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TOPIC | Nameless ~a Pinkerlocke~
You do what you need to do to to do well in school! I look forward to your posts whenever they come!
You do what you need to do to to do well in school! I look forward to your posts whenever they come!
Chasing Memories, a Pinkerlocke
Free Cauldron Lvl 10
[center][b][i]Day 101 & 102 - Shark Attack[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=ash twigs] & [item=ambush] [b]Sentence: [/b] Writing & Death Streak Roll Roll: No Death Streak -----[/center] Marla lay glumly by the river, staring at the water. "Hey, what's up?" Chi asked, wandering over. Marla lifted her head for a moment to look at Chi, then dropped it again. "We were such excited little hatchlings," she murmured. "Or at least I was. We had such high hopes for what we could do." "You and Shimmer and Leftrin?" Marla nodded. Chi lay down next to her and scooted close, watching the water and waiting patiently for Marla to say more. "Trysta was so excited too," Marla finally said. "I hope she's okay." "She may not have enjoyed her homeland, but that doesn't mean she isn't a true Plague-born," Chi reassured Marla. "Trysta is a survivor. I'm sure she made it to the Behemoth just fine. I'll bet she didn't even need the potion Selk gave her." Chi felt Marla's emotions grow calmer. There was still an underlying sad, but that would probably never quite go away. The Mirror had lost her two closest friends, after all. Then Chi felt something else - something from the river. Hunger. "Look out!" Chi suddenly yanked Marla backward as a huge thresher leaped out of the water where Marla's face had been. The thresher's mouth snapped shut and it landed with its front half on the bank, thrashing and snapping. Marla jumped back in surprise as the thresher managed to fling itself a clawlength further up the bank. Its movements slowed as it finally realized that it wasn't in the water anymore and dragon prey really wasn't worth suffocating on land for. When Marla realized the thresher had stopped snapping and was now just staring at them, she tentatively crept up to it. When it didn't attack, she shoved it back toward the water as hard as she could. The thresher slid back into the river, hung in place for a moment, then darted away. The two dragons watched it go. "I wonder if it minds being saved by its prey," Marla said. "I don't think there's much in its mind at all," Chi replied. ----- *sigh* I knew if I complained to Pinkerton about getting writing I'd get one of the other items I don't want. Oh well. Also I just realized how fitting it is that it's the Plague dragon that refuses to properly die.
Day 101 & 102 - Shark Attack
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Ash Twigs & Ambush
Sentence: Writing & Death Streak Roll
Roll: No Death Streak
Marla lay glumly by the river, staring at the water.
"Hey, what's up?" Chi asked, wandering over. Marla lifted her head for a moment to look at Chi, then dropped it again.
"We were such excited little hatchlings," she murmured. "Or at least I was. We had such high hopes for what we could do."
"You and Shimmer and Leftrin?"
Marla nodded. Chi lay down next to her and scooted close, watching the water and waiting patiently for Marla to say more.
"Trysta was so excited too," Marla finally said. "I hope she's okay."
"She may not have enjoyed her homeland, but that doesn't mean she isn't a true Plague-born," Chi reassured Marla. "Trysta is a survivor. I'm sure she made it to the Behemoth just fine. I'll bet she didn't even need the potion Selk gave her."
Chi felt Marla's emotions grow calmer. There was still an underlying sad, but that would probably never quite go away. The Mirror had lost her two closest friends, after all.
Then Chi felt something else - something from the river. Hunger.
"Look out!" Chi suddenly yanked Marla backward as a huge thresher leaped out of the water where Marla's face had been. The thresher's mouth snapped shut and it landed with its front half on the bank, thrashing and snapping. Marla jumped back in surprise as the thresher managed to fling itself a clawlength further up the bank. Its movements slowed as it finally realized that it wasn't in the water anymore and dragon prey really wasn't worth suffocating on land for.
When Marla realized the thresher had stopped snapping and was now just staring at them, she tentatively crept up to it. When it didn't attack, she shoved it back toward the water as hard as she could. The thresher slid back into the river, hung in place for a moment, then darted away.
The two dragons watched it go. "I wonder if it minds being saved by its prey," Marla said.
"I don't think there's much in its mind at all," Chi replied.
*sigh* I knew if I complained to Pinkerton about getting writing I'd get one of the other items I don't want. Oh well.
