
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Discussion - Riot of Rot 2020 Contest
@Amayai Thank you!!!
@Amayai Thank you!!!
@atomnik - 'Mouthful' is great, that kind of thing just seems to be a new fave of mine, though it seems it's got to be 'just right, ya know? X) Good luck!
Got a nice Lore-ish Gaoler with a similar look, and he's one of my most loved!
@atomnik - 'Mouthful' is great, that kind of thing just seems to be a new fave of mine, though it seems it's got to be 'just right, ya know? X) Good luck!
Got a nice Lore-ish Gaoler with a similar look, and he's one of my most loved!
@ScratchyPaws The Heart Of Poison accent is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
@ScratchyPaws The Heart Of Poison accent is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
@Raptorgrrl thanks!! i just love a good big mouth with even bigger chompers look, yknow?
@Raptorgrrl thanks!! i just love a good big mouth with even bigger chompers look, yknow?
xxxxx uvuxbfn.png 4vJXUnL.gif
@Kaohgumy I love your submission! It's very unique and I would totally use it if it wins :D Good luck!
@Kaohgumy I love your submission! It's very unique and I would totally use it if it wins :D Good luck!

I really hope at least one of those fungal skins wins. I adore toadshrooms and have been spending weeks taking photos of all the ones I’ve come across while out walking. I generally don’t love the Plague aesthetic, but I so much want a Plague fest skin I would actually use....
I really hope at least one of those fungal skins wins. I adore toadshrooms and have been spending weeks taking photos of all the ones I’ve come across while out walking. I generally don’t love the Plague aesthetic, but I so much want a Plague fest skin I would actually use....
Coffee Pot
May be grumpy before coffee. And after coffee. (FR+8)
@AasaIllusia I love your submission!!! It's so creative. I hope it wins. If it doesn't and you decide to print could you ping me please?
@AasaIllusia I love your submission!!! It's so creative. I hope it wins. If it doesn't and you decide to print could you ping me please?
@Amayai aww, thank you very much! [emoji=heart size=1]
aww, thank you very much!
timezone: FR+11
I didn't realize this thread was here and I was so confused why none of the nice skins I was seeing had comments LMAO. Anyway time to gush about all the ones I've been staring at while I worked on mine :'3c

@Vovina - I LOVE BOTH OF THESE...especially the just Horrifying bogsneak accent? Literally one of my friends was gushing abt this one with me because it's so gorgeous. I Really hope one of these wins because I genuinely want to own one of these So badly, the way the skulls are layered and how deep all the shadows are make them such A gorgeous textural experience to look at like. I Cannot Gush Enough lmao

@kschaef - I love the concept of this one So Much?? I think it's so clever and such an interesting take on this theme bc it looks so Sterile compared to so many of these entries. I also just think the way you worked with the physicality of the dragon works So Well and is so smart? Idk I'm just in love with this concept basically

@Kaenith - THIS ONE DRIVES ME INSANE BC IT'S SO CUTE...idk something about the simplicity of having the pearlcatcher's pearl being this big beaker of Evil Green Mist is SO charming to me. I didn't really realize that transforming the pearl into another object was something people did until I scrolled through this thread and this one is just such a cleanly done and endearing iteration of that theme...I love this.

@Capitalists - Lmao ur name I just noticed this as I copied it to @ you hahaha. Anyway I really love the concept of this first accent?? The way you do brushwork is so soft and so evocative has such a strong mood to it I'm a REALLY big fan of how you expressed this idea it has a very like...I'm not entirely sure how to say this but you expressed the idea of Deep Time having passed through this image really well? Idk I'm just obsessed w the colour n way you use lines n colour n tone I guess. Good As Heck Accent

@ExcellentShini - Ok literally I am not a big fan of ridgebacks which is why I get So excited seeing things that I like on them. The textures on this skin are SO gorgeous and just the way you've moved lines around the structure of this dragon and your sense of how to play with shapes and direct the eye like...this skin rules So Hard and I love the idea of just...Flesh Armour. And it suits the ridgeback SO well you really gave me +1 ridgeback fan points with how gorgeous this all works together LOL

