
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [MJ24] Great Sornieth Bird Banding
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[center] @pinglist-24288 Hello everyone! I have finally been (mostly) freed from the shackles of academia, which means I come to you with an update post! First off, and thank you again for all the birds that have sent so far! I'm amazed at how much our volunteers have been banding, and at this point the first and second benchmarks have been hit for all the stations, which means that the first and second birds for each station have been unlocked - congratulations, and feel free to collect your badges! (You can collect any badge of the station you've banded at, regardless of how many have been sent in.) [size=5]AIRBORNE BOCAGE[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Bone-headed cowbird] A carrion feeder that follows predators, the need to follow roving packs of mirrors has the parents of this species leaving their eggs in other birds' nests. [/quote] [quote= Spotting towhee] Extra eyes can not only spot food hidden in writhing detritus, but will also keep a lookout for predators! [/quote] [size=5]DIAMOND DUST DELL[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Gaoler junco] Once used as scouts for their namesake, juncos have since spread out and diversified, gaining multiple patterns. [/quote] [quote= Down woodpecker] Commonly mistaken for the Hoary Woodpecker, it can be distinguished from them by its smaller size and greater adorable-ness. [/quote] [size=5]DUSTDEVIL PLAINS[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Chipped sparrow] Widespread in Dragonhome, crack open this common seed-cracker and you could just collect rocky reward! (Please don't.) [/quote] [quote= Browned thrasher] Commonly seen digging, its plumage is said to bear messages it dug up from the past... or maybe that's just more mud. [/quote] [size=5]FLAMEWHIRL WOODS[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Candle Waxwing] The copious amount of fruit it consumes gives it a delightfully fruity scent. [/quote] [quote= Forge swift] In the Ashfall Waste they easily outcompete their less flame-retardant cousins, being able to withstand billowing forge vents for roosting and nesting. [/quote] [size=5]GLITTERGALE GLEN[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Stellar hippojay] The patterns on its fur shifts with its location, making regional identification easy. [/quote] [quote= Crystal-crowned kinglet] Excitement will trigger the sudden growth of crystals on its head, which break off and fall as it calms. [/quote] [size=5]MOTEMORROW[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Morning dove] Named for both its color, and for how it wakes up dragons way too early in the morning. [/quote] [quote= Mirrorlight meadowlark] If you're walking through the Promenade and hear birdsong, look to nearby pillars for this guy. [/quote] [size=5]NIGHTBREEZE THORNBREAK[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Poker cardinal] Always seen in a pair. [/quote] [quote= Cheshire catbird] Only the cat half can disappear, but both halves will tell you cryptic nonsense. [/quote] [size=5]POLLENHURST[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Ivy creeper] The roots beneath its leafy tail cover serves as support while climbing trees. [/quote] [quote= Rubus hummingbird] Not as sweet as real bramble berries, but they are as prickly. [/quote] [size=5]SEASPRAY SHORE[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Sargasso sandpiper] In the breeding season it gains hollow air bladders, causing it to bob along the force of the tides. [/quote] [quote= Shellback sanderling] The shells from its food gets recycled into the shell on its back. [/quote] [size=5]STORMWAKE[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Red-handed nuthatch] With its habit of "borrowing" and stashing nuts and bolts, this bird is a favored familiar choice of ridgeback engineers. [/quote] [quote= Wire wren] Native to the harrowing canyons of the Shifting Expanse, this crafty bird has rapidly adapted to enroaching machinery. [/quote] [size=5]WINGSONG SANCTUARY[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote= Bamboo chickadee] Can commonly be seen bouncing in the branches of bamboo forests. [/quote] [quote= Cloudtufted titmouse] With the acrobatic way it hops and hangs off branches, it's like it weights nothing at all! [/quote] [/center] Second - I'd like to apologize again for the relative lack of updates, as things have been relatively hectic in my life - there's a bit of backlogged messages/banded birds I'll be getting to around rollover hours, and then 6 FR-ish tomorrow I'll be sending out the last day reminder + what birds have been unlocked so far! Anything that doesn't get unlocked will be available for purchase after the event closes (with MistJam, not at rollover!), as are any badges if you didn't send birds/didn't send from a particular station! Thanks again to everyone who's participated so far, and good luck!
@Great Sornieth Bird Banding Hello everyone! I have finally been (mostly) freed from the shackles of academia, which means I come to you with an update post! First off, and thank you again for all the birds that have sent so far! I'm amazed at how much our volunteers have been banding, and at this point the first and second benchmarks have been hit for all the stations, which means that the first and second birds for each station have been unlocked - congratulations, and feel free to collect your badges! (You can collect any badge of the station you've banded at, regardless of how many have been sent in.)


tWPCXe8.png nAzePdS.png
Bone-headed cowbird wrote:
A carrion feeder that follows predators, the need to follow roving packs of mirrors has the parents of this species leaving their eggs in other birds' nests.
Spotting towhee wrote:
Extra eyes can not only spot food hidden in writhing detritus, but will also keep a lookout for predators!


1JBL97z.png sqox7RU.png
Gaoler junco wrote:
Once used as scouts for their namesake, juncos have since spread out and diversified, gaining multiple patterns.
Down woodpecker wrote:
Commonly mistaken for the Hoary Woodpecker, it can be distinguished from them by its smaller size and greater adorable-ness.


lCcpkvB.png BZvTqvO.png
Chipped sparrow wrote:
Widespread in Dragonhome, crack open this common seed-cracker and you could just collect rocky reward! (Please don't.)
Browned thrasher wrote:
Commonly seen digging, its plumage is said to bear messages it dug up from the past... or maybe that's just more mud.


