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TOPIC | [Subspecies] Pestilent Vultures
[center][img][/img] Intro - [url=]Variants[/url] - [url=]Hybrids [/url]-[url=]Sales [/url]- [url=]Pairs/Pinglists[/url] - [url=]Affiliates [/url]- [url=]Registry[/url] [b]Ratio is 1:1000 I am subscribed, DO NOT ping me! [img][/img][/center] Breed: Wildclaws only Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed) Tertiary: Any Ghost (Bright colours preferred) Bloodbone Vultures Same Requirements as above Level 20+ Life in the Scarred Wasteland is tough. Resources are scarce, and only the strongest and most adaptive survive. Especially in the Abiding Boneyard, where many unfortunate souls have met their end. In Plague however, one individuals misfortunate is often another’s salvation. None embody this sentiment better than Pestilent Vultures. Like their namesakes they can often be seen trailing dying wildlife, ever-patiently waiting for their prey to succumb to the harsh conditions found within the plague-stricken lands. Although the subspecies had its genesis in the Abiding Boneyard, where its highest population can be found, these industrious Wildclaws can now be found across Sornieth. Primarily scavengers, they are strictly carnivorous, but are not picky as to the type or quality of meat. They are all but immune to food borne diseases, and are even capable of digesting bone. Their feathers are breeding grounds for pathogenic organisms, and they will sometimes purposely infect dragons to selectively breed deadlier strains. The deadliest strains are mixed in with their body paint. This deters most would-be aggressors, as run-ins with a Pestilent Vulture typically result in nasty infections. This habit of coating their bodies in disease gives them a very pungent, putrid odour. You can often smell a Vulture before you can see one, and their roosts are typically surrounded by an overwhelming stench of rotten meat. [center][u]Body Paint[/u] [item=redblood sapper][item=azurite][item=analogous pigment blend][item=muckbottom shell][item=rainbow mussels][/center] The skeletal markings adorning all members of this subspecies are not natural patterns, but instead are a type of paint, applied at first by the Vulture’s parents and later by the individual themselves. Every family has its own unique pattern, one which has in most cases been passed down through generations. The exact meaning of the different colours varies by clan, but generally individuals with bright red paints are those held in the highest regard, as they are typically the strongest and most cunning. Materials with which to make this paint are one of the few things most Vultures will fight for. The exact ingredients of the pigment vary and, like everything else in Vulture society, are usually made of whatever materials can be found. [center][u]Society:[/u][/center] [center][item=iron ore][item=Metallurgists Forgetools][item=aged carcass][/center] Vulture society greatly values craftsmanship and the ability to create for oneself. Consequently, most Vultures are more impressed by a modest handmade outfit or ornament than fine silks and jewelry. Even when provided other options, many of these dragons opt to craft their own weapons, clothing, furniture and whatever else they may need. They live in large familial groups, that disperse during the day to hunt and reconvene at dusk. These flocks can wander quite far in search of food, but maintain a home territory. Although these groups usually lack a true leader, red painted Vultures, referred to as “Bloodbone Vultures”, can often be seen “commanding” their fellow Vultures, particularly in battle. These dragons are usually quite hostile to Vultures from other flocks found within their territory. They usually prefer to flee from conflict. When they do fight, they often rely heavily on their innate magic, and prefer to work as a group to wear their opponents down. What they lack in strength, they make up for in stamina, waiting for their enemy to tire before moving in for the kill. Their natural magic can be used to produce illusions to confuse and frighten foes, the streaks along their wings and hide potentiate the effects by reflecting and refracting light. These illusions are especially potent at dusk, when there’s still enough sunlight to reflect, but not enough for most dragons to clearly see. At its most basic the play of light across their striated wings makes it difficult to determine the dragon’s exact location. Particularly gifted Vultures can even use this ability is to conjure images of reinforcements. Outside of combat, this magic is often used by Vultures to communicate with others of their kind. [center][u]Courtship:[/u] [item=red birdskull necklace][item=glow mushroom][item=primary pigment blend][item=brown birdskull necklace][/center] Vultures typically mate for life. Before attempting to impress a potential mate, the dragon will apply a fresh coat of their characteristic paint, the brighter the better. Many individuals will mix bioluminescent insects or fungi into the paint during this time, so their markings are easier seen in the dim light (Vulture courtship rituals are traditionally performed during or after sunset). This can be quite a startling thing for a dragon unaware of this practice, as the Vulture’s dark plumage renders them nearly invisible under low light conditions, leaving their glowing patternation to appear like a spectre amidst the darkness. Potential mates are presented with a gift of apparel, traditionally a necklace of bones. When a Vulture has made their decision, they will draw their family crest on the new mate’s chest, over their heart, and allow the selected dragon to do the same to them. Their nests are well camouflaged and undecorated. Naturally, they are usually comprised of whatever a pair can find nearby. [center][u]Apparel:[/u] [item=contaminated infectalons][item=solidscale chest guard][item=weathered tail tatters][item=leather arm wraps][/center] The clothing choices of a