
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | ♦ wyzard's workshoppe [SDF wings, bows]
[center][img alt="store banner with text saying wyzard's workshoppe"][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [columns]       [nextcol][pinglist=37087][nextcol]  [nextcol][font=Corbel]Welcome to my skin shop! Themes: silks, wings, flowers, filigree, jewelry Please read the guidelines before ordering.[/font][/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=scroll size=1] guidelines[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]___________________________________________________[/sup]  [columns]  [nextcol] [font=Corbel] [color=#387283]—[/color] Skins and accents are printed at [b]6-8 slots[/b] filled. [color=#387283]—[/color] Most of my skins and accents are [b]preorders[/b]. You must send me your payment either [i]upfront or when I request it[/i]. Please be prepared to send payment possibly very soon after you sign up. [color=#387283]—[/color] There are unlimited treasure slots. [b]1g:1000t[/b]. [color=#387283]—[/color] [b]Refunds[/b] are only issued in the case of a skin/accent not printing. [color=#387283]—[/color] [b]Payment[/b] can be sent within a message or one-way crossroads trade. I will send skins and accents out in [b]private messages[/b]. [color=#387283]—[/color] Reselling is fine, but please do not purchase my skins only to immediately resell for profit. If you are no longer interested in a skin, please tell me instead of ghosting me. You may be [b]blacklisted[/b] from my shop for violating either of these. [color=#387283]—[/color] If you do not send prepayment, you will receive a 7-day private auction from me for the skin once it is processed. If that expires, you have a week to reach out to me to make new arrangements. If you do not, you [b]forfeit your slot[/b] and your copy will be listed on the public auction house. [/font][/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=paintbrush size=1] recolors[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_____________________________________________________[/sup]  [columns]  [nextcol] [font=Corbel] [color=#387283]—[/color] Private recolors are available for 2kg + blueprint (or gem price equivalent). [color=#387283]—[/color] Recolor edits start at 3kg + blueprint (or gem price equivalent). Price depends on edits requested. [color=#387283]—[/color] 1-2 print: I reserve the right to print [i]one[/i] personal copy of your custom, should I ever desire, and no more. This copy will not be sold and will remain in my possession, either on a dragon or in my vault. It will not enter circulation. [color=#387283]—[/color] 5 print, I keep one copy. [color=#387283]—[/color] 10 print, I keep two copies. [color=#387283]—[/color] I recently had to reset my pc and am thus missing many files. Not everything can be recolored. [color=#387283]—[/color] I do not do recolors of custom skins and accents I made for others. This may also apply to certain other skins and accents I make for special occasions. Most publicly released accents [i]can[/i] be recolored. [/font][/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=palette size=1] customs[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_____________________________________________________[/sup]  [columns]  [nextcol] [font=Corbel] [color=#387283]—[/color] Accent coverage: 6kg [i]minimum[/i] price. [color=#387283]—[/color] Skincent coverage: 10kg [i]minimum[/i] price. [color=#387283]—[/color] Currently only taking FRC. [color=#387283]—[/color] Themes I do best: silks, wings, flowers, filigree, jewelery. [color=#387283]—[/color] 1-2 print: I reserve the right to print [i]one[/i] personal copy of your custom, should I ever desire, and no more. This copy will not be sold and will remain in my possession, either on a dragon or in my vault. It will not enter circulation. [color=#387283]—[/color] 5 print, I keep one copy. [color=#387283]—[/color] 10 print, I keep two copies. [/font][/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=hourglass size=1] latest releases[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup]  [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[nextcol] [center] [skin=62032] Skin: goodnight, cupid [size=4][emoji=gem size=1] [i]750[/i] [emoji=treasure size=1] [i]750k[/i] ----- [url=]reskin[/url] shelves March 17th! ----- [url=][font=century][color=#7ab2c2][size=4]ORDER[/url] or [url=][font=century][color=#7ab2c2][size=4]CHECK AH[/url][/center][/columns]
store banner with text saying wyzard's workshoppe

   wyzard's workshoppe

           Welcome to my skin shop!
Themes: silks, wings, flowers, filigree, jewelry
Please read the guidelines before ordering.

 guidelines  ___________________________________________________

 Skins and accents are printed at 6-8 slots filled.
 Most of my skins and accents are preorders. You must send me your payment either upfront or when I request it. Please be prepared to send payment possibly very soon after you sign up.
 There are unlimited treasure slots. 1g:1000t.
Refunds are only issued in the case of a skin/accent not printing.
Payment can be sent within a message or one-way crossroads trade. I will send skins and accents out in private messages.
 Reselling is fine, but please do not purchase my skins only to immediately resell for profit. If you are no longer interested in a skin, please tell me instead of ghosting me. You may be blacklisted from my shop for violating either of these.
 If you do not send prepayment, you will receive a 7-day private auction from me for the skin once it is processed. If that expires, you have a week to reach out to me to make new arrangements. If you do not, you forfeit your slot and your copy will be listed on the public auction house.

 recolors  _____________________________________________________

 Private recolors are available for 2kg + blueprint (or gem price equivalent).
 Recolor edits start at 3kg + blueprint (or gem price equivalent). Price depends on edits requested.
 1-2 print: I reserve the right to print one personal copy of your custom, should I ever desire, and no more. This copy will not be sold and will remain in my possession, either on a dragon or in my vault. It will not enter circulation.
 5 print, I keep one copy.
 10 print, I keep two copies.
 I recently had to reset my pc and am thus missing many files. Not everything can be recolored.
 I do not do recolors of custom skins and accents I made for others. This may also apply to certain other skins and accents I make for special occasions. Most publicly released accents can be recolored.

