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TOPIC | slipfast's dailies (free lore) (3/3)
[quote name="slipfast" date="2024-02-05 18:58:04" ] @1R0Nx i loved black beauty! i still own a copy :) here's hellfire. i really like the concept of a queen protected fiercely by her guards, forcing the newbie to prove himself before he can even go NEAR her lol. just btw, since i didn't really mention her in his backstory. i threw in a few of his siblings, though! karmine and the others are the dragons in between hellfire and karmine. let me know what you think and if i can link him in the thread! They say all Light dragons have within them an affinity with the shadows, natural product of their deity that they are. Hellfire, with his strange, pale eyes and dark scales, was never ignorant of this fact, even as a hatchling. His parents – two normal, originally-Plague dragons concerned primarily with treasure, younglings, and the ordinary aspects of life – tried their best to shield him, but even they could not halt the marchings of Fate. Hellfire had four siblings, and it is whispered among the halls of the Underworld, by those who have an inkling of his past, that their destinies were set in stone the moment they were born. The second-youngest, a female, to don a warrior mask and a collar inlaid with green; doomed to disappear into the pink Reaches of the northwest. The two middle siblings, a male and a female, cursed to shed their original form and slip into new forms. And the eldest, Karmine, seized by the tide. Though now, Hellfire remains a composed dragon, ireful though he may be, the loss of his eldest sister shook him deeply. As all dragons raised under the knowledge of the sun, Hellfire turned first to history and magics for answers. For a solution to the ultimate problem: the difficulty of retrieving a dragon from the dead. Yet there is always a price to pay, extracted by the heavens above and the gods below. Hellfire strayed too close to the very sun he looked up to in worship, corrupted by its flare and sting. He wears the marks of that ever living flame – the remnants of the failed ritual he attempted – upon his skin and upon his pearl. Marred forever. Cursed and wounded, with lesions that refuse to fully heal, crackling with heat as if still aflame. Punished for his audacity of attempting to rival the gods. Hellfire is not deterred. Karmine remains, out there, somewhere, in some plane. It is simply a matter of reaching her. [/quote] Just seeing this! Thanks so much! Feel free to link him :)
slipfast wrote on 2024-02-05 18:58:04:
@1R0Nx i loved black beauty! i still own a copy :) here's hellfire. i really like the concept of a queen protected fiercely by her guards, forcing the newbie to prove himself before he can even go NEAR her lol. just btw, since i didn't really mention her in his backstory. i threw in a few of his siblings, though! karmine and the others are the dragons in between hellfire and karmine. let me know what you think and if i can link him in the thread!

They say all Light dragons have within them an affinity with the shadows, natural product of their deity that they are. Hellfire, with his strange, pale eyes and dark scales, was never ignorant of this fact, even as a hatchling. His parents – two normal, originally-Plague dragons concerned primarily with treasure, younglings, and the ordinary aspects of life – tried their best to shield him, but even they could not halt the marchings of Fate.

Hellfire had four siblings, and it is whispered among the halls of the Underworld, by those who have an inkling of his past, that their destinies were set in stone the moment they were born. The second-youngest, a female, to don a warrior mask and a collar inlaid with green; doomed to disappear into the pink Reaches of the northwest. The two middle siblings, a male and a female, cursed to shed their original form and slip into new forms. And the eldest, Karmine, seized by the tide.

Though now, Hellfire remains a composed dragon, ireful though he may be, the loss of his eldest sister shook him deeply. As all dragons raised under the knowledge of the sun, Hellfire turned first to history and magics for answers. For a solution to the ultimate problem: the difficulty of retrieving a dragon from the dead.

Yet there is always a price to pay, extracted by the heavens above and the gods below.

Hellfire strayed too close to the very sun he looked up to in worship, corrupted by its flare and sting. He wears the marks of that ever living flame – the remnants of the failed ritual he attempted – upon his skin and upon his pearl. Marred forever. Cursed and wounded, with lesions that refuse to fully heal, crackling with heat as if still aflame. Punished for his audacity of attempting to rival the gods.

Hellfire is not deterred. Karmine remains, out there, somewhere, in some plane. It is simply a matter of reaching her.

Just seeing this! Thanks so much! Feel free to link him :)
@XxSilverPoolxX hello again! my favorite piece of lore? in terms of my own, i like lake's best. it's setting lore. in terms of lore from HERE? ....uhhhhhh probably some of the more recent ones, like marshhawk's, and margarita. i liked margarita's. fun siren dragon :) thanks for asking me!

i need to decide who'll be my wishlist dragon too lol. here's song! i didn't name the god 'cause mysticism oo. also i like the dove. let me know what you think and if you'd be okay with me linking her and the lore in the thread!

Once upon a time, when gods roamed the earth and the beginning of time still loomed close and raw to the present age, there lived a dragon named Song. She was simple and young, unremarkable in mind and body, but she was splendid in one true way – she was kind. Song, you see, liked to fulfill wishes. She loved to see other dragons with joy in their hearts. Song spent her days traveling the earth, going out of her way to help others, determined to make better the lives she met.

One day, Song was injured attempting to fulfill a mirror’s wish. He’d asked for a rare, priceless artifact, found deep in the jungle – and Song, naturally, had obliged. The artifact was hidden in an ancient temple devoted to a religion long lost to time, and though Song located it easily enough, the path to escape was filled with traps and trickery. An arrow nicked her just as she slipped free of crumbling stone, and drove a gash just above her eye. Pained, Song lay on the ground for a moment with the artifact clutched in her talons, catching her breath.

The imperial caught the eye of a nearby god, unusual and out-of-place as she was. He was the god of southern winds, warm and cold air currents that whisked their way up from the bottom of the world. He was a fickle entity, moody and demanding to those he encountered, but not very well-known. When he swooped down to stand beside Song, and revealed his holy existence to her, the dragon could not name him. She only stared, wide-eyed.

