

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Gift Of Magic (CLOSED)
[quote name="@BorealisBrodcast" date="2021-05-31 13:18:01" ] could i possibly claim a creation magic spot? I'm working on building a fitting character for everything in the meantime ^^ [/quote] Alright then
@BorealisBrodcast wrote on 2021-05-31 13:18:01:
could i possibly claim a creation magic spot? I'm working on building a fitting character for everything in the meantime ^^
Alright then
Name: Eninira Xerion [s]Dont ask about how the hell she got that last name lol[/s] Gender: Female Sexuality (optional): Lesbian [s]And happily married![/s] Age: looks to be in her late twenties, early thirties Description: [img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Personality: Eninira is cold and harsh, not the type to go easy on people. She doesn’t like to talk unless she has to and has a very low tolerance for mistakes. Shes a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her magic and it might rub off on her students. Deep down however she strives to be a much better teacher than her father was for her. Student or Teacher?: Teacher Given or born with magic?: Given. A long story short, gave up her eye for her magic. Backstory: don’t want to disclose too much but she was raised in a blood magic cult. Familiar: Melanistic Aardwolf named Yitzen (Zen for short) Type of magic: Blood Magic Likes: • Hard workers • Honesty • Perfection • Her wife Dislikes: • Authority • Misuse of magic • Rules • Tuna sandwiches • Human interaction Other: I like lofthouse sugar cookies :)
Name: Eninira Xerion Dont ask about how the hell she got that last name lol

Gender: Female

Sexuality (optional): Lesbian And happily married!

Age: looks to be in her late twenties, early thirties
Description: image0.pngimage0.jpg

Personality: Eninira is cold and harsh, not the type to go easy on people. She doesn’t like to talk unless she has to and has a very low tolerance for mistakes. Shes a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her magic and it might rub off on her students. Deep down however she strives to be a much better teacher than her father was for her.

Student or Teacher?: Teacher

Given or born with magic?: Given. A long story short, gave up her eye for her magic.

Backstory: don’t want to disclose too much but she was raised in a blood magic cult.

Familiar: Melanistic Aardwolf named Yitzen (Zen for short)

Type of magic: Blood Magic

• Hard workers
• Honesty
• Perfection
• Her wife

• Authority
• Misuse of magic
• Rules
• Tuna sandwiches
• Human interaction

Other: I like lofthouse sugar cookies :)
I love Danganronpa & Yakuza
Celeste is best girl, But I love Toko too
Majima Goro the beloved ever
Splatoon 3 Addict
Bisexual Aromantic Polyam


