
I'll score the names of my enemies into their bones
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Mirror
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Personal Style


Simple Darksteel Bracelets
Ravenskull Broadsword
Ferocious Claws
Ebony Filigree Tail Guard
Ebony Filigree Boots
Furious Headdress
Forest Green Chest Wrap
Forest Green Arm Wraps




6.26 m
7.12 m
609.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 09, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Mirror
EXP: 14970 / 16009



  • none



Clan Leader

NK-sidebar-art.png 4CpFHIy.png

The Eldest of two sisters, Nightkaia is the noble leader of Ashthorne, and the only survivor of the now lost clan of White rose. Much like her predecessors, Nightkaia is a born fighter and leader, wise beyond her years and able to go claw to claw with even the fiercest elders of the fire flight’s residents. Deeply loyal, the clan she’s built is her life’s work, and She wouldn’t hesitate to die defending it, as she had for the clan of her youth. Despite her vicious appearance, Nightkaia always takes great joy in engaging in the various activities of the clan and speaking with those who live in the lair, preferring to be as involved in clan life as she can be, even down to playing with hatchlings, testing the skills of the apprentices, or even engaging in well-meaning spars with her clanmates. Her duties as clan leader don’t stop her from living the saying “Work hard, Play hard” however as she’s an avid drinker, and would never shy away from a party, springing to hold a bash for any clan achievements, big or small. Even on her worst days, she strives to be a paragon of strength, wisdom, and courage not only to her clan, but to her allies as well as her enemies. That doesn’t absolve her of her faults of course, her ego precedes her, and many dragons see her as a braggart, constantly singing the praises of her own clan, holding them in much higher regard than her peers when her words get away from her. Matched with her short temper, any dragons that dare to dismiss her clan’s greatness should be prepared to back it up with tooth and claw

From the fire
I will never

Nightkaia’s hatching was a proud day for the now lost clan of White Rose, Born the first of only two eggs laid by the clan’s leader and alpha, Valanek and Equa, The mirror hatchling and her imperial sister were, as the spawn of the greatest leaders White Rose had ever seen, under great expectations from those who served in the clan. Nightkaia quickly proved her potential to her parents, showing an unmatched strength and cunning in the games and tussles of young hatchlings. As Nightkaia grew older, Her mind became set on following in the footsteps of her father, and even before she was able to become an apprentice she had begun to immerse herself in not only watching the activities of her father and the other war dragons but in the life of the clan as well. She absorbed as much information as she could, always at her father’s heels trying to prepare herself for one day becoming the leader. Valanek, delighted that one of his daughters would follow in his footsteps, even allowed the young mirror to accompany him in matters even outside the clan, taking great care to guide her claws in ways that she could understand, even as a dragonet.

It wasn’t long before the day would come when Nightkaia and Alavai would finally be of the age to finally be apprenticed. With most of the clan sitting in excited anticipation to welcome two new apprentices to their ranks. Before they could be officially given their titles however, a scout would return to the clan in a panic interrupting the ceremony to inform the clan that their beloved Alpha, Equa, had been found dead protecting a group of juveniles lost in the Ashfall waste. The clan was devastated by the news, and none moreso than Nightkaia. Despite her sorrow, She begged to accompany her father to retrieve the body and the young dragons, but Valanek made her stay behind with the promise that when they returned, if the young dragons were brought back, she would be the one to acclimate them to the clan.

So it was that when the party returned, Nightkaia took to her task, bringing the three slightly younger dragons under her watch. Among the lost dragons was a young imperial by the name of Chaira, a dragon with with Nightkaia quickly became close with, the pair frequently being found together in the following weeks as White Rose prepared for battle angainst the beastclan they believed killed Equa. Though Nightkaia was not allowed to participate in the fight, she was still allowed to participate in the celebration that followed, in where as the celebration roared on around her, Nightkaia was finally apprenticed alongside her sister and allowed to drink to her coming-of-age. Though their victory had been sound, the can’s battle had not been over, and as a mysterious weakness began to claim her clanmates, Nightkaia had a horrific realization that something was terribly wrong at the same moment as the cheers of her clanmates gave way to the battle frenzied screeches of their enemy clan, Hailstrom.