Also I just realized how fitting it is that it's the Plague dragon that refuses to properly die.
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@Silverhame I got a granite chunk as a pull and Caelyn mentioned a possible Thresher attack. I thought it might make for a good "ambush". It's probably not the same Thresher that dropped the rock unless they've been traveling up the same river this whole time though.
@Silverhame I got a granite chunk as a pull and Caelyn mentioned a possible Thresher attack. I thought it might make for a good "ambush". It's probably not the same Thresher that dropped the rock unless they've been traveling up the same river this whole time though.
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[center][b][i]Day 103 & 104 - Shade Sickness[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=tracker engine] & [item=thistle] [b]Sentence: [/b] Writing & 10-20 battles in the Coliseum -----[/center] Marla awoke feeling like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. Her legs were sore as if she'd been walking for days on end, and she found that she was shivering despite the warm, sunny day. She stumbled out of her den, squinting at the sunshine for the first time in her life. Chi and Clementine were already up. Now she [i]knew[/i] something was wrong. "Hey," she croaked weakly. "Good morning," Chi said. "What's going on?" "I dunno. I don't feel too hot today," Marla responded. "Actually, you feel really hot," Chi said, standing near Marla with a paw on her head. "You've got a serious fever. Otherwise nothing I recognize though. Let's go down to the river and cool you off." As they slowly made their way down to the bank, Marla thought of another possibility. [i]Hey Shadey, is this you doing this?[/i] [b]T[size=2]HIS IS MUCH MORE THAN JUST MAKING YOU MISERABLE[/size]. T[size=2]HIS COULD BE A DANGEROUS SITUATION[/size]. A[size=2]ND AS YOU KNOW[/size], I [size=2]WOULD PREFER TO KEEP YOU ALIVE[/size].[/b] [i]I mean, trapping me in my own head wasn't your idea either, but you're still the reason it happened. Maybe you did something by accident?[/i] The Shade thought about this for a moment. Marla's eyelids started to droop as the other two pushed her carefully into the water, Chi making sure Marla could still breathe. Marla shuddered. "No, please," she murmured. "It's too cold." "It's the best way to keep your fever down," Chi replied. "I'm sorry." [b]M[size=2]Y ENERGY IS TOO GREAT[/size].[/b] [i]Huh?[/i] Marla replied sleepily. [b]A [size=2]DRAGON BODY IS NOT MEANT TO HOLD EVEN A FRAGMENT OF MY POWER FOR LONG[/size]. U[size=2]SUALLY[/size] I [size=2]LET MY HOSTS BURN OUT AFTER THEY ARE NO LONGER USEFUL[/size]. B[size=2]UT YOU ARE STUBBORNLY OPPOSING ME, SO MY ENERGY HAS STAYED WITH YOU FOR LONGER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE[/size].[/b] The Shade almost sounded panicked. [i]You still need me. Could you, I dunno, withdraw or something? So you aren't running as much energy through me.[/i] "Marla? Marla!" Chi shook her. Marla's eyes had completely closed as she focused what little energy she had on talking with the Shade. Clementine settled herself downstream to prevent Marla from floating completely away. [b]W[size=2]ITHDRAW[/size]? I [size=2]HAD NOT THOUGHT OF THAT[/size]. T[size=2]HIS WILL PUT YOU IN TOTAL CONTROL FOR A FEW DAYS, WHILE YOU RECOVER ENOUGH FOR ME TO INHABIT YOU FULLY AGAIN[/size].[/b] [i]As much as I'd like to get rid of you completely, I'll take what I can get. You do that, and I promise I'll even let you back in my head when I'm okay again.[/i] [b]I [size=2]SENSE YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH[/size].[/b] The Shade slowly pulled Itself away from Marla, withdrawing to a tiny spark of dark energy within her. In this form It could not speak to or influence her, and Its energy was contained so Marla's life would not be burned away. Even so, the stress of the situation was great, and it was a few minutes before Marla again felt well enough to open her eyes. "You're awake!" Chi gasped. Marla cast her gaze around, slightly confused at her location. When she realized she was in the river, she instinctively started paddling her feet, propelling herself to shore. As she reached the shore her legs buckled. "Nng. I guess I'm not walking again just yet," she grunted. "Gimme a minute." While her strength was returning, she told Chi and Clementine what had happened. "It let you go?" Chi asked wonderingly. "Sorta. I can still tell It's there, but It's really deep, and I can't talk to It anymore. It'll be back though." "I didn't want to say anything before," Clementine said, "but I think the marks on your scales have gotten lighter." ----- The plot generators kept coming back to the "someone is sick" plot. So here ya go. Also Chi is level 13 now.