The god regarded her. “What are you doing?”

“I am granting a wish,” Song replied.

“Why?” The god’s tone was genuinely puzzled. It was clear from the blood trickling over her scales that Song had gotten hurt, and now from a motive so meaningless to the god as granting a wish – He couldn’t understand.

Song fumbled for words, aware of the god’s nature. “Because… Because I like to see dragons smile.”

The god was struck with the unexpected kindness of her answer, and did not reply. After a moment, Song picked herself up to go and gift the artifact to the mirror who’d asked for it. She began to pick her way through the jungle.

After another, longer moment, the god followed.

The god of southern winds followed Song for two weeks, watching everything the imperial did. He flew with her when she traveled, as a light breeze dancing over her wing-feathers. He lingered like a shadow at her back as she asked new dragons what they wished for. Only when they were alone did he ask questions.

“Why did you come here?” The god would ask. Song would tell him she hadn’t visited this land in a long time, and wanted to meet new dragons.

“What if the task is impossible?” This question was posed as Song tried to find a cave in a mountainside, said to house a rare medicinal herb. Song huffed in her exertion, and responded that nothing was truly impossible.

“Don’t you ever get bored?” He sighed, after Song had once again fulfilled a wish and the dragon had flown off pleased and grinning.

“No,” She said, still looking in the direction the dragon had gone.

A strange look passed over the god’s face. “Song,” He said, tone different from the whine it had been before. “Why do you grant wishes?”

Song turned to face him. “For I love to see them smile.” And she smiled too.

That night, when Song was asleep and curled up atop a riverbank, the god rose into his true form to watch over her. “Song,” He said softly into the night. With his power, she would hear the words when she woke, as if he was still there repeating them to her. “You have taught again to me the simple good of the world. As god of the southern wind, I am often overlooked, ignored in favor of my older brother, the god of all winds.” He added crossly, “It can be easy to become resentful when not properly worshiped. But you have reminded me of what is important. In return for this gift, I grant you godly ability. Grant your wishes, and go with the name SongStar, as my herald and blessed friend.”

Then, the god disappeared.

When Song woke, hours later, she heard the god’s parting gift as though he’d just spoken it. She felt lighter. She found the small scar above her eye where the arrow once wounded her healed, and replaced by a growth of red flowers. An engraving, glowing green with the light of the dawning sun, had etched itself along her scales, not unlike the art on the walls of that first temple she’d ventured into. She was gifted in her own right, a friend of a god and the first dragon to receive a boon for the sake of helping others. For the rest of her life, SongStar knew she would be fulfilling wishes.

As a gentle breeze blew up from the south to sift cool and soothing through her mane, the dragon tipped her head back and smiled.
@XxSilverPoolxX hello again! my favorite piece of lore? in terms of my own, i like lake's best. it's setting lore. in terms of lore from HERE? ....uhhhhhh probably some of the more recent ones, like marshhawk's, and margarita. i liked margarita's. fun siren dragon :) thanks for asking me!

i need to decide who'll be my wishlist dragon too lol. here's song! i didn't name the god 'cause mysticism oo. also i like the dove. let me know what you think and if you'd be okay with me linking her and the lore in the thread!

Once upon a time, when gods roamed the earth and the beginning of time still loomed close and raw to the present age, there lived a dragon named Song. She was simple and young, unremarkable in mind and body, but she was splendid in one true way – she was kind. Song, you see, liked to fulfill wishes. She loved to see other dragons with joy in their hearts. Song spent her days traveling the earth, going out of her way to help others, determined to make better the lives she met.

One day, Song was injured attempting to fulfill a mirror’s wish. He’d asked for a rare, priceless artifact, found deep in the jungle – and Song, naturally, had obliged. The artifact was hidden in an ancient temple devoted to a religion long lost to time, and though Song located it easily enough, the path to escape was filled with traps and trickery. An arrow nicked her just as she slipped free of crumbling stone, and drove a gash just above her eye. Pained, Song lay on the ground for a moment with the artifact clutched in her talons, catching her breath.

The imperial caught the eye of a nearby god, unusual and out-of-place as she was. He was the god of southern winds, warm and cold air currents that whisked their way up from the bottom of the world. He was a fickle entity, moody and demanding to those he encountered, but not very well-known. When he swooped down to stand beside Song, and revealed his holy existence to her, the dragon could not name him. She only stared, wide-eyed.

The god regarded her. “What are you doing?”

“I am granting a wish,” Song replied.

“Why?” The god’s tone was genuinely puzzled. It was clear from the blood trickling over her scales that Song had gotten hurt, and now from a motive so meaningless to the god as granting a wish – He couldn’t understand.

Song fumbled for words, aware of the god’s nature. “Because… Because I like to see dragons smile.”

The god was struck with the unexpected kindness of her answer, and did not reply. After a moment, Song picked herself up to go and gift the artifact to the mirror who’d asked for it. She began to pick her way through the jungle.

After another, longer moment, the god followed.

The god of southern winds followed Song for two weeks, watching everything the imperial did. He flew with her when she traveled, as a light breeze dancing over her wing-feathers. He lingered like a shadow at her back as she asked new dragons what they wished for. Only when they were alone did he ask questions.

“Why did you come here?” The god would ask. Song would tell him she hadn’t visited this land in a long time, and wanted to meet new dragons.

“What if the task is impossible?” This question was posed as Song tried to find a cave in a mountainside, said to house a rare medicinal herb. Song huffed in her exertion, and responded that nothing was truly impossible.

“Don’t you ever get bored?” He sighed, after Song had once again fulfilled a wish and the dragon had flown off pleased and grinning.