Vulture depend mostly on what resources the dragon has available to them. Some things are relatively consistent, however. Homemade outfits are the way to go, and sacrificing practically for beauty is a foolish mistake. They generally prefer apparel that leaves their markings visible. [center][item=sanddune rags][item=bleak birdskull armband][item=skeletal chimes][item=crown of bones][/center] Bones are more than just a source of nourishment for Vultures, they are also a fashion statement. From decoration to weapons and armour, bones are a staple in Vulture apparel [center][item=teardrop citrine wing loop][item=simple iron wing bangles][item=ember sylvan lattice][item=onyx seraph wing ornament][/center] Their wings are typically left uncovered at all times, to avoid hindering flight and their magic, though small trinkets, particularly reflective ones, are a common sight. [center][u]Miscellaneous:[/u][/center] [center][item=plague runestone][item=plaguebringer bone scrimshaw][item=pomegranate plumed headdress] [/center] There is a large amount of folklore surrounding these dragons. They are seen by many as omens of death and pestilence. Vultures usually do little to dispel these rumours, and may even encourage them, as it often causes more superstitious dragons to avoid them. Some dragons believe Pestilent Vultures to possess a direct link to the Plaguebringer herself, which can lead to either persecution by non-Plague clans, or gifts from Plague clans who believe their offerings will gain the Plague goddess’s approval. Still others see the hardy Wildclaws as symbols of rebirth, and resilience, as they manage to thrive in some of the most hostile conditions Sornieth has to offer. They are distant cousins of Effluvial Crows. The two species rarely get along well, but can occasionally be seen cooperating to achieve a common goal. [center][u][b]Condors[/b][/u] [img][/img] [/center]Breed: Skydancers only Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed) Tertiary: Any Ghost (Bright colours preferred) Bloodbone Condors: Same Requirements as above Level 20+ It is quite common to see Skydancers bearing dull plumage and skeleton-like markings similar to those of Vultures living within the scavenger’s flocks. These dragons are called “Condors” by their larger brethren, and while they are usually welcomed within Vulture society, they are viewed as quite strange. Unlike their Wildclaw cousins, Condors are quite welcoming of outsiders, something that can cause quite a bit of friction between them and Vultures. Some Condors will even help guide lost dragons to safety, instead of leaving them to die and robbing them. Perhaps this behaviour has something to do with Skydancer’s innate empathic abilities. Regardless of its cause, many Vulture flocks have found that the best use for these dragons is to help them communicate and bargain with neighbouring dragon clans. Although it is rare for a Pestilent Vulture to take a mate from outside the subspecies, it has been known to occur. The first Condor most likely arose from such a pairing. Though they were originally rare, the variant has now overtaken the original in terms of pure numbers. Although a Condor’s diet, like that of all skydancers, consists mainly of plants and insects, they are known to consume meat alongside their Vulture brethren. This doesn't seem to harm them. Condors are more agile in the air than Vultures, but lack the impressive stamina that allows their larger kin to hound both prey and enemies until exhaustion. They are often employed as scouts, and when in active battle tend to use their superior maneuverability to outflank their opponents and end fights quickly. Their agility, combined with their disorienting magic and patterning makes them difficult targets. [center][b][u]Ferals[/u][/b] [img][/img][/center] Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed) Tertiary: Any Crackle, Flecks, Koi, Smirch (Bright colours preferred) Bloodbone Vultures/Condors Same Requirements as above Level 20+ While Vultures are typically fleet-footed scavengers, within the Scarred Wasteland, there lurks a more aggressive, confrontational breed. These so-called “Feral” Vultures are nomadic pack hunters, always on the lookout for fresh meat. Their roving natures and ravenous appetites have lead to many comparisons between these creatures and Mirrors. Some even say they are the children of a Pestilent Vulture and the four-eyed dragons. While this is nothing more than rumour, the resemblance between the nomadic, ever-changing packs of these dragons, and those of Mirrors is impossible to deny. To other Vultures, Ferals appear uncivilized, animalistic even. Their society is completely different from that of typical Vultures. Their paint is more for intimidation than identification, and they have little care for familial ties, allowing any willing and able Vulture to join their packs. They are mostly physical fighters, and rarely possess the same magical capabilities as their non-feral brethren, due to lack of training, and the fact that their messy style of paint often obscures their reflective markings. One of the few similarities between more traditional Vultures and Feral Vultures is their clothing choices, although Ferals are much less picky about where their apparel comes from, and are just as happy to steal ready-made garments from dragons as they are to craft their own from scraps. Feral Condors are rare, as their frail bodies are not well suited to the violent lifestyle of typical Ferals. They tend to act as tacticians and scouts during combat, their energy-sensing abilities allowing them to see past the chaos and noise of a battle to reveal the location and emotional state of enemies.
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Breed: Wildclaws only
Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted
Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish
Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed)
Tertiary: Any Ghost (Bright colours preferred)

