
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Wood Dragon's Wardrobe - Catch-ups!
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] SingingDragon [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yep ^_^ [b]Theme:[/b] Lunar Celebration [b]Entry Description:[/b] This scry is based off an album called The Moon Rang Like a Bell by Hundred Waters. If I'm interpreting the title correctly (and if the Wikipedia article is to be trusted), it's named after the observations of moonquakes by the Apollo missions. Apparently, during these quakes the moon does indeed ring like a bell. I'd say that's one heck of a lunar celebration! [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Coatl hatchling [b]Primary:[/b] Abyss Flaunt [b]Secondary:[/b] Periwinkle Blaze [b]Tertiary:[/b] Ice Firebreather [b]Eyes:[/b] Ice Goat [/columns] Here is the album's cover, which I used as my reference: [img][/img] I was tempted to use Twilight Foam, but it felt less inspired, and I felt that Periwinkle Blaze represented more of the image. Can we also give a shout-out to the random scry I opened up the workshop to? It was what inspired me both to use the baby pose as a base and Ice Goat eyes to represent the moon. [img][/img]
Username: SingingDragon
Entry fee paid? Yep ^_^
Theme: Lunar Celebration
Entry Description: This scry is based off an album called The Moon Rang Like a Bell by Hundred Waters. If I'm interpreting the title correctly (and if the Wikipedia article is to be trusted), it's named after the observations of moonquakes by the Apollo missions. Apparently, during these quakes the moon does indeed ring like a bell. I'd say that's one heck of a lunar celebration!
dragon?age=0&body=96&bodygene=82&breed=12&element=6&eyetype=9&gender=0&tert=3&tertgene=161&winggene=213&wings=135&auth=299410cfe774585432601f7cbf2fa33ac681ca5e&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Coatl hatchling
Primary: Abyss Flaunt
Secondary: Periwinkle Blaze
Tertiary: Ice Firebreather
Eyes: Ice Goat

Here is the album's cover, which I used as my reference:


I was tempted to use Twilight Foam, but it felt less inspired, and I felt that Periwinkle Blaze represented more of the image.

Can we also give a shout-out to the random scry I opened up the workshop to? It was what inspired me both to use the baby pose as a base and Ice Goat eyes to represent the moon.

atlas | he/they | crackle defense squad
personal challenge masterpost - stock the pond - fodder rescue - scrying services
[center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] MeiLa [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Lunar Celebration [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Sabrina[/url] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][outfit=2498393][/columns]
Username: MeiLa
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Lunar Celebration
Dragon: Sabrina

I was asleep when the event started, is it too late to join in for Sunday's Theme?
I was asleep when the event started, is it too late to join in for Sunday's Theme?
Half an Egg Challenge
Cheap, Derpy Art
The Spear Games (Day 2)


70662466p.png Velrosan2023.png

@DrShadowCipher -
So, the cut-off has already passed for entry tickets to Sunday's daily prize, but you can absolutely post something for Sunday's theme if you'd like to earn one of the daily badges, once we've got those set up!

Also, since every scrying and dressing entry counts for a ticket towards the Grand Prize raffle as well, you can definitely also take advantage of our missed day policy!! Here's the part of the rules about that:

Missed a day and still want to play?
No worries! There's no rule against joining in late, and you can still earn badges for completing themes. However, if you'd like to make up for missed Grand Prize raffle tickets, just send a PM to alyblaith or or figura with "WOOD DRAGON'S WARDROBE" in the subject line and 1,000 treasure per missed day.
@DrShadowCipher -
So, the cut-off has already passed for entry tickets to Sunday's daily prize, but you can absolutely post something for Sunday's theme if you'd like to earn one of the daily badges, once we've got those set up!

Also, since every scrying and dressing entry counts for a ticket towards the Grand Prize raffle as well, you can definitely also take advantage of our missed day policy!! Here's the part of the rules about that:

Missed a day and still want to play?
No worries! There's no rule against joining in late, and you can still earn badges for completing themes. However, if you'd like to make up for missed Grand Prize raffle tickets, just send a PM to alyblaith or or figura with "WOOD DRAGON'S WARDROBE" in the subject line and 1,000 treasure per missed day.
pixel art adopt of Snowdrop the veilspun, by Ambulocetus