[b]Name:[/b] Theseus Brightwater [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Sexuality (optional):[/b] so totally straight always and not constantly two seconds away from a gay panic attack any time he so much as glimpses pretty man (gay, he's going to be so very gay lol) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description:[/b][img][/img] (Picrew hehe) Very short little man( like straight up 5'3 little) with long, dark brown hair. While part of it is pulled up and around in a sort of bun, most of it just hangs in a mess around his shoulders. His skin a soft bronze color, and speckled with countless freckles. His eye's are quite striking, a blue so pale they almost look entirely white. They're highlighted by these large round glasses of his,,,, gold around the frames,,,, and a simple charm with golden feathers clipped onto them. They let off this weird shimmer if they strike the light in just the right way, but Theseus doesn't seem to recall how he got them. Though besides that he looks quite average really. [b]Personality:[/b] Very shy and awkward. He doesn't seem too sure of himself or what's going on. He's still rather curious, at least, and perplexed by why he's been called to this place even so. He seems more interested in keeping to himself unless absolutely needed. At the very least, when he is needed, he'll do everything he can to pull through for everyone else. Even if it'll lead to him frequently criticizing and doubting himself thereafter. [b]Student or Teacher?:[/b] Student [b]Given or born with magic?:[/b] Born [b]Backstory:[/b] Somewhere, off in a looming and ancient woods, sat a homely little village. One run by the combined talents of skilled mages from all walks of life. Together they cloaked themselves in the welcoming natural arcane of the place and made themselves a small, comforting little haven. At the time, the people there figured that with their combined power and the difficulty it'd take to enter the magically fortified village that even with the rising threats of husks, alongside whatever lurked in the,,,,less,,,,welcoming patches of the wood, surely nothing could make it past [i]all[/i] of them. Alas, it would all be for nothing the day a mage of creation was born amongst them. After all, no creatures so desperate for power could turn down so great of an impulse. Unknowingly as time passed attacks from the outside became relentless. Though they tried, nobody could keep it up forever. What was created as a safe space quickly turned into a trap. The town was pillaged, leaving nothing and no one behind. Well, for the most part. One young mage, carefully protected by his parents stumbled down a ravaged street in horror. It's likely the boy,,,about 7,,, unaware of his own power would've been lost the same as his village had a frequent traveler not been lucky enough to pas by. Theseus was lucky enough at the time that said old traveler was willing to take him in, and for the rest of his life he'd lived off further to the outskirts of the woods, entirely oblivious to his own past. It came as quite the surprise the day someone came knocking at his front door,,,, something about "we've been looking for someone just like you-",,,,,, [b]Familiar:[/b]A humble little possum named Elm! [b]Type of magic:[/b] Creation [b]Likes:[/b] -Plants! He finds it very relaxing and homely to go look after the gardens when everything else feels like it's just too much. -He is a very curious individual. This leads him to rather enjoying adventure, if it'll help answer his questions. Though he likes avoiding any awkward conversations along the way and just do it alone,,,,, -The beach, or more specifically, the ocean has always been a point of fascination for him. He's never been to it himself for obvious reasons, but he's read about it frequently enough and heard various stories from his caretaker to become completely enthralled with it. -Believe it or not he's actually always had a personal fascination with potion making and brewers of said art. Being that it was really one of the few direct looks he had at magic,,, as far as he can remember,,,, throughout his life it's always been a particular point of interest. Even if he's never able to do it himself. [b]Dislikes:[/b] -Social Interaction. I can't imagine it comes as much of a surprise that a kid who's spent his whole life out in the woods, away from most more common places with one other person isn't too socially prepared. -Loud noises! Of any kind really. They've lead him to quite disliking thunder storms,,,,, -Expectations. He's terrible under pressure,,,, just snaps in half like a twig the instant anything impressive is expected of him. Mostly because he's well aware he'll find a way to elaborately destroy all said expectations, and he really doesn't like that feeling of disappointing others. -Sudden an unexpected change. It's a bit funny really, since his magic is all about change, but to be fair things have always been the same for him. Literally for as long as he can remember he's been in the same place, doing the same things. It's weird, because at the same time he doesn't like the taste of stagnation either. Really he's spent most of his life feeling like he's wasted it,,,,, of course it'd be a shame not to take these sudden opportunity. Unfortunate it tends to cause him so much stress, no matter what he tries. [b]Other:[/b] mmmm, I'm a big fan of snickerdoodles!
Name: Theseus Brightwater


Sexuality (optional): so totally straight always and not constantly two seconds away from a gay panic attack any time he so much as glimpses pretty man (gay, he's going to be so very gay lol)

Age: 17

(Picrew hehe)
Very short little man( like straight up 5'3 little) with long, dark brown hair. While part of it is pulled up and around in a sort of bun, most of it just hangs in a mess around his shoulders. His skin a soft bronze color, and speckled with countless freckles. His eye's are quite striking, a blue so pale they almost look entirely white. They're highlighted by these large round glasses of his,,,, gold around the frames,,,, and a simple charm with golden feathers clipped onto them. They let off this weird shimmer if they strike the light in just the right way, but Theseus doesn't seem to recall how he got them. Though besides that he looks quite average really.

Personality: Very shy and awkward. He doesn't seem too sure of himself or what's going on. He's still rather curious, at least, and perplexed by why he's been called to this place even so. He seems more interested in keeping to himself unless absolutely needed. At the very least, when he is needed, he'll do everything he can to pull through for everyone else. Even if it'll lead to him frequently criticizing and doubting himself thereafter.

