This thread is now closed. If you encounter technical issues, please report them to the respective Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread or Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on March 31, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread or the Modern Gene Error Backlog but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Coatl H - The accent gradient was set to an incorrect blending mode.
Nocturne F - The back wing was missing an accent gradient.
Pearlcatcher F - The accent gradient was set to an incorrect blending mode.
Spiral M - One of the arm wings was missing an accent gradient.
Wildclaw F - The accent gradient was set to an incorrect blending mode.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
Tundra Wings - Affection has many of its hearts spread across the furred portion of the wing, which is a part of the primary. This is considered working as intended, and we felt it looked best rather than trying to stack the hearts underneath the shaggy fur.
Colors - The gene colors are consistent with Love and Affection on Auraboa. The color palette will not be revisited at this time.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Love is in the Air 2025 Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on March 9, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread or the Modern Gene Error Backlog but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Known Issues
All - All dragons with exposed mouth/tongue should have eclipse affect the color of the mouth.
Fathom F - Eclipse should not color the spines.
Imperial F - The teeth should not be colored.
Nocturne F - There is pixel bleed on one of the horns.
Pearlcatcher - Eclipse should not apply pearl coverage to the dragon.
Tundra F - The teeth should not be colored.
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Guardian - Need to poke at the files to determine if the gradient coverage of Guardian dragon mouths is out of range.
Working as intended
Larvae - Veilspun - Larvae not affecting the mane is considered working as intended.
Skydancer F - The circle shape at the top of the wing is considered correct, and the small divot that can be seen is the wing finger-claw.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Eclipse Gene Expansion Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:
This thread is now closed. If you encounter technical issues, please report them to the respective Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread or Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
This thread is now closed. If you encounter technical issues, please report them to the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on February 24, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread or the Modern Gene Error Backlog but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Auraboa F, M - The belly fade was made more gradual.
Dusthide F - There were two places in the tail where a handful of pixels were not filled in.
Nocturne F - Part of the belly didn't blend smoothly.
Obelisk F - There was a small piece of the tail behind the wing that was not colored in.
Obelisk M - The tail was not colored in like the hatchling and f pose.
Pearlcatcher H - The head spots bled onto the cheek fur.
Pearlcatcher M - The body spots bled onto the ankle fur.
Spiral - A couple of small pixel bleeds were corrected.
Spiral M - The marking on the nose had the edge color adjusted to better read as being centered on the face.
Undertide H - The hatchling was missing the back ear fin color.
Wildclaw H - The head spot faded into the feathers.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
Bogsneak Crests - The dimorphic crest coloration on the Bogsneak's crests is considered working as intended.
Auraboa Belly - The fade coming up to between it's back "legs" is considered working as intended.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Gecko Gene Expansion Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:
Ancient gem tertiaries being 500 instead of 600 is intentional. We know it's not half, but the tertiaries are something we wanted to emphasize with Ancients.
For the gem primaries and secondaries, and for the treasure genes, the price should always be half. So if you see something that's not half for those categories, then reporting it is appreciated!
This thread is now closed. If you encounter technical issues, please report them to the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
Primary: Jupiter (all Everlux) - The swirls were given additional line variation.
Primary: Lionfish (Everlux H) - An accent color was bleeding onto the chin.
Primary: Petrified (Everlux M) - The tongue was not dynamically colored.
Primary: Ripple (all Everlux) - More accent gradient coverage was added.
Primary: Tide (Everlux H, M) - More of the dark color should appear in the horn.
Secondary: Constellation (all Everlux) - The swirls were adjusted to better bend around the forms, as they read as clipping through the dragon rather than being a part of the dragon.
Secondary: Current (all Everlux) - More accent gradient coverage was added.
Secondary: Saturn (all Everlux) - The swirls were given additional line variation.
Tertiary: Eclipse (Everlux H, M) - The tongue was not dynamically colored.
Tertiary: Polkadot (All Everlux) - Some of the smaller dots were adjusted.
Soil/Loam: Stripe Colors - Antique, Azure, Blue, Eldritch, Hunter, Jungle, Oilslick, Periwinkle, Phthalo, Raspberry, Sanguine, Shadow, Shale, Stone, Tomato, and Umber had the stripes adjusted to have slightly more contrast.
