-the remains of some ancient city on the border of the ocean and the desert and carved partially out of the cliff side, built from strange white stone around a massive oasis
- built and then abandoned centuries ago, later inhabited by the survivors of Clan Coelestis after the siege of the Citadel
-ruled by several noble houses in constant competition
-most important of these is House Coelestis, which is by far the eldest and most powerful house in the city. It is they who repopulated Ra-Harenae after the fall of the Citadel, and their reign, though not uncontested, has remained steadfast for decades
- rife with magical phenomena. Hidden pocket dimensions called Oases are scattered throughout the city, and magical beings make up a small portion of the population
The Citadel
-once the seat of a great empire and the former home of Clan Coelestis, a gleaming palace of marble and silver and mother-of-pearl rising out of the sea Kyropeion.
-population was almost completely decimated after some unknown evil was freed within the Citadel walls, leaving only a small fraction of the survivors to popular Ra-Harenae
-Most of the Citadel is actually underwater; only the tallest buildings remain above sea-level
-at the peak of its power, Clan Coelestis built a massive mobile fortress possessing vague sentience assigned to guard the Citadel. It had the appearance of a whale carved of interlocking stone plates. Inexplainably, it went silent when the Citadel went under attack, and has been dormant ever since, swimming circles around the Citadel and attacking anyone who tries to approach the Citadel by water
The White Wastelands
-the desert in which Ra-Harenae was built. Dotted with old ruins, mostly temples and tombs, which are guarded by traps, monsters, and much worse. It’s very dangerous to traverse across the White Wastelands alone, for reasons that are better left unspoken
-the ocean in which the Citadel was built. The seafloor is mostly featureless but is littered with the carcasses of great leviathans that perished in the siege, as well as occasional coral reefs and kelp beds
-the sand is white and the water is shallow except for the seafloor surrounding the Citadel, which has sand as black as the night sky and water so deep and tainted that no sunlight can reach the floor and nothing can live there
-but besides the area around the Citadel, it’s pretty pristine and not very dangerous
-the remains of some ancient city on the border of the ocean and the desert and carved partially out of the cliff side, built from strange white stone around a massive oasis
- built and then abandoned centuries ago, later inhabited by the survivors of Clan Coelestis after the siege of the Citadel
-ruled by several noble houses in constant competition
-most important of these is House Coelestis, which is by far the eldest and most powerful house in the city. It is they who repopulated Ra-Harenae after the fall of the Citadel, and their reign, though not uncontested, has remained steadfast for decades
- rife with magical phenomena. Hidden pocket dimensions called Oases are scattered throughout the city, and magical beings make up a small portion of the population
The Citadel
-once the seat of a great empire and the former home of Clan Coelestis, a gleaming palace of marble and silver and mother-of-pearl rising out of the sea Kyropeion.
-population was almost completely decimated after some unknown evil was freed within the Citadel walls, leaving only a small fraction of the survivors to popular Ra-Harenae
-Most of the Citadel is actually underwater; only the tallest buildings remain above sea-level
-at the peak of its power, Clan Coelestis built a massive mobile fortress possessing vague sentience assigned to guard the Citadel. It had the appearance of a whale carved of interlocking stone plates. Inexplainably, it went silent when the Citadel went under attack, and has been dormant ever since, swimming circles around the Citadel and attacking anyone who tries to approach the Citadel by water
The White Wastelands
-the desert in which Ra-Harenae was built. Dotted with old ruins, mostly temples and tombs, which are guarded by traps, monsters, and much worse. It’s very dangerous to traverse across the White Wastelands alone, for reasons that are better left unspoken
-the ocean in which the Citadel was built. The seafloor is mostly featureless but is littered with the carcasses of great leviathans that perished in the siege, as well as occasional coral reefs and kelp beds
-the sand is white and the water is shallow except for the seafloor surrounding the Citadel, which has sand as black as the night sky and water so deep and tainted that no sunlight can reach the floor and nothing can live there
-but besides the area around the Citadel, it’s pretty pristine and not very dangerous
Ra-Harenae’s culture is, in a word, eclectic. Many practices are remnants of Citadel-era Coelestian culture. In the early days of Ra-Harenae following the Saltplain Diaspora, the Citadel survivors attempted to preserve their own culture, primarily in the form of architecture, religion, and trade, but found it ill-suited to the new environment. In the following years Coelestian culture was slowly adapted, incorporating practices from neighboring earthen clans and, later, from foreign clans via trade.
Coelestian culture is the single largest influence in Ra-Harenae’s culture as a whole, and has been nearly seamlessly integrated into the rest of the city’s practices. That being said, some areas are less integrated than others due to House Coelestis’ efforts to preserve its old ways. House Coelestis is essentially a microcosm of ‘pure’ Citadel life, uninfluenced by the other cultures that were brought in after the Diaspora. This is most evidently reflected in Coelestian palaces, which are exclusively built in a style almost completely replicating the Citadel. Because of this cultural isolationism, there’s some disconnect between Coelestian nobles and the rest of Ra-Harenae, though this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Ra-Harenae’s dominant culture is essentially evolved Coelestian practices with elements from other regions. Many view House Coelestis as overly antiquated, ritualistic, and somewhat alien.
Ra-Harenae’s cultural diversity is at once its greatest strength and largest weakness. Its demographic encompasses the best of each field from every region: metalsmiths from the Ashfall Wastes, architects from the Sunbeam Ruin, mages from the Starfall Isles, each of them genius in their own right. The remaining Coelestian scholars and artisans, too, are masters of their craft who work tirelessly to preserve the culture of their lost empire. By the same token, though, House Coelestis can struggle to unite the highly diverse citizens of Ra-Harenae under one cause, particularly when it comes to matters of war. That being said, this shortcoming is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Ra-Harenae really doesn’t have much interest in outside conquest.
Though Ra-Harenae, as a city, could be a decently formidable imperial power thanks to the combined military might of its ruling houses, it as an overall state has displayed very little interest in exerting this strength (although individual houses have been known to occasionally engage in territorial skirmishes with neighboring hostile settlements). This is due at least in part by the fact that Ra-Harenae’s ruling houses are in constant competition and spend most of their time plotting against each other and imposing their will on the political status quo rather than turning their sights to outward conquest.
