

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | "Sex" not "Gender"
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I support this :)

I think there are too many people in the real world who don't see the difference between sex and gender. It would be nicer to not be reminded of that in the Flight Rising world.
I support this :)

I think there are too many people in the real world who don't see the difference between sex and gender. It would be nicer to not be reminded of that in the Flight Rising world.
I support this idea, especially since more and more people are becoming aware that a gender binary shouldn't exist because sex and gender are not the same thing.

But speaking of binary, this thread made me want to add some neat educational info to this discussion even though it's not completely on topic.

Research has been done that has revealed evidence to suggest that the construct of sex binary is also false; that even genetically and physically we are not exclusively male or female! Our genetics and physical characteristics reveal we are more on a spectrum of sex, similar to the gender spectrum! This explains things like intersex people (who are treated like they must be fixed to be apart of the binary system rather than just being intersex) and the fact that not every "male" is born with every stereotypical masculine trait and not every "female" is born with every stereotypical feminine trait. In fact, most people have a mix of traits, physical or otherwise, that give evidence that there is no strict boundaries within the genetic coding of people that keep specific traits to one binary sex or the other.

Anyway, just some cool info, but obviously for the purposes of Flight Rising, I am in full support of this idea!
I support this idea, especially since more and more people are becoming aware that a gender binary shouldn't exist because sex and gender are not the same thing.

But speaking of binary, this thread made me want to add some neat educational info to this discussion even though it's not completely on topic.

Research has been done that has revealed evidence to suggest that the construct of sex binary is also false; that even genetically and physically we are not exclusively male or female! Our genetics and physical characteristics reveal we are more on a spectrum of sex, similar to the gender spectrum! This explains things like intersex people (who are treated like they must be fixed to be apart of the binary system rather than just being intersex) and the fact that not every "male" is born with every stereotypical masculine trait and not every "female" is born with every stereotypical feminine trait. In fact, most people have a mix of traits, physical or otherwise, that give evidence that there is no strict boundaries within the genetic coding of people that keep specific traits to one binary sex or the other.

Anyway, just some cool info, but obviously for the purposes of Flight Rising, I am in full support of this idea!
Full support.
Full support.
ping for my attention

I am 2 hours ahead of server

I've sat here for who knows how long. Reading every single post, on every single page in it's entirety before I weighed in with my own opinion.

I have to say, I don't care either way. If it's not changed, great. if it does change, cool. if some alternative/compromised is reached, awesome.

I do think it's a non-issue though, it's an issue in the real world sure, but not an issue on a gaming website that takes place in a fantasy setting. People turning it into such almost seems narcissistic. And it was mentioned several times in the beginning that this wasn't an LGBTQ issue, but as the pages went on it definitely became the main argument.

There have been people from that identity spectrum who have weighed in against this topic, I think it's unfair to lay out a blanket statement and speak on behalf of everyone who falls under any category of the sort.

And for other arguments made, that the usage here of "gender" makes people uncomfortable, be it of a grammatical nature or an identity one. It has been mentioned, and should definitely be considered and not ignored that "sex" makes people uncomfortable for other reasons. Just as harmful.

It's not for me to say who should and shouldn't feel uncomfortable, nor is it anyone else's. I think the goal here, if there is one should be that everyone is comfortable.. in which case I do not think "sex" is a good replacement for "gender" regardless that it is biologically and grammatically correct. So I am no support. for that reason.

But I'm not going to be bothered if it does change, to whatever it may be. because it doesn't bother me personally. I would be in support of the tickbox idea, simply because it makes both sides of people comfortable. Likewise, the other side of people - like myself, who simply don't care either way, will be unaffected.

The part in me that is really annoyed by the tumblr community and over-sensitivity/overly politically correct uprise really just wants this to stay "gender" though, because that's what it's been on every pet site i've been involved in the past 14 years. and it changing now would not seem like a battle "won" to me, but rather catering to a demographic i don't particularly care for. (to clarify, I mean SJW tumblr community, not LGBTQ)

In closing though, I hope for the people who do care about this issue (be it for, or against) Find some compromise to make everyone happy, and that FR complies. I do think it is unlikely though, such is life after all.

I hope this post has been as passive and neutral as I've meant it to be, I apologize ahead of time for anyone I may have offended. Thank you!

I've sat here for who knows how long. Reading every single post, on every single page in it's entirety before I weighed in with my own opinion.

I have to say, I don't care either way. If it's not changed, great. if it does change, cool. if some alternative/compromised is reached, awesome.

I do think it's a non-issue though, it's an issue in the real world sure, but not an issue on a gaming website that takes place in a fantasy setting. People turning it into such almost seems narcissistic. And it was mentioned several times in the beginning that this wasn't an LGBTQ issue, but as the pages went on it definitely became the main argument.

There have been people from that identity spectrum who have weighed in against this topic, I think it's unfair to lay out a blanket statement and speak on behalf of everyone who falls under any category of the sort.

And for other arguments made, that the usage here of "gender" makes people uncomfortable, be it of a grammatical nature or an identity one. It has been mentioned, and should definitely be considered and not ignored that "sex" makes people uncomfortable for other reasons. Just as harmful.

It's not for me to say who should and shouldn't feel uncomfortable, nor is it anyone else's. I think the goal here, if there is one should be that everyone is comfortable.. in which case I do not think "sex" is a good replacement for "gender" regardless that it is biologically and grammatically correct. So I am no support. for that reason.

But I'm not going to be bothered if it does change, to whatever it may be. because it doesn't bother me personally. I would be in support of the tickbox idea, simply because it makes both sides of people comfortable. Likewise, the other side of people - like myself, who simply don't care either way, will be unaffected.

The part in me that is really annoyed by the tumblr community and over-sensitivity/overly politically correct uprise really just wants this to stay "gender" though, because that's what it's been on every pet site i've been involved in the past 14 years. and it changing now would not seem like a battle "won" to me, but rather catering to a demographic i don't particularly care for. (to clarify, I mean SJW tumblr community, not LGBTQ)

In closing though, I hope for the people who do care about this issue (be it for, or against) Find some compromise to make everyone happy, and that FR complies. I do think it is unlikely though, such is life after all.

I hope this post has been as passive and neutral as I've meant it to be, I apologize ahead of time for anyone I may have offended. Thank you!
AH search feature now has the symbols of Mars and Venus instead of "gender"!
AH search feature now has the symbols of Mars and Venus instead of "gender"!
Yes! I think they've mostly solved this issue in the best and most non-controversial way they could have! Symbols! Woooo!!
Yes! I think they've mostly solved this issue in the best and most non-controversial way they could have! Symbols! Woooo!!
I see i posted just before this was changed, what awkward timing. anyway cool! I hope people from either side can't find offense now. (but who knows)
I see i posted just before this was changed, what awkward timing. anyway cool! I hope people from either side can't find offense now. (but who knows)
i came here to post about the AH change but i'm a bit late huh :P it still says gender on apparel previews but still, this is good news!
i came here to post about the AH change but i'm a bit late huh :P it still says gender on apparel previews but still, this is good news!
It has-? Far be it for me to rain on anyones parade, but it doesn't seem to have changed for me O.o
It has-? Far be it for me to rain on anyones parade, but it doesn't seem to have changed for me O.o
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