

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dragon Dinner Theatre: (closed)
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((Heh, I have a point in time of my clan's story and a number of other members to make reference to and forge an entrance from, so maybe that's why the first post ended up of notable length.
So does that mean it's alright for Ponscill to have already arrived early or something?
Also, as regards Fae expressions, I'm really just making things up on the spot and don't know much about what I'm talking about. XD))

That Guardian was far from kidding, the manor stood out so greatly that Ponscill wondered why it had never been located on previous ventures into and through the Tangled Wood.

The Fae couldn't shake off the feeling that it had just risen out of legend in more than one sense, however.

She half-smiled uncertainly at the open gate, frills slightly drooped at the edges. If the gate was open surely that meant the invitation held and indicated permission to enter.

Ponscill hovered before the box that sat in the middle of the entrance, uncertain. Then she took a peek and saw named envelopes, opening it fully lead to her finding one with her name and a mask. The Light dragon's attention went to the letter first.

Lawley Dawncaller,
Keep your identity secret.
A new name, and a hidden face.
As it turns out indeed it may not be wise
for the others to know who wins the prize.

It turns out?
Had something happened between the letter sent earlier in the day and the filling of the box here?

The Fae turned her gaze to the mask in her other hand.
It was white with a feathery pattern along the sides that reminded her of frills. At the top a trio of thin midnight feathers rose, reminiscent of the whiskers of some crustaceans.
Above each eyehole, both covered by a lens, was an arch of tiny gemstones (well, if the hosts could afford to throw away the amount that they offered to a stranger, it shouldn't be so surprising that the guests' gifted garbs reflected wealth), which met at the black stripe which ran the mask's length.

It was astounding how well and comfortably the mask fit, Ponscill couldn't imagine it falling off. She repeated to herself: my name is Lawley Dawncaller, several times as she fluttered in.
It was quiet, apparently she was indeed early and no one else had arrived yet, so she found a perch and ran the content of the two messages through her head. Lawley would not put a foot wrong if she could help it. Though for a time while she perched there thinking, she still felt hesitance at addressing herself by her new name. It wasn't good courtesy to deceive with false names, any later discovery tended to break any ideas of reliability with regard to how others saw one.

Noise rose up in the entrance hall, rousing Lawley from her thoughts. The Light Fae flew back the way she'd come and found a group, one of whom had already found themselves in a spot of bother. Lawley found a perch nearby and cleared her throat, raised her frills at the tips while allowing them to otherwise relax without being collapsed.
"Greetings." She then paused, and clarified, "might you all be invited guests as well?" The Fae didn't want them mistaking her for a host. Her amaranth moth, which had been drifting quietly behind her, settled to perch next to her.
((Heh, I have a point in time of my clan's story and a number of other members to make reference to and forge an entrance from, so maybe that's why the first post ended up of notable length.
So does that mean it's alright for Ponscill to have already arrived early or something?
Also, as regards Fae expressions, I'm really just making things up on the spot and don't know much about what I'm talking about. XD))

That Guardian was far from kidding, the manor stood out so greatly that Ponscill wondered why it had never been located on previous ventures into and through the Tangled Wood.

The Fae couldn't shake off the feeling that it had just risen out of legend in more than one sense, however.

She half-smiled uncertainly at the open gate, frills slightly drooped at the edges. If the gate was open surely that meant the invitation held and indicated permission to enter.

Ponscill hovered before the box that sat in the middle of the entrance, uncertain. Then she took a peek and saw named envelopes, opening it fully lead to her finding one with her name and a mask. The Light dragon's attention went to the letter first.

Lawley Dawncaller,
Keep your identity secret.
A new name, and a hidden face.
As it turns out indeed it may not be wise
for the others to know who wins the prize.

It turns out?
Had something happened between the letter sent earlier in the day and the filling of the box here?

The Fae turned her gaze to the mask in her other hand.
It was white with a feathery pattern along the sides that reminded her of frills. At the top a trio of thin midnight feathers rose, reminiscent of the whiskers of some crustaceans.
Above each eyehole, both covered by a lens, was an arch of tiny gemstones (well, if the hosts could afford to throw away the amount that they offered to a stranger, it shouldn't be so surprising that the guests' gifted garbs reflected wealth), which met at the black stripe which ran the mask's length.