The corruptions, curiously, form the keystone of Ra-Harenae’s politics. The majority of the city’s military might is focused on warding them off, leaving the city slightly vulnerable to attacks from other groups and keeping it from focusing on territory expansion. In the same vein, though, they also ward off would-be attackers because there’s a universal understanding that Ra-Harenae is perhaps the only bastion preventing the Citadel’s corruptions from encroaching further inland. To wipe out Ra-Harenae’s military forces and absorb the city into one’s territory would be to inherit its associated demons and risk bringing them further into the mainland, a burden that most are happy to let Ra-Harenae shoulder.
Ra-Harenae’s culture is, in a word, eclectic. Many practices are remnants of Citadel-era Coelestian culture. In the early days of Ra-Harenae following the Saltplain Diaspora, the Citadel survivors attempted to preserve their own culture, primarily in the form of architecture, religion, and trade, but found it ill-suited to the new environment. In the following years Coelestian culture was slowly adapted, incorporating practices from neighboring earthen clans and, later, from foreign clans via trade.
Coelestian culture is the single largest influence in Ra-Harenae’s culture as a whole, and has been nearly seamlessly integrated into the rest of the city’s practices. That being said, some areas are less integrated than others due to House Coelestis’ efforts to preserve its old ways. House Coelestis is essentially a microcosm of ‘pure’ Citadel life, uninfluenced by the other cultures that were brought in after the Diaspora. This is most evidently reflected in Coelestian palaces, which are exclusively built in a style almost completely replicating the Citadel. Because of this cultural isolationism, there’s some disconnect between Coelestian nobles and the rest of Ra-Harenae, though this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Ra-Harenae’s dominant culture is essentially evolved Coelestian practices with elements from other regions. Many view House Coelestis as overly antiquated, ritualistic, and somewhat alien.
Ra-Harenae’s cultural diversity is at once its greatest strength and largest weakness. Its demographic encompasses the best of each field from every region: metalsmiths from the Ashfall Wastes, architects from the Sunbeam Ruin, mages from the Starfall Isles, each of them genius in their own right. The remaining Coelestian scholars and artisans, too, are masters of their craft who work tirelessly to preserve the culture of their lost empire. By the same token, though, House Coelestis can struggle to unite the highly diverse citizens of Ra-Harenae under one cause, particularly when it comes to matters of war. That being said, this shortcoming is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Ra-Harenae really doesn’t have much interest in outside conquest.
Though Ra-Harenae, as a city, could be a decently formidable imperial power thanks to the combined military might of its ruling houses, it as an overall state has displayed very little interest in exerting this strength (although individual houses have been known to occasionally engage in territorial skirmishes with neighboring hostile settlements). This is due at least in part by the fact that Ra-Harenae’s ruling houses are in constant competition and spend most of their time plotting against each other and imposing their will on the political status quo rather than turning their sights to outward conquest.
The corruptions, curiously, form the keystone of Ra-Harenae’s politics. The majority of the city’s military might is focused on warding them off, leaving the city slightly vulnerable to attacks from other groups and keeping it from focusing on territory expansion. In the same vein, though, they also ward off would-be attackers because there’s a universal understanding that Ra-Harenae is perhaps the only bastion preventing the Citadel’s corruptions from encroaching further inland. To wipe out Ra-Harenae’s military forces and absorb the city into one’s territory would be to inherit its associated demons and risk bringing them further into the mainland, a burden that most are happy to let Ra-Harenae shoulder.
Ra-Harenae is quite the sight to the newcomer. The entire city is constructed of an unknown white stone; soaring arched bridges and spires and domes and temples, a city of monuments and testaments to the ancient that came before them. The buildings are inlaid in pearlescent turquoise tiles and copper and gold, the city given life through a complex set of tunnels and aqueducts.
Ra-Harenae is a flourishing place of art and advancement, a bastion of culture on the border between the desert and the ocean. Water features are common here, and the market provides a wide range of goods imported from all over the world. Regardless, the older residents still remember a city still grander than this, a sunken empire of the dead now stained black by a foul presence. They remember, and they mourn still, but for now, this city of sand is enough. The Celestial Spires
There are four towers called the Celestial Spires scattered across Ra-Harenae, built of white stone and topped with a levitating, rotating orb at its peak. Each of these orbs radiates strong magical power, however, the origin and purpose of these orbs is unknown. Most believe that it is these orbs that prevent corruptions from breaking into the city, and put up a spherical ‘force field’ around the city. Of course, this shield is far from impenetrable, and the combined force of enough corruptions can indeed temporarily shatter the shield.
House Coelestis has supernatural ties to the night sky. It’s rumored that Zariel and her family are descended from the stars themselves. The Spires are inhabited by the nobles of House Coelestis and serves as their palace.
Visitors to the Celestial Spires are often struck by their grandeur: the buildings are constructed of polished white stone and boast intricate diamond-studded carvings of star maps inlaid on the walls and ceilings. This serves as a testament to House Coelestis’ power, and no other house has occupied the Celestial Spires since Ra-Harenae was repopulated. The Veins
Due to its proximity to the ocean, a large portion of Ra-Harenae’s population consists of water dragons and therefore, the scholars and architects have a clear understanding of water pressure, as well as water magic.
There is an expansive system of aqueducts running through the earth beneath Ra-Harenae that takes water to and from the city. This network is commonly called the Veins of the city, as it transports clean water throughout the city which would otherwise be unavailable. Enchantments strategically placed at certain checkpoints ensure that the water is purified. Numerous waterfalls pour out of the cliff face where the aqueducts deposits water back into the ocean.
While most of these tunnels are small and only serve to transport water, others are large enough for dragons to travel through. In some places, the Veins intersect with natural cavern systems. A black market exchange takes place in certain areas of the Veins where the tunnels are large enough for dragons to move through. These tunnels can be accessed from certain places such as a specific fountain or a natural cave that happens to intersect with the Veins, though such locations are a closely guarded secret known only to those who access the black market on a regular basis.
Due to the high level of water-born dragons living within Ra-Harenae, as well as the presence of allied maren clans, a separate network of larger underground tunnels filled with water runs through the upper levels of the city. Of course, since this network serves as transportation, these tunnels are much more well-maintained than most of the rest of the Veins. Entrances to these tunnels are accessible by several large octagonal pools scattered throughout the city that lead to various destination.
Water features are all over Ra-Harenae for aesthetic purposes, most commonly fountains and pools inhabited with ornamental sealife. Many major roads also have small channels of water running down the center simply For decoration. Whitecliffs
The area facing Kyropeion forms a district called Whitecliffs. Several buildings have been carved into the upper levels of the cliffs, with arched walkways and glittering waterfalls. The lower levels of Whitecliffs, closer to the ocean, is less steep and forms sheltered coves, grottos, and natural rock formations. The water at the base is clear and shallow, and is populated with small fish and aquatic plants.
