
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Derg Design Contest [LAST DAY!]
[center][img][/img] @Parselmouth [i]I have a dreadful time trying to find dragons for my Lair that I really enjoy, and I’m horrible at creating projects for myself. So I thought I’d ask the public to do so for me, and then pay them for their 30 second of time. How does that sound? Now, of course there must be a few rules in place otherwise this would not run smoothly and I would be sad. Please read them, as they may be the difference of life and death! Or merely just whether your entries count or not. How to Play: 1. Go to the Scrying Workshop 2. Design a random dragon 3. Post the dragon here, with a list of genes and colours as well as a picture. (picture is optional) 4. Put a banner in your signature. 5. That is all.[/i] [img][/img][/center] [list][*] You may submit an unlimited amount of dragons, but keep it all in one post or ALL of your entries will be disqualified. [*] This is free to enter! All I ask is that you put one of my banners in your signature. [*] This is not a place to offer your dragons. I’m looking for designs made in the Scrying Workshop, not sales. [*] No fighting over prizes. [*] I reserve the right to not give out all of the prizes, if I don’t feel that any dragon suits a specific category then I will not award a prize for the category. This goes for all categories! [*] You do not have to state which category you’re entering you design for. You can if you really want to, but I’m the one who chooses which dragon suits which. [*] If none of the designs meet my standards (meaning I don’t fancy any of the designs) then I will either, a) Make the end date longer, or b) End the contest all together. [*] [b]The contest ends October [s]3rd[/s] 1st, at 12:00 FR time.[/b] [center][img][/img] [i]You do not have to use this, you can do whatever you want. This just gives you a way to help you win. Any genes, colours, or breeds not listed are neither preferred nor despised. [/i][/center] [columns][center][size=5][b]Preferred[/b][/size] [b]Breeds[/b] Coatls Wildclaws Imperials Pearlcatchers Skydancers [b]Genes[/b] Bar Tiger Vipera Iridescent Basic Shimmer Daub Stripes Hypnotic Freckle Basic Underbelly Glimmer Spines [b]Colours[/b] Browns Blacks Greys Whites Dark Greens (secondary only) Gold, Ivory Blood, Maroon, Crimson [b]Eye Colours[/b] Light Plague Shadow Water [b]Other[/b] Harry Potter Dragons[/center][nextcol][center][size=5][b]Disliked[/b][/size] [b]Breeds[/b] Nocturnes Male Mirrors Ridgebacks Snappers [b]Genes[/b] Crystal Clown Facet Eye Spots Gembond Crackle Okapi [b]Colours[/b] Bright Colours Magenta Bright Blues Light Greens Pinks Magenta Sunshine Goldenrod Magenta [b]Eye Colours[/b] Ice Lightning [/center][/columns]


I have a dreadful time trying to find dragons for my Lair that I really enjoy, and I’m horrible at creating projects for myself. So I thought I’d ask the public to do so for me, and then pay them for their 30 second of time. How does that sound?
Now, of course there must be a few rules in place otherwise this would not run smoothly and I would be sad. Please read them, as they may be the difference of life and death! Or merely just whether your entries count or not.

How to Play:
1. Go to the Scrying Workshop
2. Design a random dragon
3. Post the dragon here, with a list of genes and colours as well as a picture. (picture is optional)
4. Put a banner in your signature.
5. That is all.


  • You may submit an unlimited amount of dragons, but keep it all in one post or ALL of your entries will be disqualified.
  • This is free to enter! All I ask is that you put one of my banners in your signature.
  • This is not a place to offer your dragons. I’m looking for designs made in the Scrying Workshop, not sales.
  • No fighting over prizes.
  • I reserve the right to not give out all of the prizes, if I don’t feel that any dragon suits a specific category then I will not award a prize for the category. This goes for all categories!
  • You do not have to state which category you’re entering you design for. You can if you really want to, but I’m the one who chooses which dragon suits which.
  • If none of the designs meet my standards (meaning I don’t fancy any of the designs) then I will either, a) Make the end date longer, or b) End the contest all together.
  • The contest ends October 3rd 1st, at 12:00 FR time.


    You do not have to use this, you can do whatever you want. This just gives you a way to help you win. Any genes, colours, or breeds not listed are neither preferred nor despised.