Day 103 & 104 - Shade Sickness
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Tracker Engine & Thistle
Sentence: Writing & 10-20 battles in the Coliseum
Marla awoke feeling like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. Her legs were sore as if she'd been walking for days on end, and she found that she was shivering despite the warm, sunny day.
She stumbled out of her den, squinting at the sunshine for the first time in her life. Chi and Clementine were already up. Now she knew something was wrong.
"Hey," she croaked weakly.
"Good morning," Chi said. "What's going on?"
"I dunno. I don't feel too hot today," Marla responded.
"Actually, you feel really hot," Chi said, standing near Marla with a paw on her head. "You've got a serious fever. Otherwise nothing I recognize though. Let's go down to the river and cool you off."
As they slowly made their way down to the bank, Marla thought of another possibility.
Hey Shadey, is this you doing this?
I mean, trapping me in my own head wasn't your idea either, but you're still the reason it happened. Maybe you did something by accident?
The Shade thought about this for a moment. Marla's eyelids started to droop as the other two pushed her carefully into the water, Chi making sure Marla could still breathe. Marla shuddered.
"No, please," she murmured. "It's too cold."
"It's the best way to keep your fever down," Chi replied. "I'm sorry."
Huh? Marla replied sleepily.
You still need me. Could you, I dunno, withdraw or something? So you aren't running as much energy through me.

"Marla? Marla!" Chi shook her. Marla's eyes had completely closed as she focused what little energy she had on talking with the Shade. Clementine settled herself downstream to prevent Marla from floating completely away.

As much as I'd like to get rid of you completely, I'll take what I can get. You do that, and I promise I'll even let you back in my head when I'm okay again.
I SENSE YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH. The Shade slowly pulled Itself away from Marla, withdrawing to a tiny spark of dark energy within her. In this form It could not speak to or influence her, and Its energy was contained so Marla's life would not be burned away. Even so, the stress of the situation was great, and it was a few minutes before Marla again felt well enough to open her eyes.
"You're awake!" Chi gasped. Marla cast her gaze around, slightly confused at her location. When she realized she was in the river, she instinctively started paddling her feet, propelling herself to shore. As she reached the shore her legs buckled.
"Nng. I guess I'm not walking again just yet," she grunted. "Gimme a minute." While her strength was returning, she told Chi and Clementine what had happened.
"It let you go?" Chi asked wonderingly.
"Sorta. I can still tell It's there, but It's really deep, and I can't talk to It anymore. It'll be back though."
"I didn't want to say anything before," Clementine said, "but I think the marks on your scales have gotten lighter."
The plot generators kept coming back to the "someone is sick" plot. So here ya go.
Also Chi is level 13 now.
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[center][b][i]Day 105 - Overthrown[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=rotala] [b]Sentence: [/b] 10-20 battles in the Coliseum -----[/center] They woke to the sound of yelling and clashing weapons. "What on Sornieth is going on?" Clementine wondered out loud. "Should we check it out?" "We should see, but only to see if we may be in danger," suggested Selk. Together the group moved carefully toward the sound. Soon they discovered a strange battle playing itself out: small, birdlike creatures, most barely the size of Clementine's head, were swarming and dive-bombing the local centaur clan. "Raptorik," Selk said quietly. "Fierce warriors despite their size." They watched in silence. Soon, the centaurs had retreated, and the Raptorik cheered. Immediately, a group of Corven appeared from their hiding spot and the Talonok tribe began making the area their own. "I guess this is now Raptorik territory," Chi whispered. "Hopefully they're friendly - or at least as neutral as the centaurs ever were." ----- Tried out Bamboo Falls today. Didn't go too badly. Clementine is level 13.
Day 105 - Overthrown
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Sentence: 10-20 battles in the Coliseum
They woke to the sound of yelling and clashing weapons.
"What on Sornieth is going on?" Clementine wondered out loud. "Should we check it out?"
"We should see, but only to see if we may be in danger," suggested Selk.
Together the group moved carefully toward the sound.