Bloodbone Vultures
Same Requirements as above
Level 20+

Life in the Scarred Wasteland is tough. Resources are scarce, and only the strongest and most adaptive survive. Especially in the Abiding Boneyard, where many unfortunate souls have met their end. In Plague however, one individuals misfortunate is often another’s salvation. None embody this sentiment better than Pestilent Vultures. Like their namesakes they can often be seen trailing dying wildlife, ever-patiently waiting for their prey to succumb to the harsh conditions found within the plague-stricken lands. Although the subspecies had its genesis in the Abiding Boneyard, where its highest population can be found, these industrious Wildclaws can now be found across Sornieth.

Primarily scavengers, they are strictly carnivorous, but are not picky as to the type or quality of meat. They are all but immune to food borne diseases, and are even capable of digesting bone. Their feathers are breeding grounds for pathogenic organisms, and they will sometimes purposely infect dragons to selectively breed deadlier strains. The deadliest strains are mixed in with their body paint. This deters most would-be aggressors, as run-ins with a Pestilent Vulture typically result in nasty infections. This habit of coating their bodies in disease gives them a very pungent, putrid odour. You can often smell a Vulture before you can see one, and their roosts are typically surrounded by an overwhelming stench of rotten meat.
Body Paint
Redblood Sapper Azurite Analogous Pigment Blend Muckbottom Shell Rainbow Mussels
The skeletal markings adorning all members of this subspecies are not natural patterns, but instead are a type of paint, applied at first by the Vulture’s parents and later by the individual themselves. Every family has its own unique pattern, one which has in most cases been passed down through generations. The exact meaning of the different colours varies by clan, but generally individuals with bright red paints are those held in the highest regard, as they are typically the strongest and most cunning. Materials with which to make this paint are one of the few things most Vultures will fight for. The exact ingredients of the pigment vary and, like everything else in Vulture society, are usually made of whatever materials can be found.
Iron Ore Aged Carcass
Vulture society greatly values craftsmanship and the ability to create for oneself. Consequently, most Vultures are more impressed by a modest handmade outfit or ornament than fine silks and jewelry. Even when provided other options, many of these dragons opt to craft their own weapons, clothing, furniture and whatever else they may need.

They live in large familial groups, that disperse during the day to hunt and reconvene at dusk. These flocks can wander quite far in search of food, but maintain a home territory. Although these groups usually lack a true leader, red painted Vultures, referred to as “Bloodbone Vultures”, can often be seen “commanding” their fellow Vultures, particularly in battle. These dragons are usually quite hostile to Vultures from other flocks found within their territory.

