Tapioca decides to follow Valena, having just been hurt by the rocks. She figures the tour guide knows best and decides not to risk getting lost, even though she's curious. She takes out her scone and munches on it as she follows the group.
Tyeth, Tapioca eats her scone!
Tapioca decides to follow Valena, having just been hurt by the rocks. She figures the tour guide knows best and decides not to risk getting lost, even though she's curious. She takes out her scone and munches on it as she follows the group.
Tyeth, Tapioca eats her scone!
Knick -- she/her -- FR+3
Sporadically active, chipping away at gene projects and familiar collecting.
I like cats, folk music, and rain. Always up for a chat!
Xen tried to process what was happening as his body surged into the air. He felt a deep sickening lurch in his stomach and closed his eyes. Breathe. Zero gravity is a result of an incredibly high centrifugal force and that would mean....no, impossible. It had to be magic.
Xen was most of the way through this thought when gravity returned, sending him crashing into the rocky ground. He coughed, the air knocked from his lungs. In fairness, he saw this coming; not the lack of a downward force, but the impending danger that came with these yearly visits to the Expanse.
"Every stay where you are! Don't move, I will come and get you!" Valena called. Oh good. Assistance.
Xen opened his eyes at Valena's touch and sat up gingerly. He felt her adjust his wings and nudge his tail. Everything hurt, but nothing seemed irrepairably damaged.
Valena seemed to agree. "You're the last one who got caught in the fall, follow me and we'll rejoin the others."
A capital idea. Nothing better than to stick with a professional.

Xen tried to process what was happening as his body surged into the air. He felt a deep sickening lurch in his stomach and closed his eyes. Breathe. Zero gravity is a result of an incredibly high centrifugal force and that would mean....no, impossible. It had to be magic.
Xen was most of the way through this thought when gravity returned, sending him crashing into the rocky ground. He coughed, the air knocked from his lungs. In fairness, he saw this coming; not the lack of a downward force, but the impending danger that came with these yearly visits to the Expanse.
"Every stay where you are! Don't move, I will come and get you!" Valena called. Oh good. Assistance.
Xen opened his eyes at Valena's touch and sat up gingerly. He felt her adjust his wings and nudge his tail. Everything hurt, but nothing seemed irrepairably damaged.
Valena seemed to agree. "You're the last one who got caught in the fall, follow me and we'll rejoin the others."
A capital idea. Nothing better than to stick with a professional.
Explorer saw the possible exit, and with his hurt leg, he was sorely tempted. [i]I may as well keep going, if I am to live up to my name.[/i]
He followed Valena, sticking close to the others and making sure not to lag behind.

Explorer saw the possible exit, and with his hurt leg, he was sorely tempted.
I may as well keep going, if I am to live up to my name.
He followed Valena, sticking close to the others and making sure not to lag behind.
Quark growls and moans and makes a show of being the most belabored bear in the world, but Genny laughs, flapping her wings and shaking off the bonk on the head.
"So much for landborne! You ever see a Snapper fly, folks? I think I'm a natural! Spilled the GORP, though...Quark, it's all you. Don't lollygag, mind."
The Voltspire Intruder pads along licking trail mix off the ground behind Genny, who sticks close to Valena, humming cheerfully. She notices the light, but with a clan full of tricksters, she knows better than to follow tommyknockers and will-o-wisps. Anyway, Snappers may not know best, but she's of a private and prudent opinion that they often know better.
Quark growls and moans and makes a show of being the most belabored bear in the world, but Genny laughs, flapping her wings and shaking off the bonk on the head.
"So much for landborne! You ever see a Snapper fly, folks? I think I'm a natural! Spilled the GORP, though...Quark, it's all you. Don't lollygag, mind."
The Voltspire Intruder pads along licking trail mix off the ground behind Genny, who sticks close to Valena, humming cheerfully. She notices the light, but with a clan full of tricksters, she knows better than to follow tommyknockers and will-o-wisps. Anyway, Snappers may not know best, but she's of a private and prudent opinion that they often know better.
Whattt I did submit! Unless my user id is wrong (doing it on mobile) :(((( (my post:
Vesparian was now slightly skeptical, but staying with the group was better than parting with the group. He decided to continue following the guide, but with much more alertness and caution.
Whattt I did submit! Unless my user id is wrong (doing it on mobile) :(((( (my post:
Vesparian was now slightly skeptical, but staying with the group was better than parting with the group. He decided to continue following the guide, but with much more alertness and caution.
Stark shook himself off as he clambered free of the rock pile, then carefully reached out and caught hold of Jarvis, who was still fluttering beside him, thankfully undamaged. "You okay there, J?"
"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied, though one of his wings was slightly bent and Stark had noticed he was struggling to keep both himself and the scone - which he had somehow managed to keep hold of in the confusion of the rock-fall - in the air.
"Give me that," Stark said, taking it away from him before carefully setting his golem on his shoulder. He dusted off the scone as best he could and then took a tentative bite. It seemed to have survived relatively well, to his surprise, so he carried on munching on it. He caught sight of a dazzling light down one of the tunnels off to one side and paused, starting at it.
"We should rejoin the group, sir," Jarvis prompted after a moment.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Stark said, narrowing his eyes. After all, so far the guides hadn't filled him with a huge amount of confidence - causing a rock-fall like that, and then taking so long to dig everyone out. "I think we're going to explore these caves ourselves. Doesn't that sound like more fun to you?"
"Do you think that's wise, sir?" Jarvis asked.
Stark didn't answer and set off towards the light with a final glance after Valena.
(@Tyeth, Stark's going to go ahead and eat that scone now - thank you!)