Soon they discovered a strange battle playing itself out: small, birdlike creatures, most barely the size of Clementine's head, were swarming and dive-bombing the local centaur clan.
"Raptorik," Selk said quietly. "Fierce warriors despite their size."
They watched in silence. Soon, the centaurs had retreated, and the Raptorik cheered. Immediately, a group of Corven appeared from their hiding spot and the Talonok tribe began making the area their own.
"I guess this is now Raptorik territory," Chi whispered. "Hopefully they're friendly - or at least as neutral as the centaurs ever were."
Tried out Bamboo Falls today. Didn't go too badly. Clementine is level 13.
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[center][b][i]Day 106 - Nothing[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=renegade dartling] [b]Sentence: [/b] 30-40 battles in the Coliseum -----[/center] ----- Oh for pete's sake. Coli is being a butt and freezing pretty much every battle, so I'm just going to skip the Coli for now. And honestly I have no idea what to write so I'm just going to say that today was a perfectly ordinary nothing day (like certain apparel days have been) and leave it at that.
Day 106 - Nothing
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Renegade Dartling
Sentence: 30-40 battles in the Coliseum

Oh for pete's sake. Coli is being a butt and freezing pretty much every battle, so I'm just going to skip the Coli for now. And honestly I have no idea what to write so I'm just going to say that today was a perfectly ordinary nothing day (like certain apparel days have been) and leave it at that.
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@Silverhame Yeah, I read it. It's a lot more interesting than mine right now :P
@Silverhame Yeah, I read it. It's a lot more interesting than mine right now :P
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[center][b][i]Day 107 - Trapped![/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=umbral yarn] [b]Sentence: [/b] Writing -----[/center] "Hold up." Chi suddenly stopped, cocking her head slightly. "Is there someone-" Marla started to say, when a dark net dropped out of the trees on top of her. She spread her wings instinctively as it fell, but that only made the net entangle and trap her more thoroughly. The force pushed her to the ground. "What the-" "Marla!" "Nngh." Marla tried to scrabble her way out, but the net seemed to grab her claws as soon as she got them close. All she did was tangle herself further. The group heard a squawking noise from the trees - like they were being laughed at. They looked up to see a small horde of Raptorik. And they had more nets. One warrior, bigger than the others, snapped something at them in Beastclan tongue. Selk slithered up to translate. At the sight, the Raptorik pulled back in surprise, then started jeering at him. "They say they do not want a Shade-marked dragon in their forest," Selk translated. "And they believe I am...not smart to associate with you." Before anyone could react to the statement, the warriors cackled and threw another net, aimed at Chi. Clementine instantly stepped in front of her, and the net pinned the Guardian down as well, while Chi scrambled free. "Get out of here, Chi!" Clementine roared. Chi nodded nervously, then took off and flew away, another net whizzing after her. Marla attacked the net, claws glowing yellow as she slashed. The threads were unaffected, instead tangling in her claws and seeming to suck up the light. Selk found that he was trapped under Clementine's net as well, and could not quite fit through the mesh. He bared his fangs at the Raptorik leader, who clacked his beak in return. "Why did you birdbrains go after Chi? She's not Shade-marked!" Clementine roared up into the trees. Selk relayed the message in the common Beastclan language, then translated the reply: "You travel with the Shade, therefore you must be corrupted by the Shade as well." He paused, listening more. "Also they don't really like dragons in general." "How do they even know I have Shade-markings?" Marla wondered indignantly. "The black swirls could be totally natural. Even Chi has them, in a different color." "Superstition," Selk replied simply. The three fell silent, waiting for something to happen or an idea to strike. Chi raced through the trees, away from the Raptorik. The net they had thrown at her snagged her tail. She tried to flick it off, but it wrapped around her tail, pulling her down with its weight. She landed and yanked at the net. It wrapped itself around her paws. Chi swore. [i]Now what?[/i] A familiar yowl sounded through the woods, and Chi looked up to see Swift running toward her. He slowed as he got close, and his fur and mane fluffed up as he warily circled the net. "You don't like it either, huh? There's some weird magic at work here." Swift sniffed the dark fibers, pawed the net carefully, then backed up before it could snare him. He sat next to Chi and licked her face. "Thank you, that's [i]so[/i] helpful."
Day 107 - Trapped!
