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TOPIC | so furries, yeah?
so i'm a new furry (joined the fandom about a month or so ago), and someone mentioned furries in math today

me, thinking i could pop in and show this great video of Telephone (best furry in my opinion) dancing with a kid, and they just went ew

made me a lil' sad but hey, they can do what they want and so can i ;w;

anyone else a furry? does anyone have fursuits?? i love looking at fursuits so much??

edit// i've developed a fursona c:

edit 2// i have practically normalized furry talk around my friends c:<
so i'm a new furry (joined the fandom about a month or so ago), and someone mentioned furries in math today

me, thinking i could pop in and show this great video of Telephone (best furry in my opinion) dancing with a kid, and they just went ew

made me a lil' sad but hey, they can do what they want and so can i ;w;

anyone else a furry? does anyone have fursuits?? i love looking at fursuits so much??

edit// i've developed a fursona c:

edit 2// i have practically normalized furry talk around my friends c:<
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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Big ol' furry here! I'm actually working on reworking my fursona (an idea I had last night!) and posted about it here !

I'm not that chatty admittedly but I know there's plenty of friendly furries around this site :)
Big ol' furry here! I'm actually working on reworking my fursona (an idea I had last night!) and posted about it here !

I'm not that chatty admittedly but I know there's plenty of friendly furries around this site :)
haaaaa in my sign language class the teacher gave a misinformed speech about furries and now everyone is deathly afraid of me. i have a furry instagram though
haaaaa in my sign language class the teacher gave a misinformed speech about furries and now everyone is deathly afraid of me. i have a furry instagram though
FR + 0 - pls click them! ->xHUHg.png8UmmX.pngC5rYA.pngs0Zbd.pngunknown.png
I used to be a furry! I still have a lot of respect for the art, suits, and character design in the fandom, but it's just not really my thing anymore. Now my suits sit sadly in storage wanting to be loved :o
I used to be a furry! I still have a lot of respect for the art, suits, and character design in the fandom, but it's just not really my thing anymore. Now my suits sit sadly in storage wanting to be loved :o
EaYnAry.png rCk1ASf.gif -ART SHOP
furries are, by far, the nicest people i've ever done commissions for (and the designs are so fun to draw!) so i have absolute respect for them

i'd make a crow fursona but alas, i procrastinate ):
furries are, by far, the nicest people i've ever done commissions for (and the designs are so fun to draw!) so i have absolute respect for them

i'd make a crow fursona but alas, i procrastinate ):
23 • he/him • eng/jpn • fr+3

click here for a random bird

Renegade sounds amazing so far?? beautiful?? i stan it


ooh, thank you! i love looking at new things c: i wish i could do some creation stuff >.< however i'm real bad with handcrafts and the like ;-;


oh no! ;w; what in the world would make others deathly afraid of furries???


if you don't mind me asking, what is your suit like? c: (sorry, i just love hearing/seeing them ;w;)


oh gosh i'd love to see a crow fursona, i think all the avian fursonas are really cool! c:

Renegade sounds amazing so far?? beautiful?? i stan it


ooh, thank you! i love looking at new things c: i wish i could do some creation stuff >.< however i'm real bad with handcrafts and the like ;-;


oh no! ;w; what in the world would make others deathly afraid of furries???


if you don't mind me asking, what is your suit like? c: (sorry, i just love hearing/seeing them ;w;)


oh gosh i'd love to see a crow fursona, i think all the avian fursonas are really cool! c:
tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif
used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif
XD ikr. fairly enough she didnt know it wasnt all bad people. and tbh ,, i stayed out of the fandom for a while too, at least i was kinda just a small account until i got my sona from a friend [img][/img] hes perfect i love him sm (art's mine)
XD ikr. fairly enough she didnt know it wasnt all bad people.

and tbh ,, i stayed out of the fandom for a while too, at least i was kinda just a small account until i got my sona from a friend

hes perfect i love him sm (art's mine)
FR + 0 - pls click them! ->xHUHg.png8UmmX.pngC5rYA.pngs0Zbd.pngunknown.png
Ah, I'm not a furry myself, but I have a lot of respect for them, and know a few!
Tyler and Spencer are furries... I know Erin makes fursuits...
I see furries get a lot of bad rep, both online and in the real world... It's pretty dumb, in my opinion.