Most of the denizens of Whitecliffs are merchants, artisans, and scavengers, and are relatively separate from the scheming politics of Ra-Harenae’s noble houses. Dragons here tend to also be more aquatically-adapted, boasting gills and flippers as well as innate water-magical abilities. Athiae, the Heart of Ra-Harenae
Athiae is the name of a massive oasis at the core of city, a crystal-clear refuge of water around which the entirety of Ra-Harenae was built. The highest echelons of Ra-Harenae reside in palaces and complexes around Athiae, with balconies that overlook its glittering shores and fountains that draw water from its depths.
Athiae is also the center of the Veins, making it quite literally the heart of Ra-Harenae. Its transportation system always eventually leads back here. Additionally, some of the water-adapted upper-class dragons of Ra-Harenae reside in Athiae’s waters, as there are many buildings actually submerged below.
Allied maren also make their home here, as well as exotic sea life. The Marketplace
Athiae’s vast waters feed a wide waterfall on the southeastern part of Whitecliffs called the Veil of Aquarii (after the legend of a veiled seer from the pre-diaspora era), or simply the Veil for short.
The Marketplace is accessed through the archway behind the waterfall and leads to a massive cove crowded with canoes laden with wares of all kinds, forming a sort of floating market. Still more stalls are perched on platforms built into the canyon walls. Ships sail through the archway and dock within the Marketplace; larger merchant ships dock outside the Marketplace and transfer their wares to smaller canoes so as not to take up too much space among the other boats.
The artisans of the city primarily include sculptors, jewelers, and other forms of art that utilize the precious minerals Ra-Harenae is abundant in. Art is highly valued by the entire populace, and a skilled artisan can in some cases become wealthier than some lesser nobles.
Nearly anything can be found among the canoes and reed rafts and stalls of the Marketplace, from rare fish in glass jars to heavy bejeweled headdresses to enchanted spellbooks to wind chimes made of seaglass. Theft is prevented by a couple of semi-sentient water spirits residing in the lake, who protect unattended wares.
Ra-Harenae is quite the sight to the newcomer. The entire city is constructed of an unknown white stone; soaring arched bridges and spires and domes and temples, a city of monuments and testaments to the ancient that came before them. The buildings are inlaid in pearlescent turquoise tiles and copper and gold, the city given life through a complex set of tunnels and aqueducts.
Ra-Harenae is a flourishing place of art and advancement, a bastion of culture on the border between the desert and the ocean. Water features are common here, and the market provides a wide range of goods imported from all over the world. Regardless, the older residents still remember a city still grander than this, a sunken empire of the dead now stained black by a foul presence. They remember, and they mourn still, but for now, this city of sand is enough. The Celestial Spires
There are four towers called the Celestial Spires scattered across Ra-Harenae, built of white stone and topped with a levitating, rotating orb at its peak. Each of these orbs radiates strong magical power, however, the origin and purpose of these orbs is unknown. Most believe that it is these orbs that prevent corruptions from breaking into the city, and put up a spherical ‘force field’ around the city. Of course, this shield is far from impenetrable, and the combined force of enough corruptions can indeed temporarily shatter the shield.
House Coelestis has supernatural ties to the night sky. It’s rumored that Zariel and her family are descended from the stars themselves. The Spires are inhabited by the nobles of House Coelestis and serves as their palace.
Visitors to the Celestial Spires are often struck by their grandeur: the buildings are constructed of polished white stone and boast intricate diamond-studded carvings of star maps inlaid on the walls and ceilings. This serves as a testament to House Coelestis’ power, and no other house has occupied the Celestial Spires since Ra-Harenae was repopulated. The Veins
Due to its proximity to the ocean, a large portion of Ra-Harenae’s population consists of water dragons and therefore, the scholars and architects have a clear understanding of water pressure, as well as water magic.
There is an expansive system of aqueducts running through the earth beneath Ra-Harenae that takes water to and from the city. This network is commonly called the Veins of the city, as it transports clean water throughout the city which would otherwise be unavailable. Enchantments strategically placed at certain checkpoints ensure that the water is purified. Numerous waterfalls pour out of the cliff face where the aqueducts deposits water back into the ocean.
While most of these tunnels are small and only serve to transport water, others are large enough for dragons to travel through. In some places, the Veins intersect with natural cavern systems. A black market exchange takes place in certain areas of the Veins where the tunnels are large enough for dragons to move through. These tunnels can be accessed from certain places such as a specific fountain or a natural cave that happens to intersect with the Veins, though such locations are a closely guarded secret known only to those who access the black market on a regular basis.
Due to the high level of water-born dragons living within Ra-Harenae, as well as the presence of allied maren clans, a separate network of larger underground tunnels filled with water runs through the upper levels of the city. Of course, since this network serves as transportation, these tunnels are much more well-maintained than most of the rest of the Veins. Entrances to these tunnels are accessible by several large octagonal pools scattered throughout the city that lead to various destination.
Water features are all over Ra-Harenae for aesthetic purposes, most commonly fountains and pools inhabited with ornamental sealife. Many major roads also have small channels of water running down the center simply For decoration. Whitecliffs
The area facing Kyropeion forms a district called Whitecliffs. Several buildings have been carved into the upper levels of the cliffs, with arched walkways and glittering waterfalls. The lower levels of Whitecliffs, closer to the ocean, is less steep and forms sheltered coves, grottos, and natural rock formations. The water at the base is clear and shallow, and is populated with small fish and aquatic plants.
Most of the denizens of Whitecliffs are merchants, artisans, and scavengers, and are relatively separate from the scheming politics of Ra-Harenae’s noble houses. Dragons here tend to also be more aquatically-adapted, boasting gills and flippers as well as innate water-magical abilities. Athiae, the Heart of Ra-Harenae
Athiae is the name of a massive oasis at the core of city, a crystal-clear refuge of water around which the entirety of Ra-Harenae was built. The highest echelons of Ra-Harenae reside in palaces and complexes around Athiae, with balconies that overlook its glittering shores and fountains that draw water from its depths.
Athiae is also the center of the Veins, making it quite literally the heart of Ra-Harenae. Its transportation system always eventually leads back here. Additionally, some of the water-adapted upper-class dragons of Ra-Harenae reside in Athiae’s waters, as there are many buildings actually submerged below.
Allied maren also make their home here, as well as exotic sea life. The Marketplace
Athiae’s vast waters feed a wide waterfall on the southeastern part of Whitecliffs called the Veil of Aquarii (after the legend of a veiled seer from the pre-diaspora era), or simply the Veil for short.
