
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Invisible Profiles, Explain?
I actually never figured out what the invisible status does and I wish to stay clueless as to avoid unnecessary anxiety akdsjhkjahkaj

I am when I am. I am what? Where? Who? When? Who knows, not even me.
I actually never figured out what the invisible status does and I wish to stay clueless as to avoid unnecessary anxiety akdsjhkjahkaj

I am when I am. I am what? Where? Who? When? Who knows, not even me.
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
I've never once noticed the online/offline status for any other users and didn't even know it was a thing until I saw people discussing having their profile set to "invisible" to avoid being hassled about ignoring people! Honestly even after learning about it I see no need to switch mine to invisible. I'm here to mostly be silent and not interact, but I've never once had someone hassle me about responding faster bc they can see I'm online,'so no need to switch, for me.

These are also the most stringent and enforced anti-harassment rules I've had for a website I use, so really, I'm not concerned about getting TOS-breaking messages. (In the sense that I trust I could report them once and never deal with it again.)
I've never once noticed the online/offline status for any other users and didn't even know it was a thing until I saw people discussing having their profile set to "invisible" to avoid being hassled about ignoring people! Honestly even after learning about it I see no need to switch mine to invisible. I'm here to mostly be silent and not interact, but I've never once had someone hassle me about responding faster bc they can see I'm online,'so no need to switch, for me.

These are also the most stringent and enforced anti-harassment rules I've had for a website I use, so really, I'm not concerned about getting TOS-breaking messages. (In the sense that I trust I could report them once and never deal with it again.)
I'm not set to invisible here, but in places where I AM set to invisible, it's usually because I was getting harassed in some capacity.

I'm forever set to 'idle' on discord because there were people who would just.... BE WATCHING for my status indicator to turn green and then they'd be in my PMs with things that were.... well, detrimental to my mental health. I'll leave that there. Even though I've long since blocked the people in question, I've just left myself set to idle because it's a greater measure of privacy over there, and I no longer like people being able to see when I'm online or looking at my phone.

I also play in an MMO where I was forced to leave a few social groups because the people in them would get irrationally angry if I didn't respond right away but my status wasn't actually set to AFK. Like.... I'm talking 'they track you down in the overworld or barge into your player housing and start bad mouthing you even though you're obviously not moving' levels of irrational anger. I came back from a break once and found one of these people just standing in my house behind me, watching me. I toggled back out and waited a while, but when I came back they were still there - but they'd moved, so they were ACTIVELY there waiting for me to do something. I think I ended up just going to bed and leaving my game running so I could say I'd forgotten to log out when I was done playing - since if I'd actively logged at that point, they'd see me disappear and I felt it was better to just... not. I REALLY wish there was an equivalent to true invisibility in that game. Leaving the group chats that those people were in was the closest I could come, since it would reduce the number of places they could see me. I couldn't handle the hostility that was arising if I dared to take a 10 minute break and go to the bathroom or get a snack.

I take measures to make myself as invisible as possible in settings where I feel threatened. In settings where I don't, I usually don't feel the need to mess with the visibility settings. I know that there are people here who have dealt with situations like the second one I described - where people get upset if they see you've been online and not done something that they want you to do or respond to. I personally haven't encountered it here yet, so I'm still set to visible.
I'm not set to invisible here, but in places where I AM set to invisible, it's usually because I was getting harassed in some capacity.

I'm forever set to 'idle' on discord because there were people who would just.... BE WATCHING for my status indicator to turn green and then they'd be in my PMs with things that were.... well, detrimental to my mental health. I'll leave that there. Even though I've long since blocked the people in question, I've just left myself set to idle because it's a greater measure of privacy over there, and I no longer like people being able to see when I'm online or looking at my phone.

I also play in an MMO where I was forced to leave a few social groups because the people in them would get irrationally angry if I didn't respond right away but my status wasn't actually set to AFK. Like.... I'm talking 'they track you down in the overworld or barge into your player housing and start bad mouthing you even though you're obviously not moving' levels of irrational anger. I came back from a break once and found one of these people just standing in my house behind me, watching me. I toggled back out and waited a while, but when I came back they were still there - but they'd moved, so they were ACTIVELY there waiting for me to do something. I think I ended up just going to bed and leaving my game running so I could say I'd forgotten to log out when I was done playing - since if I'd actively logged at that point, they'd see me disappear and I felt it was better to just... not. I REALLY wish there was an equivalent to true invisibility in that game. Leaving the group chats that those people were in was the closest I could come, since it would reduce the number of places they could see me. I couldn't handle the hostility that was arising if I dared to take a 10 minute break and go to the bathroom or get a snack.

I take measures to make myself as invisible as possible in settings where I feel threatened. In settings where I don't, I usually don't feel the need to mess with the visibility settings. I know that there are people here who have dealt with situations like the second one I described - where people get upset if they see you've been online and not done something that they want you to do or respond to. I personally haven't encountered it here yet, so I'm still set to visible.
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For me it was a user complaint of not sending rented nesting dragons back,as I stay online,even when I’m not actually on site. They assumed I was on due to it telling them I was,and caused issues,so now keep it private
For me it was a user complaint of not sending rented nesting dragons back,as I stay online,even when I’m not actually on site. They assumed I was on due to it telling them I was,and caused issues,so now keep it private
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Purely because the activity status looks bad on the profile.

Before profile revamp I never bothered setting myself to invisible. But the green dot draws too much attention to itself for me so I got rid of it.

Purely aesthetic preference.
Purely because the activity status looks bad on the profile.

Before profile revamp I never bothered setting myself to invisible. But the green dot draws too much attention to itself for me so I got rid of it.

Purely aesthetic preference.
[quote name="Sablekey" date="2024-05-24 16:21:32" ] Purely because the activity status looks bad on the profile. Before profile revamp I never bothered setting myself to invisible. But the green dot draws too much attention to itself for me so I got rid of it. Purely aesthetic preference. [/quote] this is a good point and now it slightly bugs me :| I wish it would match one's flight banner
Sablekey wrote on 2024-05-24 16:21:32:
Purely because the activity status looks bad on the profile.

Before profile revamp I never bothered setting myself to invisible. But the green dot draws too much attention to itself for me so I got rid of it.

Purely aesthetic preference.
this is a good point and now it slightly bugs me :| I wish it would match one's flight banner
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
I've never been harassed or anything, I just prefer my privacy
I've never been harassed or anything, I just prefer my privacy
A digital art drawing of a blue furred tundra. He has a blue and gold magician's hat, a silver star earring and silver and blue wingdrapes. The background has a space pattern, also in blue.
same reason i no longer list my timezone or post in the forums with pending CRs - people can get pushy if you're online (or they think you should be online) and not responding to them. i've never been outright harassed - just gotten mildly annoyed - and i've had nothing but good & quick experiences reporting harassment, but i still prefer it not happen in the first place.
same reason i no longer list my timezone or post in the forums with pending CRs - people can get pushy if you're online (or they think you should be online) and not responding to them. i've never been outright harassed - just gotten mildly annoyed - and i've had nothing but good & quick experiences reporting harassment, but i still prefer it not happen in the first place.
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!
I did it to hide my birthday date on my profile, and I just never changed it back to visible.
I did it to hide my birthday date on my profile, and I just never changed it back to visible.
I prefer that people don't always know when I am online. I am not always in a social mood, and I don't want to feel pressured to respond ASAP.
I prefer that people don't always know when I am online. I am not always in a social mood, and I don't want to feel pressured to respond ASAP.