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MorRioghan's Clan

Listening to the silence...
Mighty Lair
on the
Starwood Strand icon

Clan Info

n y k t o s
come and watch the stars with me
nyktos lore workshop
- she/her bisexual
- wholock/marvel nerd
- jk im an everything nerd
- intp capricorn
. tUIMy8s.gif clan lore
Ilya and Kiyo are my progens. The first page of Nyktos are major gods, the second page figures of great importance, the third the lesser gods.

eventually im going to write some pretty dope clan lore to go right here but right now im feeling pretty lazy. that’s kind of a theme for me, honestly. maybe one day i’ll get over it.

- fr+3 timezone, but im quite the night owl so i may be up late
- in all seriousness if you wanna talk fandoms with me i will get so into it
- i am also hardcore love theoretical physics and biology and science in general. i also love random facts/weird and random thoughts..
- i write a lot for fun. this includes poetry, shorts, and, of course, lore
- i am a ps4 gamer and i love to read and idk why those two things are together but they are
- bananas are disgusting

tumblr_inline_nb1keetDsO1qg78ij.pngEy5Zexg.png .

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Kaleidoskull's avatar
October 07, 2021 15:59:38
Fawkes was on the front page! :D
HimikoTheMage's avatar
May 24, 2019 16:39:17
I know right? Like I was replying to you in the thread and then I looked up and noticed the little friend request icon was still blue and was super confused djhfddfjjkdflk
wooferdill's avatar
May 10, 2019 12:21:44
Fawkes is drop dead gorgeous! (I saw him in the PWYW thread haha)
EgoLobster's avatar
May 03, 2019 09:54:38
Hey Morri! How's life?
unoriginalmeme's avatar
April 12, 2019 20:09:59
bananas are good you’re just a coward
Shockie's avatar
April 09, 2019 11:20:36
Hey, I'll be deleting Perenelle as soon as my dragons hatch tomorrow so I figured I'd add you now :)
sickcute's avatar
March 24, 2019 12:35:48
Oh, good. Thanks for replying :)
Orodruin's avatar
February 26, 2019 21:10:03
Oops, sorry for the late-ish reply. :,) Comparisons are kinda silly, honestly. I have the advantage of being here a bit longer, plus everyone's lair has its own unique flair that makes it special. :D
Orodruin's avatar
February 24, 2019 21:01:36
As Flamingscales said, I'm super impressed by how much you've gotten done! Definitely an inspiration to get working. :,D
Jane474's avatar
February 16, 2019 15:41:50
I am impressed by how much you have done in the short time you have been on Flight Rising! Your lair is beautiful. :D
AeolianOakdown's avatar
February 14, 2019 18:25:00
Unfortunately, no, but I did come across the Morrigan in one of the many books I've read on magic, the Alchemyst series. Hope you find inspiration to write your clan lore soon! <3
AeolianOakdown's avatar
February 14, 2019 17:59:12
Thanks, so nice to meet another WhoLock fan on FR, and would your favourite goddess by any chance be the Morrigan?

(Loving your clan info too btw)
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Date Joined
Feb 9, 2019

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MightyNein (#106507)

Welcome to the Mighty Nein!
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bloombug (#327230)

need... more... dragon monies
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dancingcrane (#424249)

Continuing the battle between the Clans and the Shade
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Charbar (#400601)

Potion seller. I am going into battle
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O1iviaDragon (#376672)

A home to all the creatures who fight for what is right!
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Alexeii (#271384)

it's ME the DEVIL i'm here to convince you to do SIN

Recent Activity

Jan 27
Became friends with Ambercat12
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
May 24
Became friends with HimikoTheMage
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
May 16
Became friends with Katzaklaw
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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