
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | eyeguy's art shop [ open ]
[center][img alt="a banner for eyeguy's art shop. there are two anthro dragons, a blindfolded nocturne and an obelisk holding a lilyfowl"][/img][/center] i will draw anthro versions of your FR dragons! see below for examples and info (i can also draw preexisting designs and non-dragons, feel free to ask!) [center][size=4][b]status:[/b] open[/size][/center] ----- ----- [center][size=5][b][u]pricing[/u][/b][/size][/center] [quote][center][size=4]3500g / 3,500,000t / $35 USD[/center][/quote] [LIST] [*]fullbody drawings with color included (no shading) [*]no wings. you can ask for them but be aware i don't often draw them; i try to include the secondary in other ways if necessary [*]lineart is intentionally somewhat sketchy—i won't do fully clean lineart! [*]ask about backgrounds / background elements [*]may be subject to complexity fee [/LIST] [center][size=2]will also accept [url=]wishlist items[/url] and mixed payment (g/t only)[/size][/center] ----- ----- [center][size=5][b][u]slots[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center] - open - open [/center] [center][pinglist=7125] feel free to join if you'd like to be pinged when slots are open[/center]
a banner for eyeguy's art shop. there are two anthro dragons, a blindfolded nocturne and an obelisk holding a lilyfowl
i will draw anthro versions of your FR dragons! see below for examples and info

(i can also draw preexisting designs and non-dragons, feel free to ask!)
status: open

3500g / 3,500,000t / $35 USD
  • fullbody drawings with color included (no shading)
  • no wings. you can ask for them but be aware i don't often draw them; i try to include the secondary in other ways if necessary
  • lineart is intentionally somewhat sketchy—i won't do fully clean lineart!
  • ask about backgrounds / background elements
  • may be subject to complexity fee
will also accept wishlist items and mixed payment (g/t only)

- open
- open

feel free to join if you'd like to be pinged when slots are open
[center][size=6][b][u]examples[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center] [img][/img] [url=]lisa[/url] [img][/img] [url=]aristodemos[/url] [img][/img] [url=]miltiades[/url] and [url=]redwood[/url] [img][/img] [url=]mince[/url] and [url=]cassia[/url] [/center] you can see more examples of my outfits [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url] (though smaller and with simpler poses), and you can see past commissions [url=]here[/url]

you can see more examples of my outfits here and here (though smaller and with simpler poses), and you can see past commissions here
[center][size=6][b][u]info and ordering[/u][/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*]i can reject a commission for any reason. prices are subject to change [*]personal / non-commercial use only—no AI or NFT [*]credit back to my profile or this thread (if off-site, my [url=]tumblr[/url] or [url=]toyhouse[/url]) [LIST] [*]i post all finished art to my tumblr; let me know if you'd like to be tagged or remain anonymous, otherwise i will credit your FR username [/LIST] [*]payment upfront—please send it after i confirm your order (CR or PM is fine) [LIST] [*]for USD orders, you will need to send me your paypal email through PM for an invoice [/LIST] [*]no refunds or major edits once it's done [*]i will send in-progress sketches for you to approve as i work [*]if i miss something let me know so i can fix it! [*]make sure to save the finished image! [/LIST] ----- ----- [center][size=5][b][u]form[/u][/b][/size][/center] [code] [b]dragon:[/b] (link to the dragon) [b]dragon details:[/b] (stuff like personality and appearance) [b]outfit details:[/b] (any ideas or preferences you have) [b]payment:[/b] (gems, treasure, USD) [b]other:[/b] (anything else i might need to know) [/code] [center][size=4][b]important![/b][/size][/center] for the best results, be as specific as possible. if there's something you know you want on the design, let me know! consider the following examples: [LIST] [*]body type and any changes to genes or features (differently shaped horns, mane styles, etc) [*]the type of pose or expression you'd like to see [*]any apparel that is absolutely necessary or can be left out [*]interpret a piece of apparel as something else (like drawing a coat as a dress instead) [/LIST] you don't have to include everything i've listed; these are just some ideas! but if your dragon has little to no apparel you [b]MUST[/b] give me specific ideas for how to dress them ----- [center][size=4][b]i won't draw fandragons or anything against FR rules[/b][/size] (dragons that represent non-fan ocs are okay)[/center]
info and ordering
  • i can reject a commission for any reason. prices are subject to change
  • personal / non-commercial use only—no AI or NFT
  • credit back to my profile or this thread (if off-site, my tumblr or toyhouse)
    • i post all finished art to my tumblr; let me know if you'd like to be tagged or remain anonymous, otherwise i will credit your FR username
  • payment upfront—please send it after i confirm your order (CR or PM is fine)
    • for USD orders, you will need to send me your paypal email through PM for an invoice
  • no refunds or major edits once it's done
  • i will send in-progress sketches for you to approve as i work
  • if i miss something let me know so i can fix it!
  • make sure to save the finished image!

[b]dragon:[/b] (link to the dragon) [b]dragon details:[/b] (stuff like personality and appearance) [b]outfit details:[/b] (any ideas or preferences you have) [b]payment:[/b] (gems, treasure, USD) [b]other:[/b] (anything else i might need to know)

for the best results, be as specific as possible. if there's something you know you want on the design, let me know! consider the following examples:

  • body type and any changes to genes or features (differently shaped horns, mane styles, etc)
  • the type of pose or expression you'd like to see
  • any apparel that is absolutely necessary or can be left out
  • interpret a piece of apparel as something else (like drawing a coat as a dress instead)

you don't have to include everything i've listed; these are just some ideas! but if your dragon has little to no apparel you MUST give me specific ideas for how to dress them

i won't draw fandragons or anything against FR rules
(dragons that represent non-fan ocs are okay)
extra stuff
if you're looking for something smaller and cheaper, i also have an adopt shop with bases for most of the modern breeds!

check it out here!
extra stuff
if you're looking for something smaller and cheaper, i also have an adopt shop with bases for most of the modern breeds!

check it out here!
@eyeguy's art shop - openings
hello hello! i'm now open and accepting one slot! i want to start slow to ease into things but will hopefully open for more at once at a later time
@eyeguy's art shop - openings
hello hello! i'm now open and accepting one slot! i want to start slow to ease into things but will hopefully open for more at once at a later time
another bump for the night [emoji=star size=1]
another bump for the night