    Dark Greens (secondary only)
    Gold, Ivory
    Blood, Maroon, Crimson

    Eye Colours



    Harry Potter Dragons


    Male Mirrors



    Eye Spots



    Bright Colours
    Bright Blues
    Light Greens

    Eye Colours

Fen | They/them
[center][img][/img] [i]More categories may be added throughout if there are a lot of entries. Remember, YOU CAN ONLY WIN ONCE![/i] [b][size=5]Favourite Dragon[/size][/b] [i]My favourite design of them all fits into this category. The maker is the grand prize winner of this contest.[/i] [b]Prize: 100,000t and 150 Gems[/b] [b]Strange Love?[/b] [i]This category is for the design I didn't think I would love. Uniqueness goes into this category a lot, and maybe some genes or colours I'm not too fond of?[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Dirt Derg[/b] [i]My favourite dragon with the most brown on it. Brown can range anywhere from Sand to Chocolate[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Snowbelly[/b] [i]My favourite dragon with either a Maize, White or Ice Underbelly/Glimmer.[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]A Love for Coatls[/b] [i]My favourite Coatl out of all of the entries.[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Wilder Than a Wildclaw[/b] [i]My favourite Wildclaw out of all of the entries[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Crazy Combinations[/b] [i]My favourite, but the weirdest colour/gene combination out there![/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Double the Love[/b] [i]My favourite pair of dragons. Possibility of two winners here.[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t (each?)[/b] [b]Bars or Spots?[/b] [i]My favourite Bar and/or Daub gened dragon.[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]ROAR![/b] [i]My favourite Tiger dragon[/i] [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [b]Where’s The Underbelly?[/b] [i]My favourite draagon, without Underbelly or Glimmer. [b]Prize: 50,000t[/b] [/center]

More categories may be added throughout if there are a lot of entries.

Favourite Dragon

My favourite design of them all fits into this category. The maker is the grand prize winner of this contest.

Prize: 100,000t and 150 Gems

Strange Love?

This category is for the design I didn't think I would love. Uniqueness goes into this category a lot, and maybe some genes or colours I'm not too fond of?

Prize: 50,000t

Dirt Derg

My favourite dragon with the most brown on it. Brown can range anywhere from Sand to Chocolate

Prize: 50,000t


My favourite dragon with either a Maize, White or Ice Underbelly/Glimmer.

Prize: 50,000t

A Love for Coatls

My favourite Coatl out of all of the entries.

Prize: 50,000t

Wilder Than a Wildclaw

My favourite Wildclaw out of all of the entries

Prize: 50,000t

Crazy Combinations

My favourite, but the weirdest colour/gene combination out there!

Prize: 50,000t

Double the Love

My favourite pair of dragons. Possibility of two winners here.

Prize: 50,000t (each?)

Bars or Spots?

My favourite Bar and/or Daub gened dragon.

Prize: 50,000t


My favourite Tiger dragon

Prize: 50,000t

Where’s The Underbelly?

My favourite draagon, without Underbelly or Glimmer.

Prize: 50,000t

Fen | They/them
[center][img][/img] [i]To enter, you must place one of these banners in your signature. Why? Well because I am horrible at advertising and you're getting free treasure so please just do it for me!! D: //how to guilt trip, lesson by Parselmouth They are bad, but they work so all is well, if you wanna make one for yourself go ahead because, the one I have is quite bad. I'll probably add more later.[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Made by Leika [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

To enter, you must place one of these banners in your signature.
Why? Well because I am horrible at advertising and you're getting free treasure so please just do it for me!! D: //how to guilt trip, lesson by Parselmouth
They are bad, but they work so all is well, if you wanna make one for yourself go ahead because, the one I have is quite bad. I'll probably add more later.




Made by Leika
Fen | They/them
Fen | They/them
Here's my entry!
Here's my entry!
Returning older player
She/her, 25+, AuDHD, cosplayer, cat mom, and professional procrastinator
Happy to chat and accept friend requests!
Ohh this sounds fun [center][quote=#1] [img][/img] [size=4]Imp - Lightning [/size] Vipera - Charcoal Peregrine - Violet Glimmer - Jade [/quote] [quote=#2] [img][/img] [size=4]Coatl - Shadow[/size] Piebald - Mulberry Hypnotic - Chocolate Glimmer - Gold[/quote] [quote=#3] [img][/img] [size=4]Wildclaw - Light[/size] Bar - Obsidian Facet - Crimson Underbelly - White[/quote] [quote=#4] [img][/img] [size=4]Pearlcatcher - Plague[/size] Iridescent - White Seraph - Silver Okapi - Black[/quote] [quote=#5] [img][/img] [size=4]Ridgeback - Ice[/size] Crimson - Vipera Freckle - Azure Circuit - White[/quote] [quote=#6] [img][/img] [size=4]Imp - Light[/size] Piebald - Soil Shimmer - Jungle Crackle - Maize[/quote] [/center]
Ohh this sounds fun
#1 wrote:
Imp - Lightning
Vipera - Charcoal
Peregrine - Violet
Glimmer - Jade
#2 wrote:
Coatl - Shadow
Piebald - Mulberry
Hypnotic - Chocolate
Glimmer - Gold
#3 wrote:
Wildclaw - Light
Bar - Obsidian
Facet - Crimson
Underbelly - White
#4 wrote:
Pearlcatcher - Plague
Iridescent - White
Seraph - Silver
Okapi - Black

