
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Returning from long hiatus
Alright you whippersnappers!

I've been AFK from FR for longer than I anticipated and so I know there has been some significant changes.

SO! Can you folks be so kind as to update me to what's been going on so far?

Last time I was here, I 'member:
  • Wildclaws were THE dragon to get and were the single most expensive dragons one could want
  • The "dragon economy" was having internal debates about the worth of selling dragons and whether those that spent real world money on their dragons should have more say so than those that didn't (spoiler: I remember it was getting ugly when it started to really get heated)
  • Last ancient breed I saw was the Gaoler

Now with that outta the way, I know we have more ancient breeds (Veilspun is becoming a personal fav), the encyclopedia has been updated with the Beastclans having a different worldbuilding entry, and we have a slew of new genes!

But what of the "dragon economy"? Which dragon is the most sought after?
What are the new methods of turning a profit for treasure?
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?
Is there a battle guide on how to make a team of mages? Is there a healer guide?

Thank you for those who take the time to assist!
Alright you whippersnappers!

I've been AFK from FR for longer than I anticipated and so I know there has been some significant changes.

SO! Can you folks be so kind as to update me to what's been going on so far?

Last time I was here, I 'member:
  • Wildclaws were THE dragon to get and were the single most expensive dragons one could want
  • The "dragon economy" was having internal debates about the worth of selling dragons and whether those that spent real world money on their dragons should have more say so than those that didn't (spoiler: I remember it was getting ugly when it started to really get heated)
  • Last ancient breed I saw was the Gaoler

Now with that outta the way, I know we have more ancient breeds (Veilspun is becoming a personal fav), the encyclopedia has been updated with the Beastclans having a different worldbuilding entry, and we have a slew of new genes!

But what of the "dragon economy"? Which dragon is the most sought after?
What are the new methods of turning a profit for treasure?
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?
Is there a battle guide on how to make a team of mages? Is there a healer guide?

Thank you for those who take the time to assist!
… Did you go on hiatus before or after Glimmer & Gloom was added to the Farigrounds?
… Did you go on hiatus before or after Glimmer & Gloom was added to the Farigrounds?
We Want Blep! Take Our money! We Want Blep! Take Our Money!

Please note - wonky eyes & busted hands; thanks for help & patience!
Welcome back. check out the [New] Chronological update reference guide for a quick overview of all the updates since you were last active.

As for Dragon Economy, you've got a few Dragons I can see whose ID are in the 7-digits which would be sought after by old dragon collectors.

Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue

otherwise the most sought after dragons are the newest breed/gene, or the ones that are really really difficult to get (Gen 1 Imperials, Double/ triple color Gen 1s, Roundsey Raffle Dragons, etc.)

The Data-Based Money Making Guide is a great way to figure out a way to earn treasure that works for you.
Welcome back. check out the [New] Chronological update reference guide for a quick overview of all the updates since you were last active.

As for Dragon Economy, you've got a few Dragons I can see whose ID are in the 7-digits which would be sought after by old dragon collectors.

Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue

otherwise the most sought after dragons are the newest breed/gene, or the ones that are really really difficult to get (Gen 1 Imperials, Double/ triple color Gen 1s, Roundsey Raffle Dragons, etc.)

The Data-Based Money Making Guide is a great way to figure out a way to earn treasure that works for you.
Welcome New Players!
Here's a small list of links to Helpful Forum Guides:
..... Gathering reference v3
Swipp/Baldwin: Items to Keep
The Data-Based Money Making Guide
Exalting Treasure Payout Chart
..... Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive
Coliseum loot and monsters
Festival Coliseum Guide
BASIC INTRO to the Coli!
..... [Guide] BBCode
[Answers] Tomo's Trivia Tablet
G&G Very Hard Ultimate Solver
wildclaws are only THE dragon to get if you're a g1 collector. if you're not into that life, you can go to the AH and pick up any number of g+ wildclaws at fodder price. wildclaw UMAs are big business though - I feel like just being a wc UMA adds like 500-1500g to the resale price. (not an expert, just general observations from GASP pings)

undertides are the newest breed (they were released at the end of November) so they're still pretty sought after, although they're also quickly drifting down to fodder price
wildclaws are only THE dragon to get if you're a g1 collector. if you're not into that life, you can go to the AH and pick up any number of g+ wildclaws at fodder price. wildclaw UMAs are big business though - I feel like just being a wc UMA adds like 500-1500g to the resale price. (not an expert, just general observations from GASP pings)

undertides are the newest breed (they were released at the end of November) so they're still pretty sought after, although they're also quickly drifting down to fodder price
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone!