Sorry if I mispinged!
[center]Hey y'all! I just finished up this guy! I call it Candle Handler
on a scry:
on white:
-800g per slot
-Once I get enough people for a run I'll ping for payment before submitting
-10 slots per run
-No need to ping me if you want a slot, but you can if you want to lmao I like getting pinged
-let me know if you want a preview!
-Or if you'd prefer it as an accent I can always turn it into one
General Pinglist:
@Ellapinky @Twizzlet
[center][url=]Please click here to go to the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Keywords selected: Guardian M, Skins, bones/skeleton, creepy/horror, fire flight, glow, ghost, halloween, smoke, warm colors, soul/ghost, lanterns, gold, dark[/center][br][br][size=1]@IAmStillATestAccount, @Jaypaw, @Parad0xxy, @DarklightRaven, @Leonaa, @Achi, @Trachynhawb, @refrayn, @Carnivore, @YoshiyaKiryu, @Serpens, @Irarina, @FireflyRhapsody, @BatCatization, @Clifftop, @KittyAoba, @wildewinged, @xarazura, @Veracity, @Soupy, @Niharike, @straekitty, @Kardi, @Krin, @Apellosine, @Sourdeer, @Alive, @ofendlessstars, @RoseOfGehenna, @Stasha, @Ickyrus, @Yin, @Trickilicky, @Heathers, @rooty, @heronfoot, @Renoki, @pooses, @Abril, @lemecrazy, @haikwoshevo, @Steel, @Siopilos, @delightfuliza, @ThisIsGospel, @Velsim, @Tangaroa, @Vulpen, @myths, @Uitwaaien, @Masumi, @kaaoqi, @lightly, @Katalist, @flamyfox, @pjoenix, @Juni, @ThirtyOne, @Alstroemeria, @Icicle16, @Astraya, @thefrogg, @SharkButt, @Bluetadamore, @aphasia, @JackalSmiler, @Redsparrow, @FWD, @Mangusto, @CakeOn, @Amphiptere, @Dragonlaird, @Noxeryrs, @rubyredtan, @Narif, @juawia, @AbysmalGrace, @karilara, @kazay, @Maye, @ixia, @MusicalMaladies, @PeacefulBliss, @hybris, @SoullessRogue, @Jaye, @Eshye, @WickedHorror, @Leenanishere, @cliones, @Athexreh, @RayFisch, @Chants, @Traidy, @Founder, @jamaesi, @Sinfirmitas, @Oriel, @Spassow, @Safirien, @Circustry, @ccccctk, @miuaki, @bringmeataco, @Vaze, @Peacekeeper, @Synchros, @TigerRocky, @ccccctk, @Shian, @DarkOwl, @Xemriss, @Ultima, @Maybels, @Tria91, @boxparts, @LionMagnus, @ccccctk, @TribalDragon, @JackMorrison, @LanthanumIridium, @haxure, @stormydanish, @Cindercate, @NoAkei, @Bonetrousel, @PaintingFlowers, @Yay, @Gallim, @awaicu, @raxyl, @octobre, @Disanxian, @Obscaenus, @Faileas, @Oakwick, @Darkmekmon, @meonox, @ThirtyOne, @FrostkingDemetri, @Jekanth, @Athexreh, @kaaoqi, @rubyredtan, @Synchros, @Godspeed, @Crota, @Nuriya, @Cherubim, @Shishiru, @LionMagnus, @Geowlett, @Septicaemic, @Arrakis, @Isidora, @arian, @Maye, @BlackMistress, @Artesia, @Lae, @qew23, @LegHorse, @theroiprocepios, @InkyBrush, @Splattershot, @Ysdaar, @VolatileMatter, @MadDucks, @SeptentrionSea, @Phecat, @Otrera, @aelith, @mistysteel, @Gem4567, @Ixnyeltha, @styracosaurus, @Zayev, @Rochambeau, @Prelude, @vely, @Veevi, @OrionPax, @Maddiebird, @Sharkbutt, @amberwing, @ixia, @KaidaMoon, @Meloetta, @Turnaboutkid, @Perseidas, @Pandademic, @yoosung, @ExpectInsanity, @ibook, @chocomonster, @Emmahaa, @CosmicSummer, @KH3, @Gravekeeper, @cutinstincts, @Touming, @Asobi, @oberion, @Peacekeeper, @World, @kumoko, @Edge, @Xemriss, @Ebrietas, @Dior, @Jaye, @BombSwan, @irithyll, @Tiriea, @Exaltier, @Calixita, @Kyoya, @Prey, @AmelieLacroix, @snowpea, @Moonlace, @Brea, @doodlefae, @needtoscribble, @MechWyrms, @CorneliaR, @daintyboots, @Wrath, @InHeritent, @Sonora, @Noirist, @DawnRavenclaw, @sableye, @Tinytalkingtina, @cywscross, @Veracity, @Moonlace, @Owlienerd, @Kin, @MechWyrms, @Necrovatai, @Ythequeris, @Duskflame, @Deana, @Cethosia, @Valolaire, @scarletskyz, @Terrorderr, @Pigeonpanhandle, @Ambitious, @Alstroemeria, @BlazeWolf, @Tsugumi, @Bekuno, @Quinalah, @Priorknight, @Alstroemeria, @Watercolour, @Apotheca, @corvid, @Hawkbeckfire, @Blightwyrm, @Ouinoc, @mistystep, @nohsara, @Xirei, @Izuna, @MadaMada, @ffgrape, @Pleasant, @Ghoulcats, @quilliper, @DreamingShad0ws, @Devilledegghead, @Meloetta, @Zedling, @Starsoul, @professorpig, @Allysun, @rattus, @NowViewing, @DocMulligan, @NuclearFudge, @limeypie, @Gallus, @EmbarksFate, @Cheshly, @Kymris, @RaynixAura, @yum, @kumoko, @Makronyx, @Shadowangel, @bioglitch, @FluffyTundras, @Aldru, @micchikureshima, @Alive, @OverlordFreya, @Priorknight, @Minxwolfie, @Oodie, @Snowkitsu, @Massif, @Mudguts, @LiveSky, @jaxentiatil, @Spontaneite, @SnailMuffin, @Tiarana, @luckless, @Kaio, @zeguk, @Tangaroa, @Beruga, @NoodleMomma, @ideunatty, @butcherbaby, @butcherbaby, @CaligulasPeri, @Sophiellum, @DracoLeo, @Narcissos, @elfmoss, @Shadowlugia711, @SparkleOfGold, @roiben, @Felisaries, @Faileas, @CrimsonSasaki, @pierrct, @Elachu, @MusicMiner, @Braixen, @Pathogenic, @Artgeekallday, @Suntouched, @koujakward, @RyuLevone, @suncodex, @Withoutbounds, @foxpaaws, @Fereyik, @Oria, @Tidemaiden, @Artichoke, @pretend, @rotdeer, @ashenhartkrie, @Blueflyght, @deep, @Ravenhearst, @Skyending, @CrossHound, @DrowsyPanda, @Capricat, @MuffinCloud, @GryphonSong, @Anda, @dragoninmywagon, @batcrooks, @Scylla, @Mickie, @Skelisteri, @Apfelgriebs, @Wizjonerka, @Kayweather, @Friendo, @Shalabele, @vetra, @skwerl56767, @CrazyBat, @skin, @peepsnibbles, @Mupfel, @Reignhart, @CheshireCatUk1, @Phyllored, @Cognitive, @Guest, @Taiyou, @vaihdokas, @OwnedByCats, @cosmicConundrum, @mumtup, @valiantmeasures, @Fluffysminion, @Addmon, @Denryu, @0verdose, @Weavile, @Jabberwocky09, @aeki, @punkymonkey, @Weavile, @Kryda[/size]
Sorry if I mispinged!
Hey y'all! I just finished up this guy! I call it Candle Handler

on a scry:

on white:
-800g per slot
-Once I get enough people for a run I'll ping for payment before submitting
-10 slots per run
-No need to ping me if you want a slot, but you can if you want to lmao I like getting pinged
-let me know if you want a preview!
-Or if you'd prefer it as an accent I can always turn it into one
General Pinglist:
Ellapinky @
Please click here to go to the GASP thread!
Keywords selected: Guardian M, Skins, bones/skeleton, creepy/horror, fire flight, glow, ghost, halloween, smoke, warm colors, soul/ghost, lanterns, gold, dark
@IAmStillATestAccount, @Jaypaw, @Parad0xxy, @DarklightRaven, @Leonaa, @Achi, @Trachynhawb, @refrayn, @Carnivore, @YoshiyaKiryu, @Serpens, @Irarina, @FireflyRhapsody, @BatCatization, @Clifftop, @KittyAoba, @wildewinged, @xarazura, @Veracity, @Soupy, @Niharike, @straekitty, @Kardi, @Krin, @Apellosine, @Sourdeer, @Alive, @ofendlessstars, @RoseOfGehenna, @Stasha, @Ickyrus, @Yin, @Trickilicky, @Heathers, @rooty, @heronfoot, @Renoki, @pooses, @Abril, @lemecrazy, @haikwoshevo, @Steel, @Siopilos, @delightfuliza, @ThisIsGospel, @Velsim, @Tangaroa, @Vulpen, @myths, @Uitwaaien, @Masumi, @kaaoqi, @lightly, @Katalist, @flamyfox, @pjoenix, @Juni, @ThirtyOne, @Alstroemeria, @Icicle16, @Astraya, @thefrogg, @SharkButt, @Bluetadamore, @aphasia, @JackalSmiler, @Redsparrow, @FWD, @Mangusto, @CakeOn, @Amphiptere, @Dragonlaird, @Noxeryrs, @rubyredtan, @Narif, @juawia, @AbysmalGrace, @karilara, @kazay, @Maye, @ixia, @MusicalMaladies, @PeacefulBliss, @hybris, @SoullessRogue, @Jaye, @Eshye, @WickedHorror, @Leenanishere, @cliones, @Athexreh, @RayFisch, @Chants, @Traidy, @Founder, @jamaesi, @Sinfirmitas, @Oriel, @Spassow, @Safirien, @Circustry, @ccccctk, @miuaki, @bringmeataco, @Vaze, @Peacekeeper, @Synchros, @TigerRocky, @ccccctk, @Shian, @DarkOwl, @Xemriss, @Ultima, @Maybels, @Tria91, @boxparts, @LionMagnus, @ccccctk, @TribalDragon, @JackMorrison, @LanthanumIridium, @haxure, @stormydanish, @Cindercate, @NoAkei, @Bonetrousel, @PaintingFlowers, @Yay, @Gallim, @awaicu, @raxyl, @octobre, @Disanxian, @Obscaenus, @Faileas, @Oakwick, @Darkmekmon, @meonox, @ThirtyOne, @FrostkingDemetri, @Jekanth, @Athexreh, @kaaoqi, @rubyredtan, @Synchros, @Godspeed, @Crota, @Nuriya, @Cherubim, @Shishiru, @LionMagnus, @Geowlett, @Septicaemic, @Arrakis, @Isidora, @arian, @Maye, @BlackMistress, @Artesia, @Lae, @qew23, @LegHorse, @theroiprocepios, @InkyBrush, @Splattershot, @Ysdaar, @VolatileMatter, @MadDucks, @SeptentrionSea, @Phecat, @Otrera, @aelith, @mistysteel, @Gem4567, @