The Marketplace is accessed through the archway behind the waterfall and leads to a massive cove crowded with canoes laden with wares of all kinds, forming a sort of floating market. Still more stalls are perched on platforms built into the canyon walls. Ships sail through the archway and dock within the Marketplace; larger merchant ships dock outside the Marketplace and transfer their wares to smaller canoes so as not to take up too much space among the other boats.
The artisans of the city primarily include sculptors, jewelers, and other forms of art that utilize the precious minerals Ra-Harenae is abundant in. Art is highly valued by the entire populace, and a skilled artisan can in some cases become wealthier than some lesser nobles.
Nearly anything can be found among the canoes and reed rafts and stalls of the Marketplace, from rare fish in glass jars to heavy bejeweled headdresses to enchanted spellbooks to wind chimes made of seaglass. Theft is prevented by a couple of semi-sentient water spirits residing in the lake, who protect unattended wares.
Most buildings related to Ra-Harenae fall into one of four architectural styles. Of these four, only the Earthborn, Neo-Citadel, and Centonis styles appear in Ra-Harenae.
[*][b]Citadel-era:[/b] House Coelestis mastered its own architectural style in the Citadel. It originated from a combination of light cities and water palaces but developed without further outside influence, resulting in a distinctive aesthetic. The Citadel-era style only appears in the Citadel itself, but is considered the ‘parent’ to other styles in Ra-Harenae.
[*][b]Earthborn: [/b]The original style of Ra-Harenae’s founders. Earthborn-style buildings were constructed before the Citadel survivors moved into Ra-Harenae. Many of the oldest buildings in Ra-Harenae are of Earthborn style, as are ruins in the White Wasteland.
[*][b]Neo-Citadel:[/b] In the early days of Ra-Harenae, architects tried to construct buildings using Citadel-era techniques, but incorporated elements from Earthborn style in order to maintain a semi-cohesive aesthetic with the rest of the city. The Neo-Citadel style is still primarily Citadel-era with only minimal influences from the Earthborn style, most commonly seen in Coelestian buildings.
[*][b]Centonis:[/b] The newest, most diverse, and most common style in Ra-Harenae, Centonis is derived primarily from the Earthborn style and takes heavy influence from the Citadel-era style as well as the cities of light, water, and lightning. The term Centonis comes from the ancient word for patchwork.
[b]Glass[/b] was an expensive import in the Citadel, as they had no access to glassmaking resources in the middle of the sea, and for the most part the Citadel’s layout was open to air and needed no glass-paned windows. Most imported glass was used to create lenses for astronomy devices.
After the move to Ra-Harenae, the resources for making glass became far more accessible. Glasswork techniques spread to Ra-Harenae via merchants from the Blacksand Annex, and eventually their artisans picked up the art themselves to the point that Ra-Harenae no longer had to import all of its glass.
As the art of glassblowing advanced in Ra-Harenae and artisans traded techniques with other civilizations, artisans developed a new variation of dichroic glass called auroral mageglass.
Auroral mageglass, so named for its brilliant finish, is valued for its magical properties. It can be used to either amplify or reflect magical spells depending on its shape and finish.
Mageglass isn’t a new creation, nor is it exclusive to Ra-Harenae. The techniques to make mageglass are derived from the arcglass that forms the hemispherical barrier over the Astrolodome, modified to use resources found naturally in the White Wastelands instead of the Starfall Isles.
Besides its other uses, mageglass can be made into iridescent tiles that are often seen on the houses of wealthy mages, seers, and nobles. These tiles serve a dual purpose, both for decoration and to deflect magical attempts to see inside the building.
[b]Mosaics[/b] are derived from the Earthborn style, as it was an architectural element that Ra-Harenae already displayed before Clan Coelestis arrived.
Many buildings of spiritual significance boast mosaics made of mother-of-pearl. This practice is derived from Lanternlea Port, whose pearlcatcher residents used their own produced nacre to make the tiles. Every mosaic is a labor of love, often the product of a single artisan’s life’s work. Because of the deep significance attached to a pearlcatcher’s pearl, these nacre mosaics are typically only displayed in places of worship or ancestral residences passed down from generation to generation.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the palaces of House Coelestis are built in the Neo-Citadel style, made to more closely resemble the Citadel rather than Ra-Harenae itself. They’re built out of silver and onyx, a stark contrast to the city’s typical copper and turquoise, and usually bear motifs of the night sky.
Temples of the Tidelord are usually built in the Neo-Citadel style, owing to the fact that most of those who still worship the Tidelord are Citadel survivors who still cling to hope for their vanished god. [b]Depleted sacridite[/b] has a tendency to crop up in these temples, sprung from the abandoned prophets’ unanswered laments and requiems. This sacridite is sometimes incorporated into the temples’ design, making it a unique trait of Neo-Citadel buildings.
Ra-Harenae, when the Citadel survivors arrived, already boasted a fairly complex water system, but it was the superior expertise of the Citadel’s surviving water mages that allowed the city to become the oasis that it is today. Of the surviving knowledge of House Coelestis, the most effort was put into preserving hydraulic engineering and hydromancy techniques because the very survival of the city depends on its access to clean and drinkable water. Though the pre-existing water system was sufficient, the Citadel’s sea mages were able to build on it and draw inspiration from its mechanisms to create an incredibly advanced system that employed techniques from both earth and water. From earth they derived structural integrity and irrigation methods, and from water they derived purification techniques and the ability to direct water flow.
Ra-Harenae today is famed for its myriad fountains, pools, and ornamental water features, which often boast fantastic aquatic creatures and exotic plants. It's a testament to just how profoundly Ra-Harenae's engineers and mages have mastered the art of hydromancy, that the city is quite literally overflowing in clean water
Though they are impressive, the city's ubiquitous water features are more than simple decoration. They also serve as passive cooling, drinking sources, transportation, housing, and more. Many fountains are designed in ornate cascades to maximize water surface exposure and evaporation in order to cool the air or aerate drinking water.
[columns][item=sand creeper][item=carrot harvest][nextcol][item=fig][item=wasteland pear][nextcol]Another more recently-emerging strategy of passive cooling is the cultivation of [b]vertical gardens[/b]. It's common to see stone buildings covered in mosses and climbing vines, since the plants' transpiration helps regulate the humidity and temperature inside. It's also become an increasingly popular practice to cultivate fruit-bearing vines, and many dragons sell homegrown produce at local markets. This helps mitigate the fact that Ra-Harenae struggles to import fresh fruits, as most will spoil during the long trek across the White Wastelands. [/columns]
Most buildings related to Ra-Harenae fall into one of four architectural styles. Of these four, only the Earthborn, Neo-Citadel, and Centonis styles appear in Ra-Harenae.