It was astounding how well and comfortably the mask fit, Ponscill couldn't imagine it falling off. She repeated to herself: my name is Lawley Dawncaller, several times as she fluttered in.
It was quiet, apparently she was indeed early and no one else had arrived yet, so she found a perch and ran the content of the two messages through her head. Lawley would not put a foot wrong if she could help it. Though for a time while she perched there thinking, she still felt hesitance at addressing herself by her new name. It wasn't good courtesy to deceive with false names, any later discovery tended to break any ideas of reliability with regard to how others saw one.

Noise rose up in the entrance hall, rousing Lawley from her thoughts. The Light Fae flew back the way she'd come and found a group, one of whom had already found themselves in a spot of bother. Lawley found a perch nearby and cleared her throat, raised her frills at the tips while allowing them to otherwise relax without being collapsed.
"Greetings." She then paused, and clarified, "might you all be invited guests as well?" The Fae didn't want them mistaking her for a host. Her amaranth moth, which had been drifting quietly behind her, settled to perch next to her.
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The front gates of the manor stood tall, taller than even Bruin. They creaked in the wind as the shadows cast from the trees danced around. He felt as though everything was another clue, as if he needed to take in everything, remember every detail, or somehow he would miss the true crime completely. That would be something he would not stand for, there would be no losing at his own game. At least, so he liked to think of it as. Truth be told there were not often many crimes to solve back at his clan, as most "mysteries" were simple cases of recurring mischief. He had prepared himself well, however, and felt himself to be strong in the ways of deductive and inductive reasoning, finding out what happened and who was the culprit...

A box sat in front of him, seeming to ask for a pass code before it would allow the dragon into the manor. He sensed no need to be alarmed, as there would be no reason to play any tricks now—plus, as he could see, the box appeared to be previously opened. It could have easily been his mind making things up to put him at ease, but he was certain. Either way, he supposed it would need to be opened, perhaps for the second or third time this night.

Inside was a wide assortment of envelopes, all with some type of mask attached to the outside. It was suspicious, he tried to memorize all of the different corresponding names and masks, in case there would happen to be a need. But, as fate would have it, there were too many of them; easily there could have been extras with no purpose other than to make the box more of a cluttered mess. Bruin scoffed to himself, deciding that he was never that great at such memory feats in any case. Too many variables, it would be too easy to forget over the course of his time here.

As he opened the envelope he found with his name signed neatly on it, he had to wonder what this whole thing was for—why was it that important to conceal his identity? He was not about to pass up this opportunity for something as simple as a mask, though, assuming it did not interfere with his fedora. The mask he was provided with was an almost cylinder shape with sides more flat than round, and with the bottom "side" removed. Flat triangles were on either side going over his mouth, giving the impression of teeth; one extra triangle extended the length of his nose horn. The entirety of the mask was covered with straight lines, zigzagging and forming shapes, in a wide array of colors. He was not pleased to see how loud it was, but at least he could hardly tell it was on his face.

The contents of the letter itself were, if anything, even more cryptic. It did nothing to allow him to understand what the purpose of any of it was, and certainly a new name did nothing but complicate things further.

"Bryrdan," he muttered to himself as he crumpled up the letter. "Let's hope I can remember how to spell that."

Bruin stepped into the manor to see an assortment of particularly odd-looking dragons. It seemed like a less serious and formal dinner, and more like a casual and loose gathering of dragons. It concerned him, it made him wonder if he would be able to concentrate on his work without being interrupted constantly. If there was anything he would dislike the most while here, it would be the company—he'd had enough of that back home. He resigned himself to staying off to the side of the door, watching the others through his mask, waiting for any of them to try and talk to him. While he now had no actual work that needed to be done, there was still no reason for him to be bothered.

He noticed another dragon, a Tundra, hanging back as well, a fedora upon his head. Bruin regarded this with curiosity, and just a hint of what could only be described as contempt. The feeling was not quite that extreme, but he could find no better word for it. He liked to believe the fedora suited him better, but he would not allow himself to be that vain; he would give the Tundra time to prove himself worthy of wearing such a piece of apparel only fit for one with exceptional detective qualities.

No matter what happened, he decided, this would surely be an interesting time.