Ixnyeltha, @styracosaurus, @Zayev, @Rochambeau, @Prelude, @vely, @Veevi, @OrionPax, @Maddiebird, @Sharkbutt, @amberwing, @ixia, @KaidaMoon, @Meloetta, @Turnaboutkid, @Perseidas, @Pandademic, @yoosung, @ExpectInsanity, @ibook, @chocomonster, @Emmahaa, @CosmicSummer, @KH3, @Gravekeeper, @cutinstincts, @Touming, @Asobi, @oberion, @Peacekeeper, @World, @kumoko, @Edge, @Xemriss, @Ebrietas, @Dior, @Jaye, @BombSwan, @irithyll, @Tiriea, @Exaltier, @Calixita, @Kyoya, @Prey, @AmelieLacroix, @snowpea, @Moonlace, @Brea, @doodlefae, @needtoscribble, @MechWyrms, @CorneliaR, @daintyboots, @Wrath, @InHeritent, @Sonora, @Noirist, @DawnRavenclaw, @sableye, @Tinytalkingtina, @cywscross, @Veracity, @Moonlace, @Owlienerd, @Kin, @MechWyrms, @Necrovatai, @Ythequeris, @Duskflame, @Deana, @Cethosia, @Valolaire, @scarletskyz, @Terrorderr, @Pigeonpanhandle, @Ambitious, @Alstroemeria, @BlazeWolf, @Tsugumi, @Bekuno, @Quinalah, @Priorknight, @Alstroemeria, @Watercolour, @Apotheca, @corvid, @Hawkbeckfire, @Blightwyrm, @Ouinoc, @mistystep, @nohsara, @Xirei, @Izuna, @MadaMada, @ffgrape, @Pleasant, @Ghoulcats, @quilliper, @DreamingShad0ws, @Devilledegghead, @Meloetta, @Zedling, @Starsoul, @professorpig, @Allysun, @rattus, @NowViewing, @DocMulligan, @NuclearFudge, @limeypie, @Gallus, @EmbarksFate, @Cheshly, @Kymris, @RaynixAura, @yum, @kumoko, @Makronyx, @Shadowangel, @bioglitch, @FluffyTundras, @Aldru, @micchikureshima, @Alive, @OverlordFreya, @Priorknight, @Minxwolfie, @Oodie, @Snowkitsu, @Massif, @Mudguts, @LiveSky, @jaxentiatil, @Spontaneite, @SnailMuffin, @Tiarana, @luckless, @Kaio, @zeguk, @Tangaroa, @Beruga, @NoodleMomma, @ideunatty, @butcherbaby, @butcherbaby, @CaligulasPeri, @Sophiellum, @DracoLeo, @Narcissos, @elfmoss, @Shadowlugia711, @SparkleOfGold, @roiben, @Felisaries, @Faileas, @CrimsonSasaki, @pierrct, @Elachu, @MusicMiner, @Braixen, @Pathogenic, @Artgeekallday, @Suntouched, @koujakward, @RyuLevone, @suncodex, @Withoutbounds, @foxpaaws, @Fereyik, @Oria, @Tidemaiden, @Artichoke, @pretend, @rotdeer, @ashenhartkrie, @Blueflyght, @deep, @Ravenhearst, @Skyending, @CrossHound, @DrowsyPanda, @Capricat, @MuffinCloud, @GryphonSong, @Anda, @dragoninmywagon, @batcrooks, @Scylla, @Mickie, @Skelisteri, @Apfelgriebs, @Wizjonerka, @Kayweather, @Friendo, @Shalabele, @vetra, @skwerl56767, @CrazyBat, @skin, @peepsnibbles, @Mupfel, @Reignhart, @CheshireCatUk1, @Phyllored, @Cognitive, @Guest, @Taiyou, @vaihdokas, @OwnedByCats, @cosmicConundrum, @mumtup, @valiantmeasures, @Fluffysminion, @Addmon, @Denryu, @0verdose, @Weavile, @Jabberwocky09, @aeki, @punkymonkey, @Weavile, @Kryda