Citadel-era: House Coelestis mastered its own architectural style in the Citadel. It originated from a combination of light cities and water palaces but developed without further outside influence, resulting in a distinctive aesthetic. The Citadel-era style only appears in the Citadel itself, but is considered the ‘parent’ to other styles in Ra-Harenae.
Earthborn: The original style of Ra-Harenae’s founders. Earthborn-style buildings were constructed before the Citadel survivors moved into Ra-Harenae. Many of the oldest buildings in Ra-Harenae are of Earthborn style, as are ruins in the White Wasteland.
Neo-Citadel: In the early days of Ra-Harenae, architects tried to construct buildings using Citadel-era techniques, but incorporated elements from Earthborn style in order to maintain a semi-cohesive aesthetic with the rest of the city. The Neo-Citadel style is still primarily Citadel-era with only minimal influences from the Earthborn style, most commonly seen in Coelestian buildings.
Centonis: The newest, most diverse, and most common style in Ra-Harenae, Centonis is derived primarily from the Earthborn style and takes heavy influence from the Citadel-era style as well as the cities of light, water, and lightning. The term Centonis comes from the ancient word for patchwork.
Glass was an expensive import in the Citadel, as they had no access to glassmaking resources in the middle of the sea, and for the most part the Citadel’s layout was open to air and needed no glass-paned windows. Most imported glass was used to create lenses for astronomy devices.
After the move to Ra-Harenae, the resources for making glass became far more accessible. Glasswork techniques spread to Ra-Harenae via merchants from the Blacksand Annex, and eventually their artisans picked up the art themselves to the point that Ra-Harenae no longer had to import all of its glass.
As the art of glassblowing advanced in Ra-Harenae and artisans traded techniques with other civilizations, artisans developed a new variation of dichroic glass called auroral mageglass.
Auroral mageglass, so named for its brilliant finish, is valued for its magical properties. It can be used to either amplify or reflect magical spells depending on its shape and finish.
Mageglass isn’t a new creation, nor is it exclusive to Ra-Harenae. The techniques to make mageglass are derived from the arcglass that forms the hemispherical barrier over the Astrolodome, modified to use resources found naturally in the White Wastelands instead of the Starfall Isles.
Besides its other uses, mageglass can be made into iridescent tiles that are often seen on the houses of wealthy mages, seers, and nobles. These tiles serve a dual purpose, both for decoration and to deflect magical attempts to see inside the building.
Mosaics are derived from the Earthborn style, as it was an architectural element that Ra-Harenae already displayed before Clan Coelestis arrived.
Many buildings of spiritual significance boast mosaics made of mother-of-pearl. This practice is derived from Lanternlea Port, whose pearlcatcher residents used their own produced nacre to make the tiles. Every mosaic is a labor of love, often the product of a single artisan’s life’s work. Because of the deep significance attached to a pearlcatcher’s pearl, these nacre mosaics are typically only displayed in places of worship or ancestral residences passed down from generation to generation.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the palaces of House Coelestis are built in the Neo-Citadel style, made to more closely resemble the Citadel rather than Ra-Harenae itself. They’re built out of silver and onyx, a stark contrast to the city’s typical copper and turquoise, and usually bear motifs of the night sky.
Temples of the Tidelord are usually built in the Neo-Citadel style, owing to the fact that most of those who still worship the Tidelord are Citadel survivors who still cling to hope for their vanished god. Depleted sacridite has a tendency to crop up in these temples, sprung from the abandoned prophets’ unanswered laments and requiems. This sacridite is sometimes incorporated into the temples’ design, making it a unique trait of Neo-Citadel buildings.
Ra-Harenae, when the Citadel survivors arrived, already boasted a fairly complex water system, but it was the superior expertise of the Citadel’s surviving water mages that allowed the city to become the oasis that it is today. Of the surviving knowledge of House Coelestis, the most effort was put into preserving hydraulic engineering and hydromancy techniques because the very survival of the city depends on its access to clean and drinkable water. Though the pre-existing water system was sufficient, the Citadel’s sea mages were able to build on it and draw inspiration from its mechanisms to create an incredibly advanced system that employed techniques from both earth and water. From earth they derived structural integrity and irrigation methods, and from water they derived purification techniques and the ability to direct water flow.
Ra-Harenae today is famed for its myriad fountains, pools, and ornamental water features, which often boast fantastic aquatic creatures and exotic plants. It's a testament to just how profoundly Ra-Harenae's engineers and mages have mastered the art of hydromancy, that the city is quite literally overflowing in clean water
Though they are impressive, the city's ubiquitous water features are more than simple decoration. They also serve as passive cooling, drinking sources, transportation, housing, and more. Many fountains are designed in ornate cascades to maximize water surface exposure and evaporation in order to cool the air or aerate drinking water.
Sand Creeper
This species of ivy can blanket whole swaths of sand. Even when culled, it seems to reemerge out of nowhere.
Carrot Harvest
A bountiful harvest carried on the wings of its tender.
Enjoy fresh, dried, or boiled.
Wasteland Pear
Finding a wasteland pear is easy. It is finding one that is not a dried out husk that presents a challenge.
Another more recently-emerging strategy of passive cooling is the cultivation of vertical gardens. It's common to see stone buildings covered in mosses and climbing vines, since the plants' transpiration helps regulate the humidity and temperature inside. It's also become an increasingly popular practice to cultivate fruit-bearing vines, and many dragons sell homegrown produce at local markets. This helps mitigate the fact that Ra-Harenae struggles to import fresh fruits, as most will spoil during the long trek across the White Wastelands.
Archive: Ra-Harenae - Mythology
There is no predominant religion in Ra-Harenae, and the array of deities and spirits are as varied as the city’s inhabitants. Most worship entities of the desert or sea.
[b]Whales and Cetaceans[/b]
Cetaceans of all kinds are venerated as holy creatures for their deep connection to spirits. Some say that they can speak to the dead, and that their songs are a lament to those who are long gone. Given the immense tragedy that occurred during the fall of the Citadel, it’s no wonder that the survivors hold such a deep reverence towards whales. This belief may have been shared by those long-gone who constructed Ra-Harenae (evident from the prevalence of whale motifs in ancient murals and frescoes).