((He doesn't sound as I had intended, hm. I'll work on that next post.))
The front gates of the manor stood tall, taller than even Bruin. They creaked in the wind as the shadows cast from the trees danced around. He felt as though everything was another clue, as if he needed to take in everything, remember every detail, or somehow he would miss the true crime completely. That would be something he would not stand for, there would be no losing at his own game. At least, so he liked to think of it as. Truth be told there were not often many crimes to solve back at his clan, as most "mysteries" were simple cases of recurring mischief. He had prepared himself well, however, and felt himself to be strong in the ways of deductive and inductive reasoning, finding out what happened and who was the culprit...

A box sat in front of him, seeming to ask for a pass code before it would allow the dragon into the manor. He sensed no need to be alarmed, as there would be no reason to play any tricks now—plus, as he could see, the box appeared to be previously opened. It could have easily been his mind making things up to put him at ease, but he was certain. Either way, he supposed it would need to be opened, perhaps for the second or third time this night.

Inside was a wide assortment of envelopes, all with some type of mask attached to the outside. It was suspicious, he tried to memorize all of the different corresponding names and masks, in case there would happen to be a need. But, as fate would have it, there were too many of them; easily there could have been extras with no purpose other than to make the box more of a cluttered mess. Bruin scoffed to himself, deciding that he was never that great at such memory feats in any case. Too many variables, it would be too easy to forget over the course of his time here.

As he opened the envelope he found with his name signed neatly on it, he had to wonder what this whole thing was for—why was it that important to conceal his identity? He was not about to pass up this opportunity for something as simple as a mask, though, assuming it did not interfere with his fedora. The mask he was provided with was an almost cylinder shape with sides more flat than round, and with the bottom "side" removed. Flat triangles were on either side going over his mouth, giving the impression of teeth; one extra triangle extended the length of his nose horn. The entirety of the mask was covered with straight lines, zigzagging and forming shapes, in a wide array of colors. He was not pleased to see how loud it was, but at least he could hardly tell it was on his face.

The contents of the letter itself were, if anything, even more cryptic. It did nothing to allow him to understand what the purpose of any of it was, and certainly a new name did nothing but complicate things further.

"Bryrdan," he muttered to himself as he crumpled up the letter. "Let's hope I can remember how to spell that."

Bruin stepped into the manor to see an assortment of particularly odd-looking dragons. It seemed like a less serious and formal dinner, and more like a casual and loose gathering of dragons. It concerned him, it made him wonder if he would be able to concentrate on his work without being interrupted constantly. If there was anything he would dislike the most while here, it would be the company—he'd had enough of that back home. He resigned himself to staying off to the side of the door, watching the others through his mask, waiting for any of them to try and talk to him. While he now had no actual work that needed to be done, there was still no reason for him to be bothered.

He noticed another dragon, a Tundra, hanging back as well, a fedora upon his head. Bruin regarded this with curiosity, and just a hint of what could only be described as contempt. The feeling was not quite that extreme, but he could find no better word for it. He liked to believe the fedora suited him better, but he would not allow himself to be that vain; he would give the Tundra time to prove himself worthy of wearing such a piece of apparel only fit for one with exceptional detective qualities.

No matter what happened, he decided, this would surely be an interesting time.

((He doesn't sound as I had intended, hm. I'll work on that next post.))
@cassius @lacuna go ahead and get your mask and name so we can get going! :)
@cassius @lacuna go ahead and get your mask and name so we can get going! :)
Luka had only just skimmed across the letter addressed to him and slipped on the provided mask when he heard noises coming from through the set of doors at the end of the entrance hall. The letter had given him the false name of Lurke. [i]Shouldn't be too difficult to remember.[/i] He thought to himself as he caught a glance at his reflection in one of the grand mirrors as he strolled by. The mask provided for him covered the top of his muzzle, going a little ways past his eyes, stopping at the beginning of his mane. Holes had been made at the top for his horns to fit comfortably through. It was dark grey with a stylised skull-like pattern. Lenses covered his eyes and gave them a blurry yellow colour, as if they glowed in the dim light. The skull-pattern drifted down over where the mask met his lips and formed teeth. He adjusted it slightly, took a breath and made for the doors. Pushing one open he stepped into the room. "You all here for the party as well? I'm Lurke." ((I did a little mock-up of the mask, just cause I can xD)) [img][/img]
Luka had only just skimmed across the letter addressed to him and slipped on the provided mask when he heard noises coming from through the set of doors at the end of the entrance hall.

The letter had given him the false name of Lurke. Shouldn't be too difficult to remember. He thought to himself as he caught a glance at his reflection in one of the grand mirrors as he strolled by.

