
In the crucible of survival all things can be realized.
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Ashscale Ophiotaurus
Ashscale Ophiotaurus
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Energy: 24
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Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Pearlcatcher
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Will o' the Ember
Blaze Branches
Spires of Flame
Sanguine Plumage
Brave Bonecarver's Claws
Searing Sash
Incense Mantle
Black Bandolier
Bloodscale Tail Guard
Fire Aura
Conflagrant Halo



Scene: Foundry Battle


3.79 m
6.13 m
538.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 23, 2014
(10 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 20 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 20968 / 111687
Blazing Slash



Fire and Ruin

I shall endure.

A shooting star...

Haskaharr is alternating shifts on the border patrol with his minor skills at healing. He is particularly charged with reinforcing the strength of elemental Fire in the areas where Arcane warp has invaded and thus focuses his patrols in the wake of Fortune, Valia, and DendroToxin.


Haskaharr is fairly neutral about Greenskeeper Gathering, but is glad to have the chance to visit his daughter, Firestone, again.

Haskaharr is one of the oldest members of the clan, having joined them as a senior dragon shortly after their establishment. A serious, honor-bound dragon with a knack for metalworking, he has served as a clan-leader and Forgeworker. Several cycles of wandering the Abiding Boneyard as a clanless dragon have given him a strange new edge, however—though not one ill-placed next to Elkrekeodh, Hiirkaen, Keaia, and Kellinlii. Time will tell if he rejoins the clan-leaders or the Forgeworkers, or merely continues taking shifts on border patrol and foraging.

During a long walkabout in the Abiding Boneyard and the rougher parts of the Ashfall Waste, Haskaharr has come to adopt a rather Plague philosophy about the sanctity of fighting and struggling for survival, something that has brought him rather in-line with his one-time partner Kellinlii. He expected somehow that it would cause conflict with the clan, but so far the only one to object is his daughter, Firestone, though she seems happier to see him alive than dismayed over his new outlook.

Despite his trials, Haskaharr remains a warm, kind presence, if now somewhat more distant. He is closest with the senior Forgeworkers Imminnyll and Hrijikirrik, and his battle-partners Caution and Chysiraal. He has also taken something of an interest in the lonely, restless Glynn and her fellow banescales.

Haskaharr has always been a formidable and flexible metalworker, skilled in a wide variety of metals and crafts. Since his walkabout, this has turned into an increasing interest in weaponry and armor.

Physical description
Haskaharr is a small, powerfully-built pearlcatcher with long, broad wings. Powerfully elemental, his hide appears made of cooling lava and is dotted with blade-sharp obsidian. When working or fighting, he radiates heat like a furnace. At rest, however, he is only moderately hot the touch, and is often used as a warming hearth in cold weather. He smells powerfully of hot metal and smoke. Too utilitarian and stocky for true pearlcatcher grace, Haskaharr is capable on the ground and on the wing, but a poor swimmer.

Haskaharr is an Anticipator, throwing himself into combat to build strength for fiery blows and vampiric bites. He fights almost exclusively with Chysiraal and livewire wildclaw Caution, safeguarding the former while he slowly builds power for a devastating tide of shadows. He strikes primarily with his wings and spike-armored tail.

Haskaharr was the oldest member of Cindercone Clan. Previously a wanderer, he was heavily considering walking up to the Great Furnace after his oldest daughter became trapped in a ruined clan, and the second-oldest perished on the Windswept Plateau.

Helping the new-founded clan fledge, however, gave Haskaharr solace, and he served as an advisor to Elkrekeodh during the clan's earliest days. During the Riot of Rot, however, both clan-leaders disappeared. In a despairing panic, Haskaharr threw in with Yskerryth, helping the young ridgeback seize control of the clan. The leaders returned, however, at the end of the Riot of Rot, and Elkrekeodh, Liglanaerr, and Plaguewinds swiftly put an end to the rebellion. Ashamed of his lack of faith, Haskaharr pledged to never again doubt in his leader.

Over time, as the clan became more established and certain, Haskaharr retired from his advisorial position, and became more a part of the clan's primary artisans, the Forgeworkers.

During the Crossing, Haskaharr was at Northslope Clan, nesting with Kalura. To his shame, a visiting Northslope dragon named Icefield was drawn into Stormcatcher's challenge in his stead. The news of Sunfall's disappearance was crushing, though he held out hope that the lightning coatl Tarandrus spoke of had led her to safety.

After the Crossing, Haskaharr spent most of his time recycling scrap metal and helping craft girders and other large implements. He was even quieter and more gruff than usual.

Haskaharr disappeared when the clan was yanked through time into Plague. That he arrived was known; most assume he left long ago to another clan or the gods.

Neither is correct: Haskaharr has been wandering the Abiding Boneyard. Torn between battered honor to Elkrekeodh and duty to the clan, he was physically unable to return. So he fought, and wandered, and subsisted on the carrion insects and mushrooms Plague is replete with.

Haskaharr's ancestors are numerous and diverse, replete with imperials and ancient progenitors. The touch of Flamecaller burns like a peat fire in his ancestry—sometimes hidden, but never extinguished entirely.

Haskaharr has paired with several mates. Since joining Cindercone Clan, he has nested with both the scavenger Kellinlii, and with Kalura of Northslope Clan, producing several new children. Most of his children share his fiery nature to some degree, even those whose true element is Ice. More recently, he has partnered with the formidable Plaguewinds to produce some more unusual children—whether due to his experiences in the Wasteland or for some other reason, they lack his inner fire.

Notable among his children are Firestone, still a member of Derecho Canyon, Tanbo of Northslope Clan, Sunfall of Amber Caldera Clan, who dwelled with Cindercone Clan until she was lost in the crossing, and the wild tundra Samarask.


The ophiotaurus accompanied Haskaharr on his walkabout, and is quite at home in Cindercone territory.

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