she/her | FR +2
previously Tuberose
[center]‎‎[img alt="Monday"][/img] [img alt="horizontal divider in a scrollwork style, depicting two dragons with their tails twined around tree branches"][/img] [center][url=][color=#AF1710][b]RULES & INFO[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#AF1710][b]THEMES[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#AF1710][b]BADGES[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#AF1710][b]PRIZES[/b][/color][/url][br] [url=][color=#AF1710][b]SPREADSHEET[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#AF1710][b]SHOWCASE[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#AF1710][b]WOOD DRAGON HUB[/b][/color][/url][/center] [columns][img alt="vertical divider of dark green imperial dragon in brushwork style"][/img][indent][nextcol][font=arial][color=#475B2B][size=5] [b]Date:[/b] Monday, February 12, 2024 [b]Theme:[/b] [i]Wuxing's Wood Element[/i] [b]Description:[/b] We're moving on to day two! Did you know that the zodiac cycle of the Eastern Zodiac includes not just animals, but elements? That cycle is known as Wuxing. This year, the element is Wood, which is associated with strength and flexibility, as well as warmth, generosity, cooperation, and idealism. Sometimes also translated as Tree, the element is represented by green and cyan / teal colors, living plants, and tall vertical themes (like trees!) -- how does the Wood element and its virtues inspire you? [/columns] [center][img alt="tiny doodle of a red daisy with a yellow center"][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [font=arial][color=#077C94][size=5][b][u]OPTIONAL ENTRY FORMAT: Scry![/u][/b][/center] [code] [center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY [columns] [img]LINK TO DRAGON IMAGE FROM SCRYING WORKSHOP[/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] BREED USED + POSE USED (e.g. skydancer hatchling) [b]Primary:[/b] PRIMARY COLOR + GENE [b]Secondary:[/b] SECONDARY COLOR + GENE [b]Tertiary:[/b] TERTIARY COLOR + GENE [b]Eyes:[/b] ELEMENT + EYE TYPE (e.g. arcane multigaze) [/columns] [/code] [center][font=arial][color=#077C94][size=5][b][u]OPTIONAL ENTRY FORMAT: Dress-up![/u][/b][/center] [code] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=LINK TO DRAGON IN YOUR LAIR]DRAGON NAME HERE[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY (optional!) [columns][img]LINK TO OUTFIT IMAGE FROM DRESSING ROOM[/img][nextcol]OUTFIT WIDGET FROM DRESSING ROOM[/url][/columns] [/code] [color=#AF1710][size=2][b]Pinglist:[/b] @alyblaith @tigressRising @Okiastar @finniigan @charliesneeze @BlueHamble @Islet @kilorechoy @Marketplace @Vosmikot @DrShadowCipher @kesslion @jbapple @Wolfspeaker @SingingDragon @Golden @Draugwen @Doozie [/size] [img alt="horizontal divider"][/img] [center][size=4] We have our first daily raffle winner from yesterday's challenge! There were a total of 20 tickets awarded for on-time entries, and our first randomized winner was... our very first poster, [b]@Bxy26[/b] - congratulations! We'll get your winnings to you within 24 hours or so (today being a day with IRL distractions and reduced online time for both hosts). Today's daily prize set is:[/size] [quote=DAILY RAFFLE: Wuxing's Wood Element] [item=gladegift halo] [item=gladegift garlands][/quote] [img alt="horizontal divider"][/img] [size=4]Here are some highlights from yesterday's entries we were particularly drawn to -- your tastes may differ so of course you're welcome to go through and look at everyone's posts from yesterday and appreciate them all on your own! Per an excited discord message: "obsessed with Islet's scry" first we have figura's first highlight... [url=]Islet's scry![/url][/size] [quote name="Islet"] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Ebb and flood. a heart's blood made of stone. Borne alone. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Pearlcatcher + Male [b]Primary:[/b] Soil + Boulder [b]Secondary:[/b] Stone + Foam [b]Tertiary:[/b] Pistachio + Soap [b]Eyes:[/b] Ice + Bright [/columns] [/quote] [size=4]And both of us were drawn to figura's second spotlight choice, [url=]Doozie's outfit![/url][/size] [quote name="Doozie"] [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Druk[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] I Am the Night [columns][img],3621,1312,3679,3622,48176,6029,23111,27150&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498231][/columns][/quote] [size=2](I realize I'm talking about myself in the third person because I'm posting these today, but they're like this because it's a shared document and either one of us could be making any given post)[/size] [size=4]alyblaith was drawn to the gentle contrast and balance of [url=]this outfit by Vosmikot[/url] (and also there's a nice poem!)[/size] [quote="Vosmikot"] [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Jomo[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] [quote=The night's bright (1885)]The night's bright for the moon shines all over the sight Spotting blue river waves with its shimmering light, And the forest is dreaming in its darkest green, And no sound is heard, and no movement is seen. The moonlight painted flowers with silver and blue; This blue gleam thrills my heart when I'm dreaming of you. While my dreams fly to you in a foreign domain, I'm repeating your name to the flowers in vain. My sweet friend, my gentle friend, my love grows over years; I'm with you in my mind when the bright moon appears. With this moon overhead, everywhere you could be, My sweet friend, my gentle friend, keep remembering me.[/quote] [columns][img],30039,30834,22687,34254,25194,22689,588,25198,28396,28397,750&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498362][/columns] [/quote] [size=4]And aly would also like to mention the two most 'abstract' interpretations of the theme, though quoting both would make this post a bit long, so you'll have to go look yourselves - that's [url=]SingingDragon's scry[/url] based on a lunar-themed music album which is hopefully available somewhere online to check out, and [url=]Bxy26's Aberration scry[/url] which contains the daily theme, the overall Lunar New Year theme, and Sornieth lore / world information all in one (two-headed) dragon![/size]
horizontal divider in a scrollwork style, depicting two dragons with their tails twined around tree branches