Though she fought valiantly with what strength she had, Nightkaia was doomed to fall, the poison that had incapacitated her clan taking its effect on her, and paired with her sparse training, she proved no match for the dragons of Hailstrom. And found herself overwhelmed, surrounded by ice fire and terror as she lost conciousness. The next time she awoke, Her memories scattered and broken, was deep in the viridian labyrinth tucked under Chaira’s wing. Though her mind was scrambled, her last memory as blurred and warped as it was, replayed in her mind. Falling to the ground under the claws of The white imperial she had been so close to, the tiny Hailstrom insignia finally visible under her outstretched wings, the world around her blurring to incomprehensible light and noise as the cries of her terrified clanmates merged with the vicious roars of their assailants.

Immediately, Nightkaia attacked the young dragon in a frenzied rage, but when the Imperial refused to defend herself, or even fight back, Nightkaia showed her mercy, allowing for the other to explain herself. Chaira told Nightkaia that she had , in fact, saved her and not attacked her, telling the Mirror that she had fought off Nightkaia’s assailant and escaped with the unconscious dragon on her back. Unable to withstand the smog of the Blacksand annex, she had not been able to make the flight to cross the border to the windsinger’s territory and had fallen into the river between the lands, with no knowledge of how they ended up in the Gladekeeper’s domain. Overwhelmed by the situation she was in, Nightkaia focused on a new mission, make it home to her clan. She refused to abandon her family, and despite he damage that Hailstrom hadcause, Nightkaia was confident that her clan would be waiting for her at the end of this journey, a Journey that Chaira wanted to accompany her on.

Despite her initial distrust of her companion, Nightkaia would need someone to watch her back, and believed that Chaira had saved her once. The pair traveled together, the tentative peace growing into something more between the rival clanned dragons until the pair were separated in the Shifting expanse. Unable to find her partner, she struck onward in isolation toward her birthplace, only to find her clan in ruin. Exhausted, Alone, and with nowhere to go, Nightkaia was on the verge of giving up, settling down in a pile of ash and staying there for days until she was come across by Seral, a nomadic mirror who took pity on Nightkaia, feeding her and convincing her that all was not lost. Seral’s unwavering optimism lifted Nightkaia’s spirits and the young leader, along with her soon-to-be mate, began to rebuild, dubbing the new clan Ashthorne to honor her mother clan. Months passed, The lair slowly growing as dragons from nearby donated materials and wayward dragons joined the ranks of the fledgeling clan, Nightkaia herself contributing to the growth by way of her only son, whom though she loved, was not destined to stay with Ashthorne. As time marched on, they prospered with the clan growing ever stronger under the now confident leadership of Nightkaia until one day, tragedy struck. Seral, the clan’s alpha, was bitten by an emerald striker, the venom taking hold of him well before he was found on his lone hunt. Despite Blackrose’s attempts to save him, the poison had advanced too far. It was not long before Nightkaia found herself alone at the side of her mate, grief sending the mirror into a deep depression and the clan into mourning.

The honoring ceremony of Seral was interrupted, however, by A bright white imperial with Teal runes crossing her sides entering the clan and presenting herself to her old friend. Believing Chaira to have betrayed her ,abandoning her in the Shifting expanse, Nightkaia lashed out in her anguish and attacked Chaira in an attempt to drive the Imperial out of her territory. Despite Nightkaia’s fury, the imperial would neither concede nor fight back and eventually, overwhelmed with Emotion and exhaustion, Nightkaia’s onslaught abated, leaving the exhausted Mirror to come into her lost love’s comforting wings, accepting her old friend into Ashthorne, finally rendering Nightkaia’s dreams of her rebuilt clan complete.


