[color=5A8BC4][b][u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_1876406]Important[/u] ||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399720] Breeding Pairs (Valgami) [/url]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399731]Pinglist (Valgami) [/url]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399750] For Sale (Valgami) [/url]||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400003] Breeding Pairs (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400008]Pinglist (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400211]For Sale (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20506843]Affiliates[/url][/b][/font][/size]
This is the selling thread of Abstract Art Hatchery by Valgami and Alphadragon. Here you can find all the dragons we have for sale, as well as requesting to be added to our pinglist.
Our main thread can be found [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1828418/1#post_19347356]H E R E[/url]
You can also check out our affiliates and breeding pairs there, ask for becoming affiliates and every other question you may have.[/font][/color][/size][/center]
- Everyone of us has his own prices!
- Overall we have pretty much the same rules, but both of us still have our own preferences in certain things.
-Our t:g ratio follows the current rate.
- If you have any other questions, please ask!
- We operate on a first come, first serve basis.
1. It's up to you to remind us if a discount applies for you! Also, please add which discounts you are eligible for along with the calculation of the discounted price.
2. I am +9 hours ahead of FR, Alphadragon is +16 Hours ahead of FR, so if you don’t get an immediate answer, it probably means we’re asleep or busy.
3. Most of the hatchies will have lightning or wind eyes. Renting other nests for matching eye colours are possible upon request.
4. Have fun! :)
5. All the hatchies are in the AH for autobuy.
Special rules (Valgami)
1. Dragons come pre-named.
2. I'll hold a dragon for up to three days normally. If you really need more time than this, just write a pm and we can talk about it
3. If you want me to, I can add a short(!) note about the dragon's character in their lore. It's free, but please notify me about it when you buy a dragon. There's also an adult preview in the lore of my dragons.
4. I'm willing to haggle.
5. I accept mixed payment.
[u][b]Special rules (Alphadragon)[/b][/u]
1. Dragons come unnamed unless specified otherwise.
2. I’m willing to hold a dragon for three days. If you need more time, feel free to let me know and please provide a reasonable reason for it. I applied this rule because I've been asked to hold a 30kt dragon for a month before. Treasure is not that hard to earn so it's not an excuse.
3. I am willing to haggle, but please be reasonable with this! I don't want to sell a 50kt dragon for 10kt.
4. Just because I only posted a gem/treasure price doesn't mean you can't buy the dragon in another currency. I may just be too lazy to convert the value. XD
5. I can change these rules as I see fit.[/size][/font][/color]
- Members of wind/lightning flight receives 10% off
- Dominant flight receives 10% off
- Affiliates get 10% off
- Holiday flight receives 20% off
- Birthday is a 20% discount
- Newbies from last window get 20% off
- Can stack up to 50%!
Important || Breeding Pairs (Valgami) || Pinglist (Valgami) || For Sale (Valgami) || Breeding Pairs (Alphadragon) || Pinglist (Alphadragon) || For Sale (Alphadragon) || Affiliates
This is the selling thread of Abstract Art Hatchery by Valgami and Alphadragon. Here you can find all the dragons we have for sale, as well as requesting to be added to our pinglist.
Our main thread can be found H E R E
You can also check out our affiliates and breeding pairs there, ask for becoming affiliates and every other question you may have.
- Everyone of us has his own prices!
- Overall we have pretty much the same rules, but both of us still have our own preferences in certain things.
-Our t:g ratio follows the current rate.
- If you have any other questions, please ask!
- We operate on a first come, first serve basis.

1. It's up to you to remind us if a discount applies for you! Also, please add which discounts you are eligible for along with the calculation of the discounted price.
2. I am +9 hours ahead of FR, Alphadragon is +16 Hours ahead of FR, so if you don’t get an immediate answer, it probably means we’re asleep or busy.
3. Most of the hatchies will have lightning or wind eyes. Renting other nests for matching eye colours are possible upon request.
4. Have fun! :)
5. All the hatchies are in the AH for autobuy.
Special rules (Valgami)
1. Dragons come pre-named.
2. I'll hold a dragon for up to three days normally. If you really need more time than this, just write a pm and we can talk about it
3. If you want me to, I can add a short(!) note about the dragon's character in their lore. It's free, but please notify me about it when you buy a dragon. There's also an adult preview in the lore of my dragons.
4. I'm willing to haggle.
5. I accept mixed payment.
Special rules (Alphadragon)
1. Dragons come unnamed unless specified otherwise.
2. I’m willing to hold a dragon for three days. If you need more time, feel free to let me know and please provide a reasonable reason for it. I applied this rule because I've been asked to hold a 30kt dragon for a month before. Treasure is not that hard to earn so it's not an excuse.
3. I am willing to haggle, but please be reasonable with this! I don't want to sell a 50kt dragon for 10kt.
4. Just because I only posted a gem/treasure price doesn't mean you can't buy the dragon in another currency. I may just be too lazy to convert the value. XD
5. I can change these rules as I see fit.
- Members of wind/lightning flight receives 10% off
- Dominant flight receives 10% off
- Affiliates get 10% off
- Holiday flight receives 20% off
- Birthday is a 20% discount
- Newbies from last window get 20% off
- Can stack up to 50%!
