

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Take Eliminate from Tomo...
I will always support either adding Eliminate to Pinkerton's Pool or taking them out of Crim's, but no support for removing Tomo's Eliminates.

These recent moves by Staff to reduce Item Rarity clearly prioritize Gameplay over what makes perfect sense in the Lore. Why do your Dragons randomly find Pretty Pink Mums after playing with their pets? And not any other flowers? Because these are the flowers which have an increased value due to being a Swipp Trade for an incredibly popular Gene and Staff wants to make it more accessible.

The mindset behind Tomo's Eliminates was clearly gameplay-focused: both in the sense that if they want to increase Eliminate's accessibility, 10 small chances a day is better than one small chance a day and in the sense that it's obviously a move to encourage more users to use the Tomo feature and give it more value. I always prefer it when Lore and Gameplay work in perfect tandem together, but plenty of things in FR already prioritize the Gameplay over the Lore - most notably the entire concept of the Dragon Market that most of the site revolves around!

(Besides, all the Lore Explanations and headcanons users make for how Tomo got all of these Eliminates are very funny)

The issue with Pinkerton and Crim is that their pools of items to give/request doesn't make sense in the Lore or Gameplay perspective. If an item is too valuable to have a very small chance it'll be given randomly once a day, it's too valuable to trade it for some petty change. If their pools didn't match but in a way that made sense with the gameplay it wouldn't be such an issue.
I will always support either adding Eliminate to Pinkerton's Pool or taking them out of Crim's, but no support for removing Tomo's Eliminates.

These recent moves by Staff to reduce Item Rarity clearly prioritize Gameplay over what makes perfect sense in the Lore. Why do your Dragons randomly find Pretty Pink Mums after playing with their pets? And not any other flowers? Because these are the flowers which have an increased value due to being a Swipp Trade for an incredibly popular Gene and Staff wants to make it more accessible.

The mindset behind Tomo's Eliminates was clearly gameplay-focused: both in the sense that if they want to increase Eliminate's accessibility, 10 small chances a day is better than one small chance a day and in the sense that it's obviously a move to encourage more users to use the Tomo feature and give it more value. I always prefer it when Lore and Gameplay work in perfect tandem together, but plenty of things in FR already prioritize the Gameplay over the Lore - most notably the entire concept of the Dragon Market that most of the site revolves around!

(Besides, all the Lore Explanations and headcanons users make for how Tomo got all of these Eliminates are very funny)

The issue with Pinkerton and Crim is that their pools of items to give/request doesn't make sense in the Lore or Gameplay perspective. If an item is too valuable to have a very small chance it'll be given randomly once a day, it's too valuable to trade it for some petty change. If their pools didn't match but in a way that made sense with the gameplay it wouldn't be such an issue.
(Hey! Maybe check out my comic?)
No support. I want staff to eventually remove eliminate from Crim's collection cart. No chance of that if they are coming from Pinkerton.
No support. I want staff to eventually remove eliminate from Crim's collection cart. No chance of that if they are coming from Pinkerton.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa U1qRAMx.gif
Yes to giving it to Pink. No to taking it away from Tomo.
Yes to giving it to Pink. No to taking it away from Tomo.

Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose
actuallyadinosaur a tiny doodle of a small goose like dinosaur with yellow beak white feathers and red eyes
I…had no idea Tomo did that until now…Imma say no support cause now I actually want to bother to answer Tomo’s questions.


@hungryhobbits Oh lol. No wonder why.
I…had no idea Tomo did that until now…Imma say no support cause now I actually want to bother to answer Tomo’s questions.


@hungryhobbits Oh lol. No wonder why.
No support. This makes elim more accessible for newer users.
No support. This makes elim more accessible for newer users.
He/Him; Xe/Xem | +0 Fr
Fly high, Gino.
No support. This makes it more accessable for new players to obtain and also those who may not be able to play coliseum due to health reasons or lack of time. Also gives people more incentive to use tomo (like me who up til now had been neglecting her)

EDIT: I am in support of adding it to Pink, since Crim also asks for it
No support. This makes it more accessable for new players to obtain and also those who may not be able to play coliseum due to health reasons or lack of time. Also gives people more incentive to use tomo (like me who up til now had been neglecting her)