“No,” She said, still looking in the direction the dragon had gone.

A strange look passed over the god’s face. “Song,” He said, tone different from the whine it had been before. “Why do you grant wishes?”

Song turned to face him. “For I love to see them smile.” And she smiled too.

That night, when Song was asleep and curled up atop a riverbank, the god rose into his true form to watch over her. “Song,” He said softly into the night. With his power, she would hear the words when she woke, as if he was still there repeating them to her. “You have taught again to me the simple good of the world. As god of the southern wind, I am often overlooked, ignored in favor of my older brother, the god of all winds.” He added crossly, “It can be easy to become resentful when not properly worshiped. But you have reminded me of what is important. In return for this gift, I grant you godly ability. Grant your wishes, and go with the name SongStar, as my herald and blessed friend.”

Then, the god disappeared.

When Song woke, hours later, she heard the god’s parting gift as though he’d just spoken it. She felt lighter. She found the small scar above her eye where the arrow once wounded her healed, and replaced by a growth of red flowers. An engraving, glowing green with the light of the dawning sun, had etched itself along her scales, not unlike the art on the walls of that first temple she’d ventured into. She was gifted in her own right, a friend of a god and the first dragon to receive a boon for the sake of helping others. For the rest of her life, SongStar knew she would be fulfilling wishes.

As a gentle breeze blew up from the south to sift cool and soothing through her mane, the dragon tipped her head back and smiled.
...hi, i'm slipfast

...i write free lore, you know. (more links ->)


@1R0Nx no problem! just a reminder that if you plan to put it in his bio or display it, i ask that you credit me please!
@1R0Nx no problem! just a reminder that if you plan to put it in his bio or display it, i ask that you credit me please!
...hi, i'm slipfast

...i write free lore, you know. (more links ->)


ooooooohhhh yea

you de-middle schoolered it! this is amazing!!
thank you so much once again <3
ooooooohhhh yea

you de-middle schoolered it! this is amazing!!
thank you so much once again <3


@AutumnFall123 the last book i read was The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. i'm rereading percy jackson lol. what about you?

sure a living puppet works! hope you don't mind, but i went a little more in the narration of his creator. wanted to give some insight into that. but i left him unnamed, so you can play around! also feel FREE to reformat this (see guidelines, don't change my work please) because it can be made into something very much better than just all-caps titles lol. let me know what you think, and if i can link puppenax and the lore in the thread :3


The puppet awoke fully grown. Although the life force which gives them movement and consciousness is recycled, taken at its origin from other adult dragons, it seems it feels born anew in this body. The puppet can speak, I myself checked its vocal cords, but it does not. It only watches me with slanted green eyes. I believe the color is due to my magic – there is something unnatural about it.

The puppet walks with little difficulty, and is able to stretch and flex its wings. No discoloration of any limbs or patches of skin; the blood seems to be circulating properly. Eyes, ears, and tail are all as responsive as would be with any truly living and organic being.

I believe it comprehends me. I have spoken in short sentences, and tried to inject authority into my words. It gives little response, but as I move around the laboratory, its eyes follow me. It moves when I ask it to. I suppose the lack of speech may be a mental struggle, but I cannot grasp the notion – the parts it was given, the brain it has, why, it’s all spectacular. It should be performing at the highest capability. I must run more tests. I need more data.


What was unclear confusion before is now inarguable fact. These are the conclusions I have come to.

1. The puppet is capable of speech, and retains a good degree of intelligence. It refuses to utilize either, however, and will not respond to any sort of verbal (or even physical) command it does not care for. It understands me perfectly; it will perform a task if offered a suitable incentive. It has not spoken a word since it woke, but I have heard it make noises, during the night, when it thinks I cannot hear. Its brain and spinal cord work splendidly; this is a defiance, not a malfunction.

2. I believe the puppet’s three heads communicate, though their method of doing so has not yet revealed itself. The left head is greedy and unpredictable, motivated by food, and food only. Given the chance, it will eat anything placed before it. The right head is unnervingly observant, and enjoys regarding me with a disapproving gaze. (Mental note: perform cognitive tests on this head, there is a chance it is more intelligent than the other two.) The center head seems at once logical and emotional, the one most like a dragon out of the three. None of them speak, none of them are fond of me, and none of them are suitable towards my goal. Another frustration.

3. This experiment was a failed one. I cannot use this puppet in a way that matters. It might serve as something – an assistant, perhaps. I will unmake it before it becomes useless.


The puppet enjoys small, stuffed toys made of cloth and filling. It makes them. I have monitored this activity, as I do all else, and found its motions are most dexterous when performing this task. I do not know why, yet.


I have decided to give the puppet a name. I have recognized, though I find the comparison distasteful, the connection between my puppet and the walking abomination, Luminax. I have decided to give it a name which acknowledges this connection, as a scientist (and furthermore a mage) never ignores reality. I shall call it Puppenax.
@AutumnFall123 the last book i read was The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. i'm rereading percy jackson lol. what about you?

sure a living puppet works! hope you don't mind, but i went a little more in the narration of his creator. wanted to give some insight into that. but i left him unnamed, so you can play around! also feel FREE to reformat this (see guidelines, don't change my work please) because it can be made into something very much better than just all-caps titles lol. let me know what you think, and if i can link puppenax and the lore in the thread :3


The puppet awoke fully grown. Although the life force which gives them movement and consciousness is recycled, taken at its origin from other adult dragons, it seems it feels born anew in this body. The puppet can speak, I myself checked its vocal cords, but it does not. It only watches me with slanted green eyes. I believe the color is due to my magic – there is something unnatural about it.

The puppet walks with little difficulty, and is able to stretch and flex its wings. No discoloration of any limbs or patches of skin; the blood seems to be circulating properly. Eyes, ears, and tail are all as responsive as would be with any truly living and organic being.