 customs  _____________________________________________________

 Accent coverage: 6kg minimum price.
 Skincent coverage: 10kg minimum price.
 Currently only taking FRC.
 Themes I do best: silks, wings, flowers, filigree, jewelery.
 1-2 print: I reserve the right to print one personal copy of your custom, should I ever desire, and no more. This copy will not be sold and will remain in my possession, either on a dragon or in my vault. It will not enter circulation.
 5 print, I keep one copy.
 10 print, I keep two copies.

 latest releases  _______________________________________________

9ccOmgU.png xxxxxxx

Skin: goodnight, cupid

750 750k

shelves March 17th!
[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=money bag size=1] auction house[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]available on AH  [columns][center][item=skin blueprint] [url=][img]/static/layout/game-database/button-auction-house.png[/img][/url] [nextcol][center][skin=62032] [url=][img]/static/layout/game-database/button-auction-house.png[/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

   wyzard's workshoppe

 auction house  _______________________________  available on AH 

Skin Blueprint


[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=treasure chest size=1] shelved[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]reprintable for a bp + 200g  [columns][skin=59545] 20 copies [nextcol][skin=59630] 11 copies [nextcol][skin=59815] 5 copies [nextcol][skin=59685] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=59675] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=59823] 10 copies [/columns][columns][skin=59856] 20 copies [nextcol][skin=59865] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=59935] 41 copies [nextcol][skin=59984] 21 copies [nextcol][skin=60421] 30 copies [nextcol][skin=60422] 10 copies [/columns][columns][skin=59846] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=61104] 50 copies [nextcol][skin=61518] 30 copies [nextcol][skin=61520] 30 copies [/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=hourglass size=1] retired[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]unavailable [columns][skin=39442] 5 copies [nextcol][skin=39443] 5 copies [nextcol][skin=39535] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=39536] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=39444] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=39743] 10 copies [/columns][columns][skin=39800] 20 copies [nextcol][skin=40170] 10 copies [/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=old parchment size=1] limited[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]limited in-game copies  [columns][skin=39817] 5 copies[nextcol] [skin=40168] 5 copies[nextcol] [skin=40268] 20 copies[nextcol] [skin=40403] 10 copies[nextcol] [skin=43714] 20 copies[nextcol] [skin=59544] 20 copies[/columns] [columns][skin=59657] 20 copies[nextcol] [skin=59845] 10 copies[nextcol] [skin=61519] 10 copies [nextcol][skin=61879] 10 copies [/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=palette size=1] customs[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]customs and custom recolors [columns][skin=60101] 5 copies recolor[nextcol] [skin=60714] 5 copies recolor edit[nextcol] [skin=61407] 1 copy custom[nextcol] [skin=61440] 5 copies recolor[nextcol] [skin=62055] 5 copies custom [/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=special eyes size=1] private[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]private, can be bribed to print  [columns][skin=59695] 1 copy[/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=achievement token size=1] special[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]for special occasions, limited [columns][skin=59785] 10 copies AAA boo. entry [nextcol][skin=61004] 5 copies AAA SSE gift [nextcol][skin=61670] 60 copies AAA LNY [/columns] [font=Century][size=4][color=#7ab2c2][b] [emoji=gold tiara size=1] festival[/b][/color][/size][/font]  [sup]_______________________________[/sup]  [font=Corbel][color=#387283]fest winners [columns][skin=60014][/columns]

   wyzard's workshoppe

 shelved  _______________________________  reprintable for a bp + 200g 

20 copies

11 copies

5 copies

10 copies

10 copies

10 copies

20 copies

10 copies

41 copies

21 copies

30 copies

10 copies

10 copies

50 copies

30 copies

30 copies

 retired  _______________________________  unavailable

5 copies

5 copies

10 copies

10 copies

10 copies

10 copies

20 copies

10 copies

 limited  _______________________________  limited in-game copies 

5 copies

5 copies

20 copies

10 copies

20 copies

20 copies

20 copies

10 copies

10 copies

10 copies

 customs  _______________________________  customs and custom recolors

5 copies

5 copies
recolor edit

1 copy

5 copies

5 copies

 private  _______________________________  private, can be bribed to print 

1 copy

 special  _______________________________  for special occasions, limited

10 copies
AAA boo. entry

5 copies
AAA SSE gift

60 copies

 festival  _______________________________  fest winners

[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [center]Show me your dragons wearing my skins! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]

   wyzard's workshoppe

Show me your dragons wearing my skins!


74404589.png84000799.png 97267548.png39459134.png
[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [pinglist=37087] [pinglist=37350]

   wyzard's workshoppe

[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [font=Century][size=5][b]   [color=#387283]wyzard's[/color] [color=#7ab2c2]workshoppe[/color][/size][/b][/font] ----- [center][color=transparent][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=][font=Corbel]home[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]preorders[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]shelf[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]gallery[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]pinglists[/url] [color=#387283]/[/color] [url=][font=Corbel]other[/url][/center] [img][/img] Rosa Acicularis [img][/img] Former brand

   wyzard's workshoppe

Rosa Acicularis

Former brand
May I get a preview of goodnight cupid on this lass
May I get a preview of goodnight cupid on this lass

Could I get a slot for Goodnight Cupid? :)

Could I get a slot for Goodnight Cupid? :)
Slot for Goodnight Cupid, Golden Angel, and Orbital, please!
Slot for Goodnight Cupid, Golden Angel, and Orbital, please!
|| He/She/They | FRT+3 | INFP | Demi x3 | Lore Clan | Eternal Acolight ||