MwGbLvk.png AkCNYmn.png
Candle Waxwing wrote:
The copious amount of fruit it consumes gives it a delightfully fruity scent.
Forge swift wrote:
In the Ashfall Waste they easily outcompete their less flame-retardant cousins, being able to withstand billowing forge vents for roosting and nesting.


RDf4KRF.png iojrqDj.png
Stellar hippojay wrote:
The patterns on its fur shifts with its location, making regional identification easy.
Crystal-crowned kinglet wrote:
Excitement will trigger the sudden growth of crystals on its head, which break off and fall as it calms.


ZVDj3Rr.png OGjoC3i.png
Morning dove wrote:
Named for both its color, and for how it wakes up dragons way too early in the morning.
Mirrorlight meadowlark wrote:
If you're walking through the Promenade and hear birdsong, look to nearby pillars for this guy.


cS84CS2.png odN0XoN.png
Poker cardinal wrote:
Always seen in a pair.
Cheshire catbird wrote:
Only the cat half can disappear, but both halves will tell you cryptic nonsense.


MExdPdW.png CFL9eJL.png
Ivy creeper wrote:
The roots beneath its leafy tail cover serves as support while climbing trees.
Rubus hummingbird wrote:
Not as sweet as real bramble berries, but they are as prickly.


ZJHQKjk.png chlAHKa.png
Sargasso sandpiper wrote:
In the breeding season it gains hollow air bladders, causing it to bob along the force of the tides.
Shellback sanderling wrote:
The shells from its food gets recycled into the shell on its back.


DWTyYCS.png weEj4xB.png
Red-handed nuthatch wrote:
With its habit of "borrowing" and stashing nuts and bolts, this bird is a favored familiar choice of ridgeback engineers.
Wire wren wrote:
Native to the harrowing canyons of the Shifting Expanse, this crafty bird has rapidly adapted to enroaching machinery.


4bdnnJQ.png N9wf5KO.png
Bamboo chickadee wrote:
Can commonly be seen bouncing in the branches of bamboo forests.
Cloudtufted titmouse wrote:
With the acrobatic way it hops and hangs off branches, it's like it weights nothing at all!

Second - I'd like to apologize again for the relative lack of updates, as things have been relatively hectic in my life - there's a bit of backlogged messages/banded birds I'll be getting to around rollover hours, and then 6 FR-ish tomorrow I'll be sending out the last day reminder + what birds have been unlocked so far! Anything that doesn't get unlocked will be available for purchase after the event closes (with MistJam, not at rollover!), as are any badges if you didn't send birds/didn't send from a particular station!

Thanks again to everyone who's participated so far, and good luck!

Apopts hub!
Dang, these badges and their descriptions are amazing! :o Can't wait to see the rest of 'em!
Dang, these badges and their descriptions are amazing! :o Can't wait to see the rest of 'em!
A colorful chibi Mirror dragon. Image links to the dragon itself.colorful chaos
Rejoice! The bird badges are here :D
Rejoice! The bird badges are here :D
Omg, the badges are amazing! I *love* the flamewhirl woods ones (which is where I’ve been sending all my birds haha). I am definitely sending more now though for dust devil plains diamond dust dell. How precious!!
Omg, the badges are amazing! I *love* the flamewhirl woods ones (which is where I’ve been sending all my birds haha). I am definitely sending more now though for dust devil plains diamond dust dell. How precious!!
Yay, birds!!
Yay, birds!!
lalalalala V3FnPhO.png Tu0vcVq.png lala * Reedcleft Windflowers subspecies
* Court of Night and Shadow lineage
* The Annals of Fal'nieth lore project
I love themmmmm & their clever names & bits of lore !! Sargasso sandpiper my precious.
I love themmmmm & their clever names & bits of lore !! Sargasso sandpiper my precious.
lETvBuW.png u can call me val or syn, he/she pronouns, don't be afraid to ping or message me for anything!

Is there any way to easily track which stations we have/haven't sent to, or do we just have to double check our own messages? ^^; I haven't been keeping log really and I've sent so many pms the past week that it's gonna be a pain to look through them all, though I definitely will if you guys don't have anything in place already for that haha.
Is there any way to easily track which stations we have/haven't sent to, or do we just have to double check our own messages? ^^; I haven't been keeping log really and I've sent so many pms the past week that it's gonna be a pain to look through them all, though I definitely will if you guys don't have anything in place already for that haha.
they/them , did system , 24 years old. give my dragons some love?
@Arboretums after the event is over I'm going attempt to figure out who's sent to what station via the power of google spreadsheets, and then people can control + F to see what badges they earned (that said, at the end of the day it's still more or less on honor system so it's not the biggest deal haha)
@Arboretums after the event is over I'm going attempt to figure out who's sent to what station via the power of google spreadsheets, and then people can control + F to see what badges they earned (that said, at the end of the day it's still more or less on honor system so it's not the biggest deal haha)
Apopts hub!
The birbs and their descriptions are amazing, thanks! And, I am glad you are (mostly) freed, I can very much relate to not having time to.... anything.... Pleh. [emoji=nocturne tongue size=1]
The birbs and their descriptions are amazing, thanks! And, I am glad you are (mostly) freed, I can very much relate to not having time to.... anything.... Pleh.
@BeeWhisperer the bird variety is amazing! Warms my little ornithologist heart.

I want to check in, since I’m still not showing up at all on the spreadsheet: will you or oneluckyduck be getting to oneluckyduck’s PMs soon? I sent 8 back around Tuesday and I don’t see them recorded.
@BeeWhisperer the bird variety is amazing! Warms my little ornithologist heart.

I want to check in, since I’m still not showing up at all on the spreadsheet: will you or oneluckyduck be getting to oneluckyduck’s PMs soon? I sent 8 back around Tuesday and I don’t see them recorded.
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy
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