I believe it comprehends me. I have spoken in short sentences, and tried to inject authority into my words. It gives little response, but as I move around the laboratory, its eyes follow me. It moves when I ask it to. I suppose the lack of speech may be a mental struggle, but I cannot grasp the notion – the parts it was given, the brain it has, why, it’s all spectacular. It should be performing at the highest capability. I must run more tests. I need more data.


What was unclear confusion before is now inarguable fact. These are the conclusions I have come to.

1. The puppet is capable of speech, and retains a good degree of intelligence. It refuses to utilize either, however, and will not respond to any sort of verbal (or even physical) command it does not care for. It understands me perfectly; it will perform a task if offered a suitable incentive. It has not spoken a word since it woke, but I have heard it make noises, during the night, when it thinks I cannot hear. Its brain and spinal cord work splendidly; this is a defiance, not a malfunction.

2. I believe the puppet’s three heads communicate, though their method of doing so has not yet revealed itself. The left head is greedy and unpredictable, motivated by food, and food only. Given the chance, it will eat anything placed before it. The right head is unnervingly observant, and enjoys regarding me with a disapproving gaze. (Mental note: perform cognitive tests on this head, there is a chance it is more intelligent than the other two.) The center head seems at once logical and emotional, the one most like a dragon out of the three. None of them speak, none of them are fond of me, and none of them are suitable towards my goal. Another frustration.

3. This experiment was a failed one. I cannot use this puppet in a way that matters. It might serve as something – an assistant, perhaps. I will unmake it before it becomes useless.


The puppet enjoys small, stuffed toys made of cloth and filling. It makes them. I have monitored this activity, as I do all else, and found its motions are most dexterous when performing this task. I do not know why, yet.


I have decided to give the puppet a name. I have recognized, though I find the comparison distasteful, the connection between my puppet and the walking abomination, Luminax. I have decided to give it a name which acknowledges this connection, as a scientist (and furthermore a mage) never ignores reality. I shall call it Puppenax.
...hi, i'm slipfast

...i write free lore, you know. (more links ->)


I haven't read that book, but I've heard good things about the series! The last book I read was one of the Demon Slayer manga, a short intermission while I look for my next long series lol.

I adore the lore you've written! It fits perfectly for him, and sounds very much like his creator, Aarvados! 100% putting this in his Bio with credit to you. Do you mind if I add additional entries as inspiration comes along, if I make it known what you've written and what I've written?

Also, yes, you do have permission to showcase my baby :3 Thank you so much!

Edit: I've put your observations into his bio, with credit ^^ The notes at the very top are unfinished at the moment (due to formating issues on mobile) but I hope this is alright formating "^^
I haven't read that book, but I've heard good things about the series! The last book I read was one of the Demon Slayer manga, a short intermission while I look for my next long series lol.

I adore the lore you've written! It fits perfectly for him, and sounds very much like his creator, Aarvados! 100% putting this in his Bio with credit to you. Do you mind if I add additional entries as inspiration comes along, if I make it known what you've written and what I've written?

Also, yes, you do have permission to showcase my baby :3 Thank you so much!

Edit: I've put your observations into his bio, with credit ^^ The notes at the very top are unfinished at the moment (due to formating issues on mobile) but I hope this is alright formating "^^
[center][i]Hellooo! Hope it's okay to come back one more time! Your writing is always so incredible, and I've been a little stuck on what to do with this character...[/i] [b]In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)[/b] I don't closely follow canon breed sizes as I tend to make them all much more average rather than the super dramatic differences, but I do still view Imperials as being the largest. Something about them gives off big and regal and graceful and I really like it. As for compared to a human, honestly the first thing I picture is Falkor from the Never Ending Story, so maybe about that big? I like to think Undertides and Gaolers can get to be pretty big too, especially Undertides. I like to think they keep growing for their entire lives and only really die to each other or random illnesses rather than old age so there's just these [i]really[/i] ancient ones lurking in the deep that get to be absolutely [i]massive[/i] ----- [b]Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] The past two times I've dropped by your lore thread, you've absolutely BLOWN ME AWAY, and to be honest, I'm stuck on Indira's lore so here we go! Indira is a goddess of the sea and storms. Once upon a time she was a minor ocean spirit but as more sailors and maren started to pray for her for safe passage, she grew in power. When her world was destroyed (I think I mentioned it when I was talking about Sekhmet), her and the rest of the gods were scattered across what would become Sornieth, forced to be weakened under the much stronger influence of the Eleven and their elemental magic. Indira was furious and refused to accept this When the Tidelord disappeared (did she have something to do with this? or just take advantage of the situation? who knows??!! certainly not me lmao), she was able to gain back a lot of influence over the seas very quickly and get a foothold of power. She started a war that would last over a hundred years and raged across all of Sornieth. But eventually her armies were defeated. Ever since she's been sulking in the shadows, waiting for her second chance to strike and whispering in [url=]Fauve's[/url] ears, shaping her to lead another war, this one promising to be even more devastating than the last She's the sort of villain that's like... the ultimate final boss at the end of the video game after you've defeated all the other bosses, the one who's revealed to have been secretly pulling the strings all along Once again, while I have the backstory of the character pretty well thought out, whenever I try and write her actual [i]character[/i] I feel like I can never do her justice, and I would love to see what you come up with! It really helps to see other people's interpretations of these characters, especially since I usually spend so long staring at them or rotating them around in my head like food in a microwave lol
Hellooo! Hope it's okay to come back one more time! Your writing is always so incredible, and I've been a little stuck on what to do with this character...