Seaglass Swimmers are the most common species found in Kyropeion, and religious art involving whales typically use Seaglass Swimmers. It’s considered a crime to bring harm to a cetacean, and every effort is made to save beached or wounded whales. Even the site of a whale’s carcass is considered a holy place where the borders between the living and the dead are thinnest.
This creates an interesting dilemma in the exceedingly rare case of a whale-based corruption. Whale corruptions are extremely large and powerful, and since the whale technically remains alive while in its corrupted state, it’s still technically a crime to harm it, although this is sometimes debated between priests. Such cases of whale-born corruptions are almost unheard of, and there are no documented records of a corrupted whale coming close enough to the shore to be a true threat.
It’s common practice to mark places of death with a monument of engraved whalebone. Individual graves may be marked with a simple rib bone etched with the deceased’s name and achievements, while great whale skull monuments may mark the site of a particularly large battle or the grave of a hero.
Ra-Harenae is relatively safe from corruptions, but the fear still pervades the city, particularly among those who were alive to witness the fall of the Citadel and the ensuing destruction and insanity. Because of this, some choose out of fear to worship the unknown entity that still resides in the Citadel, believing that their devotion will ward off corruptions.
While those who pay tribute to ATAXIA are often shunned, they typically worship out of fear and aren’t actually malicious. However, there are underground cults dedicated to the ATAXIA that often engage in activity that is unscrupulous at best and murderous at worst. The existence of such cults is an open secret, and a topic that most dragons tend to avoid.
Like ATAXIA, Aquarii was another prominent figure during the fall of the Citadel. She was a famed seer who barely foresaw the disaster, allowing hundreds to evacuate the city. It is due to her actions that so many were able to make it to Ra-Harenae. Aquarii herself is presumed to have died in the fall of the Citadel, but her legacy remains.
Many older dragons who saw Aquarii’s power firsthand revere her as a demigod. Though Aquarii herself is likely long gone, some theorize that she may remain in the Citadel as a corruption or some other undead. Aquarii’s existence as an undead is a highly disputed topic among her followers, dividing the religion into two distinct sects that either revere Aquarii as a symbol of resurrection and persistence in the face of death, or refuse to acknowledge the possibility of her undeath and deny her association with dark magic. The undead sect, called the Order of the Revenant, is far smaller, and, like the cult of ATAXIA, isn’t necessarily an evil organization but still carries a negative connotation among the general public.
Aquarii is venerated not as a god but as a sacred hero, and most followers pay only casual tribute in the form of a whispered prayer or an offering in the form of a pearl tossed into a fountain. Therefore, true priests of Aquarii are rare and sparse. Her spheres of power include water, prophecy, clarity, and sight, and symbols of Aquarii include betta fish and waterfalls. Those who worship Aquarii either witnessed her power firsthand or are prophets who seek guidance from her. The especially devout might wear veils to emulate the famed seer.
Godraiser, like Aquarii, is technically not a deity but more of a legendary Citadel-era hero elevated to godlike status. Unlike Aquarii, though, Godraiser survived the fall of the Citadel and remains in Ra-Harenae. He was once a legendary warlord and paladin of the Tidelord, though he was severely crippled in the fall of the Citadel.
Godraiser is the master of the Kingmaker Coliseum, though he seldom makes an appearance. Patron of gladiators, the disabled, and the disenfranchised, Godraiser offers in his arena new life, a glimmering chance at glory for the downtrodden in the dust.
There is no predominant religion in Ra-Harenae, and the array of deities and spirits are as varied as the city’s inhabitants. Most worship entities of the desert or sea.
Whales and Cetaceans
Cetaceans of all kinds are venerated as holy creatures for their deep connection to spirits. Some say that they can speak to the dead, and that their songs are a lament to those who are long gone. Given the immense tragedy that occurred during the fall of the Citadel, it’s no wonder that the survivors hold such a deep reverence towards whales. This belief may have been shared by those long-gone who constructed Ra-Harenae (evident from the prevalence of whale motifs in ancient murals and frescoes).
Seaglass Swimmers are the most common species found in Kyropeion, and religious art involving whales typically use Seaglass Swimmers. It’s considered a crime to bring harm to a cetacean, and every effort is made to save beached or wounded whales. Even the site of a whale’s carcass is considered a holy place where the borders between the living and the dead are thinnest.
This creates an interesting dilemma in the exceedingly rare case of a whale-based corruption. Whale corruptions are extremely large and powerful, and since the whale technically remains alive while in its corrupted state, it’s still technically a crime to harm it, although this is sometimes debated between priests. Such cases of whale-born corruptions are almost unheard of, and there are no documented records of a corrupted whale coming close enough to the shore to be a true threat.
It’s common practice to mark places of death with a monument of engraved whalebone. Individual graves may be marked with a simple rib bone etched with the deceased’s name and achievements, while great whale skull monuments may mark the site of a particularly large battle or the grave of a hero.
Ra-Harenae is relatively safe from corruptions, but the fear still pervades the city, particularly among those who were alive to witness the fall of the Citadel and the ensuing destruction and insanity. Because of this, some choose out of fear to worship the unknown entity that still resides in the Citadel, believing that their devotion will ward off corruptions.
While those who pay tribute to ATAXIA are often shunned, they typically worship out of fear and aren’t actually malicious. However, there are underground cults dedicated to the ATAXIA that often engage in activity that is unscrupulous at best and murderous at worst. The existence of such cults is an open secret, and a topic that most dragons tend to avoid.
Like ATAXIA, Aquarii was another prominent figure during the fall of the Citadel. She was a famed seer who barely foresaw the disaster, allowing hundreds to evacuate the city. It is due to her actions that so many were able to make it to Ra-Harenae. Aquarii herself is presumed to have died in the fall of the Citadel, but her legacy remains.
Many older dragons who saw Aquarii’s power firsthand revere her as a demigod. Though Aquarii herself is likely long gone, some theorize that she may remain in the Citadel as a corruption or some other undead. Aquarii’s existence as an undead is a highly disputed topic among her followers, dividing the religion into two distinct sects that either revere Aquarii as a symbol of resurrection and persistence in the face of death, or refuse to acknowledge the possibility of her undeath and deny her association with dark magic. The undead sect, called the Order of the Revenant, is far smaller, and, like the cult of ATAXIA, isn’t necessarily an evil organization but still carries a negative connotation among the general public.
Aquarii is venerated not as a god but as a sacred hero, and most followers pay only casual tribute in the form of a whispered prayer or an offering in the form of a pearl tossed into a fountain. Therefore, true priests of Aquarii are rare and sparse. Her spheres of power include water, prophecy, clarity, and sight, and symbols of Aquarii include betta fish and waterfalls. Those who worship Aquarii either witnessed her power firsthand or are prophets who seek guidance from her. The especially devout might wear veils to emulate the famed seer.
