

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Advertisement Solution
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Make this tiny goat a familiar.
Micro Goat
Valid point on requiring more staff; I think that's the only downside.

As to the "based on browsing history" point, when I do disable adblocker, I always get ads for cleaning stuff, restaurants I don't go to or shows that I never show any interest in. So it's far from stuff relevant to me.

Concerning the big-time advertisers, they wouldn't even be an element in this. Most site's I've seen the suggested solution on charge only $20 a month to host ads. So basically, I could pay $20 a month to FR to get my ad for my commissions or a skin thread, or if a group I'm a part of is hosting an event either on site or irl.

It's more the idea of "Controlled advertisements", so we don't get the issue of ads doing harmful things or redirecting us to sites we're not supposed to go to.

All-in-all, you gave some valid points though.
Valid point on requiring more staff; I think that's the only downside.

As to the "based on browsing history" point, when I do disable adblocker, I always get ads for cleaning stuff, restaurants I don't go to or shows that I never show any interest in. So it's far from stuff relevant to me.

Concerning the big-time advertisers, they wouldn't even be an element in this. Most site's I've seen the suggested solution on charge only $20 a month to host ads. So basically, I could pay $20 a month to FR to get my ad for my commissions or a skin thread, or if a group I'm a part of is hosting an event either on site or irl.

It's more the idea of "Controlled advertisements", so we don't get the issue of ads doing harmful things or redirecting us to sites we're not supposed to go to.

All-in-all, you gave some valid points though.
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."
As much as I support, how about we have both? We have our big-name advertisers from bigger companies and ads from the FR community. That way, FR still gets some advertising from it's own community in case something like this (the whole redirecting thing with the big-company ads) happens again.

Just a suggestion.
As much as I support, how about we have both? We have our big-name advertisers from bigger companies and ads from the FR community. That way, FR still gets some advertising from it's own community in case something like this (the whole redirecting thing with the big-company ads) happens again.

Just a suggestion.
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whenever you're
replying to me!
@Cosmic Prince

Interesting concept. My only issue with that is, users will still run the risk of getting bad ads (this is not the first time this nonsense has happened on FR). As such, people will run adblockers as a precaution. Then, the ads that userbase members pay for won't get seen. They don't get the revenue to continue paying for their ads, and have to pull them off. Then we get in the same exact place we're at now; some 3rd-party site handling the ads and sneaking in crappy stuff.

I'll put you down as a neutral vote.
@Cosmic Prince

Interesting concept. My only issue with that is, users will still run the risk of getting bad ads (this is not the first time this nonsense has happened on FR). As such, people will run adblockers as a precaution. Then, the ads that userbase members pay for won't get seen. They don't get the revenue to continue paying for their ads, and have to pull them off. Then we get in the same exact place we're at now; some 3rd-party site handling the ads and sneaking in crappy stuff.

I'll put you down as a neutral vote.
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."
Definitely support.
Definitely support.
I'm on another similar site that has both outside ads and player ads, and it seems to be a good system :) The player ads only show on the forums, IIRC, and the regular ones everywhere else.

Knowing that keeping AdBlock off for FR is dangerous is very disappointing to hear, because other similar sites have managed to figure this out :C Come on, Flight Rising! You can do this!

I definitely support player ads, but I'm not sure they could create anywhere near the revenue of regular ones, unfortunately :C If staff members were confident that the revenue would be the same, 100% support.
I'm on another similar site that has both outside ads and player ads, and it seems to be a good system :) The player ads only show on the forums, IIRC, and the regular ones everywhere else.

Knowing that keeping AdBlock off for FR is dangerous is very disappointing to hear, because other similar sites have managed to figure this out :C Come on, Flight Rising! You can do this!

I definitely support player ads, but I'm not sure they could create anywhere near the revenue of regular ones, unfortunately :C If staff members were confident that the revenue would be the same, 100% support.
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Throwing in my support for this. I'd be able to turn off adblock when I'm on FR.
Throwing in my support for this. I'd be able to turn off adblock when I'm on FR.
Nuzlocke (on hiatus)
Definitely support this! I know other sites that do this and it works much better for them - they had the same issues FR is having with malicious ads and now the whole community benefits from them instead of everyone blocking them by default.

I also wanted to mention that when they made this change, they only allowed them as jpgs or gifs - no flash or java-based ads, and the images are stored on their own server so they can't pull a bait-and-switch type trick. I think that helps keep the nasties out.
Definitely support this! I know other sites that do this and it works much better for them - they had the same issues FR is having with malicious ads and now the whole community benefits from them instead of everyone blocking them by default.

I also wanted to mention that when they made this change, they only allowed them as jpgs or gifs - no flash or java-based ads, and the images are stored on their own server so they can't pull a bait-and-switch type trick. I think that helps keep the nasties out.
[quote name="paintedpolarbear" date="2014-11-01 17:25:18"]Throwing in my support for this. I'd be able to turn off adblock when I'm on FR.[/quote]
paintedpolarbear wrote on 2014-11-01 17:25:18:
Throwing in my support for this. I'd be able to turn off adblock when I'm on FR.
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