vertical divider of dark green imperial dragon in brushwork style

Date: Monday, February 12, 2024
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element

Description: We're moving on to day two!
Did you know that the zodiac cycle of the Eastern Zodiac includes not just animals, but elements? That cycle is known as Wuxing. This year, the element is Wood, which is associated with strength and flexibility, as well as warmth, generosity, cooperation, and idealism. Sometimes also translated as Tree, the element is represented by green and cyan / teal colors, living plants, and tall vertical themes (like trees!) -- how does the Wood element and its virtues inspire you?

tiny doodle of a red daisy with a yellow center8Ct1vBZ.png8Ct1vBZ.png

[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY [columns] [img]LINK TO DRAGON IMAGE FROM SCRYING WORKSHOP[/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] BREED USED + POSE USED (e.g. skydancer hatchling) [b]Primary:[/b] PRIMARY COLOR + GENE [b]Secondary:[/b] SECONDARY COLOR + GENE [b]Tertiary:[/b] TERTIARY COLOR + GENE [b]Eyes:[/b] ELEMENT + EYE TYPE (e.g. arcane multigaze) [/columns]
[center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] YOUR USERNAME HERE [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES / NO [b]Theme:[/b] DAILY THEME NAME [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=LINK TO DRAGON IN YOUR LAIR]DRAGON NAME HERE[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] NAME AND/OR DESCRIBE YOUR ENTRY (optional!) [columns][img]LINK TO OUTFIT IMAGE FROM DRESSING ROOM[/img][nextcol]OUTFIT WIDGET FROM DRESSING ROOM[/url][/columns]

Pinglist: @alyblaith @tigressRising @Okiastar @finniigan @charliesneeze @BlueHamble @Islet @kilorechoy @Marketplace @Vosmikot @DrShadowCipher @kesslion @jbapple @Wolfspeaker @SingingDragon @Golden @Draugwen @Doozie

horizontal divider

We have our first daily raffle winner from yesterday's challenge! There were a total of 20 tickets awarded for on-time entries, and our first randomized winner was...
our very first poster, @Bxy26 - congratulations!

We'll get your winnings to you within 24 hours or so (today being a day with IRL distractions and reduced online time for both hosts).

Today's daily prize set is:
DAILY RAFFLE: Wuxing's Wood Element wrote:
Gladegift Halo Gladegift Garlands

horizontal divider

Here are some highlights from yesterday's entries we were particularly drawn to -- your tastes may differ so of course you're welcome to go through and look at everyone's posts from yesterday and appreciate them all on your own!

Per an excited discord message: "obsessed with Islet's scry" first we have figura's first highlight... Islet's scry!
Islet wrote:
Entry Description:
Ebb and flood.
a heart's blood
made of stone.
Borne alone.
dragon?age=1&body=54&bodygene=110&breed=4&element=6&eyetype=13&gender=0&tert=125&tertgene=105&winggene=113&wings=52&auth=60ceb60b019b43a4b41c6c7e895021830efc65f1&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Pearlcatcher + Male
Primary: Soil + Boulder
Secondary: Stone + Foam
Tertiary: Pistachio + Soap
Eyes: Ice + Bright

And both of us were drawn to figura's second spotlight choice, Doozie's outfit!
Doozie wrote:
Dragon: Druk
Entry Description: I Am the Night
Night Sky Wandering

(I realize I'm talking about myself in the third person because I'm posting these today, but they're like this because it's a shared document and either one of us could be making any given post)

alyblaith was drawn to the gentle contrast and balance of this outfit by Vosmikot (and also there's a nice poem!)
Vosmikot wrote:
Dragon: Jomo
Entry Description:
The night's bright (1885) wrote:
The night's bright for the moon shines all over the sight
Spotting blue river waves with its shimmering light,
And the forest is dreaming in its darkest green,
And no sound is heard, and no movement is seen.

