
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | WINNERS DRAWN! Dragon Puffs Raffle!
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [color=purple][size=6][b][i]Hello and welcome![/i][/b][/size] [size=4]This is my first attempt at a raffle, but I'm in need of currencies and really want to do some art, so let's have a swing at this! This raffle will go on until rollover February 5th! Ticket spreadsheet available [url=]here[/url]! Ticket drawing will be on February 6th, using and screenshots posted with winning ticket numbers. Prizes will be given in 3s--so the first 3 winners will choose their prizes, then the next 3, then the next. You can be drawn again to win more then one prize, but only two prizes maximum.[/size][/color] [size=5][b][u]Free Tickets:[/b][/u][/size] [list][*]YOU CAN GET [b]UP TO 5 FREE TICKETS PER DAY[/b] FROM BUMPING, BUT YOU MUST HAVE [b]AT LEAST ONE HOUR BETWEEN EACH OF [u]YOUR[/u] POSTS[/b]. Literally any message will count as a bump so long as there's an hour between the message and your last bump. I keep track of what time each of your bumps is on the spreadsheet in the notes attached to each bump. ^^ [*]Signature tickets! You get 10 tickets for having this mini-banner in your signature![/list] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=5][b][u]Paid Tickets:[/b][/u][/size] [list][*]Holiday currency! All holiday currencies are 1 ticket each. [*]Treasure! Tickets are 500t each or 2 for 800t! [*]Gems! Tickets are also 2 for 1 gem![/list] [size=5][b][u]Prizes![/u][/b][/size] [quote="Two Full-Sized Puffs"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="Full-Sized Clothed Puff"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="Full-Sized Unclothed Puff"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="Two Signature-Sized Puffs"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="Signature-Sized Clothed Puff"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="Signature-Sized Unclothed Puff"][img][/img][/quote] [quote="Puffers"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote="You'll Want a Plush"][item=kelp tender plush][item=mammertee plushie][item=stuffed mith][/quote] [quote="Add Some Fluff"][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote=Europa][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote=Io][b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote=Callisto][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/quote] [color=purple][size=5][b][u]For Future Puff Needs[/u][/b][/size] Whether you want to check in on the expected finish time of your art prizes or you want to get more puffs in the future, my shop is open and waiting for you. I accept all sorts of payments and can do payment plans if requested, and I will work with you all I can to give you a pleasant experience and a personal puff so cute you'll want a plush of it. ^^[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote="Ping List"][i]Let me know if you'd like to be added! The Raffle Ping List will be for future raffles from me. The Shop Ping List will be for any sales or free art opportunities, to include raffles as well as changes to the discounts listed in the Dragon Puffs shop thread.[/i] [left] [b]Raffle List:[/b] @Zombard @Derpothegreat @drake7011 @Disillusionist @VoidDeluz @MarquiseA @Dalexios @Kalypsonite @Ellapinky @MissFortune17 [b]Shop List:[/b] @drake7011 @Disillusionist @Nerilka @VoidDeluz @MarquiseA @Dalexios @MissFortune17 [/left][/quote][/center]
28492480_350.png A3MC9YZ.png
Hello and welcome!

This is my first attempt at a raffle, but I'm in need of currencies and really want to do some art, so let's have a swing at this! This raffle will go on until rollover February 5th! Ticket spreadsheet available here! Ticket drawing will be on February 6th, using and screenshots posted with winning ticket numbers. Prizes will be given in 3s--so the first 3 winners will choose their prizes, then the next 3, then the next. You can be drawn again to win more then one prize, but only two prizes maximum.

Free Tickets:
  • YOU CAN GET UP TO 5 FREE TICKETS PER DAY FROM BUMPING, BUT YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE HOUR BETWEEN EACH OF YOUR POSTS. Literally any message will count as a bump so long as there's an hour between the message and your last bump. I keep track of what time each of your bumps is on the spreadsheet in the notes attached to each bump. ^^
  • Signature tickets! You get 10 tickets for having this mini-banner in your signature!

Paid Tickets:
  • Holiday currency! All holiday currencies are 1 ticket each.
  • Treasure! Tickets are 500t each or 2 for 800t!
  • Gems! Tickets are also 2 for 1 gem!