Soil/Loam: Second Speckle & Faint Gradient Colors - Abyss, Antique, Aqua, Avocado, Azure, Blackberry, Blood, Bubblegum, Buttercup, Caramel, Charcoal, Chartreuse, Cherry, Cinnamon, Clay, Cornflower, Creamsicle, Cyan, Dirt, Dust, Eldritch, Emerald, Fern, Forest, Garnet, Gold, Grapefruit, Green, Grey, Jungle, Lapis, Latte, Lead, Mauve, Metals, Moon, Mulberry, Murk, Navy, Nightshade, Oilslick, Overcast, Peacock, Pear, Pink, Plum, Purple, Raspberry, Royal, Rust, Sable, Saffron, Sand, Seafoam, Shale, Smoke, Soil, Steel, Strawberry, Swamp, Teal, Terracotta, Thicket, and Tomato all had belly speckles/soft gradients that were too close in color to the base, making them difficult to see.
Primary: Soil (Aberration M, Banescale F) - One of the accent colors was not at full opacity.
Primary: Soil (Tundra F) - The front wing fur received the same accent streak as the M and H pose.
Secondary: Loam (Aether M) - The tail wings were missing the accent stripe.
Secondary: Loam (Nocturne F, Obelisk F, Snapper M) - The gradient coverage was adjusted.
Secondary: Loam (Skydancer H) - A missing spot was added between the bands.
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on January 22, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Modern Gene Error Backlog Threador the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Soil/Loam: Stripe Colors - Antique, Azure, Blue, Eldritch, Hunter, Jungle, Oilslick, Periwinkle, Phthalo, Raspberry, Sanguine, Shadow, Shale, Stone, Tomato, and Umber had the stripes adjusted to have slightly more contrast.
Soil/Loam: Second Speckle & Faint Gradient Colors - Abyss, Antique, Aqua, Avocado, Azure, Blackberry, Blood, Bubblegum, Buttercup, Caramel, Charcoal, Chartreuse, Cherry, Cinnamon, Clay, Cornflower, Creamsicle, Cyan, Dirt, Dust, Eldritch, Emerald, Fern, Forest, Garnet, Gold, Grapefruit, Green, Grey, Jungle, Lapis, Latte, Lead, Mauve, Metals, Moon, Mulberry, Murk, Navy, Nightshade, Oilslick, Overcast, Peacock, Pear, Pink, Plum, Purple, Raspberry, Royal, Rust, Sable, Saffron, Sand, Seafoam, Shale, Smoke, Soil, Steel, Strawberry, Swamp, Teal, Terracotta, Thicket, and Tomato all had belly speckles/soft gradients that were too close in color to the base, making them difficult to see.
Primary: Soil (Aberration M, Banescale F) - One of the accent colors was not at full opacity.
Primary: Soil (Aberration H) - Some pixel bleed around the face markings was cleaned up.
Primary: Soil (Tundra F) - The front wing fur received the same accent streak as the M and H pose.
Secondary: Loam (Aether M) - The tail wings were missing the accent stripe.
Secondary: Loam (Nocturne F, Obelisk F, Snapper M) - The gradient coverage was adjusted.
Secondary: Loam (Skydancer H) - A missing spot was added between the bands.
Secondary: Loam (Skydancer F) - The gradient on the tail was smoothed out.
Secondary: Loam (All Aether) - The gradient on mane was added/smoothed.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
Tundra/Obelisk Manes - The gradient treatment is considered working as intended.
Soil (Horns) - The horns having the basic horn coloration is considered working as intended.
Soil (Accent) - Soil having a second accent color not present in Loam is considered working as intended.
Colors - The colors reported after the fix conducted early in the release of the gene are considered working as intended, and some transitions are more subtle than others.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Fossilized Flora update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:
Shouldn't it be "Otherworldly"? It's missing the second l.
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
PixelSpiral wrote on 2024-10-01 01:44:15:
one of the answers is in lowercase
What element will your newly hatched dragons be?
the element of the parents
A random element
The element of your lair
The element of its parents or grandparents
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
Jhortanas wrote on 2024-09-19 23:11:12:
Rodaque Standardbearer
Rodaques enjoy pilfering objects that cause reactions from their crew. This one has become self-appointed standardbearer until it can be caught!
Seafaring Rodaque
Rodaques are endlessly curious companions that can become destructive if they are not provided adaquate enrichment. It is unwise to keep one confined to a cabin, though they often do well when given run of a ship.
Captain's Rodaque
Many captains keep rodaques as treasured companions. Many rodaques keep their captain's treasures!
The pluralization used in the tooltip for the Standardbearer is inconsistent with the other two (they use "Rodaques," while this one uses "Rodaque.")