They usually prefer to flee from conflict. When they do fight, they often rely heavily on their innate magic, and prefer to work as a group to wear their opponents down. What they lack in strength, they make up for in stamina, waiting for their enemy to tire before moving in for the kill. Their natural magic can be used to produce illusions to confuse and frighten foes, the streaks along their wings and hide potentiate the effects by reflecting and refracting light. These illusions are especially potent at dusk, when there’s still enough sunlight to reflect, but not enough for most dragons to clearly see. At its most basic the play of light across their striated wings makes it difficult to determine the dragon’s exact location. Particularly gifted Vultures can even use this ability is to conjure images of reinforcements. Outside of combat, this magic is often used by Vultures to communicate with others of their kind.
Red Birdskull Necklace Glow Mushroom Primary Pigment Blend Brown Birdskull Necklace
Vultures typically mate for life. Before attempting to impress a potential mate, the dragon will apply a fresh coat of their characteristic paint, the brighter the better. Many individuals will mix bioluminescent insects or fungi into the paint during this time, so their markings are easier seen in the dim light (Vulture courtship rituals are traditionally performed during or after sunset). This can be quite a startling thing for a dragon unaware of this practice, as the Vulture’s dark plumage renders them nearly invisible under low light conditions, leaving their glowing patternation to appear like a spectre amidst the darkness. Potential mates are presented with a gift of apparel, traditionally a necklace of bones. When a Vulture has made their decision, they will draw their family crest on the new mate’s chest, over their heart, and allow the selected dragon to do the same to them. Their nests are well camouflaged and undecorated. Naturally, they are usually comprised of whatever a pair can find nearby.
Contaminated Infectalons Solidscale Chest Guard Weathered Tail Tatters Leather Arm Wraps
The clothing choices of a Vulture depend mostly on what resources the dragon has available to them. Some things are relatively consistent, however. Homemade outfits are the way to go, and sacrificing practically for beauty is a foolish mistake. They generally prefer apparel that leaves their markings visible.
Sanddune Rags Bleak Birdskull Armband Skeletal Chimes Crown of Bones
Bones are more than just a source of nourishment for Vultures, they are also a fashion statement. From decoration to weapons and armour, bones are a staple in Vulture apparel
Teardrop Citrine Wing Loop Simple Iron Wing Bangles Ember Sylvan Lattice Onyx Seraph Wing Ornament
Their wings are typically left uncovered at all times, to avoid hindering flight and their magic, though small trinkets, particularly reflective ones, are a common sight.
Plague Runestone Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Pomegranate Plumed Headdress
There is a large amount of folklore surrounding these dragons. They are seen by many as omens of death and pestilence. Vultures usually do little to dispel these rumours, and may even encourage them, as it often causes more superstitious dragons to avoid them. Some dragons believe Pestilent Vultures to possess a direct link to the Plaguebringer herself, which can lead to either persecution by non-Plague clans, or gifts from Plague clans who believe their offerings will gain the Plague goddess’s approval. Still others see the hardy Wildclaws as symbols of rebirth, and resilience, as they manage to thrive in some of the most hostile conditions Sornieth has to offer.

They are distant cousins of Effluvial Crows. The two species rarely get along well, but can occasionally be seen cooperating to achieve a common goal.
Breed: Skydancers only
Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted
Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish
Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed)
Tertiary: Any Ghost (Bright colours preferred)

Bloodbone Condors:
Same Requirements as above
Level 20+

It is quite common to see Skydancers bearing dull plumage and skeleton-like markings similar to those of Vultures living within the scavenger’s flocks. These dragons are called “Condors” by their larger brethren, and while they are usually welcomed within Vulture society, they are viewed as quite strange. Unlike their Wildclaw cousins, Condors are quite welcoming of outsiders, something that can cause quite a bit of friction between them and Vultures. Some Condors will even help guide lost dragons to safety, instead of leaving them to die and robbing them. Perhaps this behaviour has something to do with Skydancer’s innate empathic abilities. Regardless of its cause, many Vulture flocks have found that the best use for these dragons is to help them communicate and bargain with neighbouring dragon clans.

Although it is rare for a Pestilent Vulture to take a mate from outside the subspecies, it has been known to occur. The first Condor most likely arose from such a pairing. Though they were originally rare, the variant has now overtaken the original in terms of pure numbers.

Although a Condor’s diet, like that of all skydancers, consists mainly of plants and insects, they are known to consume meat alongside their Vulture brethren. This doesn't seem to harm them.

Condors are more agile in the air than Vultures, but lack the impressive stamina that allows their larger kin to hound both prey and enemies until exhaustion. They are often employed as scouts, and when in active battle tend to use their superior maneuverability to outflank their opponents and end fights quickly. Their agility, combined with their disorienting magic and patterning makes them difficult targets.
Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only
Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted
Primary: Coal or Oilslick Lionfish
Secondary: Stone - Hickory Trail (Clay is best avoided, but is allowed)
Tertiary: Any Crackle, Flecks, Koi, Smirch (Bright colours preferred)

Bloodbone Vultures/Condors
Same Requirements as above
Level 20+

While Vultures are typically fleet-footed scavengers, within the Scarred Wasteland, there lurks a more aggressive, confrontational breed. These so-called “Feral” Vultures are nomadic pack hunters, always on the lookout for fresh meat. Their roving natures and ravenous appetites have lead to many comparisons between these creatures and Mirrors. Some even say they are the children of a Pestilent Vulture and the four-eyed dragons. While this is nothing more than rumour, the resemblance between the nomadic, ever-changing packs of these dragons, and those of Mirrors is impossible to deny.

To other Vultures, Ferals appear uncivilized, animalistic even. Their society is completely different from that of typical Vultures. Their paint is more for intimidation than identification, and they have little care for familial ties, allowing any willing and able Vulture to join their packs. They are mostly physical fighters, and rarely possess the same magical capabilities as their non-feral brethren, due to lack of training, and the fact that their messy style of paint often obscures their reflective markings. One of the few similarities between more traditional Vultures and Feral Vultures is their clothing choices, although Ferals are much less picky about where their apparel comes from, and are just as happy to steal ready-made garments from dragons as they are to craft their own from scraps.