Two Full-Sized Puffs wrote:
Full-Sized Clothed Puff wrote:
Full-Sized Unclothed Puff wrote:
Two Signature-Sized Puffs wrote:
Signature-Sized Clothed Puff wrote:
Signature-Sized Unclothed Puff wrote:
Puffers wrote:
You'll Want a Plush wrote:
Kelp Tender Plush Mammertee Plushie Stuffed Mith
Add Some Fluff wrote:
Europa wrote:
Io wrote:
Callisto wrote:

For Future Puff Needs
Whether you want to check in on the expected finish time of your art prizes or you want to get more puffs in the future, my shop is open and waiting for you. I accept all sorts of payments and can do payment plans if requested, and I will work with you all I can to give you a pleasant experience and a personal puff so cute you'll want a plush of it. ^^

Ping List wrote:
Let me know if you'd like to be added! The Raffle Ping List will be for future raffles from me. The Shop Ping List will be for any sales or free art opportunities, to include raffles as well as changes to the discounts listed in the Dragon Puffs shop thread.

@Disillusionist @Nerilka
@Disillusionist @Nerilka

@TheOtherKirby A shot at free art is always good! I'll BUMP for you. ^^ Also, you need to update your code for the banner; you forgot the URL tag... [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Will bump again later. Thank you for the ping! :D
@TheOtherKirby A shot at free art is always good! I'll BUMP for you. ^^ Also, you need to update your code for the banner; you forgot the URL tag...

Will bump again later. Thank you for the ping! :D
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
Ah! Thanks, I got a bit too hasty when trying to plug the URL in after posting. ^^;
Ah! Thanks, I got a bit too hasty when trying to plug the URL in after posting. ^^;


Great idea! But you may want to say free tickets for bumps only occur after at least one paid ticket is purchased, or you may not make anything from the raffle.

So saying, I'll send payment for 10 tickets please. :D

Great idea! But you may want to say free tickets for bumps only occur after at least one paid ticket is purchased, or you may not make anything from the raffle.

So saying, I'll send payment for 10 tickets please. :D
@TheOtherKirby Here's another BUMP for you. ^^

Also, I was thinking it would be possible to join for free. Do I need to buy some tickets first for the bumps to count? =) (I'll be going to work in a bit, but I'll check back later, thanks!)
@TheOtherKirby Here's another BUMP for you. ^^

Also, I was thinking it would be possible to join for free. Do I need to buy some tickets first for the bumps to count? =) (I'll be going to work in a bit, but I'll check back later, thanks!)
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
You have a point, and I did consider that. This raffle's a bit of a test run, and the scientist in me wants to see what happens when I don't have that stipulation as well as what happens when I do have it (probably in next month's raffle, assuming I turn this into a regular event coinciding with festivals). Will flat-out free tickets with no pre-purchase attract more people? What is the maximum initial price people will pay before there's a drop-off in participation? What's the optimal ticket price? What can I expect of participation for a raffle revolving around art as its main prizes and not big-ticket items that someone can see in their inventories?

For this one, I'll gather what information I can and use this at least as an opportunity to try and build up my name and show my art, maybe start a ping list for future raffles. Maybe next time I'll ask that a ticket be bought first before bumps apply. Thank you for the suggestion, though! =D

Joining for free is how this one raffle will run, so while you are absolutely welcome to buy tickets to increase your odds (well, to increase them when there's more than three people competing for nine prizes XD), you're not required to. =D The only requirement for the bumps to count is that it's been at least half an hour since there's been a bump on the thread by you or any other person. ^^ (Since I wasn't very clear about that in my post when you made your first bump, I went ahead and counted that one. This one's good to go!)
You have a point, and I did consider that. This raffle's a bit of a test run, and the scientist in me wants to see what happens when I don't have that stipulation as well as what happens when I do have it (probably in next month's raffle, assuming I turn this into a regular event coinciding with festivals). Will flat-out free tickets with no pre-purchase attract more people? What is the maximum initial price people will pay before there's a drop-off in participation? What's the optimal ticket price? What can I expect of participation for a raffle revolving around art as its main prizes and not big-ticket items that someone can see in their inventories?

For this one, I'll gather what information I can and use this at least as an opportunity to try and build up my name and show my art, maybe start a ping list for future raffles. Maybe next time I'll ask that a ticket be bought first before bumps apply. Thank you for the suggestion, though! =D

Joining for free is how this one raffle will run, so while you are absolutely welcome to buy tickets to increase your odds (well, to increase them when there's more than three people competing for nine prizes XD), you're not required to. =D The only requirement for the bumps to count is that it's been at least half an hour since there's been a bump on the thread by you or any other person. ^^ (Since I wasn't very clear about that in my post when you made your first bump, I went ahead and counted that one. This one's good to go!)

I would love to join! ~
I would love to join! ~
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