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Umbral Yarn
Sentence: Writing
"Hold up." Chi suddenly stopped, cocking her head slightly.
"Is there someone-" Marla started to say, when a dark net dropped out of the trees on top of her. She spread her wings instinctively as it fell, but that only made the net entangle and trap her more thoroughly. The force pushed her to the ground.
"What the-"
"Nngh." Marla tried to scrabble her way out, but the net seemed to grab her claws as soon as she got them close. All she did was tangle herself further.
The group heard a squawking noise from the trees - like they were being laughed at. They looked up to see a small horde of Raptorik. And they had more nets.
One warrior, bigger than the others, snapped something at them in Beastclan tongue. Selk slithered up to translate. At the sight, the Raptorik pulled back in surprise, then started jeering at him.
"They say they do not want a Shade-marked dragon in their forest," Selk translated. "And they believe I am...not smart to associate with you."
Before anyone could react to the statement, the warriors cackled and threw another net, aimed at Chi. Clementine instantly stepped in front of her, and the net pinned the Guardian down as well, while Chi scrambled free.
"Get out of here, Chi!" Clementine roared. Chi nodded nervously, then took off and flew away, another net whizzing after her.
Marla attacked the net, claws glowing yellow as she slashed. The threads were unaffected, instead tangling in her claws and seeming to suck up the light.
Selk found that he was trapped under Clementine's net as well, and could not quite fit through the mesh. He bared his fangs at the Raptorik leader, who clacked his beak in return.
"Why did you birdbrains go after Chi? She's not Shade-marked!" Clementine roared up into the trees.
Selk relayed the message in the common Beastclan language, then translated the reply: "You travel with the Shade, therefore you must be corrupted by the Shade as well." He paused, listening more. "Also they don't really like dragons in general."
"How do they even know I have Shade-markings?" Marla wondered indignantly. "The black swirls could be totally natural. Even Chi has them, in a different color."
"Superstition," Selk replied simply.
The three fell silent, waiting for something to happen or an idea to strike.

Chi raced through the trees, away from the Raptorik. The net they had thrown at her snagged her tail. She tried to flick it off, but it wrapped around her tail, pulling her down with its weight. She landed and yanked at the net. It wrapped itself around her paws. Chi swore.
Now what?
A familiar yowl sounded through the woods, and Chi looked up to see Swift running toward her. He slowed as he got close, and his fur and mane fluffed up as he warily circled the net.
"You don't like it either, huh? There's some weird magic at work here."
Swift sniffed the dark fibers, pawed the net carefully, then backed up before it could snare him. He sat next to Chi and licked her face.
"Thank you, that's so helpful."
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[center][b][i]Day 108 &109 - Travel Plans[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=iron belt buckle] & [item=reverse silkworm moth] [b]Sentence: [/b] Writing & 20-30 battles in the Coliseum -----[/center] Chi heard the Raptorik getting closer, checking to see if their third net had caught her. It had - sort of. Chi realized her hind legs were still free. Her hands were bound in front of her, but her arms were not. Careful not to step on or touch the rest of the net, Chi stepped gingerly through the loop made by her arms. Now her arms - and the whole net - were behind her. It was an awkward position, but now... [i]Hey Swift.[/i] The Parda looked at her. [i]Let's run.[/i] She started running jerkily through the forest on her hind legs, wings out to balance herself. The net dragged behind her, but oddly, did not catch on anything as she ran. She zigzagged through the forest, trying to stay ahead of the Raptorik as long as she could. When she saw a familiar hole in the ground, she leaped into the caves without hesitation and kept running. Groups of Raptorik swooped down to the nets holding Marla, Clementine, and Selk. They grabbed the nets with their foot-talons. The flock was bigger than the dragons had thought; almost twenty times as many Raptorik had latched onto Clementine's net compared to those on Marla's. "They look like they're going to take the nets off of us," Clementine noticed. "But that can't be right - whoa!" The Raptorik had started madly flapping, and slowly the magic net, with Clementine and Selk in it, lifted off the ground. Selk hissed in surprise as the net shifted and he scrambled to get out from under Clementine. He took shelter under her wing as the trip bounced them around. Marla just gaped at the sight, before the Raptorik holding her net lifted off as well. She tried to attack one of them, but encountered the same problem as before: the net magically tangled around her claws as she tried to move them. "Where are they taking us?" Marla called. "To their home, I think," Selk called back. "They are not saying where that is though, or why they are taking us there. They are smart, and know I can tell you what they are saying." "This is embarrassing," Marla muttered. "And a bit unnerving," Clementine added. "Flying through the air, upside-down AND with my wings pinned down." "We're going really far out. Where [i]are[/i] they taking us?" No answer, of course, so Marla sighed and closed her eyes. They'd find out when they got there. ----- Guardians weigh so much omg
Day 108 &109 - Travel Plans
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Iron Belt Buckle & Reverse Silkworm Moth
Sentence: Writing & 20-30 battles in the Coliseum
Chi heard the Raptorik getting closer, checking to see if their third net had caught her. It had - sort of. Chi realized her hind legs were still free. Her hands were bound in front of her, but her arms were not. Careful not to step on or touch the rest of the net, Chi stepped gingerly through the loop made by her arms. Now her arms - and the whole net - were behind her. It was an awkward position, but now...