Student or Teacher?: Student

Given or born with magic?: Born

Backstory: Somewhere, off in a looming and ancient woods, sat a homely little village. One run by the combined talents of skilled mages from all walks of life. Together they cloaked themselves in the welcoming natural arcane of the place and made themselves a small, comforting little haven. At the time, the people there figured that with their combined power and the difficulty it'd take to enter the magically fortified village that even with the rising threats of husks, alongside whatever lurked in the,,,,less,,,,welcoming patches of the wood, surely nothing could make it past all of them. Alas, it would all be for nothing the day a mage of creation was born amongst them. After all, no creatures so desperate for power could turn down so great of an impulse. Unknowingly as time passed attacks from the outside became relentless. Though they tried, nobody could keep it up forever. What was created as a safe space quickly turned into a trap. The town was pillaged, leaving nothing and no one behind. Well, for the most part. One young mage, carefully protected by his parents stumbled down a ravaged street in horror. It's likely the boy,,,about 7,,, unaware of his own power would've been lost the same as his village had a frequent traveler not been lucky enough to pas by. Theseus was lucky enough at the time that said old traveler was willing to take him in, and for the rest of his life he'd lived off further to the outskirts of the woods, entirely oblivious to his own past. It came as quite the surprise the day someone came knocking at his front door,,,, something about "we've been looking for someone just like you-",,,,,,

Familiar:A humble little possum named Elm!

Type of magic: Creation

-Plants! He finds it very relaxing and homely to go look after the gardens when everything else feels like it's just too much.
-He is a very curious individual. This leads him to rather enjoying adventure, if it'll help answer his questions. Though he likes avoiding any awkward conversations along the way and just do it alone,,,,,
-The beach, or more specifically, the ocean has always been a point of fascination for him. He's never been to it himself for obvious reasons, but he's read about it frequently enough and heard various stories from his caretaker to become completely enthralled with it.
-Believe it or not he's actually always had a personal fascination with potion making and brewers of said art. Being that it was really one of the few direct looks he had at magic,,, as far as he can remember,,,, throughout his life it's always been a particular point of interest. Even if he's never able to do it himself.

-Social Interaction. I can't imagine it comes as much of a surprise that a kid who's spent his whole life out in the woods, away from most more common places with one other person isn't too socially prepared.
-Loud noises! Of any kind really. They've lead him to quite disliking thunder storms,,,,,
-Expectations. He's terrible under pressure,,,, just snaps in half like a twig the instant anything impressive is expected of him. Mostly because he's well aware he'll find a way to elaborately destroy all said expectations, and he really doesn't like that feeling of disappointing others.
-Sudden an unexpected change. It's a bit funny really, since his magic is all about change, but to be fair things have always been the same for him. Literally for as long as he can remember he's been in the same place, doing the same things. It's weird, because at the same time he doesn't like the taste of stagnation either. Really he's spent most of his life feeling like he's wasted it,,,,, of course it'd be a shame not to take these sudden opportunity. Unfortunate it tends to cause him so much stress, no matter what he tries.

Other: mmmm, I'm a big fan of snickerdoodles!
21402.png >Brodcast's Lair
^Greetings! feel free to call me
Borealis, Brodcast, Alis, etc^
Can I shnag a Creation slot?

for murder ofc
Can I shnag a Creation slot?

for murder ofc
| King | Under 18 | He/Him|

My hobby is bad things I love
[quote name="ZyXeno" date="2021-05-31 12:34:21" ] [b]Name:[/b] Casey (Cas) Anara [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Description: [/b] [img][/img] (Made on picrew!!!) She's 5'3" and almost always looks like she's sleep deprived. Usually wears loose fitting clothes and keeps her hair tied up in buns or ponytails. Her hair isn't usually this copper red - she is naturally blond and it can usually be seen coming in from the roots before she redeyes it. Has some form of plant on her at all times (whether it be a flower crown, vines and stuff like that). Button up shirts are usually her go-to but she does wear lots of hoodies and t-shirts; it really just depends on the weather. [b]Personality:[/b] She has quite a laid back and quiet personality. She would much rather hang out with her plants and animals that she looks after. Not really into reading books (she can't really focus on them for long enough to finish one) and had a fidget toy with her at all times. She gets hyperfixated on things easily and is pretty okay at painting, though she doesn't do it too often. She WILL talk to you about bugs for an hour if you let her. Would go to a party to hang out with friends but she usually ends up chilling in the kitchen by herself while she steals the snacks. Honestly kind of morally ambiguous- [b]Student or Teacher?:[/b] Student - Gardener [b]Given or born with magic?:[/b] Born [b]Backstory:[/b] She lived in a pretty rural area with her dad after her mother passed away in a car accident. Her father isn't magically inclined but her mother was, her ability not detected but it would shine thought when she would garden. She hasn't had any negative experiences with her magic and she hasn't run into any Husks, so she has lived quite a normal and quiet life. Her dad is the owner of a popular tea shop, though, and she is supposed to inherit it when he passes away, but he doesn't plan on kicking the bucket any time soon. She was homeschooled for the majority of her life and never planned on getting an education outside of her primary schooling since her career was practically handed out to her. Her father was excited when she got the letter, though, and, despite how apprehensive she was, he encouraged her to take the opportunity. [b]Familiar:[/b] Blond Raccoon - Able [b]Type of magic:[/b] Elemental - Plant [b]Likes:[/b] - Moths, butterflies, beetles, bees - Gardening - Tending to her animals - Filler conversations (small talk) - Wrestling and hand-to-hand combat (sparring) - Heat - Tea [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Loud noises and bright places - Arachnids - Grubs, wasps, centipedes - Deep conversations - New enviornments - Cold - Tofu [b]Other:[/b] I really like macadamia nut and white chocolate cookies! [/quote] 'ere you go!!!
ZyXeno wrote on 2021-05-31 12:34:21:
Name: Casey (Cas) Anara