Godraiser, like Aquarii, is technically not a deity but more of a legendary Citadel-era hero elevated to godlike status. Unlike Aquarii, though, Godraiser survived the fall of the Citadel and remains in Ra-Harenae. He was once a legendary warlord and paladin of the Tidelord, though he was severely crippled in the fall of the Citadel.
Godraiser is the master of the Kingmaker Coliseum, though he seldom makes an appearance. Patron of gladiators, the disabled, and the disenfranchised, Godraiser offers in his arena new life, a glimmering chance at glory for the downtrodden in the dust.
Ra-Harenae’s currency system is heavily centered around bartering, but sometimes a transaction requires pure currency. The primary currency of Ra-Harenae is the B-grade [b]moon pearl[/b], but other forms of currency are widely used. The following items are accepted nearly universally among dragons of Ra-Harenae.
Troves of tarnished copper coins stamped in the stylized likeness of a whale have been found in Ra-Harenae, leftover from ages past. These are called [b]rani[/b] (singular: ranus) and are worth about a dozen moon pearls. A very small portion of rani are also engraved with tiny runic eyes that glow at nighttime, making them highly valued by collectors. These aren’t typically used as currency but can be sold for a high price if one finds the right buyer.
[b]Sea glass[/b] isn’t easily found on Kyropeion’s beaches but can be salvaged in high numbers from the carcasses of dead [gamedb item=25408]. Seaglass Swimmers are abundant in Kyropeion and are widely considered holy creatures, but it is not a crime to salvage resources from their bodies, as the ocean freely gives what it has no use for. The value of individual seaglass pieces are hard to gauge; a handful of low-quality sea glass would be worth one moon pearl, while a single piece of rare high-quality sea glass could be worth several rani.
Pearly nacre and [b]abalone shells[/b] are easily found on most beaches and in the shallow ocean, and are valued between 50-100 moon pearls depending on quality. Oyster shells growing near bone coral typically also take on the same oilslick iridescence as moon pearls and are highly prized among collectors.
Because their value is highly variable, Ra-Harenae does not recognize sea glass or abalone shells as a legal currency.
Ra-Harenae’s currency system is heavily centered around bartering, but sometimes a transaction requires pure currency. The primary currency of Ra-Harenae is the B-grade moon pearl, but other forms of currency are widely used. The following items are accepted nearly universally among dragons of Ra-Harenae.
Troves of tarnished copper coins stamped in the stylized likeness of a whale have been found in Ra-Harenae, leftover from ages past. These are called rani (singular: ranus) and are worth about a dozen moon pearls. A very small portion of rani are also engraved with tiny runic eyes that glow at nighttime, making them highly valued by collectors. These aren’t typically used as currency but can be sold for a high price if one finds the right buyer.
Sea glass isn’t easily found on Kyropeion’s beaches but can be salvaged in high numbers from the carcasses of dead Seaglass Swimmer. Seaglass Swimmers are abundant in Kyropeion and are widely considered holy creatures, but it is not a crime to salvage resources from their bodies, as the ocean freely gives what it has no use for. The value of individual seaglass pieces are hard to gauge; a handful of low-quality sea glass would be worth one moon pearl, while a single piece of rare high-quality sea glass could be worth several rani.
Pearly nacre and abalone shells are easily found on most beaches and in the shallow ocean, and are valued between 50-100 moon pearls depending on quality. Oyster shells growing near bone coral typically also take on the same oilslick iridescence as moon pearls and are highly prized among collectors.
Because their value is highly variable, Ra-Harenae does not recognize sea glass or abalone shells as a legal currency.
[b]Imports and Exports [/b]
Clan Coelestis has always held a close alliance with the scholars of the [b]Astrolodome[/b], and many of Ra-Harenae’s greatest creations were developed in collaboration with their scholars. Some of these creations include [url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2519565/3#post_47754640 ]gene scrolls[/url] and[url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2519565/1#post_37173103] auroral mageglass[/url].
[b]Starwood trees[/b] are highly desired in Ra-Harenae for their many uses. The wood is an excellent magical conduit and can be polished to a lustrous sheen, the fibers are the main component of the wildly popular starsilk, its sap can be made into stardust lamps and its blossoms make for trendy decor amongst the nobles.
Starwood trees and seeds rarely survive the journey from the Starfall Isles to Ra-Harenae, and the effort to raise Starwood trees in the city itself has resulted mostly in failure, so Ra-Harenae has no choice but to import them from the nearby Starwood Strand. House Coelestis has managed to sustain a few notable specimens in its private gardens, protected from the public. They were brought as a gift from [url= https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/50977255]Sarab[/url] and remain a symbol of the long-standing collaboration between Ra-Harenae and the Astrolodome.
In turn, Ra-Harenae rents out unique [b]magical artifacts[/b] unearthed from the ruins of the White Wasteland. These artifacts are distributed out to the Starfall Isle's finest universities and institutions for research in hopes of gleaning new information on the White Wasteland's shrouded past. The Astrolodome has also taken a particular interest in the phenomenon of celestial contagion and often sends scholars to participate in House Coelestis' research.
Clan Coelestis has always held a close alliance with the scholars of the Astrolodome, and many of Ra-Harenae’s greatest creations were developed in collaboration with their scholars. Some of these creations include gene scrolls and auroral mageglass.
Starwood trees are highly desired in Ra-Harenae for their many uses. The wood is an excellent magical conduit and can be polished to a lustrous sheen, the fibers are the main component of the wildly popular starsilk, its sap can be made into stardust lamps and its blossoms make for trendy decor amongst the nobles.
Starwood trees and seeds rarely survive the journey from the Starfall Isles to Ra-Harenae, and the effort to raise Starwood trees in the city itself has resulted mostly in failure, so Ra-Harenae has no choice but to import them from the nearby Starwood Strand. House Coelestis has managed to sustain a few notable specimens in its private gardens, protected from the public. They were brought as a gift from Sarab and remain a symbol of the long-standing collaboration between Ra-Harenae and the Astrolodome.
In turn, Ra-Harenae rents out unique magical artifacts unearthed from the ruins of the White Wasteland. These artifacts are distributed out to the Starfall Isle's finest universities and institutions for research in hopes of gleaning new information on the White Wasteland's shrouded past. The Astrolodome has also taken a particular interest in the phenomenon of celestial contagion and often sends scholars to participate in House Coelestis' research.
