
"Hang in there, I'm taking care of you" ~Head healer~
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Crowned Gryph
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Brilliant Healer's Reference
Tutor Rings
Brilliant Healer's Beacon
Tutor Mitts
Tutor Overcoat
Brilliant Healer's Trail
Brilliant Healer's Slippers
Tutor Collar


Skin: Stirring Shadow


Scene: Springswarm


4.74 m
7.03 m
423.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 12, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Skydancer
EXP: 329 / 27676


Healer and head of the clan healers
"I will not allow anyone to suffer on my watch"
Adopt by MistyGold !

Mithral is our first healer and as such, she took the head of the Academy of Alchemy she founded with her apprentice and now co-worker, Nasthewen, and the clan's alchemists. The clan members know very well they're in good talons when they come to the Academy to be diagnosed and cured !

Becoming a healer and finding love
Mithral was drown to healing by necessity more than by choice, but it revealed a true calling. At that time, the clan was still new and a few young dragons joined, some in order to offer their services as Flight Representants. Mithral joined the clan the same day as the future Lightning Flight Representant, Vesperale, who quickly became her best friend, and a snobbish Imperial, Ealynis. Both he and Mithral were more interested in what the small Mage College had to teach them, and joined the lessons of clan leaders Sedewus and Welgan. The haughty and self-centered Ealynis was then merely an unpleasant fellow to her and she and Vesperale were avoiding him and his arrogance.
However, when he came back to the doors of clan, severly injured and on the verge of dying after fighting and vainquishing a shade-touched beast, faced with the urgency, she let her antipathy aside and hurried by his side.
Spending her days and nights taking care of him and researching a way to cure the lost of magic induced by the fight, she discovered her knack for healing magic and what would be her place in the clan. But she also discovered another Ealynis : hurt, afraid of future et lost. Healing is not only curing body and harmonizing mana flows, it's also appeasing the mind. She embraced her new vocation and dedicated herself wholeheardly to his case. She learned to know him, and she helped him to recover and to grow as dragon. His magic didn't seem to come back, despite all their efforts, and learning to live with this disability profoundly changed him. By the time he was able to go back to work, they were close friends.
Mithral began to organize a little clinic under her direction, encouraged by the clan leaders and clan manager, and used her free time to keep on studying Ealynis' loss of magic, in hope of finding something that might help him recover.
One day, after another failed attempt, she broke down in front of him, exhausted after she worked so hard on it for nothing ; and he confessed his love to her. She nestled against him, crying. During the following days, she gradually realized how much her feelings for him had changed while she was taking care of him, and they've been married a while after.

The Academy of Alchemy
Mithral quickly began to work a lot with Cosmos the alchemist for the clinic, and when she took Nasthewen as apprentice, the bogsneal took her dragonfriend Achiel as his own, they decided to turn the clinic into the Academy Alchemy. There, the alchemist of the clan create potions and medicine for the ill and injured, and the healers and doctors treat patients with their products and magic. When there is no need for a physician, the healers work on researches (since Ealynis, several other members joined the clan with special ailments) and the alchemists develop diverse new recipes.

Mithral is a bird lover, and enjoys to relax by going bird watching with her friend Amaziel. She however prefers magic birds, and even trained a few of them to help in the Academy of Alchemy.

Formerly an Imperial, the threat of unpredictable death and risk of turning into an Emperor convinced her to o through the long and difficult ritual of breed changing. She elected Skydancer as her new form, both to become closer to her adoption flight and to benefit of their empathy powers to help her heal her patients (and to help her understand her husband when he's trying to hide feelings behind his usual distant expression).

Female (she/her), heterosexual

Husband: Ealynis
Ealynis is grumpy and withdrawn, but he's also deeply in love, and Mithral is proud of the efforts he made to change and become his better self. She knows he needs her, and she's ready to love him unconditionnaly as long as he needs it - for their whole life, as they both hope, but Mithral is secretly worried that her life will be longer than Ealynis', granted that Imperials' death is unpredictable.
She's still researching the way to cure his magic loss. Her current most promising hypothesis involves sharing magic with clanmates, a solution inspired by their children, who were born with several cases of feeble and instable magic (most of them joined the Windsinger or other clans). This solution may especially work at Clan Ogrenat after the great protection ritual who put everyone asleep until they regenerate their magic, as every clan member shared one mana channel with the others during the ritual. The natural ability of clan leader Sedewus to spread harmony among his clan may even be impregnating the very earth in Clan Ogrenat's territory, making magic sharing within the members a natural ability.

35581940p.png Vesperale
Best friend
They often meet at the Laughing Dodo Inn for a drink and gossip sharing.
44408552p.png Nasthewen
Apprentice and co-worker
Mithral is worried about her tendancy to use questionnable means to acheive her goals, but she's glad to have such a talented healer by her side.
34006683p.png Amaziel
Fellow bird enthusiast
She was sad to hear he had a crush on her but didn't dare to say a word before Ealynis did ; but she's glad he found love in his epistolary relationship with Sévigné.
35413856p.png Cosmos
Excentric head of the Alchemists and co-director of the Academy of Alchemy.
He's weird but Mithral likes his enthusiasm : he makes the gloomy days brighter.

Stats :
Mithral was a big and tall Imperial dragoness. Now she's a Skydancer, she is waaaay smaller than before, which she finds more convient to be around her co-workers.