In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)

I don't closely follow canon breed sizes as I tend to make them all much more average rather than the super dramatic differences, but I do still view Imperials as being the largest. Something about them gives off big and regal and graceful and I really like it. As for compared to a human, honestly the first thing I picture is Falkor from the Never Ending Story, so maybe about that big?

I like to think Undertides and Gaolers can get to be pretty big too, especially Undertides. I like to think they keep growing for their entire lives and only really die to each other or random illnesses rather than old age so there's just these really ancient ones lurking in the deep that get to be absolutely massive

Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)


The past two times I've dropped by your lore thread, you've absolutely BLOWN ME AWAY, and to be honest, I'm stuck on Indira's lore so here we go!

Indira is a goddess of the sea and storms. Once upon a time she was a minor ocean spirit but as more sailors and maren started to pray for her for safe passage, she grew in power.

When her world was destroyed (I think I mentioned it when I was talking about Sekhmet), her and the rest of the gods were scattered across what would become Sornieth, forced to be weakened under the much stronger influence of the Eleven and their elemental magic. Indira was furious and refused to accept this

When the Tidelord disappeared (did she have something to do with this? or just take advantage of the situation? who knows??!! certainly not me lmao), she was able to gain back a lot of influence over the seas very quickly and get a foothold of power. She started a war that would last over a hundred years and raged across all of Sornieth.

But eventually her armies were defeated. Ever since she's been sulking in the shadows, waiting for her second chance to strike and whispering in Fauve's ears, shaping her to lead another war, this one promising to be even more devastating than the last

She's the sort of villain that's like... the ultimate final boss at the end of the video game after you've defeated all the other bosses, the one who's revealed to have been secretly pulling the strings all along

Once again, while I have the backstory of the character pretty well thought out, whenever I try and write her actual character I feel like I can never do her justice, and I would love to see what you come up with! It really helps to see other people's interpretations of these characters, especially since I usually spend so long staring at them or rotating them around in my head like food in a microwave lol
A digital art drawing of a blue furred tundra. He has a blue and gold magician's hat, a silver star earring and silver and blue wingdrapes. The background has a space pattern, also in blue.
[b]In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)[/b] Honestly probably Imperials, mostly because they sound very imperial and super fancy and royal and above everyone and also because they're stance makes them seem like they can appear bigger than they are; specifically males. [b]Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] The Pandacorn.... He's a half-villain/half-not. He mostly terrorizes innocent citizens for fun and he's like a panda with a unicorn horn and evil I guess....? He's a character that my friends and I created, but I turned him into a dragon. The only problem is I don't completely remember his story. I'm sure your amazing writing can make up for this though...!? Thanks!
In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)
Honestly probably Imperials, mostly because they sound very imperial and super fancy and royal and above everyone and also because they're stance makes them seem like they can appear bigger than they are; specifically males.

Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)


The Pandacorn.... He's a half-villain/half-not. He mostly terrorizes innocent citizens for fun and he's like a panda with a unicorn horn and evil I guess....? He's a character that my friends and I created, but I turned him into a dragon. The only problem is I don't completely remember his story. I'm sure your amazing writing can make up for this though...!?

//Wishlist//Oddjobs(Store)//Evergreen Hatchery//
My art comm/dump/storage website//

I take random hiatuses year-round(mostly during breaks). I am on more often than not though. So feel free to still be in contact and interact with me.
Ahh, I've snooped a bit on this thread before, but never actually posted anything so figured I might as well try :')) It's the season for lore-fixing after all, lol. [s]Also I think I'm doing this right?? If not, sorry, please ignore me rip ;A;[/s] [b]In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)[/b] In my personal little brain, Imperials are definitively the biggest, and I honestly don't remember what their canon size is but in my lore dragons are bit more close-together in sizing most of the time, so I think them to be like... roughly the size of two and a half Clydesdale horses (plus-minus a Shetland Pony, maybe?). So that's like... maybe four humans tall?? Five-ish??? [b]Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)[/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] This is Gjöll, she's vaguely horrible and fuelled solely by jealous hatred. She's kind of obsessed with murdering two dragons in particular ([url=]Sleipner[/url] and [url=]Eydis[/url]) and generally razing Valhall to the ground because nobody wanted to be her friend :( It's definitively not that she's horribly mean and prone to violence, they're all just terrible, [i]obviously[/i]. Her hobbies include arson, brooding, throwing things at travellers, irritable monologues about how horrible her sworn enemies (Sleipner, that [i]rat[/i]) are the worst, causing actual chaos and mayhem, arson, kidnapping travellers and dumping them in the sea, arson, throwing travellers at [i]other[/i] travellers, and sometimes she spends some time on the beach finding cool rocks. And yes, maybe she's a little unhinged, and yes, maybe her insanity manifests in bad habits (arson), but she just really wants a friend and everyone is so mean and nobody understands her, so clearly she has to kill them all. Maybe they'll stop being mean if she burns their houses down :) In fact, if she terrifies everyone enough, they'll surely not dare be mean to her, and then she can be their beloved leader and it'll be great! This is a foolproof plan, Gjöll is sure of it. ... honestly, though, she's terrible with feelings and was genuinely hurt she failed so terribly with settling down in Valhall when dragons she considered to be as socially inept at herself (they weren't) managed, but rather than deal with her emotions she's decided to torch a whole clan. Admitting to being sad? Never! My problem is that I have completely lost inspiration with her, but I love her too much to let her go :')) I just know she's an unhinged arsonist terror, mostly, and that she is horrible enough to create an entire terrorist faction to enact revenge on a clan for them not wanting to be friends (as one does). Trying to do anything with her now just makes me frustrated cause my brain refuses to write. Immediately blanks with her, it's driving me nuts :'D
Ahh, I've snooped a bit on this thread before, but never actually posted anything so figured I might as well try :')) It's the season for lore-fixing after all, lol.