@Toldentops - Ok god this one feels so Classically spooky to me I am obsessed with how charmingly spooky and hallowe'eny this is. It's so fun seeing how hard some people leaned into Gross and how hard some other folks leaned into the hallowe'eny vibe...the shapes on this are so clean and gorgeous and like it's literally just so pleasant and charming to look at like...also so smartly designed to really work well and be readable on a lot of dragons imo? Feels like little spooky decoration companions for ur dragon lmao

@Bluedragon - I am honestly just losing it over the Big Honking the technical skill on this is so gorgeous but something about the skull with this big tongue poking out is charming me so much lmao. It's just so generally solid and nice to look at all around too tbh...I really love seeing people work in the primal plague eye aesthetic into their accents, too, it always looks so gorgeous.

@Thunderwyvern - I remember staring at this 2nd one while I was still working on mine bc I was struggling to work the reds and greens of the plague element in well and I passed this one and was like. Ok some people really just Know how to work with these colours huh. I was so impressed like the balance of colour and tone and the Cleanness of this one and just how strong the overall Mood of it is? I'm like in love with it and the pile of Blood Mist Skulls rules so hard lmao. Both ur skins are honestly so technically gorgeous I really always have to stop and stare at them when I'm scrolling :'3

@Straka - God I am OBSESSED with this one. The incredible depth to all these nasty eyeball holes and the intensity of all the colours is making me go absolutely bonkers, it's so incredibly vivid I'm always so impressed how clear some folks can get their ideas to translate when working on the canvas of...a dragon lmao. Esp one as hairy as a gaoler!! The fact that it reads so legibly is so impressive to me and also it just looks insanely cool. God I wish my gaoler's neck would stare back at me for once

@atomnik - God I LOVE these big gross mouths SO MUCH...they're so believably slimy and gross, the way you made the dragon look HOLLOW and used the scales as nasty gums is so gorgeous. Tbh I adore this one so much it's making me wanna actually have spirals in my lair again...

@Endivinity - God ok just your overall style for this feels SO bubbly and fun to me it's got such a Pop in how it sets itself out from the dragon. Also I just love all the mushroom skins and accents in this thread and this one is so gorgeous w the way you've detailed the hair. It's so gorgeous & graceful looking w the way you've sewn the colours together n how warm they are w all the gorgeous lines on the hair & the comforting little mushroom swirls...gorgeous tbh

@NoonAlt - This mirror skin is so gorgeous I'm so obsessed with how Ethereal it looks given that it's a plague skin?? Like the thin veined out wings w the lightness of the bone really does something Extremely pretty and I'm obsessed with how you made this concepts so graceful & gorgeous?? Glad I came back and checked out all the entries after the contest ended cuz I almost missed this on the last page and it is SO gorgeous
I didn't realize this thread was here and I was so confused why none of the nice skins I was seeing had comments LMAO. Anyway time to gush about all the ones I've been staring at while I worked on mine :'3c

@Vovina - I LOVE BOTH OF THESE...especially the just Horrifying bogsneak accent? Literally one of my friends was gushing abt this one with me because it's so gorgeous. I Really hope one of these wins because I genuinely want to own one of these So badly, the way the skulls are layered and how deep all the shadows are make them such A gorgeous textural experience to look at like. I Cannot Gush Enough lmao

@kschaef - I love the concept of this one So Much?? I think it's so clever and such an interesting take on this theme bc it looks so Sterile compared to so many of these entries. I also just think the way you worked with the physicality of the dragon works So Well and is so smart? Idk I'm just in love with this concept basically

@Kaenith - THIS ONE DRIVES ME INSANE BC IT'S SO CUTE...idk something about the simplicity of having the pearlcatcher's pearl being this big beaker of Evil Green Mist is SO charming to me. I didn't really realize that transforming the pearl into another object was something people did until I scrolled through this thread and this one is just such a cleanly done and endearing iteration of that theme...I love this.

