Day 98 - Conversation
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Sentence: Writing
"Are you sure you want to travel all the way to the Behemoth?" Marla inquired once they were all back at camp. "There's a legend that those who go there never return."@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii
Sentence: Writing
"That can't be true," Clementine said quickly. "I see dragons flying around and to and from the tree all the time."
"Well, I'll bet it is true that you can see the Gladekeeper if you go there," Chi interjected. "Ever since I first came to the Labyrinth I could feel a great presence nearby, to the north. Very similar to the one in my birthplace, but also really different. I think it's Her."
"Wow, the Gladekeeper?" Trysta asked excitedly. "That sounds cool, being able to meet a real live god! I've only heard the stories about them. And it'd almost certainly be better than living with the Plaguebringer forever." She shuddered. "I never liked the Wasteland."
"I think that if you want to visit the gods, you have to live with them forever," Chi said carefully. "Is that what you want to do?"
Trysta paused for a moment, thinking.
"Whatever choice you make, is yours, and none other," Selk piped up. Trysta jumped as she saw the Serthis, who had been quietly sitting off to one side.
"I am no danger to you, fluffy one," Selk reassured her, holding out his hands to show that he was weaponless. "I would refuse to associate with those white-scaled bullies."
"This is Selk," Chi said. "He's been traveling with us. He sort of... doesn't have a clan right now."
"I-I see," Trysta said hesitantly. "It's nice to meet you. And thank you for the advice." She looked around at everyone.
"I'd hate to leave you so soon after you found me. And if the forest is really as dangerous as you say-"
"Very dangerous," interrupted Marla.
"If it really will be that dangerous to me, perhaps I do need someone to teach me how to handle myself out there."
xxWolfii, you are now on the magic traveling pinglist!
Should I actually train Trysta if I get a Coli pull in the next couple of days? Chi and Clementine could stand to play a bit of catch-up to Marla, but at the same time it may be good having things at different levels so I can train actual new arrivals (hah) more easily.