Feral Condors are rare, as their frail bodies are not well suited to the violent lifestyle of typical Ferals. They tend to act as tacticians and scouts during combat, their energy-sensing abilities allowing them to see past the chaos and noise of a battle to reveal the location and emotional state of enemies.
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[center][b]Variants[/b] With how widespread Pestilent Vultures are, it’s only natural that there would be a large degree of variation between their populations. Some populations have deviated enough from the original to be recognized as unique morphs, each with their own physiology and behaviour. [/center] [center][u]Dusky[/u] [img][/img][/center] Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only Eyes: Any Primary: Black Lionfish Secondary: Coal - Obsidian Trail Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, [u]Contour[/u] Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks Within the darkest places on Sornieth, there lurk flocks of reserved, diminutive Vultures with obsidian plumage. They are referred to as Dusky Vultures (Duskies for short), and they are native to the Tangled Woods, where the largest population still dwells. Another sizable population resides within the depths of the Viridian Labyrinth, and several clans have abandoned sunlight altogether and spend their entire lives in subterranean tunnel systems. Though most Vultures prefer to keep to their own, Duskies take this to the extreme, only interacting with the rest of dragonkind when forced, and taking care to hide their faces and markings when they do. One of the few things that can lure a Dusky Vulture out of hiding is information. Information about local clans, as well as magical and technological breakthroughs is particularly coveted. What Dusky flocks do with this knowledge is unknown. Though rumours of blackmail and forbidden magic occasionally surface, the species secretive nature makes these impossible to substantiate. Due to their dark colouration, Duskies have significantly weaker illusion magic than their light-feathered brethren, and so are even more wary of confrontation. Instead of facing adversaries head-on, these Vultures prefer to ambush prey and enemy alike. Glow mushrooms are their favourite gifts, as they are traditionally an important ingredient in the making of the glowing pigment that many individuals wear year-round, although other bioluminescent plants and fungi can be used. Since Pestilent Vultures only wear glowing paint during courtship, this can be a mild culture shock when the two variants meet. [u]Contour lore[/u]: Different environments call for different adaptations. Aside from wearing glowing paint year-round, some Dusky Vultures have begun to paint themselves with patterns that highlight their extremities, to make it even easier for their clanmates to judge their positions in the dark. [center][u]Irradiated[/u] [img][/img][/center] Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only Eyes: Any Primary: Radioactive Lionfish Secondary: Watermelon - Pink, Avocado - Spring Trail Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, [u]Wish[/u] Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks The Starfall Isles present what is perhaps one of the greatest challenges to enterprising survivors; despite its outward beauty, the Arcane homeland is permeated by high levels of raw magic, which can severely harm non-arcane dragons, poisoning them, and even causing them to mutate into something horrifying. Even here, Vultures can be found. Some of them have developed traits to help them survive amongst the radioactive spires of pink chalcedony where these Arcane Vultures prefer to make their nests. It’s almost as if the properties of the pink crystal have rubbed off on the Vultures living there, as they themselves emit large amounts of magical radiation, which has earned them the moniker “Irradiated Vultures”. While they themselves, like other Arcane natives, are immune to this toxic magic, other dragons aren’t so lucky. Dragons who are exposed to it may suffer any number of adverse effects, ranging from burns and cancers, to the growth of extra body parts and other disfiguring mutations. In some cases, exposure to an Irradiated Vulture’s magic may even force an individual's own magic into an unstable state that closely resembles the Vulture’s own. The chaotic, seemingly limitless mana stores of an Irradiated Vulture are both a blessing and a curse. Unlike the typical Pestilent Vulture, Irradiateds do not coat their feathers with disease-causing organisms, instead they seek out the largest, most dangerous pockets of magic in the Isles, and bask in them. Although they are immune to most of the negative effects this practice would normally produce, they are still vulnerable to its mutagenic effects. Thus, many bear obvious physical deformities. They are unable to control the absorbed magic, so they cannot utilize it in spells or for combat. They are also unable to contain the magic completely, and so are constantly surrounded by an invisible, lethal field. While this field renders them immune to skydancer’s emotion sensing, it also seems to scramble Irradiated Condors’ own empathic abilities, as this sense is known to be unreliable among the subspecies. This inability to gauge the emotions of others tends to make Irradiated Condors paranoid. They often steal from dragon clans. Irradiateds enjoy stirring up trouble, then snatching whatever they want while their victims are distracted. If anyone attempts to interfere with the heist, the Vulture will flee, using their wing magic (which is capable of blinding foes) to cover their retreat. All other Vulture variants avoid them to protect themselves from being harmed by the unpredictable energies produced by Irradiateds. This doesn’t bother the magic-warped raptors, as most of them couldn’t care less about their cousins, or the rest of dragonkind. Despite this, a few of the more sociable individuals have helped create magic deadening spells and enchanted trinkets, to protect vulnerable dragons from the afflictions that usually befall those exposed to an Irradiated Vulture. [u]Wish lore[/u]: With how far removed most Irradiated Vultures are from their Plague roots, some of them have adapted new patterns more fitting the aesthetics of their home. Other Vultures find this almost heretical, but when have the opinions of others ever mattered to Irradiated Vultures? [center][u]Elder Irradiated[/u] [img][/img][/center] Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only Eyes: Any Primary Eldritch Lionfish Secondary: Thicket - Fern, Eldritch Trail Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, [u]Wish[/u] Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks Occasionally, extremely old Iraddiateds have been known to undergo a transformation. It’s as if a genetic “switch” has been flipped, and this metamorphosis is passed on to the Vulture’s offspring. These creatures are known as “Elder Irradiated” or simply “Elder Vultures”, and are typically more stable, both genetically and psychologically, than their brighter, more mercurial kin, particularly those that hatched as Elders. While their innate illusion magic is weakened by the change -they are no longer able to blind dragons with it- members of this variant are capable magic users, having been inundated with it before even hatching in many cases. Their magical energies can still pose a threat to non-Irradiateds, but it is much more controlled in them. Unlike most Vultures, Elders are not afraid to face aggressors head on, often pelting their foes with volleys of magic projectiles that can overwhelm all but the most powerful defenses. Their standing amongst Vulture society is quite complex. Although they are highly respected in most Vulture clans, it is those same clans that are most wary of the latent magical radiation that stubbornly clings to them. Irradiateds obviously have no need to fear these chaotic energies. In Irradiated flocks, Elders are revered for their survival and magical prowess, though they are often considered a little boring, due to being unwilling to participate in their kin's antics. Wherever they reside, they are almost universally regarded as “creepy”, as they are often eerily silent, express strange physical mutations, and are rarely seen in most areas. They are so rare in some regions that they have almost faded into legend. Members of this most strange variant consider themselves masters of survival, and many seek to further hone their skills by choosing to dwell in the most dangerous landscapes on Sornieth. Condors of this breed have gained the capacity to see through even the most chaotic of magics. Aside from now being unaffected by their own energies, they can accurately read the emotions of Irradiated Vultures. Even the concoctions traditionally used to block a Skydancer’s empathic abilities are ineffective on Elder Condors. [u]Wish lore[/u]: Being descended from Irradiated Vultures, it is only natural that Elder Irradiated Vultures would continue to paint themselves with their family's patterns, even if Vulturekind at large finds those patterns odd.