The mask provided for him covered the top of his muzzle, going a little ways past his eyes, stopping at the beginning of his mane. Holes had been made at the top for his horns to fit comfortably through. It was dark grey with a stylised skull-like pattern. Lenses covered his eyes and gave them a blurry yellow colour, as if they glowed in the dim light. The skull-pattern drifted down over where the mask met his lips and formed teeth.

He adjusted it slightly, took a breath and made for the doors. Pushing one open he stepped into the room.
"You all here for the party as well? I'm Lurke."

((I did a little mock-up of the mask, just cause I can xD))

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((@GiftofArtemis Should we have a posting order now? Its getting a bit confusing trying to figure out when to respond))
((@GiftofArtemis Should we have a posting order now? Its getting a bit confusing trying to figure out when to respond))
hmm... im not sure. lets leave it to a vote. everyone decide whether they are in favor or against a posting order.

@cassius @egg @redmoonfae @stanzascale
hmm... im not sure. lets leave it to a vote. everyone decide whether they are in favor or against a posting order.

@cassius @egg @redmoonfae @stanzascale
@venezia @lordsheo @seamelle
@venezia @lordsheo @seamelle
and last but not least, @Lacuna.

Officially closed, no longer accepting characters.

Character list:
Gavin @venezia
Varg @redmoonfae
Anemi giftofartemis
Sparrow and Echo @lacuna
Bruin @egg
Ponscill @stanzascale
Luka @cassius
Kovacs @lordsheo
Lysis @seamelle
and last but not least, @Lacuna.

Officially closed, no longer accepting characters.

Character list:
Gavin @venezia
Varg @redmoonfae
Anemi giftofartemis
Sparrow and Echo @lacuna
Bruin @egg
Ponscill @stanzascale
Luka @cassius
Kovacs @lordsheo
Lysis @seamelle
Sparrow and Echo finally reached the gates of the manor, slightly out of breath from their rush up the hill. "Hey Sparrow, you see that box?" asked Echo, tilting her head to one side curiously. The younger males eyes widened considerably. "Ohhh. Can I please open them please pleaseplease." He coughed once. "Sorry." His love for packages with renown through his clan. Echo grumbled out something like "Sure, I hope it bites you." "Hey! Two of these have our names on em!" he shouted, with his head in the box. A minute later he held a letter and a mask in each claw. The one addressed to Sparrow read: [i]"Coda Aplomado, Keep your identity secret. A new name, and a hidden face. As it turns out indeed it may not be wise for the others to know who wins the prize."[/i] With this letter came a matte black mask studded with emerald gems of different hues all around the edges and the eye holes. He put it on gleefully. [img][/img] The envelope with the name Echo written on it contained this: [i]Cavatina Aplomado, Keep your identity secret. A new name, and a hidden face. As it turns out indeed it may not be wise for the others to know who wins the prize.[/i] The mask paired with it was white velvet, embroidered with roses and acanthus scrolls in gold thread. Shrugging, she placed it on her face and together, they walked through the doors of the manor. (ooc:sorry for being late! D:)
Sparrow and Echo finally reached the gates of the manor, slightly out of breath from their rush up the hill.
"Hey Sparrow, you see that box?" asked Echo, tilting her head to one side curiously.
The younger males eyes widened considerably.
"Ohhh. Can I please open them please pleaseplease." He coughed once. "Sorry." His love for packages with renown through his clan.
Echo grumbled out something like "Sure, I hope it bites you."
"Hey! Two of these have our names on em!" he shouted, with his head in the box.

A minute later he held a letter and a mask in each claw.

The one addressed to Sparrow read:

"Coda Aplomado,
Keep your identity secret.
A new name, and a hidden face.
As it turns out indeed it may not be wise
for the others to know who wins the prize."

With this letter came a matte black mask studded with emerald gems of different hues all around the edges and the eye holes. He put it on gleefully.


The envelope with the name Echo written on it contained this:

Cavatina Aplomado,
Keep your identity secret.
A new name, and a hidden face.
As it turns out indeed it may not be wise
for the others to know who wins the prize.

The mask paired with it was white velvet, embroidered with roses and acanthus scrolls in gold thread. Shrugging, she placed it on her face and together, they walked through the doors of the manor.

(ooc:sorry for being late! D:)
((@GiftofArtemis I don't mind a posting order,))
((@GiftofArtemis I don't mind a posting order,))
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