
Level 1 Imperial
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Black Iron Creeper
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Redbolt Construct
Green Lace Ribbons
Green Protective Eyewear
Darksteel Glasses
Green Lace Collar
Grove Sylvan Dress
Copper Steampunk Gloves
Copper Steampunk Tail Bauble
LuminaxCon Lanyard



Scene: Flamecaller's Domain


24.87 m
23.66 m
7304.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 02, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Name meaning: Pidge, derived from pigeon, is an American 50's slang term for girl.
dragon?age=1&body=144&bodygene=19&breed=8&element=10&gender=1&tert=113&tertgene=18&winggene=19&wings=153&auth=a8a98f9fb19ea2a3d60d0cf7a26e3596f29701b3&dummyext=prev.png ROLE: Tinkerer, Programmer, Hacker, Mechanic.

MATES: Hunk and Lance

FAMILIAR: Black Iron Creeper (His name is Rover.)

Note: Outfit: Green Gorl.

Solar offered this cutie to me because I had mentioned I wanted a Peridot primary dragon because it's a pretty color and then I decided she was a perfect Pidge.

Pidge arrived here on 3/2/18. On 6/9/18, her mother (Aaleahya) came here to make a nest with Swaran (boon was provided, it would seem from the CR) and returned home with Pidge's new baby brother Adagio. This was the same time when Daikon and Turnip went to the Glade and were crowned kings (of root veggies).

Then, Artan dropped in from the Glade on 8/26/19 and by that point I had completely forgotten that I'd gotten Pidge from there, so the entire situation has been reworked and amended for lore.

Solar says: "i feel like my thing with Pidge's mom [the last of the family line to be exalted in 2019 before Artan's adventure], because she always had the butterfly mask, was that she was a fey of some kind. her dad was s w a m p m a n"
"Aporia is probably fey"


NOTABLE RELATIVES: Aakesh (great-great-great-great-great-grandfather), Nanyek (great-great-great-great-grandfather), Nanyakiat (great-great-great-grandfather), Turkessa (cousin, made nests with grandfather), Vurojan (great-grandfather through Zeienka), Lifi (cousin through Zoisite), Nelan (cousin), Timor (cousin), Aporia (aunt), Carrot (adoptive daughter), Maris (cousin), Phirun (cousin), Hibai (cousin), Ekolon (cousin), Ziggy (great-great-granduncle), Thorn (great-great-great-grandaunt), Laina (cousin)

Plum (great-great-great-grandfather), AmethystEater (great-great-great-grandmother), Rosette (cousin through Currant), Verquen (cousin through Nebula), Iriza (great-grandaunt through Zhenechka), Ichabod (cousin through Cuttle), Ljubica (great-great-grandaunt)

[finish adding to Aakesh, Plum, AmethystEater weeds]

Based on Pidge Gunderson.


Pidge came from the Shrieking Wilds of the Viridian Labyrinth. Growing up in the Glade had been nice. She had plenty of siblings and friends to play with. Their home was bountiful and she enjoyed the connection with nature that she found there, but there seemed to be a feeling of unrest surrounding the adults that she couldn't quite shake. So many left to respond to The Call, as she had been told or at least that's how she started thinking of it (in the way that most hatchlings latch onto a phrase and start thinking of it as its own entity before they fully understand it), and it sounded exciting at first. She had even dreamed of one day following them to explore whatever was out there beyond their home... until she realized that those who left never came back. The adults said it was a brave thing that they left to do good in the world even if they didn't come back, but Pidge didn't think she wanted to never come back. She wanted to do good and brave things, but not to leave forever.

To put her mind at ease, her mother once took her on a trip to the Zephyr Steppes when she was small. A gentle clan she heard some adults who seemed to know her mother refer to as Haven. Her mother's friend Swaran had come with them and they made a nest together - a single egg nestled sweetly in the bamboo - which was only interesting to Pidge insofar as it meant she would have a new sibling to play with. This clan was rather small compared to her constantly growing clan back home, so there weren't many other dragons her age to interact with, though she did enjoy sitting down with the Snappers to listen to their stories of adventure and intrigue. And the more she looked around, she discovered the sheer number of entertainers willing to perform for her. But what caught her interest the most were the tinkerers and engineers. They were as curious to her as she was to them and she enjoyed watching them work, learning and asking questions about their craft.

Sadly, she had to leave again all too soon. But unbeknownst to her at the time, she would be back to the winds that called her.

By the time she had reached adulthood, she had visited many territories in search of knowledge about her chosen crafts. The technologically-savvy dragons from the Zephyr Steppes had left an impact on her and she thirsted for more, wanting to discover all that could be done with as little or as much as Sornieth's resources had to offer. Her family was supportive of her endeavors, initially directing her toward Xenia, the clan engineer, and Snuggles, the clan alchemist/scientist, to guide her in her studies. When she had learned from them all she thought she could possibly absorb, she decided to take her next steps out into the world to see what waited for her beyond the Labyrinth's borders.