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
arawoods wrote on 2024-10-02 12:54:25:
in the new auraboa story -
"I wondered that myself If the Auraboa view what we see" is missing a period!
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
verdigrisss wrote on 2024-10-04 13:09:39:
Another Tomo question: "Which IF the following is an Ancient breed?"
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
Fishes wrote on 2024-10-04 17:00:40:
Not neccessarily a typo; but inconsistency nonetheless:
In the Dusthide breed page, the term Greatwyrm's Breach is NOT bolded despite it being a link.
In every other Ancient breed page, the World Map location links are bolded. See this for an example:
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
888 wrote on 2024-10-07 12:51:55:
Captain's Rodaque
Many captains keep rodaques as treasured companions. Many rodaques keep their captain's treasures!
"Many captain's keep rodaques as treasured companions. Many rodaques keep their captain's treasures!"
The apostrophe in “captain’s” would indicate possession of the next word (keep), but in this context, it should be plural (captains).
"Many captains keep rodaques as treasured companions. Many rodaques keep their captain's treasures!"
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
GojiShade13 wrote on 2024-10-12 14:26:52:
Dusty Grey Moth Cape
A lovingly crafted garment that favors draped comfort over boned structure.
missing period at the end
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected, along with the other moth cape descriptions.
lesgayloser wrote on 2024-11-17 09:18:25:
something i just noticed- in the rockbreaker's ceremony skin submissions post (and in quite a few others, i checked back to the beginning of this fest cycle and they're all the same) it says "The contest is for earth-themed skins & accents that will drop in the coliseum and stock in the treasure marketplace only during this holiday week (after which they will be retired.)"
i believe it should say "stock in the grand exchange" rather than the treasure marketplace.
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
DivineSoul wrote on 2024-11-17 12:40:27:
Tomo's Trivia Typo:
I came across a simple spelling error when taking part in Tomo's Trivia.
"Your" was used instead of "You".
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
Grayrights wrote on 2024-11-17 18:11:56:
A plain food that becomes a terribly addictive snack when salted and lightly fried.
"A plain food that becomes a terribly addicting snack when salted and lightly fried."
This description should probably be updated to replace "addicting" with "addictive."
Though "addicting" is technically usable, "addictive" is more correct. Addictive is also more consistent with other Flight Rising item descriptions, such as:
Though they're not really addictive, some dragons become very dependent on Blackberries.
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
A tasty and addictive snack when roasted and salted.
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
lostgubbins wrote on 2023-08-16 16:53:37:
unsure if this counts as a typo or not but the tooltip for meditate states the reduced physical damage dealt debuff lasts for two turns; it does not. it lasts for three turns. this is either an error on the tooltip or something is mechanically wrong with the coliseum and the debuff is supposed to only last two turns.
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
Commander wrote on 2024-11-20 13:42:16:
Found this in the Game Database for this accent:
Aberration Female Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at ufology.)
Pretty sure someone just missed a little bit of the description between "at any time" and the user who created it, haha.
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
carroi wrote on 2024-11-22 07:50:19:
From Tomo's Trivia Tablet:
A question mark is missing, it should be "What type of gene is Eclipse?"
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
encryptidd wrote on 2024-11-25 08:49:52:
The descriptions of the 2014 Fire fest apparel are both missing the possesive apostrophe on Flameforger's (they say Flameforgers instead)
Magmatic Pauldrons
These pauldrons grow as more fuel is added to the furnace. (Flameforger’s Festival 2014 Holiday Item.)
Searing Sash
A ceremonial sash gifted to those who have brought honor to the Ashfall Waste. (Flameforger’s Festival Holiday Item 2014.)
these are the only Flameforger's Festival items to have this error
Edited to add: the earth sprite description has a similar typo where it says "Rockbreakers" instead of "Rockbreaker's", this is the only Rockbreaker's Ceremony familiar with this typo
Earth Sprite
Entourage of the Earthshaker. (Rockbreaker’s Ceremony Holiday Familiar 2013.)
Thank you for the report. This has been corrected.
Superbia wrote on 2024-11-26 11:34:22:
the snake fest familiars have inconsistent capitalisation between the flowers in their descriptions!
Rose of Brightshine
The roses are in full bloom each Brightshine Jubilee! (Brightshine Jubilee 2023 Holiday Item.)
Aster of Starfall
The asters are in full bloom each Starfall Celebration! (Starfall Celebration 2023 Holiday Item.)
"The Roses are in full bloom..."
"The Asters are in full bloom..."