Following the loss of her clan, Nightkaia started to experience horrible nightmares, always seemingly taunted by the spectral horse that would appear in the fires of the trees as Hailstrom staged their attack. Deathsong was meant to bring nightmares to dragons, as was the purpose of her species, but watching the same horrible events playing out in Nightkaia’s mind shifted something in the Nightmare’s cold heart, and one night, when the dreams were particularly vivid and intense even to cause the Mirror to wail out in fear as she slept, Deathsong came to her side in the real world, dissipating her nightmares for good.
Deathsong, like her companion, is fiercely loyal. The terrifying beast is not afraid to use the extent of her power to protect the dragon she took pity on all those years ago. A stoic familiar, Deathsong can commonly be found basking atop a flaming bush or roaming the surrounding forest, unbothered by the dragons around her, or the nervous glances she garners.

Clan membership
Flight reps


Name Considerations

OG lore wrote:
The leader of the clan. A very aggressive and protective dragon, she will not stand down to a challenge, and will protect the clan with her life if necessary. However cold and hostile she may seem, Nightkaia is actually a very caring dragon who will fiercely protect the clan that she's created, as she sees it as a reminder of the clan she lost. She absolutely loves to party and just have a good time in general. She loves the clan life and has already taken a liking to the Moonbraiser, Blackrose. She hopes to grow her clan and make it known throughout the world. Frequently seen in the Beermonger's den. Though there’s no longer a shortage of dragons in this clan, she still likes to take up Some important positions in the clan. She has little to no tolerance for a certain member of her clan who goes by the name of Seethe. In truth, it's only because he keeps challenging her position and she doesn't take kindly to it. She would gladly rip the Imperial apart if given the chance. Nightkaia still mourns the loss of her first and, most likely, only son, But is truly proud that he was called to serve the gods, which is an honor to the whole clan, no matter what god he was chosen to serve. Nightkaia is a big fan of mostly empty threats of excessive violence, but don't take her lightly, because it's impossible to know how far she'd go on her threats. She actually is quite well known for certain unspeakable atrocities against beast soul dragons, and some of the traitors of the clan.

The younger of two sisters, Nightkaia was born to the now nonexistent clan of White Rose, which she misses dearly. Every single member of her family was killed when an Ice clan called Beast Soul attacked. After witnessing the brutal murder of White Rose’s moonbraiser, Nightkaia tried to escape the battle, but was knocked unconscious by an unknown force. When she woke, she was in a cave in the Gladekeeper’s realm, the Viridian Labyrinth. With her was a broken egg, the same one she was instructed to protect, and a young Ice flight Guardian who was her age. After a vicious fight, Nightkaia finally realized that the guardian, named Solace, was not a threat to her, and together, they traveled across the flightlands. One day, when they finally reached the border between the Ashfall Waste and the Shifting Expanse, Nightkaia was Separated from Solace. Alone, she made her way back home to the ruins of White Rose, where she met a lone dragon named Seral. The two mirrors then created the beginnings of Howling dragon on the territory of White rose, slowly rebuilding the decimated camp, and burying the dead of the battle. All was well, until one fateful night when Seral was killed by an emerald striker that had made its way into the clan. As she grieved, Solace returned, and after a fight between the broken Nightkaia, and Solace, they came together once again, and built the clan up from what Nightkaia and Seral had started.

She carries around the sword of her father that was left behind on his corpse when she returned to the old camp of White Rose.

Familiar: Deathsong (Nightmare)
Deathsong came to Nightkaia as a hatchling after she saw the brutal killing of her old clan's Moonbraiser. She lived in fear of the haunting creature for many moons until one day when she fell asleep and began to relive the horrible incident. Taking pity on the wailing young dragon, She protected Nightkaia from her nightmare and from then on nurtured a bond with Nightkaia, eventually becoming her familiar. Deathsong has a very similar personality to Nightkaia, as with being fiercely loyal to the ones she cares for and being very aggressive towards those that threaten her or her friends. Deep down, deathsong has a very kind nature, and enjoys galloping through long grass and leaving a trail of flaming embers in her wake
I do not know how to draw metallic :(

Amalgamation of assets from various sources in the Free bio resources Masterlist
(all links go to their respective masterlist post or store page)
Thank yall for providing assets for the community! If I've missed a link please tell me!
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