Hey Swift. The Parda looked at her. Let's run.
She started running jerkily through the forest on her hind legs, wings out to balance herself. The net dragged behind her, but oddly, did not catch on anything as she ran. She zigzagged through the forest, trying to stay ahead of the Raptorik as long as she could. When she saw a familiar hole in the ground, she leaped into the caves without hesitation and kept running.

Groups of Raptorik swooped down to the nets holding Marla, Clementine, and Selk. They grabbed the nets with their foot-talons. The flock was bigger than the dragons had thought; almost twenty times as many Raptorik had latched onto Clementine's net compared to those on Marla's.
"They look like they're going to take the nets off of us," Clementine noticed. "But that can't be right - whoa!" The Raptorik had started madly flapping, and slowly the magic net, with Clementine and Selk in it, lifted off the ground. Selk hissed in surprise as the net shifted and he scrambled to get out from under Clementine. He took shelter under her wing as the trip bounced them around.
Marla just gaped at the sight, before the Raptorik holding her net lifted off as well. She tried to attack one of them, but encountered the same problem as before: the net magically tangled around her claws as she tried to move them.
"Where are they taking us?" Marla called.
"To their home, I think," Selk called back. "They are not saying where that is though, or why they are taking us there. They are smart, and know I can tell you what they are saying."
"This is embarrassing," Marla muttered.
"And a bit unnerving," Clementine added. "Flying through the air, upside-down AND with my wings pinned down."
"We're going really far out. Where are they taking us?" No answer, of course, so Marla sighed and closed her eyes. They'd find out when they got there.
Guardians weigh so much omg
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[center][b][i]Day 109 - Surviving[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=waterskin] [b]Sentence: [/b] Writing -----[/center] Chi heard flapping wings echoing down the tunnels as she ran. [i]They couldn't have tracked me - how could they follow me through this?[/i] She made a sudden turn, then another, and another. The net, still clinging to her, weighed on her, slowed her down. She knew she'd likely end up lost later - she wasn't thinking about where she was going at all - but that didn't matter. All that mattered was escape. She saw a bright light shining down one tunnel - a drastic change from the gently glowing mushrooms. She skidded to a stop and listened. No wings, for the moment. Chi crept toward the light. As she got close, the net dragging behind her started giving off wisps of smoke where the light touched it. Swift sat obediently in the cave entrance as Chi stepped out into the Sunbeam Ruins, squinting at the harsh light. The net ignited! Chi yelped as the flames raced along the net, disintegrating it in an instant. She jumped back, shaking her paws. She looked at them and saw they were unscathed. So was her tail. Looking around further, she discovered the Beacon of the Radiant Eye no more than twenty lengths away. Powerful Light magic indeed, to so easily destroy a Shadow-infused net. "Thank you, Lightweaver," she murmured. Chi had lost herself so well in the caves that she had no idea how to follow them back. That combined with the Raptorik she assumed were still down there, convinced her to travel above ground back north toward the Labyrinth. She had to go back - Marla and Clementine were relying on her. She gave a silent call to Swift, who came trotting out of the cave. The two friends traveled north together - just like before. "You'd think they'd at least have cages prepared," Marla grumbled to no one in particular. "This is supremely uncomfortable." Clementine was silent. Marla looked over to find her flopped on her side, staring into space. "Stop moping, will ya? Just because Chi isn't [i]here[/i] doesn't mean she's [i]hurt[/i] or something." Clementine blinked and looked up at the sound of Chi's name. "Anyway, you'd know if something happened to her, right? I don't know much about Guardians but you can sense when something's wrong?" Clementine nodded. "And you haven't sensed anything. Therefore, Chi is fine." Clementine actually smiled at this, and lifted her head - only to get hit in the face with something a Talonok had thrown. The Talonok jeered at her and squawked something before flying off. The two had been dropped in the middle of the