With her goal in focus, Pidge left with excitement for adventure in her heart and her family's parting blessings of well-wishes on her wings, but she barely gave much of a thought to home beyond how much she could learn and what she would do with that knowledge once she had obtained it. She would be the best at her trades and everyone would beam at how much she had accomplished. One day, she would be able to make her family proud without having to "never come back", she was sure of it!

Unfortunately, she would not be so lucky to find out...

It had been so long since she had called the Viridian Labyrinth "home" that her last visit to the Glade greeted her with quiet apologies. For what? They hadn't done anything wrong. Turkessa told her that the majority of her family had either left to serve the Gladekeeper (and, in one case, the Tidelord) or simply moved away and disappeared, leaving all traces of their presence gone. It was then that it sunk in - in her quest for self-gratification, she had taken for granted what she thought would always be there waiting for her and, in the process, missed it entirely. Her attempt to do great things without having to leave home forever blinded her to the point where she ended up doing the exact thing she had silently vowed not to anyway. She had left them and now there was no one to return home to. Was this what it felt like to truly be alone? Seeing as she felt like she didn't have much reason to stay with her birth clan anymore and the few remaining relatives she had there were so unfamiliar to her that they were practically strangers, she turned around and quickly left, never to look back. She couldn't bear to see the evidence of her neglect any longer.

While traveling across the realms to see if there was any trace of a purpose left for her outside of following her family into the eternal battle, she met Hunk and Lance and they became her family. As time went on, their bond grew so strong that the three became mates and decided to find a home to settle down in. Wandering together wherever they felt drawn to, Pidge kept thinking about a memory long forgotten. Haven. That place she only knew as being gentle and warm. Stable. Though the faces of the dragons she had met there were long gone from her memory, the wonder of their inventions remained in their stead. When she closed her eyes, she could sometimes still hear the sounds of their quiet machinery humming, not entirely dissimilar to the hum of Nature all around her. It was a particular sort of joy she hadn't managed to experience again after the discovery of what happened to her family, a new thrill of discovering a purpose, a connection to the world she was living in... and had somehow found her way back to.

Before she realized it, she and her mates were standing at the entrance to a surprisingly familiar lair. As she absorbed the cozy ambiance of the Zephyr Steppes nestling around her like a warm embrace, she started to cry. She had found it. Her home. Her Haven.

As a tinkerer and a programmer, Pidge programmed her familiar herself (his name is Rover). It was a pet project she took up just to see if she could do it and she grew fond of the little guy.

Pidge and Lance tend to jump head first into risky shenanigans that Hunk ends up getting dragged into because he just knows that they'll get into trouble and he'll need to help bust them out of it. But about 50% of the time they know he's curious about the adventure as well.

As a testament to how deeply Pidge can get consumed by a project, she barely even registered when a member of her birth clan dropped in all this time later. If Artan hadn't come across her work station while exploring the clan that was hosting his recovery, she would have gone completely unaware of the entire affair until long after it was over. At the time, she was deeply invested in another pet project - hacking the code on a droid she had picked up on a previous adventure and was in the process of modifying for reasons unspecified - so when Artan fluttered in and recognized her, it took a few tries before she even looked up from her kit.

If she was being honest with herself, she genuinely didn't recognize him and initially responded to his friendly greeting with an Uninterested Glance and a vaguely detached remark - "Yeah, that's nice. Watch the Skydancer on your way out." - only being slightly aware that Lance was giving Artan the shifty eye in an attempt to look somewhat intimidating. Later, she would realize that it was his attempt to cover up his jealousy and insecurity at seeing how familiar Artan was towards her and she did feel a bit guilty for not noticing sooner. Regardless, neither she nor Artan had any interest in changing each other's romantic affiliations.

Hunk ended up offering Artan cookies "for the road" with a slight apology for the less than enthusiastic welcome from his mates and that was the last she saw of the bard until he was gone.

Truth be told, Pidge had kept her birthplace a secret from everyone out of shame. So, when Artan's unexpected visit stirred up talk that eventually made its way to her, it became harder to hide her connection. Especially since more and more dragons from her birth clan started making the journey to call Haven their home. Eventually, the truth came out because Rosette recognized her as the little one who had visited with her mother so long ago - of course, Pidge should have known Rosette's memory wouldn't fail her - and saw this as the right time to privately counsel her on taking the steps she needed to move past what had happened and accept that she could only grow from it. When Pidge was finally ready to face herself in front of everyone, she was able to admit the truth to the family she had found here and was even able to let her previously estranged new and remaining family into her life.

In recent years, more and more of Pidge's family members have started reaching out from where they'd disappeared to. She has even discovered she is related to dragons she didn't even know she was related to before, especially as her distant relatives' children gravitate to Haven. It's more overwhelming to her than she expected, but she is determined to do better this time and not repeat her past mistakes.
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