I don't know much about furry culture (Is that the right word to use? Is there a better one?) but I'd honestly love to learn more! (And maybe try my hand at making a fursuit... hands-on things like that are right up my alley!)
Ah, I'm not a furry myself, but I have a lot of respect for them, and know a few!
Tyler and Spencer are furries... I know Erin makes fursuits...
I see furries get a lot of bad rep, both online and in the real world... It's pretty dumb, in my opinion.

I don't know much about furry culture (Is that the right word to use? Is there a better one?) but I'd honestly love to learn more! (And maybe try my hand at making a fursuit... hands-on things like that are right up my alley!)
21571.png Call me Meido! (any pronouns)
Neurodivergent, I do use tone indicators at times!
Don't be afraid to ping me! (+3 FR Time)
Wishlist - Gene Plans
Current Avatar
@SoullessARMY no problem! My two main ones were dogs (no specific breed). I had a fullsuit of my main sona Milo, who I'm not going to lie was pretty boring looking. He was a soft green with a white face through to his underbelly with few black marking here and there. He by far got the most use, a huge reason was he was the most friendly looking for when I went to events with little kids! :)

My next dude was Zeke, who's design and character I put a lot more effort into. Being completely honest I forget what his body design was like since he was a partial and I have no clue where his ref sheet is, but his head was mainly black with green and white striped ears, some around his snout too, and purple accents such as his nose, tongue, etc. He may have taken the spot as favorite just for his sassy expression and super "chompy" teeth, but I couldn't wear him to as many events since kids weren't as fond of his expression as I was xD

Zeke and Milo were the two that got the most use, but I had a few others from when I first joined that I've sold since. The only other super memorable one is a bird base from Sharpe Costumes that was super super cool, even though I never got around to finishing him. If I find any pictures of these suits I'll gladly PM them to you! c:
@SoullessARMY no problem! My two main ones were dogs (no specific breed). I had a fullsuit of my main sona Milo, who I'm not going to lie was pretty boring looking. He was a soft green with a white face through to his underbelly with few black marking here and there. He by far got the most use, a huge reason was he was the most friendly looking for when I went to events with little kids! :)

My next dude was Zeke, who's design and character I put a lot more effort into. Being completely honest I forget what his body design was like since he was a partial and I have no clue where his ref sheet is, but his head was mainly black with green and white striped ears, some around his snout too, and purple accents such as his nose, tongue, etc. He may have taken the spot as favorite just for his sassy expression and super "chompy" teeth, but I couldn't wear him to as many events since kids weren't as fond of his expression as I was xD

Zeke and Milo were the two that got the most use, but I had a few others from when I first joined that I've sold since. The only other super memorable one is a bird base from Sharpe Costumes that was super super cool, even though I never got around to finishing him. If I find any pictures of these suits I'll gladly PM them to you! c:
EaYnAry.png rCk1ASf.gif -ART SHOP
So.. I think the whole furry thing is an awesome concept. The whole exploring of identities and ocs combined with animals. If I'd paste a label on myself, I'd prefer the word otherkin. I like putting it to a more spiritual kind, genuinely believing there's an animal inside of you. But with an otherkin label, you can join the furry world just as easily right?

Personally, I have been trying to get into the community, but I never know how to do such things. Where to sign up, where start chatting, where to start RPing if I wanna, etc.

So if you have any advice, that would be awesome, we could also explore the community together!
So.. I think the whole furry thing is an awesome concept. The whole exploring of identities and ocs combined with animals. If I'd paste a label on myself, I'd prefer the word otherkin. I like putting it to a more spiritual kind, genuinely believing there's an animal inside of you. But with an otherkin label, you can join the furry world just as easily right?

Personally, I have been trying to get into the community, but I never know how to do such things. Where to sign up, where start chatting, where to start RPing if I wanna, etc.

So if you have any advice, that would be awesome, we could also explore the community together!