
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | Dynastic Duo | Egyptian Accent (Aber F)
[center][size=5][color=peru][b]Dynastic Duo[/b][/color][/size] [i]ancient desert finery for female-pose aberrations available for [b]preorder[/b][/i][/center] Hello! This is an accent I've wanted for a dragon of my own for a long time (mostly for very silly pun-related reasons, buuuut here we are). Since a few other folks seemed to be interested in it as well, I figured I'd offer up a print run or few! ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center][size=3] [color=peru][b]Dynastic Duo[/b][/color] Aberration F (Accent) [b]550[/b] g [emoji=gem size=1] or [b]550[/b] kt [emoji=treasure size=1] or [b]mixed[/b] g/kt (1g:1000t) [br] status: taking [b]preorders[/b] for second run [item=Accent: Dynastic Duo] [url=]reSKIN preview[/url] [br] [/size][/center][/columns] ----- [center][size=4][color=peru][b]- rules & info -[/b][/color][/size][/center] [LIST=1] [*] I'm [b]subscribed[/b], so pings are not necessary, but no harm done if you happen to ping anyway. [*] This accent requires [b]at least some preorders in pure gems[/b] before it can be printed. The first slot of the first run is reserved for me; beyond that, [b]the first four slots of a 5-copy run[/b], or [b]the first five slots of a 10-copy run[/b], are gem-only preorder slots. For all slots in a run beyond those, I accept gems, treasure (1g:1000t ratio), or mixed gems+treasure. [b]Please let me know which currency you plan to use![/b] (Slots don't need to be filled in order, so even if you can't pay in pure gems I'll add you to the list—just understand that I won't be able to print until the gem slots are filled!) Eggs, items, fodder, art, etc. are not accepted at this time. [*] Payment for a run will be requested as soon as all preorder slots in that run are filled. [b]Advance payment in gems is required for preorder slots.[/b] Advance payment is [i]preferred[/i] for non-preorder slots, but feel free to let me know if you aren't able to pay right away. You're welcome to send payment either via PM or one-way CR, whichever you're most comfortable with, but whichever you choose I'd appreciate a post in the thread letting me know when you've done so! [*] The accent will be submitted shortly after enough payments are received to cover the blueprint costs. Approval typically takes 5–7 days, but this can vary. If there are submission delays, I'll ping everyone to let them know (including clarification of any changes to the image, if they are required). [*] The accent will be delivered via private auction as soon as the copies are in my hand, at 1t for pre-paid slots or for the listed cost if payment has not yet been received. Mixed-payment slots will be delivered via crossroads instead. Let me know if you want to work out a different delivery method, e.g. if you prefer PMs or CRs to PAs. [*] I can hold your unpaid copy for you for [b]up to two weeks[/b], recreating the private auction if necessary, as long as you give me a heads-up. After two weeks, I'll reach out privately to check whether you're still interested. [*] Unpaid copies after the PA/hold period, as well as any extras from a print run that didn't quite fill up, will be sold on the AH (or kept, at my discretion). [*] You're always welcome to ask questions, let me know about your ping/contact/payment/delivery/etc. preferences, or whatever else! [/LIST] [br] ----- [center][size=4][color=peru][b]- q & a -[/b][/color][/size][/center] [b]how many print runs are you going to do?[/b] However many people are interested in! My primary motivation is wanting this accent to achieve the labored pun name of my dreams, so I really only need one for that. Any other prints purchased just go toward making some fancy pharaonic duds available for you and others! [b]will you print this again later, or will it be retired?[/b] I'll shelve it once interest dries up, and I won't actively promote it after that because I don't currently feel like running a full-on shop, but if someone happens to stumble across this thread down the road and wants a copy, feel free to send me a message about it and I'll gladly make a note of it for when there's enough interest for another run! (If you're the [i]only[/i] person who's interested or you would like a copy right away, you can also supply me with half the initial price (275g or equivalent) + an accent blueprint and I'll get one printed just for you.) [b]will you do recolors?[/b] Not likely, sorry! The document layers were made in such a way that recoloring this would unfortunately be kind of a pain. (I don't do this whole skin/accent thing very often! Next time I'll organize things using a more recolor-friendly layer scheme [emoji=aberration winking size=1]) [b]can i resell the accent later?[/b] Sure, go wild. As long as I've got mine, what you do with your copy is none of my concern. ----- [center][size=4][color=peru][b]- orders -[/b][/color][/size][/center] [columns][quote name = "run 1 (full!)"] 1. me 2. @/Bantymom (gem preorder) PAID 3. @/XxCalypsoxX (gem preorder) PAID 4. @/Barrdwing (gem preorder) PAID 5. @/Natron (gem preorder) PAID 6. @/eldriwolf (gem preorder) PAID 7. @/Industry PAID 8. @/Aeriel (gems) PAID 9. @/CHUUNIBYOU (gems) PAID 10. @/Hawktalon PAID Status: Delivered! [/quote] [nextcol][quote name = "run 2"] 1. @/roastedsoymanny (gem preorder) PAID 2. @/ViolentViolet77 (gem preorder) PAID 3. @/KiteM (gem preorder) PAID 4. @/Panarow (gem preorder) PAID 5. @/EvilCopepod (gem preorder) PAID 6. @/Askesis (gems) PAID 7. NA Status: Delivered! [/quote] [nextcol][quote name = "run 3+"] 1. ... (gem preorder) 2. ... (gem preorder) 3. ... (gem preorder) 4. ... (gem preorder) 5. ... (gem preorder if 10-copy run) 6. more, up to 10 (including treasure/mixed slots) Status: Taking preorders! [/quote] [/columns] ----- [center][size=4][color=peru][b]- pings -[/b][/color][/size][/center] @pinglist-12567 (no obligation! if you're no longer interested, just let me know.) [center][url=]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Aberration F, Accent, apparel, desert, egyptian, gold, royalty[/center] [center](GASP pinglist snipped for tidiness)[/center] (sincere apologies for any GASP mispings/improper keywords! last time I did this was like 2016, ahaha...)
Dynastic Duo
ancient desert finery for female-pose aberrations
available for preorder