The moonlight painted flowers with silver and blue;
This blue gleam thrills my heart when I'm dreaming of you.
While my dreams fly to you in a foreign domain,
I'm repeating your name to the flowers in vain.

My sweet friend, my gentle friend, my love grows over years;
I'm with you in my mind when the bright moon appears.
With this moon overhead, everywhere you could be,
My sweet friend, my gentle friend, keep remembering me.
LNY 1 Jomo

And aly would also like to mention the two most 'abstract' interpretations of the theme, though quoting both would make this post a bit long, so you'll have to go look yourselves - that's SingingDragon's scry based on a lunar-themed music album which is hopefully available somewhere online to check out, and Bxy26's Aberration scry which contains the daily theme, the overall Lunar New Year theme, and Sornieth lore / world information all in one (two-headed) dragon!

alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024
[center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] dividedAnimus [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Unknown[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Wood's Gift [columns][img],52557,52540,52543,25029,45214,25033,44540,44544,25028&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498800][/columns]
Username: dividedAnimus
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Unknown
Entry Description: Wood's Gift
Not Found
Monday's entry :D Ah, wrote another poem ^^ I know: I share a zodiac sign with my mom, but with a different element, haha! Fire-ox would be who I try to be, because I'm the opposite in a way that is to my detriment. =v=;;; ------- [center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Islet [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Priceless flowers dance for power, leap into skies, bold. Roar delights. Fractals rise in mountain green skin. Warm like sunlight it quells my nights. -Islet #582838 [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Obelisk + Female [b]Primary:[/b] Saffron + Wasp [b]Secondary:[/b] Thicket + Facet [b]Tertiary:[/b] Sunshine + Spines [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature + Pastel [/columns] ------ [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Islet [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Jook[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Steaming food, mountain mist. [columns][img],769,20839,20842,20838,34608,20837,42925,52286,26276,23084,20841,20840,3633,3686,44540,23082,7290,54706,20836&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498829][/url][/columns]
Monday's entry :D

Ah, wrote another poem ^^
I know: I share a zodiac sign with my mom, but with a different element, haha! Fire-ox would be who I try to be, because I'm the opposite in a way that is to my detriment. =v=;;;

Username: Islet
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description:
Priceless flowers
dance for power,
leap into skies,
bold. Roar delights.
Fractals rise in
mountain green skin.
Warm like sunlight
it quells my nights.

-Islet #582838
dragon?age=1&body=84&bodygene=20&breed=15&element=10&eyetype=12&gender=1&tert=46&tertgene=8&winggene=8&wings=141&auth=1ee1d7909867560820d56a3417d923c1cdf435bc&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Obelisk + Female
Primary: Saffron + Wasp
Secondary: Thicket + Facet
Tertiary: Sunshine + Spines
Eyes: Nature + Pastel