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 20

Description: download20210501145401.png
(Made on picrew!!!)
She's 5'3" and almost always looks like she's sleep deprived. Usually wears loose fitting clothes and keeps her hair tied up in buns or ponytails. Her hair isn't usually this copper red - she is naturally blond and it can usually be seen coming in from the roots before she redeyes it. Has some form of plant on her at all times (whether it be a flower crown, vines and stuff like that). Button up shirts are usually her go-to but she does wear lots of hoodies and t-shirts; it really just depends on the weather.

Personality: She has quite a laid back and quiet personality. She would much rather hang out with her plants and animals that she looks after. Not really into reading books (she can't really focus on them for long enough to finish one) and had a fidget toy with her at all times. She gets hyperfixated on things easily and is pretty okay at painting, though she doesn't do it too often. She WILL talk to you about bugs for an hour if you let her. Would go to a party to hang out with friends but she usually ends up chilling in the kitchen by herself while she steals the snacks. Honestly kind of morally ambiguous-

Student or Teacher?: Student - Gardener

Given or born with magic?: Born

Backstory: She lived in a pretty rural area with her dad after her mother passed away in a car accident. Her father isn't magically inclined but her mother was, her ability not detected but it would shine thought when she would garden. She hasn't had any negative experiences with her magic and she hasn't run into any Husks, so she has lived quite a normal and quiet life. Her dad is the owner of a popular tea shop, though, and she is supposed to inherit it when he passes away, but he doesn't plan on kicking the bucket any time soon. She was homeschooled for the majority of her life and never planned on getting an education outside of her primary schooling since her career was practically handed out to her. Her father was excited when she got the letter, though, and, despite how apprehensive she was, he encouraged her to take the opportunity.

Familiar: Blond Raccoon - Able

Type of magic: Elemental - Plant

- Moths, butterflies, beetles, bees
- Gardening
- Tending to her animals
- Filler conversations (small talk)
- Wrestling and hand-to-hand combat (sparring)
- Heat
- Tea

- Loud noises and bright places
- Arachnids
- Grubs, wasps, centipedes
- Deep conversations
- New enviornments
- Cold
- Tofu

Other: I really like macadamia nut and white chocolate cookies!
'ere you go!!!
tumblr-66bae5dcc051242ddee184e33cc68d47-9a6e08ce-500.gif _
FR +2
Eninira can and will adopt Cas-

Shes her new mom.
Eninira can and will adopt Cas-

Shes her new mom.
I love Danganronpa & Yakuza
Celeste is best girl, But I love Toko too
Majima Goro the beloved ever
Splatoon 3 Addict
Bisexual Aromantic Polyam
[quote name="StrudleNugget" date="2021-05-31 14:27:49" ] Eninira can and will adopt Cas- Shes her new mom. [/quote] cas is 100% okay with this
StrudleNugget wrote on 2021-05-31 14:27:49:
Eninira can and will adopt Cas-

Shes her new mom.
cas is 100% okay with this
tumblr-66bae5dcc051242ddee184e33cc68d47-9a6e08ce-500.gif _
FR +2
[quote name="Kingman" date="2021-05-31 14:12:59" ] Can I shnag a Creation slot? for murder ofc [/quote] Yerp! I reserved it for you already.
Kingman wrote on 2021-05-31 14:12:59:
Can I shnag a Creation slot?

for murder ofc

Yerp! I reserved it for you already.

Wonderful characters! Accepted!


Wonderful characters! Accepted!