Chi heard flapping wings echoing down the tunnels as she ran.
They couldn't have tracked me - how could they follow me through this? She made a sudden turn, then another, and another. The net, still clinging to her, weighed on her, slowed her down. She knew she'd likely end up lost later - she wasn't thinking about where she was going at all - but that didn't matter. All that mattered was escape.
She saw a bright light shining down one tunnel - a drastic change from the gently glowing mushrooms. She skidded to a stop and listened. No wings, for the moment. Chi crept toward the light. As she got close, the net dragging behind her started giving off wisps of smoke where the light touched it. Swift sat obediently in the cave entrance as Chi stepped out into the Sunbeam Ruins, squinting at the harsh light.
The net ignited! Chi yelped as the flames raced along the net, disintegrating it in an instant. She jumped back, shaking her paws. She looked at them and saw they were unscathed. So was her tail. Looking around further, she discovered the Beacon of the Radiant Eye no more than twenty lengths away. Powerful Light magic indeed, to so easily destroy a Shadow-infused net.
"Thank you, Lightweaver," she murmured.
Chi had lost herself so well in the caves that she had no idea how to follow them back. That combined with the Raptorik she assumed were still down there, convinced her to travel above ground back north toward the Labyrinth. She had to go back - Marla and Clementine were relying on her.
She gave a silent call to Swift, who came trotting out of the cave. The two friends traveled north together - just like before.
"You'd think they'd at least have cages prepared," Marla grumbled to no one in particular. "This is supremely uncomfortable."
Clementine was silent. Marla looked over to find her flopped on her side, staring into space.
"Stop moping, will ya? Just because Chi isn't
here doesn't mean she's
hurt or something."
Clementine blinked and looked up at the sound of Chi's name.
"Anyway, you'd know if something happened to her, right? I don't know much about Guardians but you can sense when something's wrong?"
Clementine nodded.
"And you haven't sensed anything. Therefore, Chi is fine."
Clementine actually smiled at this, and lifted her head - only to get hit in the face with something a Talonok had thrown. The Talonok jeered at her and squawked something before flying off. The two had been dropped in the middle of the Talonok camp, so every Raptorik, Corven, and fledgling could see the trapped dragons.
"I'm not sure I want to know what that one said," Marla observed casually. "Hey, look, that was a waterskin. And it's still in range of your head, so at least you can get a bit of extra water."
"I'm alright, I come from the desert, remember?"
"Okay, but what about Selk? They haven't let him eat or drink much at all."
"Thank you for thinking," Selk said, squeezing between gaps in Clementine's armored scales to reach the area with the skin. "Shameful that this is too far away for you, Marla. I could maybe throw it to you?"
"Oh, no, you take it," Marla replied. "Anyway, if you throw it who knows if it will actually land close enough. And if you miss, no one gets it."
Selk nodded in understanding and reached for the waterskin.
IDK what I'm waiting for to bust them out of this mess. I guess it's too interesting to write about. I mean, what else would they even be doing right now?