#5 wrote:
Ridgeback - Ice
Crimson - Vipera
Freckle - Azure
Circuit - White
#6 wrote:
Imp - Light
Piebald - Soil
Shimmer - Jungle
Crackle - Maize
[center]@Parselmouth I made this, then realised it was everything you despised in a dragon xD *pats poor imp [img][/img][/center]
I made this, then realised it was everything you despised in a dragon xD
*pats poor imp
@Parselmouth : My entries 1) Pearlcatcher; Obsidian Vipera/ Jungle Peregrine/ Crimson Glimmer 2) Wildclaw; White Bar/ Gold Paint/ Crimson Spines 3) Coatl; Sunshine Vipera/ Seafoam Shimmer/ Leaf Spines 4) Skydancer; Beige Bar/ Sunshine Freckle/ Ivory Underbelly 5) Imperial; Silver Tiger/ Jungle Stripes/ Red Spines 6) Skydancer; Obsidian Iridescent/ Emerald Shimmer/ Gold Glimmer 7) Pearlcatcher; White Speckle/ Aqua Shimmer/ Ice Spines 8) Wildclaw; Charcoal Piebald/ Sunshine Hypnotic/ Obsidian Underbelly [center][img] [/img] [img][/img][/center]
@Parselmouth : My entries
1) Pearlcatcher; Obsidian Vipera/ Jungle Peregrine/ Crimson Glimmer
2) Wildclaw; White Bar/ Gold Paint/ Crimson Spines
3) Coatl; Sunshine Vipera/ Seafoam Shimmer/ Leaf Spines
4) Skydancer; Beige Bar/ Sunshine Freckle/ Ivory Underbelly
5) Imperial; Silver Tiger/ Jungle Stripes/ Red Spines
6) Skydancer; Obsidian Iridescent/ Emerald Shimmer/ Gold Glimmer
7) Pearlcatcher; White Speckle/ Aqua Shimmer/ Ice Spines
8) Wildclaw; Charcoal Piebald/ Sunshine Hypnotic/ Obsidian Underbelly
@Parselmouth I just found out what the Scrying Workshop is, and I'm afraid I can't stop. Whoo! Bonus points for first forum post! *audience claps* I decided to have them in pairs for 'effect', otherwise there's no other reason that they are together (like for certain categories n all). Let's make this dramatic, shall we? Here are my entries~ [b][i]Soft light slowly spreads as the claws of a royal beast scratch the darkened earth, yet as time goes on the creature will fade away and allow the shadows of the night to return once more.[/i][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][i]The wars have passed, leaving the land corrupted and lifeless. Few can survive the barren landscape. They are the warriors of the dead world, those who tread where the light touches, but death follows with it's emerald eyes..[/i][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][i]Two rebellious creatures explore the skies without a care in the world. A tainted lilly from a time forgotten, and a mysterious serpent from a time still to come, explore the land with wonder and curiosity shining in their eyes.[/i][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][i]In a distant land with frozen earth, a peaceful clan lies. They are not disturbed by the chaos of the outside world, yet they hide from preying eyes.[/i][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][i]In a monochrome world there are those who lurk about in search of colour, but may never find any. They must learn to dream, or be doomed to stay in the dark.[/i][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img]
I just found out what the Scrying Workshop is, and I'm afraid I can't stop.
Whoo! Bonus points for first forum post! *audience claps*
I decided to have them in pairs for 'effect', otherwise there's no other reason that they are together (like for certain categories n all). Let's make this dramatic, shall we?
Here are my entries~

Soft light slowly spreads as the claws of a royal beast scratch the darkened earth, yet as time goes on the creature will fade away and allow the shadows of the night to return once more.
dragonpic2.png erasds.png

The wars have passed, leaving the land corrupted and lifeless. Few can survive the barren landscape. They are the warriors of the dead world, those who tread where the light touches, but death follows with it's emerald eyes..
rbgtdfs.png wsafsz.png

Two rebellious creatures explore the skies without a care in the world. A tainted lilly from a time forgotten, and a mysterious serpent from a time still to come, explore the land with wonder and curiosity shining in their eyes.
9684523.png dragonpic2.php.png

In a distant land with frozen earth, a peaceful clan lies. They are not disturbed by the chaos of the outside world, yet they hide from preying eyes.
6523320.png 646652.png

In a monochrome world there are those who lurk about in search of colour, but may never find any. They must learn to dream, or be doomed to stay in the dark.
1485.png 1653.png
I will for sure join this! @TimelessNickel5 ^^^^^ Because I lose everything if not. >w< [center][u]Entries:[/u] [img][/img][/center]
I will for sure join this!
Because I lose everything if not. >w<