oh my goodness what have I done
WARNING: I have been eating some leftover Halloween candies I forgot about (blow pops and starbursts) so I’m probably going to get just slightly hyper. This translates to everything I say will eventually make zero sense anymore. Please please don’t get offended by any of this. Also I was inspired by TrustRae to do a thread on first impressions I get when I see a person’s avatar on FR, but I had no idea I’d probably get kind of super hyper after all those lollipops and starbursts.
Anyone ever get those “stereotypes” based off of dragon avatars on FR? (Feel free to share what your first impressions are when you look at a person’s avatar) Well I do. Heeeeeere we goooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bogsneaks are those Science geeks who know the periodic table by heart and in like 7 different languages
Tundras love winter a lot and they love to ski, snowboard, and wish that it was always winter all year long.
Coatls are reptile lovers and will casually pick up a 300 lb snake and pet it and say “ohhh sweetie pie you so cute”
Faes are shorties irl (like below average height)
Guardians are those super tough kids who scare people to the point in which everyone is afraid of messing with themand always intimidated by them. So gangsta.
Nocturnes are obsessed with emo bands and punk rock and try to be all edgy.
Hmmm what else.....
Ooh! Spirals are super outgoing and will literally talk to anybody. ANYBODY.
Pearlcatchers are those people who always wear a locket or a something that’s super special to them and if they lose it they’ll be super duper duper devastated and think that they’ve disgraced their great great great great great great great great grandparents.
Skydancers love to draw and they will literally draw you anything and if you say their drawings are bad they won’t show their anger but are those people who love sweet revenge on enemies
Snappers... Male snappers are super silly (like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and get sugar hyper really easily really quickly and female snappers are super wise and will give you life advice when you need it and don’t ever get sugar hyper in fact they don’t like chocolate
Wildclaws are nature lovers and they will do anything they can to protect their super pretty flowers and trees and are in net zero at school and will literally correct anyone who doesn’t properly dispose of trash (like throwing an Apple core into recycling or trash instead of compost) and will do it over and over until the other person learns to properly sort landfill, recycle, and compost.
Mirrors are those kids who are literally walking calculus textbooks and will give you hour long lectures on math every time you mention a word that may remotely relate to math and thanks to them you will be able to get a free A in Calc BC and an easy 5 on the AP exam.
Imperials love to play marbles and always have their marble collection everywhere they go and if you say one bad thing about marbles they will send a fully armed battalion of marbles to remind you of their love DA DA DA DAT DA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DAT DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Update: I think I’ll probably crash from my sugar high in the next 10 minutes but anyhow....
Ridgebacks are either super duper into sports or they’re super duper into theatre and will try extremely hard to either be star player on the sports team or lead role in theatre and they will let NOTHING stop them. NOTHINGGGGGG
Edit 2:
I think I’ve hit the peak of the rush and will crash like 2 minutes later.
Invisible cloak means you’re super sketchy
Dragons with them eyeballs pay attention to every single little detail in existence
Edit 3:
I have crashed from my sugarhigh. One last thing I always assume that people are the same gender as their avatar and if they’re gender non binary (like me) then I have no idea which gender avatar they choose. Either one I suppose or maybe their favourite dragon.
Final edit:
wow I was on an extreme sugar high.... I think this thread deserves the Best Thread of The Month award for its super amazingness. And no I am not sugar high anymore.
Not final edit:
I am intimidated by people whose avatar wears wolf apparel (because either you’re secretly a werewolf or own a husky. If it’s the second one I won’t be scared.)
Edit 6.0:
Hatchling avatars are probably younger players (13-15ish)
WARNING: I have been eating some leftover Halloween candies I forgot about (blow pops and starbursts) so I’m probably going to get just slightly hyper. This translates to everything I say will eventually make zero sense anymore. Please please don’t get offended by any of this. Also I was inspired by TrustRae to do a thread on first impressions I get when I see a person’s avatar on FR, but I had no idea I’d probably get kind of super hyper after all those lollipops and starbursts.
Anyone ever get those “stereotypes” based off of dragon avatars on FR? (Feel free to share what your first impressions are when you look at a person’s avatar) Well I do. Heeeeeere we goooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bogsneaks are those Science geeks who know the periodic table by heart and in like 7 different languages
Tundras love winter a lot and they love to ski, snowboard, and wish that it was always winter all year long.
Coatls are reptile lovers and will casually pick up a 300 lb snake and pet it and say “ohhh sweetie pie you so cute”
Faes are shorties irl (like below average height)
Guardians are those super tough kids who scare people to the point in which everyone is afraid of messing with themand always intimidated by them. So gangsta.
Nocturnes are obsessed with emo bands and punk rock and try to be all edgy.
Hmmm what else.....
Ooh! Spirals are super outgoing and will literally talk to anybody. ANYBODY.
Pearlcatchers are those people who always wear a locket or a something that’s super special to them and if they lose it they’ll be super duper duper devastated and think that they’ve disgraced their great great great great great great great great grandparents.
Skydancers love to draw and they will literally draw you anything and if you say their drawings are bad they won’t show their anger but are those people who love sweet revenge on enemies
Snappers... Male snappers are super silly (like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and get sugar hyper really easily really quickly and female snappers are super wise and will give you life advice when you need it and don’t ever get sugar hyper in fact they don’t like chocolate
Wildclaws are nature lovers and they will do anything they can to protect their super pretty flowers and trees and are in net zero at school and will literally correct anyone who doesn’t properly dispose of trash (like throwing an Apple core into recycling or trash instead of compost) and will do it over and over until the other person learns to properly sort landfill, recycle, and compost.
Mirrors are those kids who are literally walking calculus textbooks and will give you hour long lectures on math every time you mention a word that may remotely relate to math and thanks to them you will be able to get a free A in Calc BC and an easy 5 on the AP exam.
Imperials love to play marbles and always have their marble collection everywhere they go and if you say one bad thing about marbles they will send a fully armed battalion of marbles to remind you of their love DA DA DA DAT DA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DAT DA DA DA DA DAY YA DA DA DA DA DA DAY YA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Update: I think I’ll probably crash from my sugar high in the next 10 minutes but anyhow....
Ridgebacks are either super duper into sports or they’re super duper into theatre and will try extremely hard to either be star player on the sports team or lead role in theatre and they will let NOTHING stop them. NOTHINGGGGGG
Edit 2:
I think I’ve hit the peak of the rush and will crash like 2 minutes later.
Invisible cloak means you’re super sketchy
Dragons with them eyeballs pay attention to every single little detail in existence
Edit 3:
I have crashed from my sugarhigh. One last thing I always assume that people are the same gender as their avatar and if they’re gender non binary (like me) then I have no idea which gender avatar they choose. Either one I suppose or maybe their favourite dragon.
Final edit:
wow I was on an extreme sugar high.... I think this thread deserves the Best Thread of The Month award for its super amazingness. And no I am not sugar high anymore.
Not final edit:
I am intimidated by people whose avatar wears wolf apparel (because either you’re secretly a werewolf or own a husky. If it’s the second one I won’t be scared.)
Edit 6.0:
Hatchling avatars are probably younger players (13-15ish)