

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 w/Goldenwolfmidna

Devyn dashed headfirst into the brick wall in front of her. No muggles in sight.  As she pushed past the wall and out onto her platform, an uneasy feeling ran through her body.

Platform 9 3/4. It was every bit as amazing as she had heard. She marveled at the sight of it all. However, a squawk in front of her brought her back to reality. Devyn only smiled.  "Otto! Take a look around! We've arrived!" Through the bars of his silver cage, her barn owl peered at her. Dev shook her head and continued moving. The train would be arriving soon, and she could hardly wait.

At the sound of a whistle and wheels speeding towards the station, Otto screeched. Devyn ignored the harsh noise coming from her owl, and instead focused more on the thought of getting on the Hogwarts Express, as well as the butterflies in her stomach.

The train screeched to a halt, and crowds of people began to board. It was finally time. Devyn rushed towards the red locomotive, and after dropping off her luggage, hopped on the train with a grin. She pushed her glasses higher up on the bridge of her nose and proceeded to look for a cabin. Finally she found an empty one, and settled in, letting herself melt into the worn cushions.

Devyn dashed headfirst into the brick wall in front of her. No muggles in sight.  As she pushed past the wall and out onto her platform, an uneasy feeling ran through her body.

Platform 9 3/4. It was every bit as amazing as she had heard. She marveled at the sight of it all. However, a squawk in front of her brought her back to reality. Devyn only smiled.  "Otto! Take a look around! We've arrived!" Through the bars of his silver cage, her barn owl peered at her. Dev shook her head and continued moving. The train would be arriving soon, and she could hardly wait.

At the sound of a whistle and wheels speeding towards the station, Otto screeched. Devyn ignored the harsh noise coming from her owl, and instead focused more on the thought of getting on the Hogwarts Express, as well as the butterflies in her stomach.

The train screeched to a halt, and crowds of people began to board. It was finally time. Devyn rushed towards the red locomotive, and after dropping off her luggage, hopped on the train with a grin. She pushed her glasses higher up on the bridge of her nose and proceeded to look for a cabin. Finally she found an empty one, and settled in, letting herself melt into the worn cushions.
Okay, okay. Act cool. You've got this, Jasper! The mental encouragement did little to deter the feelings of anxiety welling up in Jasper's stomach, but still she pushed through the crowd of mages to see the train.

A little grin came to her face as she looked up at it, but promptly she remembered that, yes, she had to board it. This led to her picking up her luggage with minimal effort (and Will, who loudly meowed in protest) before heading on board, following a group chatting amongst themselves.

After Jasper was on the train, she now realized something. She had approximately no wizard friends, and that meant she was stuck sitting with some random person. She could handle it! It'd be fine!

After just a brief moment, she found a quiet compartment and slid the door open with ease. Inside there was only one person, and by the looks of them, they looked to also be in the first year. That was a reassurance to Jasper as she stood in the doorway, waving a hand.

"Hi. Um, can I sit here?" She gestured at the seat across from the other, mentally praying that they'd say yes.
Okay, okay. Act cool. You've got this, Jasper! The mental encouragement did little to deter the feelings of anxiety welling up in Jasper's stomach, but still she pushed through the crowd of mages to see the train.

A little grin came to her face as she looked up at it, but promptly she remembered that, yes, she had to board it. This led to her picking up her luggage with minimal effort (and Will, who loudly meowed in protest) before heading on board, following a group chatting amongst themselves.

After Jasper was on the train, she now realized something. She had approximately no wizard friends, and that meant she was stuck sitting with some random person. She could handle it! It'd be fine!

After just a brief moment, she found a quiet compartment and slid the door open with ease. Inside there was only one person, and by the looks of them, they looked to also be in the first year. That was a reassurance to Jasper as she stood in the doorway, waving a hand.

"Hi. Um, can I sit here?" She gestured at the seat across from the other, mentally praying that they'd say yes.
Gold // Golden
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Devyn looked up to see who had spoken. Another person, seeming to be a first year as well. "Sure, come on in!" Devyn gestured to the seat in front of her kindly. She sat up a little straighter.
"The name's Devyn, or Dev, if you prefer." She took a moment for the green-haired witch to take a seat before she continued to speak. "So, are you a first year as well? I can't believe I'm here right now. On my way to Hogwarts! I've been excited to do this for so long!"