EDIT: I am in support of adding it to Pink, since Crim also asks for it
0wcyXrS.png Aether Subspecies: Space Dolls
Project: Robin
Art Dragons for Sale

father i crave cheese
[quote name="Almedha" date="2024-12-17 15:20:59" ] Excuse me. I am not. I have never purchased an eliminate. I have nine (plus who knows how many I've applied), almost all of them obtained by using scratch alone in venues under level ten... or possibly fifteen. Not sure. The point is, I never grind high level venues outside of leveling fodder. It's a waste of time. I don't know if it's the best way to obtain eliminates, but it is accessible. And, yes, I do have level 25s to do this now, but I didn't always. It doesn't take a level 25 to one- or two-scratch enemies in low venues. Eliminates are only required for leveling fodder dragons quickly, not grinding eliminates. As it happens, I don't have a problem with the number of chances per day. Perhaps Pink could have more than one drop per day. Having Tomo drop Eliminates is silly. [/quote] "I personally don't have a problem with this thing other players struggle with" is not the perfect comeback you think it is. Anyway, why not also ask for Fathom scrolls to be removed from Tomo, too? They make about the same amount of sense in-universe. Right now, this just reads like a weird double standard.
Almedha wrote on 2024-12-17 15:20:59:
Excuse me. I am not. I have never purchased an eliminate. I have nine (plus who knows how many I've applied), almost all of them obtained by using scratch alone in venues under level ten... or possibly fifteen. Not sure. The point is, I never grind high level venues outside of leveling fodder. It's a waste of time. I don't know if it's the best way to obtain eliminates, but it is accessible. And, yes, I do have level 25s to do this now, but I didn't always. It doesn't take a level 25 to one- or two-scratch enemies in low venues. Eliminates are only required for leveling fodder dragons quickly, not grinding eliminates.

As it happens, I don't have a problem with the number of chances per day. Perhaps Pink could have more than one drop per day. Having Tomo drop Eliminates is silly.
"I personally don't have a problem with this thing other players struggle with" is not the perfect comeback you think it is.

Anyway, why not also ask for Fathom scrolls to be removed from Tomo, too? They make about the same amount of sense in-universe. Right now, this just reads like a weird double standard.
Esme, a very red and Plague-themed Skydancer. A medallion depicting the Plaguebringer in profile.
[img][/img] also i've been kind of paying attention to the types of things [i]you[/i] personally have issues with for a while and it almost always boils down to you being upset that the devs are making more things accessible + easier to obtain, especially for newer players or those with either time or physical constraints if you're this easily bothered by staff making things more accessible for everyone, i would suggest picking up any of the soulsborne games and try to ng+ them

also i've been kind of paying attention to the types of things you personally have issues with for a while and it almost always boils down to you being upset that the devs are making more things accessible + easier to obtain, especially for newer players or those with either time or physical constraints
if you're this easily bothered by staff making things more accessible for everyone, i would suggest picking up any of the soulsborne games and try to ng+ them
[quote name="ariesmouse" date="2024-12-17 15:24:56" ] [quote name="cr0wfeathers" date="2024-12-17 14:27:18" ] No support. Gives people more incentive to visit tomo and I like that she has an occasional rare drop to spice things up [/quote] This more or less sums up my thoughts. Only going to add the question of "Why". Why do you want it removed / think it should be? I get wanting to see eliminates added to another npc, but aside from that, what is the harm in letting Tomo have it? [/quote] literally the only reason they want it removed is because it lowers the value of it - but we can see that mums still sell decently because no matter how many familiars you bond with, you still need a trillion of them for more than one copy of blossom
ariesmouse wrote on 2024-12-17 15:24:56:
cr0wfeathers wrote on 2024-12-17 14:27:18:
No support. Gives people more incentive to visit tomo and I like that she has an occasional rare drop to spice things up
This more or less sums up my thoughts.

Only going to add the question of "Why". Why do you want it removed / think it should be? I get wanting to see eliminates added to another npc, but aside from that, what is the harm in letting Tomo have it?
literally the only reason they want it removed is because it lowers the value of it - but we can see that mums still sell decently because no matter how many familiars you bond with, you still need a trillion of them for more than one copy of blossom
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@SmudgedInk well it only happened yesterday, so that's probably why you didn't know XD
@SmudgedInk well it only happened yesterday, so that's probably why you didn't know XD
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