Stark shook himself off as he clambered free of the rock pile, then carefully reached out and caught hold of Jarvis, who was still fluttering beside him, thankfully undamaged. "You okay there, J?"
"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied, though one of his wings was slightly bent and Stark had noticed he was struggling to keep both himself and the scone - which he had somehow managed to keep hold of in the confusion of the rock-fall - in the air.
"Give me that," Stark said, taking it away from him before carefully setting his golem on his shoulder. He dusted off the scone as best he could and then took a tentative bite. It seemed to have survived relatively well, to his surprise, so he carried on munching on it. He caught sight of a dazzling light down one of the tunnels off to one side and paused, starting at it.
"We should rejoin the group, sir," Jarvis prompted after a moment.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Stark said, narrowing his eyes. After all, so far the guides hadn't filled him with a huge amount of confidence - causing a rock-fall like that, and then taking so long to dig everyone out. "I think we're going to explore these caves ourselves. Doesn't that sound like more fun to you?"
"Do you think that's wise, sir?" Jarvis asked.
Stark didn't answer and set off towards the light with a final glance after Valena.
Tyeth, Stark's going to go ahead and eat that scone now - thank you!)
Groaning, Araschnia picks herself up off the floor. She stretches her wings experimentally, and winces as a lance of pain shoots through the right one. Curses.
But that is not the worst of it - from the looks of it the rockfall has cut them off from Valena and the rest of the group, as well as the cave entrance. She flicks her fins nervously. Not a good start... From down the cave, she can hear Conrad calling for everyone to get away from the unsteady ground, and she hurries to rejoin the group. Better to not get lost alone down here!

Groaning, Araschnia picks herself up off the floor. She stretches her wings experimentally, and winces as a lance of pain shoots through the right one. Curses.
But that is not the worst of it - from the looks of it the rockfall has cut them off from Valena and the rest of the group, as well as the cave entrance. She flicks her fins nervously. Not a good start... From down the cave, she can hear Conrad calling for everyone to get away from the unsteady ground, and she hurries to rejoin the group. Better to not get lost alone down here!
Her wings aching, Destiny slowly got up. That was certainly unexpected.
She glanced in the direction of the snapper before approaching the glowing light. She trusted her spelunking skills enough to find the group again later. She began to munch on her scone as she went.
@Tyeth Destiny ate her scone (and it was delicious)

Her wings aching, Destiny slowly got up. That was certainly unexpected.
She glanced in the direction of the snapper before approaching the glowing light. She trusted her spelunking skills enough to find the group again later. She began to munch on her scone as she went.
Tyeth Destiny ate her scone (and it was delicious)
[b]Username:[/b] teastain
[b]User ID:[/b] 298087
[b]Dragon Name:[/b] Alec
[b]Dragon Picture:[/b]
Even though Valena had checked him over, Alec was still very weary. Being the quiet, routine-set dragon he is, a fall like that was enough to disrupt his whole week! This whole cave business might be too much for him, and when he sees the light there's nothing stopping him from going.
Username: teastain
User ID: 298087
Dragon Name: Alec
Dragon Picture:

Even though Valena had checked him over, Alec was still very weary. Being the quiet, routine-set dragon he is, a fall like that was enough to disrupt his whole week! This whole cave business might be too much for him, and when he sees the light there's nothing stopping him from going.
[b]A. Follow Valena. She knows caves.[/b]
After shaking the dust off her frills, Minare paused to peer at the light for a moment. It was an odd sight. But she had no experience with rock falls, so she would be following Valena. She pulled out her book, splitting her attention further.

A. Follow Valena. She knows caves.
After shaking the dust off her frills, Minare paused to peer at the light for a moment. It was an odd sight. But she had no experience with rock falls, so she would be following Valena. She pulled out her book, splitting her attention further.