With how widespread Pestilent Vultures are, it’s only natural that there would be a large degree of variation between their populations. Some populations have deviated enough from the original to be recognized as unique morphs, each with their own physiology and behaviour.
Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only
Eyes: Any
Primary: Black Lionfish
Secondary: Coal - Obsidian Trail

Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, Contour
Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks

Within the darkest places on Sornieth, there lurk flocks of reserved, diminutive Vultures with obsidian plumage. They are referred to as Dusky Vultures (Duskies for short), and they are native to the Tangled Woods, where the largest population still dwells. Another sizable population resides within the depths of the Viridian Labyrinth, and several clans have abandoned sunlight altogether and spend their entire lives in subterranean tunnel systems.

Though most Vultures prefer to keep to their own, Duskies take this to the extreme, only interacting with the rest of dragonkind when forced, and taking care to hide their faces and markings when they do. One of the few things that can lure a Dusky Vulture out of hiding is information. Information about local clans, as well as magical and technological breakthroughs is particularly coveted. What Dusky flocks do with this knowledge is unknown. Though rumours of blackmail and forbidden magic occasionally surface, the species secretive nature makes these impossible to substantiate.

Due to their dark colouration, Duskies have significantly weaker illusion magic than their light-feathered brethren, and so are even more wary of confrontation. Instead of facing adversaries head-on, these Vultures prefer to ambush prey and enemy alike.

Glow mushrooms are their favourite gifts, as they are traditionally an important ingredient in the making of the glowing pigment that many individuals wear year-round, although other bioluminescent plants and fungi can be used. Since Pestilent Vultures only wear glowing paint during courtship, this can be a mild culture shock when the two variants meet.