Daffodil of Mistral
The daffodils are in full bloom each Mistral Jamboree! (Mistral Jamboree 2024 Holiday Item.)
Sweet Pea of Wavecrest
The sweet peas are in full bloom each Wavecrest Saturnalia! (Wavecrest Saturnalia 2024 Holiday Item.)
"The daffodils are in full bloom..."
"The sweet peas are in full bloom..."
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on January 14, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Primary: Jaguar (Veilspun M) - Bleed along the foot fade was corrected.
Secondary: Rosette (All Veilspun) - Stripes were added to the mane to better match most of the moderns with manes.
Tertiary: Medusa (Veilspun M) - A piece of mane behind the mouth was not covered by the gene. This has been corrected.
Tertiary: Smirch (Veilspun H) - Pixel bleed along the wing was corrected.
Tertiary: Soap (Veilspun H) - Pixel bleed along the wing was corrected.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
Multi-Gaze & Line-Breaking Tertiaries: Sadly, the multi gaze and line breaking tertiary issue is a technical limitation. Eyes must always layer over the primary, secondary, and tertiary genes, and they are not contextually aware of what is below them and able to alter their shape to accommodate. This is a limitation with all of our dragons that have line breaking tertiaries.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Veilspun & Gem Cycle Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:
This thread is now closed. If you encounter technical issues, please report them to the respective Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread or Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
Primary: Caterpillar (Everlux M) - This gene was briefly displaying as Cherub, as the incorrect replacement files were uploaded in the primary mouth correction.
Primary: Flaunt (All Everlux) - The gradient transitions were made a bit more gradual.
Primary: Lionfish (All Everlux) - The spaces between the stripes were further apart than the modern version of the gene. They have been corrected with more spacing.
Primary genes with open mouth: (Everlux H, M) - The tongue/mouth was not dynamically recoloring, and a correction was issued. This affected Arapaima, Bar, Basic, Caterpillar, Cherub, Chrysocolla, Criculaworm, Fade, Flaunt, Jupiter, Laced, Lionfish, Marble, Papillon, Petals, Petrified, Pharaoh, Piebald, Pinstripe, Poison, Python, Ripple, Skink, Slime, Sphinxmoth, Strike, Throne, Tiger, Varnish.
Secondary: Lacquer (All Everlux) - The edge gradient on the wing was slightly reduced.
Secondary: Morph (All Everlux) - More accent color gradient was added.
Secondary: Noxtide (Everlux M) - The stripes on the back wing's "arm" were made fainter.
Secondary: Silkspot (All Everlux) - The darker gradient was brought into the wing markings more.
Secondary: Swallowtail (Everlux M) - The back wing markings were adjusted.
Tertiary: Batty (All Everlux) - The inner/outer wing gradients were adjusted to be more in line with the Auraboa and Dusthide coverage of this gene.
Tertiary: Eclipse (Everlux F) - There were some gaps along the belly that were filled in.
Tertiary: Peacock (All Everlux) - The trailing edges of the peacock gene were made to come to a point more gradually.
Tertiary: Runes (All Everlux) - The antennae were given a more gradual gradient fade.
Tertiary: Smoke (Everlux H) - The chin markings were adjusted to flow from the face a bit better.
Throne/Crown - Honeydew and Stone had the colors adjusted and reflected in the main post.
We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.
We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on January 4, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.
To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Primary: Lionfish (Gaoler M) - The outer ear was colored differently than the other two poses. This has been corrected.
Secondary: Chess (Gaoler F) - The squares in the wing were made more visible, and a double edge line was added.
Tertiary: Branches (Gaoler H) - The leaves are were not colored to be the same color as the adult flowers. This has been corrected.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
Multi-Gaze & Line-Breaking Tertiaries: Sadly, the multi gaze and line breaking tertiary issue is a technical limitation. Eyes must always layer over the primary, secondary, and tertiary genes, and they are not contextually aware of what is below them and able to alter their shape to accommodate. This is a limitation with all of our dragons that have line breaking tertiaries.
Circuit Markings: The exact patterning and markings of the circuits vary from breed to breed, pose to pose. This is considered working as intended and has been a feature of the gene since its inception.
Hatchling Mane Fade: The mane fade of hatchlings in secondaries is considered working as intended.
Gaoler F Nails: Two of the nails on the front paw have shadow on them. This has been the case since breed launch and is present in all genes and all skins submitted. At this point in time, we will not be reshading the template.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Gaoler & Baldwin uupdate, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only: