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Cryptic Cameo
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Ivan looked out over the cold water, pale starlight reflecting down upon its rippling surface as he gripped the ship's bow. The ocean tonight was calm, but it carried with it the promise of chaos - something dark waiting to rear from the glassy water. The clouds overhead parted and the full moon became visible, an eye-like beacon gazing down upon the world. Under its pale light, Ivan let out a sharp cry as his scales split and gave way to ebony feathers and dark fur. He was meant to be locked away on such nights, but this was no ordinary full moon. It was the wolf moon of January, and under its light, Morgana demanded to be free.
The creature that remained on the ship's deck was neither Ivan nor Morgana, but an amalgamation of the two of them. It was a dangerous thing driven by the instinct of a beast and fueled by Witchborne magic. Usually, it would have leapt from the bow and raced upon the water's surface as its chaotic powers kicked up thick fog and turbulent waves. Tonight, however, something drew the wolf-beast quietly down into the belly of the ship. It was a nest - three eggs resting upon a misshapen mat of nets and dried seaweed. Moonlight streamed through a window in the hull and illuminated the eggs as fissures split down their luminous shells. Still, what emerged from the eggs was not truly alive, but a transient haze of smoke-like magic. From two of the eggs, the magic hissed from cracks in the shells, refusing to take a form as it drifted aimlessly through the air and disappeared. In their combined form, Ivan and Morgana shared the sorrow of watching these children fade, a pitiful whimper escaping their throat. This was the fate that awaited nearly all of their offspring.
There was only one egg left, but instead of smoke, the shell parted to reveal dark green scales and gleaming yellow eyes amidst a tangle of fur and feathers. The hatchling opened his eyes, gazing up at the creature looming above the nest - neither mother nor father, but both combined into a single form. Together, Morgana and Ivan lowered their head to nudge the remaining egg shells from their child before curling their massive body around the nest. A gust of wind suddenly carried through the small cabin, blowing out the single candle that lit the room and casting a deck of cards from their neat stack upon a table. One of the cards fluttered into the nest, landing before the hatchling's feet - the Star. The child curled around it as he nestled close against the creature that was his parents and fell asleep to the rock of the sea against the ship.
There are legends about them - the form-shifting beasts that haunt obscure lakes and bogs. It is said that on unnaturally foggy nights, their voices can be heard echoing from the depths of the water, a lure to pull dreamers to their graves. They attach onto the shadows of mortals to hide from the sunlight and drain the life force of the shadow-bearer. On rare occasions, however, these beasts may form a pact with their host and share a body capable of shifting between their two forms. That is what Asmodeus' parents were. He, however, was something different.
Air hisses from beneath the Imperial's mask, his form obscured beneath a tangle of waterlogged cloth and kelp. He rarely emerges from the bowels of the Pied Piper, but tonight he is beckoned to the deck by the call of pale moonlight. He can hear his parents below the deck - their form chained to the wall in a small cabin. It is their will to be chained on nights like these. Only once a year are they allowed to run free. . . but Asmodeus faces no such restrictions.
His breath coalesces into fog as it billows from the Imperials' mask, the ship's sails vanishing into a thick shroud of mist. He can hear Annabel sigh from the crow's nest above, her servants flying higher to see above the rising fog. The remainder of the crew sleep as Asmodeus leaps from the ship, his nails tapping the water's surface as he lands with a glassy chime. Then, he runs.
Magic allows him to run upon the water's surface, but the sea behind him wells upwards into great turbulent waves. He runs until he comes across another ship. Then, he calls out, his voice a whisper upon the fog. He can sense the dreams of the passengers onboard and he taps into one of them, luring the sleeping sailor from his hammock and up onto the deck. Asmodeus can see him now, the form of another drake standing upon the bow before the sailor plummets down into the dark water and disappears below the surface with a splash.
With a downward leap, Asmodeus allows himself to dive into the water - a mane of kelp-like fur billowing around him as he circles the sleeping sailor. He follows the dreamer down and down, all the way to the bottom of the sea. They're always stuck in the most peaceful of dreams as their last breath escapes their bodies. It is this that Asmodeus cherishes, for he devours these dying breaths before making his way back to the ship he calls home.
A low damage scratching attack that generates some Breath.
Required Level: 1
Ability Stone
A medium damage melee attack. The target takes damage from bleeding for a short time.
Required Level: 1
Witch's Cloak
A rough, heavy patchwork cloak woven from aged linen. It feels as though the material was once heavily enchanted.
Forest's Edge Vines
Twisting vines ward the forest's edge, and protect those who honor the way of the wood.
Poisonous Woodmask
The face of the forest.
Poisonous Woodtrail
Few know all the trails of the woodland as well as the wearer of these branches.
Swamp Kelpie Mane
A stinking swath of unkempt hair and weeds.
Plasmpool Armet
An unsettling metal visage, decorated with spikes. It's hard to tell, but the darkness within seems to be… pulsating.
Plasmpool Flightshroud
A musty pile of drapes hung haphazardly about the wearer's wings, like curtains in a haunted lair.
Plasmpool Hindcallouses
An unidentifiable growth of calcified muscle on the hind legs.
Plasmpool Forecallouses
An unidentifiable growth of calcified muscle on the fore legs.
Skilled Bonecarver's Mask
Bones are expertly carved and adorned with symbols of protection and plenty.
Skilled Bonecarver's Cage
Bones are expertly carved and adorned with symbols of protection and plenty.
Wind Aura
Gusts of wind dance around the wearer. (Mistral Jamboree 2023 Holiday Item.)
Cryptic Cameo
The beauty and delicacy of the carving on this haunted accessory is obfuscated by a hanging cloud of choking green mist. The wearer feels all at once stylish and trapped.
Scene: Serpent Shrine
Scenes are colorful backdrops that can be equipped to a dragon to further customize their individual profile.
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Exalting Asmodeus to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.