Contour lore: Different environments call for different adaptations. Aside from wearing glowing paint year-round, some Dusky Vultures have begun to paint themselves with patterns that highlight their extremities, to make it even easier for their clanmates to judge their positions in the dark.
Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only
Eyes: Any
Primary: Radioactive Lionfish
Secondary: Watermelon - Pink, Avocado - Spring Trail

Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, Wish
Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks

The Starfall Isles present what is perhaps one of the greatest challenges to enterprising survivors; despite its outward beauty, the Arcane homeland is permeated by high levels of raw magic, which can severely harm non-arcane dragons, poisoning them, and even causing them to mutate into something horrifying.

Even here, Vultures can be found. Some of them have developed traits to help them survive amongst the radioactive spires of pink chalcedony where these Arcane Vultures prefer to make their nests. It’s almost as if the properties of the pink crystal have rubbed off on the Vultures living there, as they themselves emit large amounts of magical radiation, which has earned them the moniker “Irradiated Vultures”. While they themselves, like other Arcane natives, are immune to this toxic magic, other dragons aren’t so lucky. Dragons who are exposed to it may suffer any number of adverse effects, ranging from burns and cancers, to the growth of extra body parts and other disfiguring mutations. In some cases, exposure to an Irradiated Vulture’s magic may even force an individual's own magic into an unstable state that closely resembles the Vulture’s own.

The chaotic, seemingly limitless mana stores of an Irradiated Vulture are both a blessing and a curse. Unlike the typical Pestilent Vulture, Irradiateds do not coat their feathers with disease-causing organisms, instead they seek out the largest, most dangerous pockets of magic in the Isles, and bask in them. Although they are immune to most of the negative effects this practice would normally produce, they are still vulnerable to its mutagenic effects. Thus, many bear obvious physical deformities. They are unable to control the absorbed magic, so they cannot utilize it in spells or for combat. They are also unable to contain the magic completely, and so are constantly surrounded by an invisible, lethal field. While this field renders them immune to skydancer’s emotion sensing, it also seems to scramble Irradiated Condors’ own empathic abilities, as this sense is known to be unreliable among the subspecies. This inability to gauge the emotions of others tends to make Irradiated Condors paranoid.

They often steal from dragon clans. Irradiateds enjoy stirring up trouble, then snatching whatever they want while their victims are distracted. If anyone attempts to interfere with the heist, the Vulture will flee, using their wing magic (which is capable of blinding foes) to cover their retreat.

All other Vulture variants avoid them to protect themselves from being harmed by the unpredictable energies produced by Irradiateds. This doesn’t bother the magic-warped raptors, as most of them couldn’t care less about their cousins, or the rest of dragonkind. Despite this, a few of the more sociable individuals have helped create magic deadening spells and enchanted trinkets, to protect vulnerable dragons from the afflictions that usually befall those exposed to an Irradiated Vulture.

Wish lore: With how far removed most Irradiated Vultures are from their Plague roots, some of them have adapted new patterns more fitting the aesthetics of their home. Other Vultures find this almost heretical, but when have the opinions of others ever mattered to Irradiated Vultures?
Elder Irradiated
Breed: Wildclaws and Skydancers only
Eyes: Any
Primary Eldritch Lionfish
Secondary: Thicket - Fern, Eldritch Trail

Tertiary (normal): Any Ghost, Wish
Tertiary (Feral): Any Crackle, Koi, Smirch, Flecks

Occasionally, extremely old Iraddiateds have been known to undergo a transformation. It’s as if a genetic “switch” has been flipped, and this metamorphosis is passed on to the Vulture’s offspring. These creatures are known as “Elder Irradiated” or simply “Elder Vultures”, and are typically more stable, both genetically and psychologically, than their brighter, more mercurial kin, particularly those that hatched as Elders. While their innate illusion magic is weakened by the change -they are no longer able to blind dragons with it- members of this variant are capable magic users, having been inundated with it before even hatching in many cases. Their magical energies can still pose a threat to non-Irradiateds, but it is much more controlled in them. Unlike most Vultures, Elders are not afraid to face aggressors head on, often pelting their foes with volleys of magic projectiles that can overwhelm all but the most powerful defenses.

Their standing amongst Vulture society is quite complex. Although they are highly respected in most Vulture clans, it is those same clans that are most wary of the latent magical radiation that stubbornly clings to them. Irradiateds obviously have no need to fear these chaotic energies. In Irradiated flocks, Elders are revered for their survival and magical prowess, though they are often considered a little boring, due to being unwilling to participate in their kin's antics. Wherever they reside, they are almost universally regarded as “creepy”, as they are often eerily silent, express strange physical mutations, and are rarely seen in most areas. They are so rare in some regions that they have almost faded into legend. Members of this most strange variant consider themselves masters of survival, and many seek to further hone their skills by choosing to dwell in the most dangerous landscapes on Sornieth.