Talonok camp, so every Raptorik, Corven, and fledgling could see the trapped dragons. "I'm not sure I want to know what that one said," Marla observed casually. "Hey, look, that was a waterskin. And it's still in range of your head, so at least you can get a bit of extra water." "I'm alright, I come from the desert, remember?" "Okay, but what about Selk? They haven't let him eat or drink much at all." "Thank you for thinking," Selk said, squeezing between gaps in Clementine's armored scales to reach the area with the skin. "Shameful that this is too far away for you, Marla. I could maybe throw it to you?" "Oh, no, you take it," Marla replied. "Anyway, if you throw it who knows if it will actually land close enough. And if you miss, no one gets it." Selk nodded in understanding and reached for the waterskin. ----- IDK what I'm waiting for to bust them out of this mess. I guess it's too interesting to write about. I mean, what else would they even be doing right now?
Day 109 - Surviving
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Sentence: Writing
Chi heard flapping wings echoing down the tunnels as she ran.
They couldn't have tracked me - how could they follow me through this? She made a sudden turn, then another, and another. The net, still clinging to her, weighed on her, slowed her down. She knew she'd likely end up lost later - she wasn't thinking about where she was going at all - but that didn't matter. All that mattered was escape.
She saw a bright light shining down one tunnel - a drastic change from the gently glowing mushrooms. She skidded to a stop and listened. No wings, for the moment. Chi crept toward the light. As she got close, the net dragging behind her started giving off wisps of smoke where the light touched it. Swift sat obediently in the cave entrance as Chi stepped out into the Sunbeam Ruins, squinting at the harsh light.
The net ignited! Chi yelped as the flames raced along the net, disintegrating it in an instant. She jumped back, shaking her paws. She looked at them and saw they were unscathed. So was her tail. Looking around further, she discovered the Beacon of the Radiant Eye no more than twenty lengths away. Powerful Light magic indeed, to so easily destroy a Shadow-infused net.
"Thank you, Lightweaver," she murmured.
Chi had lost herself so well in the caves that she had no idea how to follow them back. That combined with the Raptorik she assumed were still down there, convinced her to travel above ground back north toward the Labyrinth. She had to go back - Marla and Clementine were relying on her.
She gave a silent call to Swift, who came trotting out of the cave. The two friends traveled north together - just like before.

"You'd think they'd at least have cages prepared," Marla grumbled to no one in particular. "This is supremely uncomfortable."
Clementine was silent. Marla looked over to find her flopped on her side, staring into space.
"Stop moping, will ya? Just because Chi isn't here doesn't mean she's hurt or something."
Clementine blinked and looked up at the sound of Chi's name.
"Anyway, you'd know if something happened to her, right? I don't know much about Guardians but you can sense when something's wrong?"
Clementine nodded.
"And you haven't sensed anything. Therefore, Chi is fine."
Clementine actually smiled at this, and lifted her head - only to get hit in the face with something a Talonok had thrown. The Talonok jeered at her and squawked something before flying off. The two had been dropped in the middle of the Talonok camp, so every Raptorik, Corven, and fledgling could see the trapped dragons.
"I'm not sure I want to know what that one said," Marla observed casually. "Hey, look, that was a waterskin. And it's still in range of your head, so at least you can get a bit of extra water."
"I'm alright, I come from the desert, remember?"
"Okay, but what about Selk? They haven't let him eat or drink much at all."
"Thank you for thinking," Selk said, squeezing between gaps in Clementine's armored scales to reach the area with the skin. "Shameful that this is too far away for you, Marla. I could maybe throw it to you?"
"Oh, no, you take it," Marla replied. "Anyway, if you throw it who knows if it will actually land close enough. And if you miss, no one gets it."
Selk nodded in understanding and reached for the waterskin.
IDK what I'm waiting for to bust them out of this mess. I guess it's too interesting to write about. I mean, what else would they even be doing right now?
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