Hello! This is an accent I've wanted for a dragon of my own for a long time (mostly for very silly pun-related reasons, buuuut here we are). Since a few other folks seemed to be interested in it as well, I figured I'd offer up a print run or few!


Dynastic Duo
Aberration F (Accent)

550 g
550 kt
mixed g/kt (1g:1000t)

status: taking preorders for second run
Accent: Dynastic Duo
reSKIN preview

- rules & info -
  1. I'm subscribed, so pings are not necessary, but no harm done if you happen to ping anyway.
  2. This accent requires at least some preorders in pure gems before it can be printed. The first slot of the first run is reserved for me; beyond that, the first four slots of a 5-copy run, or the first five slots of a 10-copy run, are gem-only preorder slots. For all slots in a run beyond those, I accept gems, treasure (1g:1000t ratio), or mixed gems+treasure. Please let me know which currency you plan to use! (Slots don't need to be filled in order, so even if you can't pay in pure gems I'll add you to the list—just understand that I won't be able to print until the gem slots are filled!) Eggs, items, fodder, art, etc. are not accepted at this time.
  3. Payment for a run will be requested as soon as all preorder slots in that run are filled. Advance payment in gems is required for preorder slots. Advance payment is preferred for non-preorder slots, but feel free to let me know if you aren't able to pay right away. You're welcome to send payment either via PM or one-way CR, whichever you're most comfortable with, but whichever you choose I'd appreciate a post in the thread letting me know when you've done so!
  4. The accent will be submitted shortly after enough payments are received to cover the blueprint costs. Approval typically takes 5–7 days, but this can vary. If there are submission delays, I'll ping everyone to let them know (including clarification of any changes to the image, if they are required).
  5. The accent will be delivered via private auction as soon as the copies are in my hand, at 1t for pre-paid slots or for the listed cost if payment has not yet been received. Mixed-payment slots will be delivered via crossroads instead. Let me know if you want to work out a different delivery method, e.g. if you prefer PMs or CRs to PAs.
  6. I can hold your unpaid copy for you for up to two weeks, recreating the private auction if necessary, as long as you give me a heads-up. After two weeks, I'll reach out privately to check whether you're still interested.
  7. Unpaid copies after the PA/hold period, as well as any extras from a print run that didn't quite fill up, will be sold on the AH (or kept, at my discretion).
  8. You're always welcome to ask questions, let me know about your ping/contact/payment/delivery/etc. preferences, or whatever else!

- q & a -

how many print runs are you going to do?
However many people are interested in! My primary motivation is wanting this accent to achieve the labored pun name of my dreams, so I really only need one for that. Any other prints purchased just go toward making some fancy pharaonic duds available for you and others!

will you print this again later, or will it be retired?
I'll shelve it once interest dries up, and I won't actively promote it after that because I don't currently feel like running a full-on shop, but if someone happens to stumble across this thread down the road and wants a copy, feel free to send me a message about it and I'll gladly make a note of it for when there's enough interest for another run! (If you're the only person who's interested or you would like a copy right away, you can also supply me with half the initial price (275g or equivalent) + an accent blueprint and I'll get one printed just for you.)

will you do recolors?
Not likely, sorry! The document layers were made in such a way that recoloring this would unfortunately be kind of a pain. (I don't do this whole skin/accent thing very often! Next time I'll organize things using a more recolor-friendly layer scheme )

can i resell the accent later?
Sure, go wild. As long as I've got mine, what you do with your copy is none of my concern.