@Capitalists - Lmao ur name I just noticed this as I copied it to @ you hahaha. Anyway I really love the concept of this first accent?? The way you do brushwork is so soft and so evocative has such a strong mood to it I'm a REALLY big fan of how you expressed this idea it has a very like...I'm not entirely sure how to say this but you expressed the idea of Deep Time having passed through this image really well? Idk I'm just obsessed w the colour n way you use lines n colour n tone I guess. Good As Heck Accent

@ExcellentShini - Ok literally I am not a big fan of ridgebacks which is why I get So excited seeing things that I like on them. The textures on this skin are SO gorgeous and just the way you've moved lines around the structure of this dragon and your sense of how to play with shapes and direct the eye like...this skin rules So Hard and I love the idea of just...Flesh Armour. And it suits the ridgeback SO well you really gave me +1 ridgeback fan points with how gorgeous this all works together LOL

@Toldentops - Ok god this one feels so Classically spooky to me I am obsessed with how charmingly spooky and hallowe'eny this is. It's so fun seeing how hard some people leaned into Gross and how hard some other folks leaned into the hallowe'eny vibe...the shapes on this are so clean and gorgeous and like it's literally just so pleasant and charming to look at like...also so smartly designed to really work well and be readable on a lot of dragons imo? Feels like little spooky decoration companions for ur dragon lmao

@Bluedragon - I am honestly just losing it over the Big Honking the technical skill on this is so gorgeous but something about the skull with this big tongue poking out is charming me so much lmao. It's just so generally solid and nice to look at all around too tbh...I really love seeing people work in the primal plague eye aesthetic into their accents, too, it always looks so gorgeous.

@Thunderwyvern - I remember staring at this 2nd one while I was still working on mine bc I was struggling to work the reds and greens of the plague element in well and I passed this one and was like. Ok some people really just Know how to work with these colours huh. I was so impressed like the balance of colour and tone and the Cleanness of this one and just how strong the overall Mood of it is? I'm like in love with it and the pile of Blood Mist Skulls rules so hard lmao. Both ur skins are honestly so technically gorgeous I really always have to stop and stare at them when I'm scrolling :'3

@Straka - God I am OBSESSED with this one. The incredible depth to all these nasty eyeball holes and the intensity of all the colours is making me go absolutely bonkers, it's so incredibly vivid I'm always so impressed how clear some folks can get their ideas to translate when working on the canvas of...a dragon lmao. Esp one as hairy as a gaoler!! The fact that it reads so legibly is so impressive to me and also it just looks insanely cool. God I wish my gaoler's neck would stare back at me for once

@atomnik - God I LOVE these big gross mouths SO MUCH...they're so believably slimy and gross, the way you made the dragon look HOLLOW and used the scales as nasty gums is so gorgeous. Tbh I adore this one so much it's making me wanna actually have spirals in my lair again...

@Endivinity - God ok just your overall style for this feels SO bubbly and fun to me it's got such a Pop in how it sets itself out from the dragon. Also I just love all the mushroom skins and accents in this thread and this one is so gorgeous w the way you've detailed the hair. It's so gorgeous & graceful looking w the way you've sewn the colours together n how warm they are w all the gorgeous lines on the hair & the comforting little mushroom swirls...gorgeous tbh

@NoonAlt - This mirror skin is so gorgeous I'm so obsessed with how Ethereal it looks given that it's a plague skin?? Like the thin veined out wings w the lightness of the bone really does something Extremely pretty and I'm obsessed with how you made this concepts so graceful & gorgeous?? Glad I came back and checked out all the entries after the contest ended cuz I almost missed this on the last page and it is SO gorgeous
@talkinganimals thank you so much!! and yes.. consider the spirals :}
@talkinganimals thank you so much!! and yes.. consider the spirals :}
xxxxx uvuxbfn.png 4vJXUnL.gif