upper neck is a warm reddish-black, similar to the 'oilslick' color. Actual smirch striping, which is a rusty red, is only found on antlers and along the edges of wings. Mane is of a much darker black but still with the warm undertones.

The rest of the hide is of the cooler โ€˜obsidianโ€™ black, with slightly lighter countershading on underside. Falcon markings are present along top length, down the length of the neck to the withers, falcon markings have a slight bend upwards, while from shoulders to croup the markings have a slight bend downwards. None on underside except for two upward-crescents where the neck meets chest, and one where sternum begins. All have a slight light-grey highlight along their tops. No markings on shoulder, hip, or tail.

Falcon marking on face starts under the eye, against where the forehead dips into the bridge of muzzle, angling diagonally back and down, across cheeks, ending midway along the edge of jaw. It is slightly darker, but still a warm-black, and does not have any paler grey framing it.

Fur on palms of hands/feet and from the fingertips to the second knuckle are of a medium grey, with circular markings of a slightly lighter grey down the topside length of each digit from first to second knuckle. There are corresponding smaller black falcon dots from fingertips to second knuckle. Palm down, from pinky to thumb, these grey dots number 2-3-4-4-2 and 3-4-5-4-2 with the bottom-most circle always on the knuckle, while the black number 3-4-3-4-1 and 1-4-4-4-3.

Tongue and rest of visible flesh (rest of mouth, pawpads, etc) are a dark liver red color, except for several points of black pigmentation mottling. On left hand, the digital pads on forefinger and thumb are completely black, as well as โ…“ of the palm-pad in a downward facing crescent, with two dots trailing from itโ€™s right crest. On right hand, bottom half of thumb pad is black, as well as a spot towards the center that is the size and shape of a pressed treasure. Mottling in mouth is not visible unless open, spots concentrated on rear of tongue, insides of cheek, and on the palette.

Previous jaw casts and old antler sheds were being stored at the Imperial Management warehouse on Harborwatch Terrace, which to my understanding was destroyed during the 101FE Reclamation Fires. Any that survived are no longer accurate and should be discarded due to change in environment and diet leading to different growth rates.

No dentist is available to reliably shave down incisor-tusks, which now tend to grow between 3โ€™-3โ€™5โ€™โ€™ (upper pair) and 3โ€™6โ€™โ€™-4โ€™ (lower pair) in length, tending towards the upper end of that estimate. Upper pair is normally straight, with lower pair curving slightly back. Neither overspill the lip. Premolars directly behind each tusk also grow excessively long, but only half the size of their corresponding tusk.

Antlers typically grow upwards, but with an inward semi-curve, each antler tip pointing towards the other. Non-branching tines along outside or from base of each antler, never on the inner ring. Length of the times can vary greatly from year to year. Coloring is a warm grey-taupe with rusty-red banding.

Scars include a cut on the inside of right middle and ring finger, on the second knuckle. Wide 1'' scar on heel of left thumb. 4'' even slash on outside of left arm, close to the elbow. Small but wide-ish cut on left underside of jaw, beard does not grow over it, and a 3'' downward mark on back of head, mane acting the same. Faded 5'' horizontal dagger-slash on right collarbone.

Loose, unchartable collection of welts on broad of shoulders downwards, from a scarification tattoo that doesn't hold shape between forms

3'9'' sword-gash over ribs on left underside. 4'' wide well from spear on back of right thigh.

((blackie remember to do the scars + incident))

- Cain, Head Inquisitor of Virulentian Imperial Management

I think Cain has internalized the dichotomy of his work as an Inquisitor and him being an Imperial in such a way that we're only now beginning to address and unravel it.

Me being reassigned to Virulent after the day-long war was due to Virulent being the battleground for half the battle, they

- Kyriaros, Psychotherapist

annex-group notes - Lady Revival, Ex-Annex Citizen

flight, drill, and cavalry - Amantevuelo, Flight and Cavalry Master

training/battle tactic notes - Fran, Training Overseer

general health - Naomi, Head Medic

surgery specialist (especially amputations) - Silberfuchs, Head Surgeon

holyhealers general - Ragbala, Head Holyhealer

general mutations (especially those due to cross species) - Inquisitor Trenys, Anatomist & Mutations Expert

maternity and child care - Xapham, Maternity Specialist

general religion notes - Maerwynn, Priest of the Eleven

plague religion notes - Nevanke, Priest of the Plaguebringer

therapy, but in a less intense setting - Melchior, Counselor

sleeping issues - Mesmer, Sleep Therapist




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


It was a slow march for cain to give himself permission to love angio fully, even though he always did, and

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Cain was brought to the Ruins and trained as an Inquisitor in order to refill the ranks,

Due to the mystery surrounding what happened to the Bellamare family, there was always a lot of curiosity surrounding them, and Cain, who picked up the

After Mars began the disobeyed a direct order to destroy all the files the Beacon had on the family,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.



โ•ญโ”MAGNA ROMINAโ”โ•ฎ

"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Cain was engrossed by the mystery of the bellamare family's disappearance ever since College, going as far as to have written into rags about his theories and essays. Some of his interests is subconsciously rooted, probably, in his worries about the Imperial Purge and how he was only hired as an Inquisitor because of it, as the ranks of the Inquisition were also purged due to their mishandling of it.

He maintains his interest for years, and was the owner of a number of artifacts from the Bellamare Manor which turned up at auction over the years. He spent a non-insignificant amount of his paychecks on antique jewelry. As he was the proud owner of one of the only known intact artworks of the lady Romina Bellamare, he knew very well what she looked like, and thus was able to identify her even in her disfigured state when she finally returned to the ruins.

The mystery is a mystery no longer, with Magna Romina and Lord priathos both revealed. He feels strange about his prior interest in this situation,




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


While Cain was in College, he met and befriended a group of fellow Inquisitors, and they all

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.




"words. wordy wordy words. words
words? words words. word."


Cain has been attending the Light Court for most of his life,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus.



health | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
strength | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
magic | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡

defense | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
fortitude | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
speed | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡

dexterity | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
intelligence | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
wisdom | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡

charisma | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
cunning | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
compassion | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡

literacy | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
refinement | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
manners | โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—‡โ—‡โ—‡
Skill: {weaponry, magic, etc. comment on a skill, if its particularly high or low}




darcy | french | from arcy; dark one; from the fortress
cain | hebrew | spear; possessed

cain's name is cain - that's what his mother named him. when he got his ruin citizenship, he chose to take his first name as a last name since most dragons referred to each other on a last-name-basis

if you called him darcy he full on might not react to it, since nobody ever calls him that
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Exalting Cain to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.