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TOPIC | so furries, yeah?
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I've been an outsider looking into furry fandom but never really felt a pull to create a fursona really. Admired other people's creations, and come up with some cute characters but none that I really stuck with or continued to draw after the first sketches.
How does one even create a character that they want to keep drawing again and again? I've only been able to redraw a subject when it's orcas (freaking love them basically) yet I know I'd never create a fursona of one - it just seems...wrong to me, for some reason, since I know so much about them that it's like, unfeasible in my mind? idk
I've been an outsider looking into furry fandom but never really felt a pull to create a fursona really. Admired other people's creations, and come up with some cute characters but none that I really stuck with or continued to draw after the first sketches.
How does one even create a character that they want to keep drawing again and again? I've only been able to redraw a subject when it's orcas (freaking love them basically) yet I know I'd never create a fursona of one - it just seems...wrong to me, for some reason, since I know so much about them that it's like, unfeasible in my mind? idk
+19FR time // New Zealand 2SMMpq3.gif
Constantly chasing potential breeding projects,
and pretty shiny things to add to my lair
I'm a furry, but I don't really participate in the fandom. I have an idea for a fursona, but I haven't actually drawn them yet because I'm too lazy to/haven't had the inspiration to draw them yet. Although it did take me like a year to decide on their species and general design, so I'm pretty sure this is what I want out of a fursona.
I'm a furry, but I don't really participate in the fandom. I have an idea for a fursona, but I haven't actually drawn them yet because I'm too lazy to/haven't had the inspiration to draw them yet. Although it did take me like a year to decide on their species and general design, so I'm pretty sure this is what I want out of a fursona.
Oh.... I really want to be a furry, but I think that getting a fursuit might be a bit too expensive. Nonetheless, I’m saving up for one now.

Hey wait is anyone here a fan of kittydog? I love her. I watch all of her videos and her music is really good in my opinion. Her animations are just so smooth and her OCs are so simple and yet cute.

Sorry if this post just a kinda bad, I’m writing this in a hurry on mobile
Oh.... I really want to be a furry, but I think that getting a fursuit might be a bit too expensive. Nonetheless, I’m saving up for one now.

Hey wait is anyone here a fan of kittydog? I love her. I watch all of her videos and her music is really good in my opinion. Her animations are just so smooth and her OCs are so simple and yet cute.

Sorry if this post just a kinda bad, I’m writing this in a hurry on mobile
Hey, welcome to the community! I hope that it finds you well! I've been a furry for a good number of years, though I'm now just getting A LOT more involved with the community! I create a lot of artwork for it! It's definitely one of my main fandoms, even though I hate admitting it. I'm not very open being about a furry either; only my close friends know. I just hate all the negative notation coming with it... I'd really love to make more furry friends though. I don't have many. I'd also love to get a fursuit eventually! I really want to get into fursuit dancing, so I know that I'll eventually save up for one! I just keep forgetting too! I also would love to go to some cons too! If we're sharing sonas, here's my main sona, Florence! She's a hyena-alligator hybrid! [img][/img] With all that being said, do any of you guys know like... good ways to meet other furries/furry sites? I just can't seem to find any, and the ones I have don't seem that appealing?
Hey, welcome to the community! I hope that it finds you well!

I've been a furry for a good number of years, though I'm now just getting A LOT more involved with the community! I create a lot of artwork for it! It's definitely one of my main fandoms, even though I hate admitting it. I'm not very open being about a furry either; only my close friends know. I just hate all the negative notation coming with it...
I'd really love to make more furry friends though. I don't have many.

I'd also love to get a fursuit eventually! I really want to get into fursuit dancing, so I know that I'll eventually save up for one! I just keep forgetting too! I also would love to go to some cons too!

If we're sharing sonas, here's my main sona, Florence! She's a hyena-alligator hybrid!


With all that being said, do any of you guys know like... good ways to meet other furries/furry sites? I just can't seem to find any, and the ones I have don't seem that appealing?
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I suppose you can consider myself a furry? It was more pushed onto me by the two friends that I live with (they're both hardcore furries). And because of them, I have easily come to respect and understand a lot of the furry things. (I've been one for a looong time).

I just recently bought my first partial fursuit (I don't have images yet), and I'm still working on solidifying a fursona. The process is a long and hard one because I need to find one that I absolutely love and adore with all my heart (I do have a persona). Sadly, I don't draw many furries only because I'm not well versed in it as I am with drawing humans, but I still will draw them from time to time.
I suppose you can consider myself a furry? It was more pushed onto me by the two friends that I live with (they're both hardcore furries). And because of them, I have easily come to respect and understand a lot of the furry things. (I've been one for a looong time).

I just recently bought my first partial fursuit (I don't have images yet), and I'm still working on solidifying a fursona. The process is a long and hard one because I need to find one that I absolutely love and adore with all my heart (I do have a persona). Sadly, I don't draw many furries only because I'm not well versed in it as I am with drawing humans, but I still will draw them from time to time.
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oh she's so beautiful! ;w; i really love those big paws :o

oh she's so beautiful! ;w; i really love those big paws :o
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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Aw, thank you so much! I do too! Honestly, I just love her design and the way she was drawn so much!

Aw, thank you so much! I do too! Honestly, I just love her design and the way she was drawn so much!
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@Vampurr I love mammal/reptile hybrids! The more different the animals being mashed up are, the better!
@Vampurr I love mammal/reptile hybrids! The more different the animals being mashed up are, the better!
Post reminded me to draw a ref sheet for my fursona dfsbnahj
Welcome to the fandom! I've been a furry officially for about 4 years (but I remember being maybe 7-8 years old and obsessing over fursuits after seeing lots of videos about outings lmao), over time it's become pretty apparent that the community is SUPER accepting and as long as you aren't a jerk or anything people are just?? So kind.
@nightrising Big oof cause I also hate writing/drawing humans. They really are bland in comparison to the personality you can give animals just by altering the muzzle a little or adding an extra tail or something.
Post reminded me to draw a ref sheet for my fursona dfsbnahj
Welcome to the fandom! I've been a furry officially for about 4 years (but I remember being maybe 7-8 years old and obsessing over fursuits after seeing lots of videos about outings lmao), over time it's become pretty apparent that the community is SUPER accepting and as long as you aren't a jerk or anything people are just?? So kind.
@nightrising Big oof cause I also hate writing/drawing humans. They really are bland in comparison to the personality you can give animals just by altering the muzzle a little or adding an extra tail or something.

I use to not be one for hybrids, but this one... kind of happened by mistake. She was a custom I had commissioned.
I had told the artist that I wanted a gatordog (the closed species) custom, but they happened to take it literally and drew a literal alligator mixed with a dog. I saw the sketch and was a little unsure at first, but I turned out to just love it and had them color it instead!
I think it turned out real great! I had a monster dog fursona in the past, so I think that played a little bit in why I loved this one so much too.

I use to not be one for hybrids, but this one... kind of happened by mistake. She was a custom I had commissioned.
I had told the artist that I wanted a gatordog (the closed species) custom, but they happened to take it literally and drew a literal alligator mixed with a dog. I saw the sketch and was a little unsure at first, but I turned out to just love it and had them color it instead!
I think it turned out real great! I had a monster dog fursona in the past, so I think that played a little bit in why I loved this one so much too.
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