Also I think I'm doing this right?? If not, sorry, please ignore me rip ;A;

In your headcanons/mind, what dragon breed is the biggest, and how does it compare to a human? (Like, how big is big. If it adheres to canon, okay, but feel free to make it unusual!)

In my personal little brain, Imperials are definitively the biggest, and I honestly don't remember what their canon size is but in my lore dragons are bit more close-together in sizing most of the time, so I think them to be like... roughly the size of two and a half Clydesdale horses (plus-minus a Shetland Pony, maybe?). So that's like... maybe four humans tall?? Five-ish???

Show me villains. (Bonus points if they're obsessive (about someone/something).)

This is Gjöll, she's vaguely horrible and fuelled solely by jealous hatred. She's kind of obsessed with murdering two dragons in particular (Sleipner and Eydis) and generally razing Valhall to the ground because nobody wanted to be her friend :( It's definitively not that she's horribly mean and prone to violence, they're all just terrible, obviously.

Her hobbies include arson, brooding, throwing things at travellers, irritable monologues about how horrible her sworn enemies (Sleipner, that rat) are the worst, causing actual chaos and mayhem, arson, kidnapping travellers and dumping them in the sea, arson, throwing travellers at other travellers, and sometimes she spends some time on the beach finding cool rocks.

And yes, maybe she's a little unhinged, and yes, maybe her insanity manifests in bad habits (arson), but she just really wants a friend and everyone is so mean and nobody understands her, so clearly she has to kill them all. Maybe they'll stop being mean if she burns their houses down :) In fact, if she terrifies everyone enough, they'll surely not dare be mean to her, and then she can be their beloved leader and it'll be great! This is a foolproof plan, Gjöll is sure of it.

... honestly, though, she's terrible with feelings and was genuinely hurt she failed so terribly with settling down in Valhall when dragons she considered to be as socially inept at herself (they weren't) managed, but rather than deal with her emotions she's decided to torch a whole clan. Admitting to being sad? Never!

My problem is that I have completely lost inspiration with her, but I love her too much to let her go :')) I just know she's an unhinged arsonist terror, mostly, and that she is horrible enough to create an entire terrorist faction to enact revenge on a clan for them not wanting to be friends (as one does). Trying to do anything with her now just makes me frustrated cause my brain refuses to write. Immediately blanks with her, it's driving me nuts :'D
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
@DragonJade you can always stop by! i do ask people to take a break after four submissions, but it's not forever (and honestly not even a long time lol). i guess everyone thinks imps are the largest haha. i love falkor! and i'm stealing that hc about undertides that's brilliant can you imagine there's just one the size of sornieth hanging around somewhere?? what does that do to their mind too are they wise or crazy

i honestly really like writing for you every one of your characters is extremely interesting and a lot of fun!! and i LOVE characters like indira like yesss gimme crazy powerful gods omnomnom

i definitely took some liberties, and 1. left the king unnamed because in fauve's lore i didn't see a name? 2. left fauve herself unnamed because i felt like indira would more just call her like 'child' or 'girl' or something derogatory. i was going to try and write a more 1st person action-type (like, 'jasper walked forward. 'hi', he said) instead of this, but that's not what happened lmao. if i went too far feel free to call it fanfiction lol. let me know what you think, and if i can link her & the lore in the thread!! :))

(also i'm a stalker in your art thread and i remember seeing indira's art & loving it and i still do and it's an HONOR to write for this pretty girl i really really love that piece you did of her).

The sea does not care for the dragons who traverse its waters. It is apathetic to the plight of warm, living things, all-encompassing as it is and just as aged. Mother to the storms which press down from above, it coaxes forth black rain and holds little regard for the beating it might deliver to a trembling pair of delicate wings. It demands respect as well as fear, and, as all powerful things, does not hide from its own nature – for a true god does not concede nor bow before its lessers.

Once, Indira knew worship.

She was born nothing, some lowly denizen of immortality, unremarkable in size or ability. Her world was small and simple, revolving around the patch of ocean she called home; a sole, lovely reef out in the (now destroyed and forgotten) great sea, formed of color and playful winds. The lands and waters around her were, at the time, as yet unexplored by dragons. Indira knew only peace and the small creatures that darted and drifted among her coral. She had never touched luxury, never sipped from the inner well of a being’s free will and felt their raw lifeforce chasing her eager mouth to beg her to consume it – But when dragonkind’s eyes turned toward their horizon, primitive as they were, when the distant call of exploration coaxed them out of their crags and hovels… then, then, Indira first tasted divinity.

And what flavor. A baseborn animal, unrefined in mind and potential, cannot hope to experience opulence. A wolf does not have a preference for game; it understands only meat, blood, and the hot thrill of the chase. Indira had no foundation for variation from the bland repetition she’d always known. The first time Indira heard a prayer, it was as if she’d surfaced from the deep, cleared murky water from her vision, for the very first time in her immortal life. And an immortal does not often experience firsts.

Those who sought passage over the open seas, sailors and pilgrims alike, felt rightful fear on their journeys; and so they looked to what comfort mortals own, that of their gods. Whichever nameless deity would hear them, for in the olden age the titled did not mingle with those shadowed by death. Someone, they prayed desperately, when the storms rocked their little wooden boats. They gasped out, beseeching, around a mouthful of water when a wave almost knocked them into the depths. They begged with their eyes squeezed shut, with such fervor, even uncertain as they were that anyone listened. And there was never a direct answer to their appeals. Any help, if it came at all, was slight; a lessening of the wind, or a shoreline for their keels to scrape against. But Indira did help. Indira heard their prayers, tasted their zeal on her wontless tongue as if it were golden, glittering honey, and knew ecstasy.

