
Level 25 Imperial
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Electrician's Armband
Electrician's Emblem
Illuminated Runescroll
Lightning Tome
Gold Aviator Boots
Gold Aviator Gloves
Butterfly's Breastplate
Voltaic Halo
Celestial Attendant




21.85 m
24.67 m
6171.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 05, 2013
(11 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Shock Bolt


SC Pietro (Italian - 'rock') - Progenitor of the 'Quicksilver' line, progeny: Banshee , Fury, Volstagg, Delphi and 1 further descendant.

Clan Role – Royal Advisor and Lore Master of Magic, in charge of training any clan members who show a talent for magic in magical skills. His current advanced Lore Seeker of Magic students include Morgana, his daughter Delphi, and, unofficially due to his father's disapproval, Dagorlad

MateMarvel. Like most dragons in the SaF clan, Pietro fathered several clutches with different mates due to Morgul's insistence of breeding pairs that maximised the standing of the clan. As the clan grew in prominence however, he was granted the right to choose a life mate, which pleased Pietro greatly. It took him a while to find the right dragoness, but when Marvel, a fellow lightning dragon, was discovered wandering in the clan's territory, it was love at first sight for Pietro. His reserve meant it took him a while to make his intentions clear to Marvel, but eventually the two were declared life mates. While the pair are very happy together, Marvel would not have been permitted to stay in the clan if Pietro had not wished her to be his life mate, and while no dragon questions his devotion to her, Marvel’s loyalty to Pietro is a source of tension in the clan. Marvel is in fact just as committed to Pietro and happy in their life bond as he is, but this underlying suspicion and tension from the other SaF clan dragons and her love for wandering frequently makes her a loner in the clan.

Family – Four of Pietro's children have remained in the SaF clan thus far and the most recent two of these were with Marvel. He unfortunately has become rather estranged from his eldest, Banshee , as he didn't have a lot of time with her while she was growing up due to his duties as royal advisor. He has tried to do better with the others, but with mixed success as he is a rather awkward father, worrying too much about what is right and what is wrong for his children. This has lead the confident Fury and quirky Volstagg to keep him in the periphery of their lives. Since reaching adulthood, Banshee has shown great interest and skill in healing magic, and the two have reconnected and bonded while he nurtures this talent in his daughter. Pietro loves his family dearly and the most recent addition of Delphi to his close family have brough Pietro much joy. However while he is proud of Delphi's raw natural magical talents, as she is a primal fire dragoness, she is also giving him a lot of grey hairs. Helping his pyromaniac daughter harness her powers while controlling the damage she accidentally (?) causes to the clanholme is proving a tough challenge even for his intellect and patience.

Bio – Pietro is one of the oldest members of the SaF clan, and he was one of the first 'outsider' dragons to be allowed into the clan by Morgul. He was sold by his birth clan for a woefully small sum of treasure, and Pietro was troubled for a time with low self-esteem because of the willingness of his original family to get rid of him for so little. As a result of this, he treasures his own biological family dearly and has onyl a few close descendants in the clan. Despite this rocky start in life, Pietro's natural intelligence and reserve has made him an ideal advisor to Morgul's stern, unforgiving style of leadership.

Morgul selected him to be blessed with one of the few Imperial scrolls the clan had been giving in its inception. This mark of honour gave the young dragon the confidence boost he needed to shrug off his past and he has never looked back. As one of the dragons that are not fire-born in the clan, he is extremely popular due to his relatively calm personality. He became the most proficient magic user in the clan early on in its history, as was dubbed the clans Lore Master of magic. He therefore is responsible for helping less experienced magic users to hone their abilities and supervising research into new magical energies and their uses. He was soley responsible for training his daughter Banshee to become the clan healer, a role he used to fulfil. However he much prefers to focus on teaching his students and performing his own research, and he is glad to pass the role of healer on, and is enormously proud of how accomplished his daughter has become.

Pietro gets on best with his life mate Marvel and Penny, Sardonyx and Achilles, the fellow Lore Masters in the clan, due to their mutual high intellect and interest in studying and tinkering with things. He is especially good friends with Achilles, who also has one of the few teaching roles in the clan. Pietro is friendly to the various Lore Seekers in the clan, and always has time for them although the difference in rank usually prevents real friendship from occurring. The exception to this rule is Xocolatl, a fellow lightning born scientist whom he loves talking theory with. He typically dislikes dragons that are aggressive and assertive due to their tendency to be troublemakers, which can make life difficult as many of the SaF clan fit this description. Pietro treasures peace and quiet to study and his channel thoughts, so he frequently will keep to the Lore Masters Spire, away from the barely controlled chaos in the main clanholm. However, he is not confrontational so never falls out with anyone if he can help it, no matter what ruckus his fellow clanmates are causing. His duties as royal advisor alongside being a Lore Master mean he rarely has time free to spend with his friends, and can usually be found with Morgul dealing with clan matters, or his students.

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