[color=5A8BC4][b][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_1876406]Important[/url] ||[u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399720] Breeding Pairs (Valgami) [/url][/u]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399731]Pinglist (Valgami) [/url]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399750] For Sale (Valgami) [/url]||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400003] Breeding Pairs (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400008]Pinglist (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400211]For Sale (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20506843]Affiliates[/url][/b][/font][/size]
[b][font=monotype corsiva][size=5][color=orange]Sunsparks
[u]RTB[/u] || Cooldown || Nesting
With Light Eyes[/b]
[b][font=monotype corsiva][size=5][color=blue]Blue Fishes
[u]RTB[/u] || Cooldown || Nesting
With Water/Lightning Eyes[/b]
[b][font=monotype corsiva][size=5][color=#6C96BC]Magical Runes
[u]RTB[/u] || Cooldown || Nesting
With Arcane Eyes[/b]
[b][font=monotype corsiva][size=5][color=violet]Glittering Petals
RTB ||[u] Cooldown[/u] || Nesting[/b][/size]
[color=5A8BC4][b][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_1876406]Important[/url] ||[u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399720] Breeding Pairs (Valgami) [/url][/u]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399731]Pinglist (Valgami) [/url]|| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399750] For Sale (Valgami) [/url]||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400003] Breeding Pairs (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400008]Pinglist (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400211]For Sale (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20506843]Affiliates[/url][/b][/font][/size]
[quote= Sunsparks] - [/quote]
[quote= Blue Fishes] - [/quote]
[quote=Magical Runes] - [/quote]
[quote= Glittering Petals] - [/quote]
[quote= Bright Stars] - [/quote]
[quote=Red Velvet] - [/quote]
[quote= Poisonous] - [/quote]
[quote=General] @ ayatos - [/quote]
[color=5A8BC4][b][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_1876406]Important[/url] ||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399720] Breeding Pairs (Valgami) [/url]||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399731]Pinglist (Valgami) [/url]|| [u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20399750] For Sale (Valgami) [/url][/u]||[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400003] Breeding Pairs (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400008]Pinglist (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20400211]For Sale (Alphadragon)[/url] || [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1876406#post_20506843]Affiliates[/url][/b][/font][/size]
@ Kyoya @ EtoilesFaillees @ Rionach[/quote]
[quote=Upcoming pairs]
@ Nivix-Nature pair when female gets runes (WC) [/quote]
[quote=Illuminated Runes]
@ kirby7277 (FIre eyes)[/quote]
[quote=Pearly Elegance]
@ theongreyjoy & @ Wintre (Petals) @ Naaru[/quote]
[quote=Imminent Thunderstorm]
@ Vibe @ Kishu @ vanillaa[/quote]
[quote=Blue Butterflies]
[quote=Marine Life]
[quote=Cool Mint]
@ ayatos @ Ecruteak[/quote]
[quote=Candy Crush]
[quote=Lavender Grace]
@ TheCorruptedOne (Female imperial) @ PeachandPye[/quote]
[quote=Arcane Dreams]
@ noodlemangos @ theongreyjoy @ NovaDrakkon (Male)[/quote]
[quote=Dark Lurkers]
[quote=Hearts of Gold]
[quote=Luminous feathers]
@ AstroNot (Coatl) @ virushusbandry @ EtoilesFaillees @ Oilux[/quote]
[quote=Desert Storm]
@ Hwarra[/quote]
[quote=Ancient Tombs]
@ Kyoya @ EtoilesFaillees @ Rionach
Upcoming pairs wrote:
@ Nivix-Nature pair when female gets runes (WC)
Illuminated Runes wrote:
@ kirby7277 (FIre eyes)
Pearly Elegance wrote:
@ theongreyjoy & @ Wintre (Petals) @ Naaru
Imminent Thunderstorm wrote:
@ Vibe @ Kishu @ vanillaa
Cool Mint wrote:
@ ayatos @ Ecruteak
Lavender Grace wrote:
@ TheCorruptedOne (Female imperial) @ PeachandPye
Arcane Dreams wrote:
@ noodlemangos @ theongreyjoy @ NovaDrakkon (Male)
Luminous feathers wrote:
@ AstroNot (Coatl) @ virushusbandry @ EtoilesFaillees @ Oilux
Desert Storm wrote:
@ Hwarra
__"The wind doesn't like to be controlled. It can go wherever it wants to."
[center][size=5][color=navy]Please ping @Alphadragon[/color][/size][/center][/b]
__"The wind doesn't like to be controlled. It can go wherever it wants to."
[center][font=monotype corsiva][size=4][color=5A8BC4][b]Important || For Sale || Breeding Pairs || Pinglist || Previously Sold || [u]Affiliates[/u] || Wishlist[/b][/font][/size]
Our link
Important || For Sale || Breeding Pairs || Pinglist || Previously Sold || Affiliates || Wishlist
Our link
__"The wind doesn't like to be controlled. It can go wherever it wants to."
Valgami Ohh Galaxy is gorgeous, could you please send me a CR for him?
Valgami Ohh Galaxy is gorgeous, could you please send me a CR for him?