It was then Indira’s true power was born. Unlike some other gods, she did not rise fully-fledged, with magic and knowledge crackling along her skin. Indira’s godship was awoken, stirred to life after she was handed, readily, the faith, trust, and pleading of ordinary dragons. Mortals. Her people. These, she vowed, she would go to war for. She would exact justice, vengeance, and battle in their name. They were beneath her, yes, but they were hers all the same. Dragons had given her a crown, and all that came with it – and so Indira learned to grip it tight and refuse to let go.

Indira also learned a valuable lesson then, in that youth of hers, when her world was still blue, bright, and free. The meaning of gods and the truth of might. It does not matter whether or not you deserve power, nor if it was bestowed as a blessing: if it is yours by right, if you have earned it through blood and madness, and, more importantly, if you want it – you must take it.

Shortly, as most things do, it all went afoul. Indira’s world collapsed around her, destroyed by another. She was flung – away. Separated from her people, from her kin, from her sea. For a long time, Indira slept, weak and cold to the new world around her. And when she woke… her faithful were gone. The dragons she’d once watched with amusement, as one does struggling little bugs, dead or missing. The other gods were nowhere to be found, and in their place were the eleven. Despicable, deplorable, irritating beings who called themselves gods and seduced masses of dragons to flock to them. And these dragons were different. (But they were the same, still. They loved and needed and hoped and prayed, and Indira could feel them, but she could not touch them –). Then the Tidelord disappeared, and finally Indira could hear the call of the leylines again. Her power grew, and, well, she supposed she’d felt indulgent. Certainly that explained why she’d meddled with that mortal so.

Indira misses that little boy, she does. The one who held such pain in his heart, anger in his mouth, and chaos in his mind. Such flinty little eyes he’d had, that looked up at her and seemed to mirror something inside of her. He’d understood her truth, what Indira was trying to accomplish. Indira remembers him fondly, often as the young, starry-eyed soldier she’d once found. A magnificent commander, even as a novice. How unspoiled he’d been then! How easy to coax off his path, towards her direction, to guide as only Indira could. His devotion, his zealotry… Indira can still feel it trickling cool over his spine, (as if he were still before her pledging his vows), as if she were the pebbled creekbed and his faith the clear, rushing water. She’d given him all of it, in return. His madness, his army – his war. Still too vulnerable to participate, she’d watched from afar as he led her infantry in her name. She’d watched as he tilled the land of the false gods’ poison. And Indira had watched as he failed. Thousands of her people, all the old bloodlines she’d entrusted to him, to the cause: gone and lost to their dragons.

Those little pests, apostles of the false gods – they’d tried to expunge him. They wiped his name off their histories, averted their eyes when pressed by their leaders for reports, refused to breathe a word of him around young, untouched, innocent generations – a valiant effort, she’ll give them that. They attempted to let him sink to the seafloor and disappear into the darkness. But he was a whalefall, and his legend remains, growing glowing seeds of doubt and ruin among his white bones. His deeds are still whispered in the shadows of kin and memories, despite.

Indira has a new soldier now, a delightful little girl with the blood of Indira’s last champion running through her veins. A mongrel, really, with viscous white tusks and odd, pink eyes (that remind Indira of home in her paler moments), but she’ll do. She’s quite young, with a mind that’s oh-so-easy to corrupt. Indira knows one of the false gods tried to hide the little mutt from her, placing her in a sweet, loving family. But Indira only has to sink her claws in and twitch just so – and such anger festers within the youngling, growing and rotting even where the girl herself cannot recognize. (Indira has always had a talent for invoking anger in her devotees, it’s the sea inside of her.) Indira needs a messiah. She’ll not let her people die in the shadows, and she’ll not let her power be wrested from her – there are some things that are a god’s by right, and to deprive them of such is a crime that must be punished. The mutt will be her champion – and this time, Indira will do it right. She will do it alongside her soldier, inside her, standing behind her as her looming shadow when she finally marches off to Indira’s war – and this time, the goddess of the seas, their storms, and the wicked rage of the deep will see those false gods brought to their knees.
@DragonJade you can always stop by! i do ask people to take a break after four submissions, but it's not forever (and honestly not even a long time lol). i guess everyone thinks imps are the largest haha. i love falkor! and i'm stealing that hc about undertides that's brilliant can you imagine there's just one the size of sornieth hanging around somewhere?? what does that do to their mind too are they wise or crazy

i honestly really like writing for you every one of your characters is extremely interesting and a lot of fun!! and i LOVE characters like indira like yesss gimme crazy powerful gods omnomnom

i definitely took some liberties, and 1. left the king unnamed because in fauve's lore i didn't see a name? 2. left fauve herself unnamed because i felt like indira would more just call her like 'child' or 'girl' or something derogatory. i was going to try and write a more 1st person action-type (like, 'jasper walked forward. 'hi', he said) instead of this, but that's not what happened lmao. if i went too far feel free to call it fanfiction lol. let me know what you think, and if i can link her & the lore in the thread!! :))

(also i'm a stalker in your art thread and i remember seeing indira's art & loving it and i still do and it's an HONOR to write for this pretty girl i really really love that piece you did of her).

The sea does not care for the dragons who traverse its waters. It is apathetic to the plight of warm, living things, all-encompassing as it is and just as aged. Mother to the storms which press down from above, it coaxes forth black rain and holds little regard for the beating it might deliver to a trembling pair of delicate wings. It demands respect as well as fear, and, as all powerful things, does not hide from its own nature – for a true god does not concede nor bow before its lessers.

Once, Indira knew worship.