Condors of this breed have gained the capacity to see through even the most chaotic of magics. Aside from now being unaffected by their own energies, they can accurately read the emotions of Irradiated Vultures. Even the concoctions traditionally used to block a Skydancer’s empathic abilities are ineffective on Elder Condors.

Wish lore: Being descended from Irradiated Vultures, it is only natural that Elder Irradiated Vultures would continue to paint themselves with their family's patterns, even if Vulturekind at large finds those patterns odd.
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[center][b]Hybrids[/b] [url=]Intro [/url]- [url=]Variants [/url]- Hybrids - [url=]Sales [/url]- [url=]Pairs/Pinglists[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url] - [url=]Registry[/url] [u]Bone Vultures[/u] A Bone Dragon hybrid [img][/img][/center] Breed: Skydancers and Wildclaws only Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted Primary: Coal - Black Lionfish Secondary: Shale - Obsidian Noxtide Tertiary: Any Ghost, Crackle, Smirch Pestilent Vultures have developed quite a knack for finding carcasses, dragon and animal alike. This is unsurprising, as their survival is often dependent on how successful they are at this task. One individual’s misfortune is another's salvation. Except sometimes a situation ends in misfortune for all creatures involved. Bone Dragons, with their flesh literally rotting off of their bones as a result of their affliction, are easily confused for corpses, especially from high in the air. It’s not uncommon for a Vulture or Condor to eagerly descend upon a sleeping Bone Dragon, believing they’ve found easy prey. Bone Dragons, like most dragons, do not appreciate being awoken by a Vulture pecking at them or their belongings. The Vulture, upon realising their mistake, will usually attempt to flee their now enraged target. These encounters rarely result in serious injuries for either party. However, it only takes a single scratch to transmit the Bone Dragon’s infamous disease. As the infection takes hold, the Vulture becomes more aggressive, less likely to flee from confrontation. The disease damages their wings, resulting in the loss of their feathers and some of their magical prowess, causing many to hide their wings in shame, and forcing them into a melee role in battle. If they’re lucky, they’ll be allowed to remain in their flock, though they will likely never completely regain their flock’s trust, always being watched from the corners of their clanmate’s eyes, and hearing their names whispered in hushed, almost conspiratorial conversations that end as soon as the participants notice that they are present. Those that end up exiled, whether by choice or by force often end up in the company of Feral Vultures or Bone Dragons, neither of whom mind the Bone Vultures’ more violent natures, with the latter being affected by the same disease, and thus immune to it, as well.
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Bone Vultures
A Bone Dragon hybrid
Breed: Skydancers and Wildclaws only
Eyes: All eye colours and types accepted
Primary: Coal - Black Lionfish
Secondary: Shale - Obsidian Noxtide
Tertiary: Any Ghost, Crackle, Smirch

Pestilent Vultures have developed quite a knack for finding carcasses, dragon and animal alike. This is unsurprising, as their survival is often dependent on how successful they are at this task. One individual’s misfortune is another's salvation. Except sometimes a situation ends in misfortune for all creatures involved. Bone Dragons, with their flesh literally rotting off of their bones as a result of their affliction, are easily confused for corpses, especially from high in the air. It’s not uncommon for a Vulture or Condor to eagerly descend upon a sleeping Bone Dragon, believing they’ve found easy prey. Bone Dragons, like most dragons, do not appreciate being awoken by a Vulture pecking at them or their belongings. The Vulture, upon realising their mistake, will usually attempt to flee their now enraged target. These encounters rarely result in serious injuries for either party. However, it only takes a single scratch to transmit the Bone Dragon’s infamous disease.

As the infection takes hold, the Vulture becomes more aggressive, less likely to flee from confrontation. The disease damages their wings, resulting in the loss of their feathers and some of their magical prowess, causing many to hide their wings in shame, and forcing them into a melee role in battle. If they’re lucky, they’ll be allowed to remain in their flock, though they will likely never completely regain their flock’s trust, always being watched from the corners of their clanmate’s eyes, and hearing their names whispered in hushed, almost conspiratorial conversations that end as soon as the participants notice that they are present. Those that end up exiled, whether by choice or by force often end up in the company of Feral Vultures or Bone Dragons, neither of whom mind the Bone Vultures’ more violent natures, with the latter being affected by the same disease, and thus immune to it, as well.
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The Feast Begins (Mine)

Phytotoxic (Mine)

Echoes of the Past (Mine)

Curious Case (Mine)

All Sales Pinglist wrote:
Pestilent Vulture Sales Pinglist wrote:
Pestilent Condor Sales Pinglist wrote:
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Bloodbone Vultures (20+)

Bone Vultures/Condors

Non-subspecies dragons w/ Vulture related lore
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