

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Individual Color Changing Scrolls
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There's something that's been on my mind for a while now. Why don't we have items on here that let us change the color (at least a random color) of INDIVIDUAL genes.
I know we have the Tri-Color Scatterscroll thing, but I never liked how those would change ALL three gene colors.
My starter dragon, Celeste, has some beautiful colors and markings in my opinion, but her tertiary color is just completely different from her primary and secondary colors (P: Obsidian, S: Shadow, T: Banana). I want to give her a tertiary gene, but I can't because it would look so strange. And her offspring ALSO have those bright, warm tertiary colors when their primary and secondary colors are usually cooler and darker colors.
Please, please, PLEASE make this happen!
Thank you for reading this
There's something that's been on my mind for a while now. Why don't we have items on here that let us change the color (at least a random color) of INDIVIDUAL genes.
I know we have the Tri-Color Scatterscroll thing, but I never liked how those would change ALL three gene colors.
My starter dragon, Celeste, has some beautiful colors and markings in my opinion, but her tertiary color is just completely different from her primary and secondary colors (P: Obsidian, S: Shadow, T: Banana). I want to give her a tertiary gene, but I can't because it would look so strange. And her offspring ALSO have those bright, warm tertiary colors when their primary and secondary colors are usually cooler and darker colors.
Please, please, PLEASE make this happen!
Thank you for reading this
This has been suggested a lot. Most users don't like it as it will make things too easy.

With the Forum Search busted, you can do a Google search of single colored scatter scrolls and find all the discussions already given.
This has been suggested a lot. Most users don't like it as it will make things too easy.

With the Forum Search busted, you can do a Google search of single colored scatter scrolls and find all the discussions already given.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
Support for progens only
Support for progens only
Fjaer's idea is sound. Special progen-only color sounds nice. The rest can be bred through, but progens tend to be a different case....
Fjaer's idea is sound. Special progen-only color sounds nice. The rest can be bred through, but progens tend to be a different case....
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[quote name="FRiv" date="2014-10-13 17:26:35"]Fjaer's idea is sound. Special progen-only color sounds nice. The rest can be bred through, but progens tend to be a different case....[/quote] Yes, very true. I would at least like to have this for Progens.
FRiv wrote on 2014-10-13 17:26:35:
Fjaer's idea is sound. Special progen-only color sounds nice. The rest can be bred through, but progens tend to be a different case....

Yes, very true. I would at least like to have this for Progens.
Specifically for the progen, that has been discussed here
Specifically for the progen, that has been discussed here
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
Personally I think this idea sounds completely fine, it would have to be one of the most expensive/extremely hard to earn items in the game. but it could work, maybe have it at a 0.01% drop rate in the lvl 25 area of the coli making it super hard to come by. Or maybe, have it be worth something like 15,000,000,000+ treasure/ 15,000,000 gems
Personally I think this idea sounds completely fine, it would have to be one of the most expensive/extremely hard to earn items in the game. but it could work, maybe have it at a 0.01% drop rate in the lvl 25 area of the coli making it super hard to come by. Or maybe, have it be worth something like 15,000,000,000+ treasure/ 15,000,000 gems
No support as it removes a lot of the challenge from the game.It would be too easy to get a desirable result. Instead of breeding for it players could just scatter that one color and not worry about messing up the other colors. The tri-scatter scroll is a gamble, it may make things better or worse. A single-color scatter scroll is unlikely to make things worse but more likely to make things better.

For example my custom progen before I scattered her was Sky/Stonewash/Emerald. The randomly generated emerald looked horrible with her colors. With a single color scatter scroll I could scatter that emerald, yes it may not improve things but it isn't going to harm it, any worse than it already was however there are 12 different shades of blue and 3 shades of white that would work well with the Sky/Stonewash. That's not even mentioning the shades of grey/black that could work well with those and not to mention some of the neutral or yellow colors that could make her look like a macaw. So 0% chance of making it worse, 22% chance of making it better if I only include the shades of blue and white, and a 46% chance if I include all the blues, whites, greys, blacks, and many of the yellows/light neutrals and that's not including situational colors that would look good with certain tert genes such as a red crackle to give her a blood spatter appearance.

Also such a scroll would likely have a negative impact on the dragon economy. Currently color is king and it is about the only thing other than new genes/breeds that sell. Instead of breeding for three nice colors, if you were able to scatter the one clashy color and get a good result, you can start popping out hatchlings with those nice colors much quicker resulting in a drop in price of good color dragons due to oversaturation. (Refer what has happened to the triple market for example; they used to sell for a lot more than they do now)
No support as it removes a lot of the challenge from the game.It would be too easy to get a desirable result. Instead of breeding for it players could just scatter that one color and not worry about messing up the other colors. The tri-scatter scroll is a gamble, it may make things better or worse. A single-color scatter scroll is unlikely to make things worse but more likely to make things better.

For example my custom progen before I scattered her was Sky/Stonewash/Emerald. The randomly generated emerald looked horrible with her colors. With a single color scatter scroll I could scatter that emerald, yes it may not improve things but it isn't going to harm it, any worse than it already was however there are 12 different shades of blue and 3 shades of white that would work well with the Sky/Stonewash. That's not even mentioning the shades of grey/black that could work well with those and not to mention some of the neutral or yellow colors that could make her look like a macaw. So 0% chance of making it worse, 22% chance of making it better if I only include the shades of blue and white, and a 46% chance if I include all the blues, whites, greys, blacks, and many of the yellows/light neutrals and that's not including situational colors that would look good with certain tert genes such as a red crackle to give her a blood spatter appearance.

Also such a scroll would likely have a negative impact on the dragon economy. Currently color is king and it is about the only thing other than new genes/breeds that sell. Instead of breeding for three nice colors, if you were able to scatter the one clashy color and get a good result, you can start popping out hatchlings with those nice colors much quicker resulting in a drop in price of good color dragons due to oversaturation. (Refer what has happened to the triple market for example; they used to sell for a lot more than they do now)
3DS Friend Code: 5300-9941-4980
#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
No support.

Your progen is not meant to be a dream dragon. It's the first step to build your clan.
No support.

Your progen is not meant to be a dream dragon. It's the first step to build your clan.
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