

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Layer Accents and Skins
I've already supported it - but I'm yelling "SUPPORT" again because I have a burning need to put 2 accents on one of my imps
I've already supported it - but I'm yelling "SUPPORT" again because I have a burning need to put 2 accents on one of my imps

water dom org
dom stats '23
Not sure If I've replied to this one yet, but as always with this suggestion, full support. I'd go so broke, but full support.
Not sure If I've replied to this one yet, but as always with this suggestion, full support. I'd go so broke, but full support.
Instagram: BittyKittyCreates --- Facebook: BittyKitty Creates
I absolutely support this one 100%
I absolutely support this one 100%
FR +9
Yes! Support all the way! :D
Yes! Support all the way! :D
I've probably supported this but I'm gonna go ahead and say support.
Because this is so much need.
I've probably supported this but I'm gonna go ahead and say support.
Because this is so much need.
Supportity support support! Accent/skin layering must happen. =)
Supportity support support! Accent/skin layering must happen. =)
Waiting for this to happen. Everyone supports!
Waiting for this to happen. Everyone supports!
Definitely support!
Definitely support!
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n e o c o r e s

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coder | item
Support! Although I think to save headaches they'd have to limit it to one accent [layer] over one skin [layer], but that would surely be completely feasible. I suppose it couldn't be retro-fitted to old skins but they could bring out new, different templates for the two for future models?

I was really psyched to check the accent preview for the current festival skins and see one over a skinned dragon - the two would have looked amazing together - of course when you actually try this, it doesn't work :(
Support! Although I think to save headaches they'd have to limit it to one accent [layer] over one skin [layer], but that would surely be completely feasible. I suppose it couldn't be retro-fitted to old skins but they could bring out new, different templates for the two for future models?

I was really psyched to check the accent preview for the current festival skins and see one over a skinned dragon - the two would have looked amazing together - of course when you actually try this, it doesn't work :(