She was born nothing, some lowly denizen of immortality, unremarkable in size or ability. Her world was small and simple, revolving around the patch of ocean she called home; a sole, lovely reef out in the (now destroyed and forgotten) great sea, formed of color and playful winds. The lands and waters around her were, at the time, as yet unexplored by dragons. Indira knew only peace and the small creatures that darted and drifted among her coral. She had never touched luxury, never sipped from the inner well of a being’s free will and felt their raw lifeforce chasing her eager mouth to beg her to consume it – But when dragonkind’s eyes turned toward their horizon, primitive as they were, when the distant call of exploration coaxed them out of their crags and hovels… then, then, Indira first tasted divinity.

And what flavor. A baseborn animal, unrefined in mind and potential, cannot hope to experience opulence. A wolf does not have a preference for game; it understands only meat, blood, and the hot thrill of the chase. Indira had no foundation for variation from the bland repetition she’d always known. The first time Indira heard a prayer, it was as if she’d surfaced from the deep, cleared murky water from her vision, for the very first time in her immortal life. And an immortal does not often experience firsts.

Those who sought passage over the open seas, sailors and pilgrims alike, felt rightful fear on their journeys; and so they looked to what comfort mortals own, that of their gods. Whichever nameless deity would hear them, for in the olden age the titled did not mingle with those shadowed by death. Someone, they prayed desperately, when the storms rocked their little wooden boats. They gasped out, beseeching, around a mouthful of water when a wave almost knocked them into the depths. They begged with their eyes squeezed shut, with such fervor, even uncertain as they were that anyone listened. And there was never a direct answer to their appeals. Any help, if it came at all, was slight; a lessening of the wind, or a shoreline for their keels to scrape against. But Indira did help. Indira heard their prayers, tasted their zeal on her wontless tongue as if it were golden, glittering honey, and knew ecstasy.

It was then Indira’s true power was born. Unlike some other gods, she did not rise fully-fledged, with magic and knowledge crackling along her skin. Indira’s godship was awoken, stirred to life after she was handed, readily, the faith, trust, and pleading of ordinary dragons. Mortals. Her people. These, she vowed, she would go to war for. She would exact justice, vengeance, and battle in their name. They were beneath her, yes, but they were hers all the same. Dragons had given her a crown, and all that came with it – and so Indira learned to grip it tight and refuse to let go.

Indira also learned a valuable lesson then, in that youth of hers, when her world was still blue, bright, and free. The meaning of gods and the truth of might. It does not matter whether or not you deserve power, nor if it was bestowed as a blessing: if it is yours by right, if you have earned it through blood and madness, and, more importantly, if you want it – you must take it.

Shortly, as most things do, it all went afoul. Indira’s world collapsed around her, destroyed by another. She was flung – away. Separated from her people, from her kin, from her sea. For a long time, Indira slept, weak and cold to the new world around her. And when she woke… her faithful were gone. The dragons she’d once watched with amusement, as one does struggling little bugs, dead or missing. The other gods were nowhere to be found, and in their place were the eleven. Despicable, deplorable, irritating beings who called themselves gods and seduced masses of dragons to flock to them. And these dragons were different. (But they were the same, still. They loved and needed and hoped and prayed, and Indira could feel them, but she could not touch them –). Then the Tidelord disappeared, and finally Indira could hear the call of the leylines again. Her power grew, and, well, she supposed she’d felt indulgent. Certainly that explained why she’d meddled with that mortal so.

Indira misses that little boy, she does. The one who held such pain in his heart, anger in his mouth, and chaos in his mind. Such flinty little eyes he’d had, that looked up at her and seemed to mirror something inside of her. He’d understood her truth, what Indira was trying to accomplish. Indira remembers him fondly, often as the young, starry-eyed soldier she’d once found. A magnificent commander, even as a novice. How unspoiled he’d been then! How easy to coax off his path, towards her direction, to guide as only Indira could. His devotion, his zealotry… Indira can still feel it trickling cool over his spine, (as if he were still before her pledging his vows), as if she were the pebbled creekbed and his faith the clear, rushing water. She’d given him all of it, in return. His madness, his army – his war. Still too vulnerable to participate, she’d watched from afar as he led her infantry in her name. She’d watched as he tilled the land of the false gods’ poison. And Indira had watched as he failed. Thousands of her people, all the old bloodlines she’d entrusted to him, to the cause: gone and lost to their dragons.

Those little pests, apostles of the false gods – they’d tried to expunge him. They wiped his name off their histories, averted their eyes when pressed by their leaders for reports, refused to breathe a word of him around young, untouched, innocent generations – a valiant effort, she’ll give them that. They attempted to let him sink to the seafloor and disappear into the darkness. But he was a whalefall, and his legend remains, growing glowing seeds of doubt and ruin among his white bones. His deeds are still whispered in the shadows of kin and memories, despite.

Indira has a new soldier now, a delightful little girl with the blood of Indira’s last champion running through her veins. A mongrel, really, with viscous white tusks and odd, pink eyes (that remind Indira of home in her paler moments), but she’ll do. She’s quite young, with a mind that’s oh-so-easy to corrupt. Indira knows one of the false gods tried to hide the little mutt from her, placing her in a sweet, loving family. But Indira only has to sink her claws in and twitch just so – and such anger festers within the youngling, growing and rotting even where the girl herself cannot recognize. (Indira has always had a talent for invoking anger in her devotees, it’s the sea inside of her.) Indira needs a messiah. She’ll not let her people die in the shadows, and she’ll not let her power be wrested from her – there are some things that are a god’s by right, and to deprive them of such is a crime that must be punished. The mutt will be her champion – and this time, Indira will do it right. She will do it alongside her soldier, inside her, standing behind her as her looming shadow when she finally marches off to Indira’s war – and this time, the goddess of the seas, their storms, and the wicked rage of the deep will see those false gods brought to their knees.
...hi, i'm slipfast

...i write free lore, you know. (more links ->)