The ocean and desert both provide creatures and plants that can be made into vibrant pigments of any shade. Additionally, Ra-Harenae has strong trade connections with maren clans in Kyropeion, who have mastered the art of weaving sea silk. Because of this, Ra-Harenae has a steady source of fine sea silk, which weighs close to nothing and ripples like the surface of water in even the slightest breeze. Most fabric here is sea silk sold by maren in the marketplace, or light linen that allows the skin to breathe while repelling the desert sands and sun.
[columns] [outfit=1604558] [nextcol]Nobles and priests will sometimes don ornate ceremonial [b]headdresses[/b] for special occasions. Such headpieces are heavy and drip with jewels, and are extremely costly given their valuable components and the skill needed to create ornate pieces. They’re often enchanted, simply because if you’re going to spend so much on an article of clothing you may as well put some spells on it too.
The most notable example of these headdresses is the Starshatter Diadem, the ancestral crown of Zariel, reigning queen of Clan Coelestis.[/columns]
Veils have heavy cultural significance, as legend has it that Aquarii, a seer who predicted the fall of the Citadel and helped save numerous lives during the siege, wore a shimmering veil. Many present-day prophets and seers emulate her by covering their face or eyes in some way, whether it be a translucent gossamer veil or a heavy blindfold sewn with runes.
Genuine, high-quality metal armor is an oddity in the city, for many reasons, not the least of which is that it’s simply too unpractical in the desert heat. Ra-Harenae does not go to war, and the largest risk of attack comes not from other dragon clans, but from corruptions, who tend to attack the psyche as well as the physical body (rendering armor useless). There are very few armorsmiths in Ra-Harenae, and the only full sets of metal armor are imported. Clan Coelestis sometimes imports black metal armor from the Starfall Isles to outfit its soldiers, but everyone else who can’t afford to commission their own armor from foreign blacksmiths must make do with whatever’s easily accessible. Bones scavenged from dead leviathans often become makeshift armor for pirates and mercenaries, while the shells of giant crustaceans might make a good shield. The especially resourceful might even encourage barnacles to attach to their scales.
[columns] [outfit=1604600] [nextcol]Coelestian armor is an iconic emblem of Ra-Harenae’s ruling house. It’s crafted to be impossibly light yet surprisingly durable.
Citadel-era Coelestian armor took inspiration from water-flight armor, which was made from interlocking scales sewn onto a layer of seasilk, designed for maximum flexibility and dexterity, and made to accommodate the fins commonly exhibited in water dragons. Modern Coelestian armor evolved from that, replacing the seasilk with starsilk and adding diaphanous finlike wings for the soldiers who didn’t have the aquatic augmentations.
Coelestian armor is made from darksteel and starsilk, and features elegant fins, silver flourishes, and layers of protective enchantments. Each suit bears an ornate silver pauldron and a white banner emblazoned with the emblem of House Coelestis and a number of stars denoting rank and achievements. [/columns]
[columns] [outfit=1607085] [nextcol]The gladiators of the Kingmaker Coliseum are a prime example of the resourcefulness demonstrated by those who can’t afford their own armor. They’re often clad in hodgepodge ensembles incorporating elements from many different sources.
Kingmaker gladiators often bear eclectic and unique getups. The most popular gladiators often have a signature ‘look’, which fans often emulate in support.[/columns]
The ocean and desert both provide creatures and plants that can be made into vibrant pigments of any shade. Additionally, Ra-Harenae has strong trade connections with maren clans in Kyropeion, who have mastered the art of weaving sea silk. Because of this, Ra-Harenae has a steady source of fine sea silk, which weighs close to nothing and ripples like the surface of water in even the slightest breeze. Most fabric here is sea silk sold by maren in the marketplace, or light linen that allows the skin to breathe while repelling the desert sands and sun.
Coelestian Noble
Nobles and priests will sometimes don ornate ceremonial headdresses for special occasions. Such headpieces are heavy and drip with jewels, and are extremely costly given their valuable components and the skill needed to create ornate pieces. They’re often enchanted, simply because if you’re going to spend so much on an article of clothing you may as well put some spells on it too.
The most notable example of these headdresses is the Starshatter Diadem, the ancestral crown of Zariel, reigning queen of Clan Coelestis.
Veils have heavy cultural significance, as legend has it that Aquarii, a seer who predicted the fall of the Citadel and helped save numerous lives during the siege, wore a shimmering veil. Many present-day prophets and seers emulate her by covering their face or eyes in some way, whether it be a translucent gossamer veil or a heavy blindfold sewn with runes.
Genuine, high-quality metal armor is an oddity in the city, for many reasons, not the least of which is that it’s simply too unpractical in the desert heat. Ra-Harenae does not go to war, and the largest risk of attack comes not from other dragon clans, but from corruptions, who tend to attack the psyche as well as the physical body (rendering armor useless). There are very few armorsmiths in Ra-Harenae, and the only full sets of metal armor are imported. Clan Coelestis sometimes imports black metal armor from the Starfall Isles to outfit its soldiers, but everyone else who can’t afford to commission their own armor from foreign blacksmiths must make do with whatever’s easily accessible. Bones scavenged from dead leviathans often become makeshift armor for pirates and mercenaries, while the shells of giant crustaceans might make a good shield. The especially resourceful might even encourage barnacles to attach to their scales.
Coelestian Soldier
Coelestian armor is an iconic emblem of Ra-Harenae’s ruling house. It’s crafted to be impossibly light yet surprisingly durable.
Citadel-era Coelestian armor took inspiration from water-flight armor, which was made from interlocking scales sewn onto a layer of seasilk, designed for maximum flexibility and dexterity, and made to accommodate the fins commonly exhibited in water dragons. Modern Coelestian armor evolved from that, replacing the seasilk with starsilk and adding diaphanous finlike wings for the soldiers who didn’t have the aquatic augmentations.
Coelestian armor is made from darksteel and starsilk, and features elegant fins, silver flourishes, and layers of protective enchantments. Each suit bears an ornate silver pauldron and a white banner emblazoned with the emblem of House Coelestis and a number of stars denoting rank and achievements.
Kingmaker Gladiator
The gladiators of the Kingmaker Coliseum are a prime example of the resourcefulness demonstrated by those who can’t afford their own armor. They’re often clad in hodgepodge ensembles incorporating elements from many different sources.
Kingmaker gladiators often bear eclectic and unique getups. The most popular gladiators often have a signature ‘look’, which fans often emulate in support.