She loves birds.
Familiar :
Spirit of Fire Hope
Familiar - Spirit of Fire
A Spirit familiar summoned in Welgan's summoning magic lessons.
Pets :
Smoke Gyre Steam Gyre
Phoenix Will
Magical creatures such as the phoenix may take a liking on a dragon and share their lives. As phoenix feathers and tears have healing properties, Mithral is taking great care of her fiery friend.
Mock Firebird Joy
Mock Firebird
The sight of a firebird flying in the night sky over the clan is always a delight.
Voguepuff Rarity
Mithral's magical birds aviary is quite impressive, and especially useful to the Academy of Alchemy.
Fancy Terror Bird Fanny
Fancy Terror Bird
The archeologic discoveries leading to the revival of long gone birds proves useful in numerous medical fields.
Crowned Gryph Patricia
Crowned Gryph
The feathers of this gryph are so soft Mithral uses them to craft toys for hatchlings (and grown-up dragons too, to be fair).






Autumn Wood Healer
Mithral, Autumn Wood Healer


Story of my children
Libai wrote:
Son père ayant perdu tout son accès à la magie, ses parents craignaient leurs enfants n'héritent de ce handicap.
En effet, les deux oeufs du nid ont donné naissance à deux petits dragons avec une aptitude magique contrainte : des runes magiques parcouraient leur corps, symbolisant leur lien existant avec les forces magiques, mais au lieu de luire d'énergie magique, elles n'étaient animées que d'une faible lueur terne.
Cependant, sentir la présence de la magie sans pouvoir la toucher semblait faire beaucoup souffrir ce petit mâle, qui s'épuisait visiblement à tenter d'entrer en contact avec les flux.
Ses parents allèrent demander conseil aux principaux mages et chercheurs en magie du clan, Sedewus, Welgan, Erhune, Elyäh, Birlazi et Jium, laissant les petits à la garde d'Emberyl.
Cependant, Emberyl n'a qu'un très piètre sens magique lui-même (on ne peut pas être parfait partout). Il n'a pas senti ce qui se passait, et les petits lui semblant calmes, il n'a pas fait spécialement attention...
Quand les parents sont revenus, ce petit mâle scintillait d'une lueur violette intense et pulsant de magie, tandis que les runes de sa soeur s'étaient presque totalement effacées. La petite gisait, épuisée, et plusieurs jours ont été nécessaires pour qu'elle s'en remette.
Son frère, dans sa recherche désespérée et instinctive des flux de magie, avait absorbé ceux de sa soeur. Disposant à présent d'un plein potentiel, il laissait cette dernière presque totalement coupée des flux. Elle ne pourra probablement plus jamais pratiquer la magie.
Mithral, qui passait déjà des heures de recherche infructueuse tous les jours pour trouver comment soigner son compagnon, devait aussi soigner sa fille.
Les deux parents on jugé qu'il valait mieux pour eux deux que le petit mâle parte vivre dans un clan ami, loin de sa soeur, jugeant qu'ils ne pourraient plus vivre ensemble après ça.
A l'heure actuelle, il a peut-être oublié la période traumatisante de sa vie où il n'était pas connecté au flux de la magie, et peut être aussi oublié l'existence de sa soeur.
Caspian wrote:
Quand le nid dont il est né a éclos,on a commencé à dire à travers le clan que la malédiction qui frappe leur père s'étendait à sa progéniture... Comme les deux nids précédents, les petits étaient nés avec une aptitude magique contrainte, et les runes sur leur corps brillaient d'un éclat plus faible qu'elles n'auraient du. Ealynis s'est encore une fois retranché dans son silence douloureux et Mithral passait beaucoup de temps à s'occuper de sa soeur dont les flux magiques très faibles menaçaient sa santé.
Il avait conscience de la faiblesse de ses propres flux, et de la difficulté qu'il aurait à canaliser de la magie.
Mais contrairement à ce qu'on lui conseillait, il ne s'est pas arrêté là.
Pour soulager ses parents et aider son frère et sa soeur, il a commencé à leur transmettre autant d'énergie magique qu'il le pouvait, en les serrant contre lui, les enveloppant de ses grandes ailes violettes, soit quand ils dormaient ensemble, ou juste quand ils les croisait dans le camp.
Ce comportement a commencé par beaucoup inquiéter ses parents, mais il est rapidement apparu qu'il avait une gestion très fine de ses propres réserves et qu'il ne se mettait pas en danger.
Cette façon de faire apporta deux changements majeurs : premièrement, dans le clan, les mages commencèrent à prendre l'habitude de le prendre contre eux un instant quand ils le croisaient pour lui transmettre de l'énergie aussi, et cette pratique commença à s'étendre dans tous le clan comme une façon de se saluer et de partager des liens magiques.
En voyant l'évolution de l'état de ses enfants vers un léger mieux, Mithral comprit alors qu'elle tenait sa nouvelle piste de guérison, en plus du développement de liens magiques sous-jacents dans tout le clan.
Et en deuxième lieu, les runes de ce petit perdirent peu à peu de leur nuance pour prendre un ton gris sombre dénué de toute couleur, à force de drainer autant d'énergie. Mais en même temps, leur tracé s'affirma et et elles devinrent plus nettes, comme si l'habitude et l'entraînement avait renforcé leur canalisation. Et les écailles de ses ailes, réceptives à tous les flux qui ont transité par son corps, se parèrent de reflets de milliers de couleurs, une pour chaque nuance de magie qu'il avait reçue.
Comprenant cela, il sentit qu'il avait dépassé les limites qu'on pensait lui être imposées, et qu'il pouvait faire bien plus, encore bien plus. Il a commencé à éprouver l'envie de voyager pour rencontrer de plus en plus d'autres dragons - et d'autres mages.
C'est comme ça que nous l'avons aiguillé vers le clan des Glade Dwellers.

April Fool 2022
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