Theme Week: Springtime Dragons!

williwawwarden's Clan
Clan Info
Dec. 2024 - Ongoing: I am dealing with heavy IRL stuff. It is likely that I will not have much energy left over for dragons for the time being.
No friend requests please,
I just want to (mostly) quietly do my thing. Thank you. :)
Windies Helping Windies & Windsinger Wednesdays

Art of Sunrise by Runewander


So many image links were broken in the Discord Nope of 2024.
I am slowly working out which links require what sort of fix (were uploaded elsewhere, vs. Are Just Gone) as my backups are unusable.
A bunch of these are things artists hope to reupload later, so I am waiting to see how that goes rather than removing the links from the bio entirely.
New project begun, yay!
Shopping for Treasure Marketplace genes again, not so yay.
...Has it been 5 minutes again yet?...

Tangleroost - a den of misfit dragons, honorary Windies all, enduring cutely ferocious Nocturne and Mirror* hatchling-glares.
*(And everything else; Lair Creep is real. I have too many Mirrors! I developed a soft spot for Gazers. How are some of these genes and breeds even IN my lair?! Why Veilspun?, drat you Branches!
Oh, and Aberration and Undertide and Aether and Sandsurge and....

My wishlist? Is expensive, it starts at birdies and art of my dragons and goes up from there. So unless you are closing out your account or something and happen to be giving these away anyway, skip this part! This bit is self-motivation, not gift-hope. 
Gem market familiars I do not have yet <-(as of last edit I have all of those); the most unavailable/costly familiars (I am zen with it being a LONG time, if ever, before I have KS items); a revolving parade of old and/or user-made accents [including my current hopeless wishing for a specific, vanishingly rare UMA for my Paladancer] (I never did get it, but I acquired a suitable substitute at last!), and old limited apparel; Coatl and Wildclaw BC scrolls (sorted that one for the moment, but having a spare is never a bad idea), and gem gene scrolls.
Soap tert scrolls. Any breed. MOAR SOAP.
Related - Must craft more
Fine Alchemical Reduction and Imbued Sulfur. I always get caught out without this stuff. Stop That, me, and try to keep at least 1 of each on hand.
Finally got a certain rare item I was after, woohoo!
One day, I will not cower from spending 4-digit gems on a single item.... One day..... But today is not that day.
PS - stop hoarding those breed scrolls, me. I know which ones. Just because they are my favorite does not mean there is no such thing as 'too many'. Quitit.
Mmhmm, good luck with that
- also me
Get more art made of my dragons
And finally, There is no such thing as having too many
Friend Budgies.
I will slowly festoon my lair with you, small friends.

(Nocturne Facepalm Emoji was made for me by Argante, thank you so much!)


Related - Must craft more
Fine Alchemical Reduction and Imbued Sulfur. I always get caught out without this stuff. Stop That, me, and try to keep at least 1 of each on hand.
One day, I will not cower from spending 4-digit gems on a single item.... One day..... But today is not that day.
PS - stop hoarding those breed scrolls, me. I know which ones. Just because they are my favorite does not mean there is no such thing as 'too many'. Quitit.
Mmhmm, good luck with that

Get more art made of my dragons
And finally, There is no such thing as having too many
Friend Budgies.
I will slowly festoon my lair with you, small friends.

(Nocturne Facepalm Emoji was made for me by Argante, thank you so much!)

Status forever - Pondering dragon names and stories. Pondering grammar and spelling in dragon names is on permanent vacation. Sometimes it sends me postcards. (And sometimes it is wrong on purpose, since Sornieth has its own languages.)
Dragons I keep or exalt will be named, barring misclicks of course. Naming permas sometimes takes me a long time!
Depending on a bio note to ensure a dragon is not exalted is unreliable at best. I will try to return lost dragons if I notice, or if I see your message before it is too late; but once they are exalted you are out of luck. Please note that bio notes can easily be missed, and custom shouts will not come with the dragon when it leaves your lair. The safest place for a dragon you do not wish to see exalted is in your own lair, or at least priced well above the fodder threshold.
Status currently - Ongoing health issues are being a Thing again. Sorry about any late responses, please remind me if necessary.


I like rolling the breeding dice and seeing what I get, so there will be a lot of oddballs here!
Dragon breeding histories - pairings and offspring lists - are only part of my dragon-canons when so noted (in bios or in my head). Related, "Favorite Offspring" are my favorites, not theirs, also unless mentioned otherwise (and I only update them on a 'when I feel like it' basis).

Unless I decide otherwise, a dragon's real-time age has 0 bearing here on its bio, but I do tend to make exceptions of dragons that are more than a few years old when I acquire them.
Dragons open to buy offers will usually be in the following tabs:
Hibernal - "For Sale (Oldies etc.)", both "Cold Storage" tabs. "Destination Unknown" and "Waiting" also might contain dragons open to offers, check tabs for details. ("Destination Unknown" dragons are least likely to be for sale, as this is where potential project dragons or dragons I am considering keeping tend to hang out, but I will at least consider offers. "Waiting" dragons are only available for trading for leveled dragons, not for buying.)
Main lair - "For Sale" and "Training Hall"; possibly "Temporary Residents" or both "Launchpad" tabs. (Please note, dragons which have levels will be more expensive or, if leveled over L3 or so, might only be available in exchange for other leveled dragons.) Dragons in the "Arrivals" tab might be available ('I left my hatchlings in the wrong tab again' happens), but some there will not be for sale.

I prefer to level & exalt my own hatched, unsold dragons, rather than selling at exalt prices (this includes trading them for exalts).
Most of my sales are in case someone has a use for them or likes them, anyway. :) This is also why I keep my door open to offers** on unleveled dragons acquired for exalting. I am not actively looking to sell them, but I do not mind offers if I have one you like, or need for a project, etc.
Old Dragon Salvage -
I am not officially affiliated with old dragon salvage threads, but I do tend to take pity on old dragons that turn up in exalt lots and such. Oldies for sale, if I have any, will be found in page 1 of "For Sale" in the main lair, or in "For Sale (Oldies etc.)" in Hibernal.
I exalt. I acquire dragons I will only temporarily need (in breeding for specific colors, for example), who might not be permanent residents of my lair. But I also tend to get attached - as Haviskold, or Madainn, or Doomshine would tell you if they could. So, who knows?

I am not affiliated with Galopa's Old Oaks, but I am giving their banner a wave here anyway!
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I also saw Maemd and the others, and they're so pretty too! I especially love Shadeknight and the way her outfit, familiar, and scene all work together so well! I didn't look at her lore, but I can imagine she's a very shadow-like wind dragon!
i appreciate the kind message, and the brilliant idea! i've actually decided to take it a step further and name Ornifex's familiar after the goddess that her kind worshipped, Velka.
fine work, skeleton :>