Username: Islet
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Jook
Entry Description: Steaming food, mountain mist.
Not Found
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Wolfspeaker [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Humble Immortality A lichen-covered tree with flowers just beginning to bud along its boughs. Though easily overlooked, life is always everywhere around you. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] M-pose Spiral [b]Primary:[/b] Soil Ripple [b]Secondary:[/b] Moss Malachite [b]Tertiary:[/b] Driftwood Filigree [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature Primal [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Wolfspeaker [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Woodear[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] A Harmonious Home What better way of exemplifying Wood's warmth, generosity, and cooperative spirit than by looking at the way trees provide homes for so many creatures? Despite the fact that some will prey on others, they're all part of a stable ecosystem. [columns][img],42113,42110,26536,26534,26540,24705,15313,46539,42111,42112,42117,10536,22168&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498837][/columns]
Username: Wolfspeaker
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Humble Immortality
A lichen-covered tree with flowers just beginning to bud along its boughs. Though easily overlooked, life is always everywhere around you.
dragon?age=1&body=54&bodygene=5&breed=7&element=10&eyetype=6&gender=0&tert=165&tertgene=21&winggene=237&wings=115&auth=5e6e47e9720233fd396e5bb46f2c0938e9b1ec79&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: M-pose Spiral
Primary: Soil Ripple
Secondary: Moss Malachite
Tertiary: Driftwood Filigree
Eyes: Nature Primal
Username: Wolfspeaker
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Woodear
Entry Description: A Harmonious Home
What better way of exemplifying Wood's warmth, generosity, and cooperative spirit than by looking at the way trees provide homes for so many creatures? Despite the fact that some will prey on others, they're all part of a stable ecosystem.
monday outfit
lalalalala blablablab 6PSSZLJ.png lala * Reedcleft Windflowers subspecies
* Court of Night and Shadow lineage
* Wolf's Den hatchery
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] givemeyourbones [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] just sent :D [b]Theme:[/b] wuxing's wood element [b]Entry Description:[/b] maybe a bit obvious, but what better to represent trees, tall vertical things, and generosity than the nature ancient! i chose varnish for the primary gene because it reminded me of light filtering through leaves, and umber seemed like the perfect color choice because of the warm browns paired with the soft green. i chose riopa and willow for the secondary and tertiary genes because they also gave off ~leafy vibes~, and i loved the warm red accents in hunter and the cool teals in eldritch [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] auraboa female [b]Primary:[/b] umber varnish [b]Secondary:[/b] hunter riopa [b]Tertiary:[/b] eldritch willow [b]Eyes:[/b] nature uncommon [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] givemeyourbones [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] just sent :D [b]Theme:[/b] wuxing's wood element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]viridios[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] took the keywords wood, warmth, trees, green & teal, and living plants and ran with them <3 [columns][img],957,22833,48177,15704,22829,22830,22831,25028,50751,30077,30204,29245&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498869][/columns]
Username: givemeyourbones
Entry fee paid? just sent :D
Theme: wuxing's wood element
Entry Description: maybe a bit obvious, but what better to represent trees, tall vertical things, and generosity than the nature ancient! i chose varnish for the primary gene because it reminded me of light filtering through leaves, and umber seemed like the perfect color choice because of the warm browns paired with the soft green. i chose riopa and willow for the secondary and tertiary genes because they also gave off ~leafy vibes~, and i loved the warm red accents in hunter and the cool teals in eldritch
dragon?age=1&body=157&bodygene=261&breed=24&element=10&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=176&tertgene=227&winggene=251&wings=81&auth=82aa9ad5f4b4265dc563afd92ca18a04788967e2&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: auraboa female
Primary: umber varnish
Secondary: hunter riopa
Tertiary: eldritch willow
Eyes: nature uncommon
Username: givemeyourbones
Entry fee paid? just sent :D
Theme: wuxing's wood element
Dragon: viridios
Entry Description: took the keywords wood, warmth, trees, green & teal, and living plants and ran with them <3
wdw - wuxing's wood element
four-eyed phylactery coliseum sprite (click for source)
_______ Enchanted Remains
| she/her | fr +3
breed out the bugly challenge
coliseum egg hunt

__________animated bone fiend sprite (click for source)
Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you liked my outfit :] All the other entries are fantastic as well! You guys are really creative!! [emoji=rose size=1] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] ----- [center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Vosmikot [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Wood element is associated with flexibility and energy, right? That sounds like a Spiral to me! I also tried to use the green + teal combo from the theme description. Probably the only time I'll ever use Keel, it's supposed to look like sprouting leaves ^.^ [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Spiral Male [b]Primary:[/b] Camo Cinder [b]Secondary:[/b] Aqua Blend [b]Tertiary:[/b] Emerald Keel [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature Swirl [/columns] ----- [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Vosmikot [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Kresh[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Nature rep from my clan says "hi"! He is a nomadic druid. [quote=Kresh]May your efforts and dreams blossom into a beautiful future this year.[/quote] [columns][img],834,25858,52556,20605,26868,25062,32970,22169,24719,22655,13850&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2498810][/columns]
Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you liked my outfit :] All the other entries are fantastic as well! You guys are really creative!!
Username: Vosmikot
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Wood element is associated with flexibility and energy, right? That sounds like a Spiral to me! I also tried to use the green + teal combo from the theme description. Probably the only time I'll ever use Keel, it's supposed to look like sprouting leaves ^.^
dragon?age=1&body=154&bodygene=213&breed=7&element=10&eyetype=10&gender=0&tert=33&tertgene=53&winggene=42&wings=30&auth=36cf2c23d1a585c717a3f03daec7aba287543200&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Spiral Male
Primary: Camo Cinder
Secondary: Aqua Blend
Tertiary: Emerald Keel
Eyes: Nature Swirl

Username: Vosmikot
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Kresh
Entry Description: Nature rep from my clan says "hi"! He is a nomadic druid.
Kresh wrote:
May your efforts and dreams blossom into a beautiful future this year.
LNY 2 Kresh
fr + 11