And she was blabbering. What if this new person just wanted a compartment, not some crazy kid talking at her. Devyn quieted down a little bit, and found a more comfortable seating position, curling her legs up on the seat. She whisked out a book from the bag she had brought, as well as a pencil and notepad. Dev looked at some words in her book, but promptly put it down. Too restless to focus on anything. So much for bringing some quiet entertainment.

So she instead turned back to the witch.

Devyn looked up to see who had spoken. Another person, seeming to be a first year as well. "Sure, come on in!" Devyn gestured to the seat in front of her kindly. She sat up a little straighter.
"The name's Devyn, or Dev, if you prefer." She took a moment for the green-haired witch to take a seat before she continued to speak. "So, are you a first year as well? I can't believe I'm here right now. On my way to Hogwarts! I've been excited to do this for so long!"

And she was blabbering. What if this new person just wanted a compartment, not some crazy kid talking at her. Devyn quieted down a little bit, and found a more comfortable seating position, curling her legs up on the seat. She whisked out a book from the bag she had brought, as well as a pencil and notepad. Dev looked at some words in her book, but promptly put it down. Too restless to focus on anything. So much for bringing some quiet entertainment.

So she instead turned back to the witch.
(sorry for not responding, been busy for a hot second dsgjdf)

"Well." Jasper offered a smile, sitting down after brushing her robes aside. Or, rather, her coat- she still would have to change, but that'd come later. "Nice to meet you, Devyn. I'm Jasper, at your service."

As she spoke, she pulled her wand out of her bag (and set Will down, though the cat proceeded to curl up next to her). She gave it a halfhearted flick, frowning ever-so-slightly before repeating the motion.

"So, what house are you hoping to get in?" Jasper asked, not moving in any way to make it clear she was addressing Devyn.
(sorry for not responding, been busy for a hot second dsgjdf)

"Well." Jasper offered a smile, sitting down after brushing her robes aside. Or, rather, her coat- she still would have to change, but that'd come later. "Nice to meet you, Devyn. I'm Jasper, at your service."

As she spoke, she pulled her wand out of her bag (and set Will down, though the cat proceeded to curl up next to her). She gave it a halfhearted flick, frowning ever-so-slightly before repeating the motion.

"So, what house are you hoping to get in?" Jasper asked, not moving in any way to make it clear she was addressing Devyn.
Gold // Golden
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Hi! I'm also sorry for not responding! Been going through a few mental issues, but I'm trying to get back into rp'ing, and I'll respond to this ASAP.
Hi! I'm also sorry for not responding! Been going through a few mental issues, but I'm trying to get back into rp'ing, and I'll respond to this ASAP.
oh dude mental health comes first!! it's all good
oh dude mental health comes first!! it's all good
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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Hi! I've returned.... I'll be able to send a few responses before my school computer is taken for the summer this Friday, hopefully I may be able to come back before the end of summer if I happen to get time on a different device, but if not, this may be the last week anybody will be seeing of me until the next school year. Yes, I'm aware I have a terrible track record of being on here, but for at least this week, I'll make it count.

If you've given up on this by now, completely understandable.
Hi! I've returned.... I'll be able to send a few responses before my school computer is taken for the summer this Friday, hopefully I may be able to come back before the end of summer if I happen to get time on a different device, but if not, this may be the last week anybody will be seeing of me until the next school year. Yes, I'm aware I have a terrible track record of being on here, but for at least this week, I'll make it count.

If you've given up on this by now, completely understandable.
That’s fair, and it’s all good- real life comes first.
That’s fair, and it’s all good- real life comes first.
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
nap4Srm.gif ten_pixel.png

Devyn had to think about that one. "Well, I wouldn't make a good Gryffyndor or Sylytherin, but I hope I would fit well into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I suppose I'll just see what I'm sorted into."

“How about you? What house do you want to be sorted into?” Her eyes then landed on the creature beside Jasper, and she grinned. “Your cat is adorable, by the way. I thought about getting one, but instead I adopted my owl, Otto.”

Devyn had to think about that one. "Well, I wouldn't make a good Gryffyndor or Sylytherin, but I hope I would fit well into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I suppose I'll just see what I'm sorted into."

“How about you? What house do you want to be sorted into?” Her eyes then landed on the creature beside Jasper, and she grinned. “Your cat is adorable, by the way. I thought about getting one, but instead I adopted my owl, Otto.”