- orders -
run 1 (full!) wrote:
1. me
2. @/Bantymom (gem preorder) PAID
3. @/XxCalypsoxX (gem preorder) PAID
4. @/Barrdwing (gem preorder) PAID
5. @/Natron (gem preorder) PAID
6. @/eldriwolf (gem preorder) PAID
7. @/Industry PAID
8. @/Aeriel (gems) PAID
10. @/Hawktalon PAID

Status: Delivered!
run 2 wrote:
1. @/roastedsoymanny (gem preorder) PAID
2. @/ViolentViolet77 (gem preorder) PAID
3. @/KiteM (gem preorder) PAID
4. @/Panarow (gem preorder) PAID
5. @/EvilCopepod (gem preorder) PAID
6. @/Askesis (gems) PAID
7. NA

Status: Delivered!
run 3+ wrote:
1. ... (gem preorder)
2. ... (gem preorder)
3. ... (gem preorder)
4. ... (gem preorder)
5. ... (gem preorder if 10-copy run)
6. more, up to 10 (including treasure/mixed slots)

Status: Taking preorders!

- pings -

@Dynastic Duo ab f post-fest pinglist (no obligation! if you're no longer interested, just let me know.)
Click here for the GASP thread!

Aberration F, Accent, apparel, desert, egyptian, gold, royalty
(GASP pinglist snipped for tidiness)

(sincere apologies for any GASP mispings/improper keywords! last time I did this was like 2016, ahaha...)
Slot please! Sending gems. Will you please mark me as paid on the list somehow?
Slot please! Sending gems. Will you please mark me as paid on the list somehow?
The pursuit and celebration of glorious action. Those who pursue Kleos must be willing to leave everything behind, seeking glory above all else. Those who achieve Kleos are heroes. They have become immortal through their actions and achieve the immortal honor of serving the glory of Glittermom, the Light Weaver.
Eternal renown, immortal fame - - Kleos is imperishable
@Bantymom Sure, I can mark you down—thanks for your interest!
@Bantymom Sure, I can mark you down—thanks for your interest!
I can't resist, I'll take a slot please!
I can't resist, I'll take a slot please!
.............. Throughout-eternity-siggy-100.png
KRJo3uI.png Gryym15gb95M.gif
@XxCalypsoxX Sure thing! To confirm, did you want to pay in gems, treasure, or mixed?
@XxCalypsoxX Sure thing! To confirm, did you want to pay in gems, treasure, or mixed?
gems please:)
gems please:)
.............. Throughout-eternity-siggy-100.png
KRJo3uI.png Gryym15gb95M.gif
@XxCalypsoxX Got you marked for a slot, thank you! :D
@XxCalypsoxX Got you marked for a slot, thank you! :D
So, how do I do this? Gems to the crossroads?
Will you let me know when to send them?
So, how do I do this? Gems to the crossroads?
Will you let me know when to send them?
Good Hunting!
@eldriwolf Hi!

If you'd like to reserve a slot for the accent, I'll go ahead and mark you down. You can send the gems via crossroads now if you want! Otherwise, once all of the slots marked "(gem preorder)" are filled, I'll send a ping to everyone on the list to let them know I'm ready for payment, and you can send the gems in a CR at that time. Whichever works for you!

EDIT: Ah, forgot to clarify—there's also an option to pay after the accent has been printed, if you need more time to put the gems together! In that case I'll put you down for a regular slot rather than a preorder, and you can pay once I send you the private auction to deliver the accent!
@eldriwolf Hi!

If you'd like to reserve a slot for the accent, I'll go ahead and mark you down. You can send the gems via crossroads now if you want! Otherwise, once all of the slots marked "(gem preorder)" are filled, I'll send a ping to everyone on the list to let them know I'm ready for payment, and you can send the gems in a CR at that time. Whichever works for you!

EDIT: Ah, forgot to clarify—there's also an option to pay after the accent has been printed, if you need more time to put the gems together! In that case I'll put you down for a regular slot rather than a preorder, and you can pay once I send you the private auction to deliver the accent!
Oh, wow; this is really neat! Please put me down for a gem slot. I'll be waiting until tomorrow to get gems, though.
Oh, wow; this is really neat! Please put me down for a gem slot. I'll be waiting until tomorrow to get gems, though.